The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Yes, I will credit you with the quote

but it does not make trump a pedophile
I never said it did.
Now you want to have it both ways

you breathlessly inform us that TRUMP WAS ACCUSED OF PEDOPHILIA but now claim you are not calling him a pedophile

thats laughable
You said Liberals accused Impeached Trump of pedophilia and I pointed out it was a woman who claimed Impeached Trump raped her when she was 13 along with a 12 year old. I never said she proved her claims.
How old is this “child” today?



but now she wants to accuse trump of a crime that cant be proven?

this is just the typical phony lib smear campaign

Give us his DNA sample then

requested Thursday that he submit a DNA sample to determine whether his genetic material is on the black coat dress she said she was wearing during the alleged assault.

And if the DNA matches I'm sure you'll believe Trump when he goes from lying that he never met her to that it was consensual.
The Lying Butthurt is Strong In This One!

Because the funds were not yet appropriated back then. Also, Poroshenko has said he would get rid of Shokin so there was no need to play hardball. But then 6 months later, funds were appropriated and Poroshenko had still not gotten rid of Shokin.

You didn't answer my question, why?

Of course I answered, dumbfuck. There was no need to play hardball until it became apparent Poroshenko was not going to force Shokin out.

By the way, Biden threatened to hold up the billion after the IMF threatened to hold up 40 billion.

Shokin resigned in February, 2016, days after the IMF said they would not release 40 billion. A month before Biden threatened to not release a billion dollars.

Why would biden need to make the threat if Shokin resigned a month before?

That's s good question, you should probably look into it.

Thanks for admitting you're not knowledgeable.


At least I know Shokin resigned in February, 2016.
Yes, I will credit you with the quote

but it does not make trump a pedophile
I never said it did.
Now you want to have it both ways

you breathlessly inform us that TRUMP WAS ACCUSED OF PEDOPHILIA but now claim you are not calling him a pedophile

thats laughable
You said Liberals accused Impeached Trump of pedophilia and I pointed out it was a woman who claimed Impeached Trump raped her when she was 13 along with a 12 year old. I never said she proved her claims.
How old is this “child” today?



but now she wants to accuse trump of a crime that cant be proven?

this is just the typical phony lib smear campaign

Give us his DNA sample then

requested Thursday that he submit a DNA sample to determine whether his genetic material is on the black coat dress she said she was wearing during the alleged assault.

And if the DNA matches I'm sure you'll believe Trump when he goes from lying that he never met her to that it was consensual.
The alleged encounter was decades ago

with or without DNA its still a he said, she said standoff
Some brainless leftists just can’t seem to understand that there is no such thing as “free college.”
We know that. That's why we are trying to get free college. Duh. If there was free college why would Bernie or Warren be promising something we already have?

I heard when the government started giving everyone $10K a year for school, that's when colleges jacked up their prices. They figured, "if you are getting a $10K loan then you should be able to afford $15K"

Well then we should do away with student loans. Then colleges will lower their prices back to what they were. Right?

Just proves when government gets involved everything gets more expensive. What do you think will happen when government pays the full ride?

Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.

So what if I accused you of being a pedophile? Are you? Prove you are innocent!
Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.

You do realize that is the same thing, right? You cannot even see the gaps in your logic through which at a Mack truck would easily pass.

You cannot fuck anyone with that micro dick you have. Most people call that a clit.

We're on a political forum and you wanna talk about mens' dicks.

Watch me fuck you over again… tell me again how impeachment isn't a part of Congressional oversight.


Read a high school civics text for once in your miserable life!

Looks like you're ineducable. Here it is again...

Impeachment | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

The House brings impeachment charges against federal officials as part of its oversight and investigatory responsibilities.


And Dumbfuck, separation of powers and oversight are not mutually exclusive. Impeachment is part of Congressional oversight, even if you are too stupid to know it.
Faun is innocent.
What makes you think so ? And how about you ?
Well if you say Trump is innocent because he's a Republican then I say Faun is innocent because he/she's a liberal. And if Trump will never admit being wrong even when he's cold busted then why should we ever? Seems you live in a world where facts don't matter.

For example, do you believe he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
I never had sex with Stormy Daniels.

Let's face it! You have never had sex!

Well, the time your vagina was in your mother's birth canal is about as close as you got.
Dumbfuck, I'm a married man with kids. Are you ever not a retard??
Married man with kids, and yet you act the way you act and/or speak in life ? Good grief.
What makes you think so ? And how about you ?
Well if you say Trump is innocent because he's a Republican then I say Faun is innocent because he/she's a liberal. And if Trump will never admit being wrong even when he's cold busted then why should we ever? Seems you live in a world where facts don't matter.

For example, do you believe he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
I never had sex with Stormy Daniels.

Let's face it! You have never had sex!

Well, the time your vagina was in your mother's birth canal is about as close as you got.
Dumbfuck, I'm a married man with kids. Are you ever not a retard??
Married man with kids, and yet you act the way you act and/or speak in life ? Good grief.

You don't know where you are, do ya?
Well if you say Trump is innocent because he's a Republican then I say Faun is innocent because he/she's a liberal. And if Trump will never admit being wrong even when he's cold busted then why should we ever? Seems you live in a world where facts don't matter.

For example, do you believe he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
I never had sex with Stormy Daniels.

Let's face it! You have never had sex!

Well, the time your vagina was in your mother's birth canal is about as close as you got.
Dumbfuck, I'm a married man with kids. Are you ever not a retard??
Married man with kids, and yet you act the way you act and/or speak in life ? Good grief.

You don't know where you are, do ya?
I know where you are. OZ
Trump was a VIP within the New York scene and so was epstein

but that does not make trump anything other than a photo op
So what, con? You claimed that quote was fake. Jeff's a terrific guy, right?
Yes, I will credit you with the quote

but it does not make trump a pedophile
I never said it did.
Now you want to have it both ways

you breathlessly inform us that TRUMP WAS ACCUSED OF PEDOPHILIA but now claim you are not calling him a pedophile

thats laughable
You said Liberals accused Impeached Trump of pedophilia and I pointed out it was a woman who claimed Impeached Trump raped her when she was 13 along with a 12 year old. I never said she proved her claims.
If not proven, then why would you speak about it ? Seems that you would be smart enough to not bring unproven allegations to the floor. Doing such things is what the out of control media does, and that is a very un-popular thing these days. Is it the old beat them with hearsay if one has nothing else to throw at them ?
Well if you say Trump is innocent because he's a Republican then I say Faun is innocent because he/she's a liberal. And if Trump will never admit being wrong even when he's cold busted then why should we ever? Seems you live in a world where facts don't matter.

For example, do you believe he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
I never had sex with Stormy Daniels.

Let's face it! You have never had sex!

Well, the time your vagina was in your mother's birth canal is about as close as you got.
Dumbfuck, I'm a married man with kids. Are you ever not a retard??
Married man with kids, and yet you act the way you act and/or speak in life ? Good grief.

You don't know where you are, do ya?
The internet huh ?
So what if I accused you of being a pedophile? Are you? Prove you are innocent!
Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.

You do realize that is the same thing, right? You cannot even see the gaps in your logic through which at a Mack truck would easily pass.

You cannot fuck anyone with that micro dick you have. Most people call that a clit.

We're on a political forum and you wanna talk about mens' dicks.

Watch me fuck you over again… tell me again how impeachment isn't a part of Congressional oversight.


Read a high school civics text for once in your miserable life!

Looks like you're ineducable. Here it is again...

Impeachment | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

The House brings impeachment charges against federal officials as part of its oversight and investigatory responsibilities.


And Dumbfuck, separation of powers and oversight are not mutually exclusive. Impeachment is part of Congressional oversight, even if you are too stupid to know it.

Oversight is almost never mentioned in separation of powers, because separation of powers is the correct term.

The House has the sole power of impeachment.

The Senate has the power to try all impeachments.

The Chief Justice of the SCOTUS presides in the Senate over impeachment trials.

Have a nice dumbass day!

Did you find that high school civics text yet?
Funny how in 48 hours the "bombshell" became less than a firecracker :flirtysmile4:
Yes, Republicans are doing everything they can to prevent Bolton from testifying under oath about how Impeached Trump told him he was holding up the $391 million in aid to Ukraine until they would investigate Biden.
Bolton has been compromised due to his being let go, and so his emotional state would render him irrelevant unless he had physical evidence to back his assertions up. Otherwise he's history, and the nation grinds forward under the weight of it all.
Oh it's still a part of the story. But the concern about Shokin's corruption came from the bottom up. The embassy staff in Ukraine had been getting fed up with Shokin's corruption and brought their concern to Biden and recommended that he be removed. Biden agreed and helped
And you know this how?
No one in the State Dept says that they were pressured by Burisma or Joe Biden to get Shokin fired.
The State Department did not issue an ultimatum to Ukraine officials....Joe Biden did.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Joe Biden issued the ultimatum at the recommendation of the State Dept.
The state department doesn't make policy only the president
And you realize that doesn't help your case

That's not true. It's called delegating.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
Bolton's credibility is absolute zero. He is one of the top 911 Zionist Traitors and all he cares about is Israel. He wants Trump out for pulling troops out of Syria, because ISRAEL wanted the US troops in Syria, despite precisely ZERO US national interest in keeping there, or in sending them there initially.

Bolton was one of the biggest liars leading up to Iraq, pushing every single completely discredited lie to justify it.

Bolton's #1 candidate in the race is Mikey Bloomberg, another Zionist 911 traitor...
You didn't answer my question, why?

Of course I answered, dumbfuck. There was no need to play hardball until it became apparent Poroshenko was not going to force Shokin out.

By the way, Biden threatened to hold up the billion after the IMF threatened to hold up 40 billion.

Shokin resigned in February, 2016, days after the IMF said they would not release 40 billion. A month before Biden threatened to not release a billion dollars.

Why would biden need to make the threat if Shokin resigned a month before?

That's s good question, you should probably look into it.

Thanks for admitting you're not knowledgeable.


At least I know Shokin resigned in February, 2016.

Yet you don't know when the parliament fired him. Carry on, LMAO.

That's a separate argument and a policy disagreement in my mind. Calling someone a traitor for following the law it preposterous. If it hadn't involved the President, the public would never have known about it.
Oh come on...this whole clown show is ridiculous and it's embarrassing the nation...the so called whistle blower is already known by everyone but they can't say his name....he is not even a first hand witness...he is operating off of hearsay.....he waited months before going to anyone regarding this issue...waited curiously until the Mueller report crapped out...he relayed the accounts of a presidential phone call that he didn't hear for himself and leaked it to the media....that is what a "spy" would I contend that spying on the president of the United States is treasonous...and so would you if the president in question were a democrat....

I'm not a democrat. I'm an American. I wish others viewed themselves as Americans first rather than wrapping themselves so tightly with one political party. It's depression reading comment after comment where most are just insulting one another. Using the words traitor and spy are serious and it sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Spying on the president and running to the media to tell all is wouldn't have been tolerated in any other administration but because its Trump somehow its haters of Trump are lowering the bar awful low...don't be too shocked when that comes back to bite you.....

Dude - look around. You guys have already put the screws to everyone but the old white guy. There's no one left to bite. You guys hate immigrants, you hate our allies, you hate civil servants, you hate women, you hate the FBI, you hate the CIA, you hate the NSA, you hate the environment, you hate windmills, you hate infrastructure. It's exhausting. It's easier to figure out what you do like:

Chicks who like their pussies grabbed
Where in the fuck do you get that we hate immigrants???? we do not want illegal immigrants to sneak into America...but we do not hate them...we want law and to read past your first line is a waste of my time....stop listening to Fake News!!!
Stop confusing legal with illegal immigrants...

Calm down! Let's not start the weekend off on the wrong foot.

Immigration reform was one of the policy issues I had hoped this administration would have approached seriously because I am a big proponent of establishing reforms that address what's best for today's America. There is a lot that needs to be addressed including guest workers from around the globe. Unfortunately I've only seen the Administration focus on one area of immigration and it appears to target a certain type of immigrant.

With that said, was there no other item on my list that you dispute or find issue with other than immigration? What about windmills? (cheeky grin)
Trump Told Bolton to Help His Ukraine Pressure Campaign, Book Says

The president asked his national security adviser last spring in front of other senior advisers to pave the way for a meeting between Rudolph Giuliani and Ukraine’s new leader.

WASHINGTON — More than two months before he asked Ukraine’s president to investigate his political opponents, President Trump directed John R. Bolton, then his national security adviser, to help with his pressure campaign to extract damaging information on Democrats from Ukrainian officials, according to an unpublished manuscript by Mr. Bolton.

Mr. Trump gave the instruction, Mr. Bolton wrote, during an Oval Office conversation in early May that included the acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, the president’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani and the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, who is now leading the president’s impeachment defense.

Trump Told Bolton to Help His Ukraine Pressure Campaign, Book Says

Bolton must be allowed to testify!
No one yet knows what the book says. These revelations are coming from the New York Times based on third hand leaks of what the book says.

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