The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

the irresponsible "Destroy Trump" media are having a field day with the Bolton "bombshell"

as bombshells go, this is a nothing burger
Except for it's proof Trump lied and did what we say he did. Trump is now saying Bolton is lying. How many people is that now that Trump says is lying about him? 20?

And you guys already have a fallback. Even if Trump did what he did, it's not bad enough to impeach and remove him from office. Trust me, if it was a Democrat you'd see things differently.

I think it we asked if it would be ok for a generic president to do what Trump did, no one would say it was ok to try to get a foreign country to make up dirt on his political rival.

What's funny is not only are USMB republicans pushing this deep state conspiracy, it's actual Republicans in the senate. The nuts have taken over the insane asylum. Now John Bolton is a deep state Republican? Well for sure he is but he's also telling the truth that Trump did wrong.

He's a liar unless he agrees with you?
Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.

Poor=non white? That's racist.
I'm not a democrat. I'm an American. I wish others viewed themselves as Americans first rather than wrapping themselves so tightly with one political party. It's depression reading comment after comment where most are just insulting one another. Using the words traitor and spy are serious and it sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Spying on the president and running to the media to tell all is wouldn't have been tolerated in any other administration but because its Trump somehow its haters of Trump are lowering the bar awful low...don't be too shocked when that comes back to bite you.....

Dude - look around. You guys have already put the screws to everyone but the old white guy. There's no one left to bite. You guys hate immigrants, you hate our allies, you hate civil servants, you hate women, you hate the FBI, you hate the CIA, you hate the NSA, you hate the environment, you hate windmills, you hate infrastructure. It's exhausting. It's easier to figure out what you do like:

Chicks who like their pussies grabbed
Where in the fuck do you get that we hate immigrants???? we do not want illegal immigrants to sneak into America...but we do not hate them...we want law and to read past your first line is a waste of my time....stop listening to Fake News!!!
Stop confusing legal with illegal immigrants...

Calm down! Let's not start the weekend off on the wrong foot.

Immigration reform was one of the policy issues I had hoped this administration would have approached seriously because I am a big proponent of establishing reforms that address what's best for today's America. There is a lot that needs to be addressed including guest workers from around the globe. Unfortunately I've only seen the Administration focus on one area of immigration and it appears to target a certain type of immigrant.

With that said, was there no other item on my list that you dispute or find issue with other than immigration? What about windmills? (cheeky grin)
When you got a bunch of knats (the leftist) flying around your face constantly, and you are steady swatting at them but getting no where, and then you got others trying to place leg irons on your legs at every turn, then how can you sit there with a straight face saying that you expected this and you wished for that ?????? Trump has performed in an outstanding way considering all that the whining Democrats had since thrown at him in their attempt to over throw an election.

That's explanation sounds eerily familiar to what happened to the previous president. Weird how that worked out.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.
I accuse you of violation of US Code 8 Section 1324. I also accuse you of 10 other things. You are accused.
Let's see you back your accusation up with a lawsuit, like Katie Johnson did...

Comrade Himmler, how many courts have dismissed the claims of Johnson so far? 9?
What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.

Poor=non white? That's racist.
Rotflmbo... He can't help it. LOL
Investigation continues,, he will get his time to answer for his crimes

Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Because Joe Biden fired the investigator you moron Then when Trump blew the whistle you just tried to have him impeached

lol hellloooo
What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Because Joe Biden fired the investigator you moron Then when Trump blew the whistle you just tried to have him impeached

lol hellloooo
There’s no proof of what you are saying. You wanted Ukraine to say they were investigating it even though they already did and say there’s nothing there. Of course conspiracy theorists like you trumpeters will never believe the Biden’s are innocent. At least not till after the election then maybe you’ll admit this is just politics.

what I love is this proves yet again trump is corrupt and must go. Doesn’t matter the economy is booming. It’ll continue under biden
What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Because Joe Biden fired the investigator you moron Then when Trump blew the whistle you just tried to have him impeached

lol hellloooo
And, liar, we know trump wasn’t investigating corruption based on the timeline. Only after Biden entered the race did trump and his private lawyer Rudy start digging and making up dirt. Pushing conspiracy theory.

so inappropriate
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Because Joe Biden fired the investigator you moron Then when Trump blew the whistle you just tried to have him impeached

lol hellloooo
There’s no proof of what you are saying. You wanted Ukraine to say they were investigating it even though they already did and say there’s nothing there. Of course conspiracy theorists like you trumpeters will never believe the Biden’s are innocent. At least not till after the election then maybe you’ll admit this is just politics.

what I love is this proves yet again trump is corrupt and must go. Doesn’t matter the economy is booming. It’ll continue under biden
Well you’re insane because Joe Biden had the investigator fired after the investigator rated Burisma office
What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Because Joe Biden fired the investigator you moron Then when Trump blew the whistle you just tried to have him impeached

lol hellloooo
There’s no proof of what you are saying. You wanted Ukraine to say they were investigating it even though they already did and say there’s nothing there. Of course conspiracy theorists like you trumpeters will never believe the Biden’s are innocent. At least not till after the election then maybe you’ll admit this is just politics.

what I love is this proves yet again trump is corrupt and must go. Doesn’t matter the economy is booming. It’ll continue under biden
Well you’re insane because Joe Biden had the investigator fired after the investigator rated Burisma office
That’s been debunked.
LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Yet Rudy goes on fox and keeps asking about the $8 million the Biden’s made in Ukraine. Is there any proof? Probably not.
Because Joe Biden fired the investigator you moron Then when Trump blew the whistle you just tried to have him impeached

lol hellloooo
There’s no proof of what you are saying. You wanted Ukraine to say they were investigating it even though they already did and say there’s nothing there. Of course conspiracy theorists like you trumpeters will never believe the Biden’s are innocent. At least not till after the election then maybe you’ll admit this is just politics.

what I love is this proves yet again trump is corrupt and must go. Doesn’t matter the economy is booming. It’ll continue under biden
Well you’re insane because Joe Biden had the investigator fired after the investigator rated Burisma office
That’s been debunked.
Wrong, he said that virtually word for word. Dude, you appear to know Les than nothing about this...

no key details were omitted according to every non anti trumpster present on the call
Shameless lie. Not one of those people testified to that, because the criminal president wouldn't allow them to testify. And we both know why.
They've offered tortured explanations for why no witnesses are needed and why he shouldn't be removed from office.

Republicans Are Twisting Themselves Into Knots Trying To Justify Acquitting Trump

Sadly hilarious!
What's hilarious is using Huffington Post as a justification for your sadly misplaced rationalizations.

The bottom line is Trump beats down the seditious pricks once more. I can see why it frustrates you fascist anti Constitutionalists so much.

I do not think what has happened this week will benefit the country in the long run. I have never seen a faction of voters celebrate their race to the bottom as much as trump voters. Now future presidents, even the democratic ones, will have the ability to do whatever they want. Only the utterly clueless would be celebrating the wrong that was done to the American people today.
So you define the impeachment proceedings as something more than a pitifully, subpar, assine scam-circus, engineered by people beaten politically, and unable to find any way to react ?

I saw it as a test to see if our elected officials were capable of putting country first and their oath to the Constitution, and I learned they couldn't.
You're either a grade A liar, or an A+ dupe.

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