The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

"A Very Stable Genius" is a much more devastating book than Bolton's, in my view

for example, it recounts how Generals like Mad Dog Mattis basically treated Trump like he was a toddler!

'm a thing? That's weird.....
It's shorter and more concise to
call you a thing than a malevolent, angry and confused delusional.

I think we are going to see more information come out although I am impressed how much the trump voter can twist the truth into a conspiracy from the left.
The truth? The truth is Adam Schiff, primarily, has manufactured a transparently false case for impeachment which fell apart under examination like tissue paper in the rain.

As I said, future democratic presidents are going to be afforded the same lawlessness that has been voted on tonight. This will not be good for the country.
I know. You've said this three times now. It is no less false and absurd than the first time you mentioned this.
'm a thing? That's weird.....
It's shorter and more concise to
call you a thing than a malevolent, angry and confused delusional.

I think we are going to see more information come out although I am impressed how much the trump voter can twist the truth into a conspiracy from the left.
The truth? The truth is Adam Schiff, primarily, has manufactured a transparently false case for impeachment which fell apart under examination like tissue paper in the rain.

As I said, future democratic presidents are going to be afforded the same lawlessness that has been voted on tonight. This will not be good for the country.
I know. You've said this three times now. It is no less false and absurd than the first time you mentioned this.

I wasn't sure if you caught it the first 2 times. (grin)
You're a very angry person for someone who just won the argument that corruption is okay.
On the contrary corruption is not okay but I'm the sure the lesson is lost on ideologues like Adam Schiff and things like you.

As I said, enjoy your victory because future democratic presidents are going to be afforded this same lawlessness.
Again, on the contrary, the cynical politicized manipulation of the impeachment process was held at bay and the center did not fail.. The lessons learned by future generations will be this attempt to corrupt and prostitute the impeachment process
failed. Your sickness did not infect the body politic.

I'm a thing? That's weird.....

I think we are going to see more information come out although I am impressed how much the trump voter can twist the truth into a conspiracy from the left.

As I said, future democratic presidents are going to be afforded the same lawlessness that has been voted on tonight. This will not be good for the country.
oh yes there will be a lot of info coming out soon John-H.-Durham-.jpg
Lol omg! Haha joe Biden can’t even cross the street he’s so old and falling apart, you really think he is a threat to trump? Really?
i don't think Joe is a threat, but Trump thinks he is, and this is why he has focused on him, and Elizabeth Warren, and others when he has seen their rise in polls....

He may have begun his quest a year before Joe announced with Rudy and the previous Ukraine administration, but he did not begin his and Rudy's relentless quest to smear Biden with Fox News and his son and Solomon and Hannity until the polling of Joe, showed he'd beat Trump by a big margin, right before Joe announced his run, that the full court press, including tweets....

There is a graph out there when the Trump attack began and shows how it increased, starting right before Joe announced.
Polls showing Bidem beating Trump are a laughingstock. Only Democrats answer those polls.

Rudy did not smear Biden. Biden smeared Biden.

Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.

Hillary got the vast majority her votes in NY and California. She lost in the two huge states of TX and FL.
I know that the genesis of our government’s push to have Shokin fired originated from the State Dept. Not Biden


The State Dept warned the Obama Administration that Hunter Biden "didn't look good" doing what he was doing. You aren't supposed to be THAT OBVIOUS when STEALING from a US foreign aid package....

And your proof of your BULLSHIT is?

It was well covered, even by the lib media.
They've offered tortured explanations for why no witnesses are needed and why he shouldn't be removed from office.

Republicans Are Twisting Themselves Into Knots Trying To Justify Acquitting Trump

Sadly hilarious!
What's hilarious is using Huffington Post as a justification for your sadly misplaced rationalizations.

The bottom line is Trump beats down the seditious pricks once more. I can see why it frustrates you fascist anti Constitutionalists so much.

I do not think what has happened this week will benefit the country in the long run. I have never seen a faction of voters celebrate their race to the bottom as much as trump voters. Now future presidents, even the democratic ones, will have the ability to do whatever they want. Only the utterly clueless would be celebrating the wrong that was done to the American people today.

No, they will not have the ability to do what they want as long as the House can actually come up with an offense that warrants impeachment and removal.
Speaker Pelosi and the House investigations continue. If the Senate won't do its job, and Barr won't do his job, then it's up to Speaker Pelosi to get the job done. More to come...
Oh come on...this whole clown show is ridiculous and it's embarrassing the nation...the so called whistle blower is already known by everyone but they can't say his name....he is not even a first hand witness...he is operating off of hearsay.....he waited months before going to anyone regarding this issue...waited curiously until the Mueller report crapped out...he relayed the accounts of a presidential phone call that he didn't hear for himself and leaked it to the media....that is what a "spy" would I contend that spying on the president of the United States is treasonous...and so would you if the president in question were a democrat....

I'm not a democrat. I'm an American. I wish others viewed themselves as Americans first rather than wrapping themselves so tightly with one political party. It's depression reading comment after comment where most are just insulting one another. Using the words traitor and spy are serious and it sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Spying on the president and running to the media to tell all is wouldn't have been tolerated in any other administration but because its Trump somehow its haters of Trump are lowering the bar awful low...don't be too shocked when that comes back to bite you.....

Dude - look around. You guys have already put the screws to everyone but the old white guy. There's no one left to bite. You guys hate immigrants, you hate our allies, you hate civil servants, you hate women, you hate the FBI, you hate the CIA, you hate the NSA, you hate the environment, you hate windmills, you hate infrastructure. It's exhausting. It's easier to figure out what you do like:

Chicks who like their pussies grabbed
Where in the fuck do you get that we hate immigrants???? we do not want illegal immigrants to sneak into America...but we do not hate them...we want law and to read past your first line is a waste of my time....stop listening to Fake News!!!
Stop confusing legal with illegal immigrants...

Calm down! Let's not start the weekend off on the wrong foot.

Immigration reform was one of the policy issues I had hoped this administration would have approached seriously because I am a big proponent of establishing reforms that address what's best for today's America. There is a lot that needs to be addressed including guest workers from around the globe. Unfortunately I've only seen the Administration focus on one area of immigration and it appears to target a certain type of immigrant.

With that said, was there no other item on my list that you dispute or find issue with other than immigration? What about windmills? (cheeky grin)
When you got a bunch of knats (the leftist) flying around your face constantly, and you are steady swatting at them but getting no where, and then you got others trying to place leg irons on your legs at every turn, then how can you sit there with a straight face saying that you expected this and you wished for that ?????? Trump has performed in an outstanding way considering all that the whining Democrats had since thrown at him in their attempt to over throw an election.
Any ideas on the details of how she’s going to keep this going?

Yep, Eric Swalwell laid it all out earlier tonight on MSNBC. There are several investigations underway.

Of course there are. LMAO You commies never learn.

What's behind their derangement, because that is exactly what it is no doubt ??? I think the nation has been under seige for many years now, and it happened when the federal government thought that it knew best upon what was the best solutions for the country at various times looking back now, and then moving forward upon study of....

The government did this by taking control of this nation in the worst ways imaginable, and it was all because of it's political lust of oppeasement, and because of it's lust for power that is involved... It has showed up big time in a negative way everywhere these days in our political system and government.

By allowing some of our worst idiot's (now known) to run the show, and to create the dialog, laws, and programs to go along with it, this nation got hammered big time.

What it has done over time, is it has empowered an enemy or enemies within who hate American's. These enemies have been working hard to undermine and over throw the nation by way of their forcing our government to over throw us, in which they want to continually control this government for that purpose only.

All proven by what we have seen when Trump beat these people out in an election. It forced them to expose their plans and their evilness within those plans big time.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
What makes you think the president doesn't make foreign policy? Really stupid of you to suggest he doesn't.

The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
He makes the policy the underlings make sure the policy is carried out.

Like when Obama wanted us to help Ukraine reform their justice system and get rid of corrupt prosecutors?
Corrupt prosecutors investigating corruption ? Say it ain't so. LOL. Depends on what the definition of IS is.. lol
All their scams. Kavanaugh, Russia collusion, Ukraine, + their usual election cheating (illegal aliens, vote miscounting, attacking Trump supporters, debate cheating, etc etc

Ukraine isn't a scam. It's oversight.
Scam. Nobody gets a pass. Candidate or not.

Does the president get a pass? Seems like he’s getting a pass.
Presidents don't need a pass to investigate corruption of countries getting US aid. It's what their job is.

Was he investigating other countries or was he investigating US politicians? Seems like he was the latter.

Can a president have more than one motive for doing something?

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