The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Honestly, I don't see how anyone could say that President Trump did this for anything other than personal reasons.

It's spelled out clear as day, with every action he has taken..

From all of his administration to simple listeners to the phone call, to diplomats and Ambassadors like Sondland who beloved president Trump, Giuliani and Trump himself knew Trump was doing this for his own political gain and NOT for fighting corruption in the Ukraine....

that's why they took the responsibility of disbursing the military aid away from the Pentegon and away form the civil servants who usually handles it at the OMB away from them and put it in to the hands of Politicos, hired by Trump.

and that's why the President never notified congress, PER LAW that he was holding these congressionally passed aid funds back....

(when with all other countries where he had corruption problems and other problems and he held their aid back, HE DID NOTIFY CONGRESS)

And when he took the power of the Ukrainian Ambassadorship as running the show and away from the Actual Ukrain Ambassador and gove the responsibility to his million dollar donor, Ambassador Sondland, the ambassador of the EU.

Or when he deified the law and failed to pass the urgent whistle blower complaint to congress, ACCORDING TO the LAW.....

and when he had Giuliani his campaign operative, running the show with the Ukraine govt with the two accused felons, Igor fruman and Lev Parnas and Firtash a felon awaiting extradition who paid Shokin for his new testimony, to do the job of fighting corruption in the Ukraine....

And NOT following the law on how to investigate corruption and other crimes in the Ukraine according to our law enforcement TREATY THAT WE HAVE signed AND RATIFIED with them....

Article 2 provides for the establishment of Central
Authorities and defines Central Authorities for purposes of the
Treaty. For the United States, the Central Authority shall be
the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney
General. For Ukraine, the Central Authority shall be the
Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General.
The article provides that the Central Authorities shall
communicate directly with one another for the purposes of the

BY LAW, President Trump was suppose to follow the treaty, and the parameters of the treaty, which involves our Attorney General, and the Ukraine's prosecutor general, working together....

NOT A Rudy Giuliani, who is OUTSIDE of the LAW, and Outlaw.

And then you have the President not answering to any document subpoenas or Witnesses being told by the president, not to even show up to congress... without ever even ASSERTING executive privilege in a legal manner.... so to hide or coverup, what he did...


I mean, there are a lot of things going on here, and I haven't listed a quarter of them.... but with just the key things I've listed, it ALL POINTS in one direction.... and that is consciousness of GUILT.

Anyone, and I mean anyone, can see this....surely they can see this....?

Would you be so blind and forgiving, if it were Obama that did this....? Seriously?
Lol omg! Haha joe Biden can’t even cross the street he’s so old and falling apart, you really think he is a threat to trump? Really?
i don't think Joe is a threat, but Trump thinks he is, and this is why he has focused on him, and Elizabeth Warren, and others when he has seen their rise in polls....

He may have begun his quest a year before Joe announced with Rudy and the previous Ukraine administration, but he did not begin his and Rudy's relentless quest to smear Biden with Fox News and his son and Solomon and Hannity until the polling of Joe, showed he'd beat Trump by a big margin, right before Joe announced his run, that the full court press, including tweets....

There is a graph out there when the Trump attack began and shows how it increased, starting right before Joe announced.
Polls showing Bidem beating Trump are a laughingstock. Only Democrats answer those polls.

Rudy did not smear Biden. Biden smeared Biden.

Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
Mainly biden admitting on national TV that the Ukraine better fire the prosecutor investigating the company Jr works for

We have what Joe bragged about recorded. Why do you lie about what he said. He never mentioned his son.

Biden wasn't even on the board when the corruption they were investigation occurred. No crime in offering Hunter a job and no crime in Hunter accepting a job. The only crime is the Strong Arm Shakedown of the Ukraine Trumpublicans conspired together on to attack the entire Democrat half of the Country. We're going to find out who else was conspiring with the Orange Turd too. Bolton, probably not conspiring........that's just funny...Bolton..!!
and the rich[Bidens] get richer ...please dont complain about the good ole boy system in government in the future .....

Biden’s tax returns are available where his incomes are coming from.

Trump tax returns are not.
Fallacious nonsense. Decisions with regard to Ukraine are major decisions in a sensitive, hot area of the globe.
Your attempts to trivialize them are transparently ridiculous.

Translation = noticing that HUNTER BIDEN got a KICKBACK from the US foreign aid package is not good = you are not supposed to notice, and Democrats love it when Democrats get away with STEALING.....


I asked you to prove it.
I know that the genesis of our government’s push to have Shokin fired originated from the State Dept. Not Biden


The State Dept warned the Obama Administration that Hunter Biden "didn't look good" doing what he was doing. You aren't supposed to be THAT OBVIOUS when STEALING from a US foreign aid package....

And your proof of your BULLSHIT is?
The state department doesn't make policy only the president
And you realize that doesn't help your case

That's not true. It's called delegating.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
What makes you think the president doesn't make foreign policy? Really stupid of you to suggest he doesn't.

The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
He makes the policy the underlings make sure the policy is carried out.
Investigation continues,, he will get his time to answer for his crimes

Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Poor snowflake your TDS delusion forfeited any worth while opinion you may have.
Lol omg! Haha joe Biden can’t even cross the street he’s so old and falling apart, you really think he is a threat to trump? Really?
i don't think Joe is a threat, but Trump thinks he is, and this is why he has focused on him, and Elizabeth Warren, and others when he has seen their rise in polls....

He may have begun his quest a year before Joe announced with Rudy and the previous Ukraine administration, but he did not begin his and Rudy's relentless quest to smear Biden with Fox News and his son and Solomon and Hannity until the polling of Joe, showed he'd beat Trump by a big margin, right before Joe announced his run, that the full court press, including tweets....

There is a graph out there when the Trump attack began and shows how it increased, starting right before Joe announced.
Polls showing Bidem beating Trump are a laughingstock. Only Democrats answer those polls.

Rudy did not smear Biden. Biden smeared Biden.

Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?
That's not true. It's called delegating.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
What makes you think the president doesn't make foreign policy? Really stupid of you to suggest he doesn't.

The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
He makes the policy the underlings make sure the policy is carried out.

Like when Obama wanted us to help Ukraine reform their justice system and get rid of corrupt prosecutors?
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
What makes you think the president doesn't make foreign policy? Really stupid of you to suggest he doesn't.

The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
He makes the policy the underlings make sure the policy is carried out.

Like when Obama wanted us to help Ukraine reform their justice system and get rid of corrupt prosecutors?
Bidens money laundry setup
Care to explain your dance and dodge?
Bolton must testify!

The LEFT's new hero is one of W's worst 911 Traitors.

Now, Bolton is "good" and "honest" because he hates Trump for pulling out of Syria.

If it was so important for Bolton to testify, why didn't the HOUSE ask him to?

Bolton refused to testify before the House.
Bolton trying to sell a book

So what if he has credible testimony.
But he doesn't maybe you should have used him earlier
Bolton must testify!

The LEFT's new hero is one of W's worst 911 Traitors.

Now, Bolton is "good" and "honest" because he hates Trump for pulling out of Syria.

If it was so important for Bolton to testify, why didn't the HOUSE ask him to?

Bolton refused to testify before the House.
Bolton trying to sell a book

So what if he has credible testimony.
But he doesn't maybe you should have used him earlier

He refused to testify before the House - and threatened to sue if subpoenaed. Speaker Pelosi wasn't going to let that be tied up in the courts for months or years. Go Nancy!
The LEFT's new hero is one of W's worst 911 Traitors.

Now, Bolton is "good" and "honest" because he hates Trump for pulling out of Syria.

If it was so important for Bolton to testify, why didn't the HOUSE ask him to?

Bolton refused to testify before the House.
Bolton trying to sell a book

So what if he has credible testimony.
But he doesn't maybe you should have used him earlier

He refused to testify before the House - and threatened to sue if subpoenaed. Speaker Pelosi wasn't going to let that be tied up in the courts for months or years. Go Nancy!
Knowing that the Senate Republicans would not convict Trump, the Senate Republicans voting to not allow any documents or witnesses is the BEST possible outcome for Democrats. I am extremely HAPPY.

Democrats may end up with all three branches of government in November.

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