The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.

You do realize that is the same thing, right? You cannot even see the gaps in your logic through which at a Mack truck would easily pass.

You cannot fuck anyone with that micro dick you have. Most people call that a clit.

We're on a political forum and you wanna talk about mens' dicks.

Watch me fuck you over again… tell me again how impeachment isn't a part of Congressional oversight.


Read a high school civics text for once in your miserable life!

Looks like you're ineducable. Here it is again...

Impeachment | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

The House brings impeachment charges against federal officials as part of its oversight and investigatory responsibilities.


And Dumbfuck, separation of powers and oversight are not mutually exclusive. Impeachment is part of Congressional oversight, even if you are too stupid to know it.

Oversight is almost never mentioned in separation of powers, because separation of powers is the correct term.

The House has the sole power of impeachment.

The Senate has the power to try all impeachments.

The Chief Justice of the SCOTUS presides in the Senate over impeachment trials.

Have a nice dumbass day!

Did you find that high school civics text yet?

Here's your "schoolbook," Spunky...

Impeachment | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

The House brings impeachment charges against federal officials as part of its oversight and investigatory responsibilities.

Of course I answered, dumbfuck. There was no need to play hardball until it became apparent Poroshenko was not going to force Shokin out.

By the way, Biden threatened to hold up the billion after the IMF threatened to hold up 40 billion.

Shokin resigned in February, 2016, days after the IMF said they would not release 40 billion. A month before Biden threatened to not release a billion dollars.

Why would biden need to make the threat if Shokin resigned a month before?

That's s good question, you should probably look into it.

Thanks for admitting you're not knowledgeable.


At least I know Shokin resigned in February, 2016.

Yet you don't know when the parliament fired him. Carry on, LMAO.


Where did I say that??
Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
She got far less AMERICAN votes. All she did was pile up illegal alien votes in irrelevant California.

Trump had already won before California's illegal votes even got counted. :biggrin:

Oh stop it. That’s pure BULLSHIT. Pence and Kobach launches an investigation about illegal alien vote.

They dissolve the investigation themselves because they came out NOTHING.

You are poorly informed and so are the rest of you gullible fans. I’m not surprise.

Bullshit! The states refused to turn over voter information to the commission so it could be investigated, most of the time with absolutely no reasonable explanation given.

Meaning they prove themselves inept and incompetent. If they refused a legal investigation...... Why not issued them a subpoena?
Just because they refused to turn over doesn’t mean they had to fold.

I thought some of the members on this commission sued Pence and Kobach for illegal actions.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really. :rolleyes:

Did I gave you a heart attack?
Nope. We all know the liberal proclivity to be duped by left media, and then go around making fools of yourselves.

Not only was the Commission thwarted by states (mostly blue) who refused to report, but there have been numerous other reports showing illegal alien voting.

Libs are unaware because they restrict to liberal OMISSION media, and the most information--deprived airheads in America.

Earth to Charwin:. I have posted long lists of links to these reports here in USMB.
Look them up, an learn what CNN won't tell you.

Numerous reports? Where? From Facebook?
This been debunked many times yet Trump supporters like you don’t give up. or refuses to believe it.

In order for millions of illegal immigrants to vote in any elections in this country. You have to coordinate thousands both Democrats and Republicans workers both inside and outside the voting centers. How is that even possible?

Did you hear any Republicans workers and watchdog said millions of illegal immigrants vote for Hillary?

NO. Just because Trump a pathological liar hypocrite bastard told you doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because Trump told you that Ukraine rape our democracy in 2016 election doesn’t mean it’s true.

Truth is 3 years after the election he still DICKING with the election trying to save his master Putin. That’s a fact.

What is a right media? Hannity that lied all the time?
Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.

The List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far | Mark Simone | 710 WOR

Dude. Coming from who? I will not even dare to open your link.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Poor snowflake your TDS delusion forfeited any worth while opinion you may have.

I understand truth hurts.

Poor snowflake? I hit you with facts and you came back you gullible opinion.
Those are not opinions. Those are real facts.
No snowflake you have an opinion that's all you have
The Bidens are corrupted. Why doesn't Hunter have a job now? why is he broke?

Bidens are corrupt? Again and again. Your proof is where?

Trump is a certified well known world wide and home a corrupted disgusting dishonest person. So why are you so focused on Biden when you have a corrupted POTUS?

Hunter resigned from his job because he doesn’t want to be the focus of your ignorance.
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

Dude. I asked you several times to prove your lies. So far all you’ve done is lie and lie like this moron POTUS.

Biden’s tax returns are available where his income came from. Trump hide and scared to show where his income came from from. Talking about corruption.

That is how dumb and ignorant you are.
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

It’s really very hard to believe a LIARS and dishonest like you can post something like this that has no proof of what you are saying.
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

Dude. I asked you several times to prove your lies. So far all you’ve done is lie and lie like this moron POTUS.

Biden’s tax returns are available where his income came from. Trump hide and scared to show where his income came from from. Talking about corruption.

That is how dumb and ignorant you are.
you don't need to give proof to ignorant motherfukers like you, you just tell them to shut the f****** move on so shut the fuck up
Hunter Biden was the formal man nobody pays a person 50,000 to $100,000 a month for no experience. He couldn't work for American companies he had to work for foreign companies you're a dumbass
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

Close to Billion? Where? You make it sounds that the Bidens works inside a foreign bank vaults that can easily move bags of cash outside the country.

How much did we gave to Ukraine under Obama? That someone can just take close to a billion?

How ignorant and dumb can you be?
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

Dude. I asked you several times to prove your lies. So far all you’ve done is lie and lie like this moron POTUS.

Biden’s tax returns are available where his income came from. Trump hide and scared to show where his income came from from. Talking about corruption.

That is how dumb and ignorant you are.

you don't need to give proof to ignorant motherfukers like you, you just tell them to shut the f****** move on so shut the fuck up
Hunter Biden was the formal man nobody pays a person 50,000 to $100,000 a month for no experience. He couldn't work for American companies he had to work for foreign companies you're a dumbass

Oh yes. You have to prove your credibility. Your credibility is a BIG liar. Hunter was paid $50k a month not $100,000. You lied again.
I asked you to prove several time of your lying post yet you keep repeating your lies.

I gave you a real hard facts about Bidens tax returns vs Trump fucked up tax returns. Yet you proved yourself ignorant and dumb.

Hunter was a board member of prestigious companies like Amtrak before joining Burisma. A lawyer graduated from Yale and you can check his credentials and Wikipedia.

Why does a board members need to know more about natural gas? Natural gas is only one item that even a dumb idiot Americans like doesn’t need to learn more about natural gas. You are not going out there to dig. You are not going there to load and unload tankers. You are not going out there and mixed chemicals..... It’s not like you are going in the middle of China’s town and start cooking Chinese food and mixed fruit salads.

Language. Most or all of the board members are the elite that speak English. Lots of Ukrainian speaks English. So why bother? How many American board members do you think in foreign countries that doesn’t speak local language? This is normal.

And you are just a dumb moron. What the hell do you know about board members anyway?
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

Dude. I asked you several times to prove your lies. So far all you’ve done is lie and lie like this moron POTUS.

Biden’s tax returns are available where his income came from. Trump hide and scared to show where his income came from from. Talking about corruption.

That is how dumb and ignorant you are.
you don't need to give proof to ignorant motherfukers like you, you just tell them to shut the f****** move on so shut the fuck up
Hunter Biden was the formal man nobody pays a person 50,000 to $100,000 a month for no experience. He couldn't work for American companies he had to work for foreign companies you're a dumbass

It’s very funny to hear a veterans like you hear can say...... I don’t need a proof. Is that mean you can lie and lie there with out any challenge? Is that mean all your post are nothing but lies?

Mother fucker? I am not going to lower my class to your low class American like you.
Hunter resigned from his job because

1. he never showed up to "work"
2. he didn't speak the language
3. he had no expertise in natural gas
4. he was just there to receive a KICKBACK of US foreign aid

How much was Low IQ Joe worth when first elected?

How much is Low IQ Joe AND KIDDIES worth now?

Answer = close to a billion

Dude. I asked you several times to prove your lies. So far all you’ve done is lie and lie like this moron POTUS.

Biden’s tax returns are available where his income came from. Trump hide and scared to show where his income came from from. Talking about corruption.

That is how dumb and ignorant you are.
you don't need to give proof to ignorant motherfukers like you, you just tell them to shut the f****** move on so shut the fuck up
Hunter Biden was the formal man nobody pays a person 50,000 to $100,000 a month for no experience. He couldn't work for American companies he had to work for foreign companies you're a dumbass

It’s very funny to hear a veterans like you hear can say...... I don’t need a proof. Is that mean you can lie and lie there with out any challenge? Is that mean all your post are nothing but lies?

Mother fucker? I am not going to lower my class to your low class American like you.
What's with this accent you have ? It's evident in your sentence structuring, that you are not American maybe ? Russian maybe ??
What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really. :rolleyes:

Did I gave you a heart attack?
Nope. We all know the liberal proclivity to be duped by left media, and then go around making fools of yourselves.

Not only was the Commission thwarted by states (mostly blue) who refused to report, but there have been numerous other reports showing illegal alien voting.

Libs are unaware because they restrict to liberal OMISSION media, and the most information--deprived airheads in America.

Earth to Charwin:. I have posted long lists of links to these reports here in USMB.
Look them up, an learn what CNN won't tell you.

Numerous reports? Where? From Facebook?
This been debunked many times yet Trump supporters like you don’t give up. or refuses to believe it.

In order for millions of illegal immigrants to vote in any elections in this country. You have to coordinate thousands both Democrats and Republicans workers both inside and outside the voting centers. How is that even possible?

Did you hear any Republicans workers and watchdog said millions of illegal immigrants vote for Hillary?

NO. Just because Trump a pathological liar hypocrite bastard told you doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because Trump told you that Ukraine rape our democracy in 2016 election doesn’t mean it’s true.

Truth is 3 years after the election he still DICKING with the election trying to save his master Putin. That’s a fact.

What is a right media? Hannity that lied all the time?
What a laughingstock to see a liberal fool suckered by media, telling him illegal aliens don't vote.

You idiot, why do you think Democrats go to great lengths to have these Invaders here ? Because they like the sound of Spanish being spoken ?

I told you I've been posting the links to the many studies that prove illegal alien voting, for years. You too scared to look them up ?

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