The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Pressure to find out who is cheating the US and robbing us blind in Ukraine?
That is so corrupt! Only a scoundrel would want to know something like that.
And you know this how?
The State Department did not issue an ultimatum to Ukraine officials....Joe Biden did.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Joe Biden issued the ultimatum at the recommendation of the State Dept.
The state department doesn't make policy only the president
And you realize that doesn't help your case

That's not true. It's called delegating.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
What makes you think the president doesn't make foreign policy? Really stupid of you to suggest he doesn't.
Joe Biden issued the ultimatum at the recommendation of the State Dept.
The state department doesn't make policy only the president
And you realize that doesn't help your case

That's not true. It's called delegating.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
The president doesn’t make every single policy decision in government silly. It’s impossible for one person to do so.
What makes you think the president doesn't make foreign policy? Really stupid of you to suggest he doesn't.

The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
Fallacious nonsense. Decisions with regard to Ukraine are major decisions in a sensitive, hot area of the globe.
Your attempts to trivialize them are transparently ridiculous.
The fact that it’s impossible for a president to make every single decision. It’s physically impossible. Not enough hours in the day.
Fallacious nonsense. Decisions with regard to Ukraine are major decisions in a sensitive, hot area of the globe.
Your attempts to trivialize them are transparently ridiculous.
Not necessarily. Some decisions rise to the level of the president. Not all do. I don’t know if Obama was involved in the decision to get Shokin fired. I know that the genesis of our government’s push to have Shokin fired originated from the State Dept. Not Biden.
Not necessarily. Some decisions rise to the level of the president. Not all do. I don’t know if Obama was involved in the decision to get Shokin fired. I know that the genesis of our government’s push to have Shokin fired originated from the State Dept. Not Biden.
How do you "know" that? Did Marie Yovanovich tell you that?
Not necessarily. Some decisions rise to the level of the president. Not all do. I don’t know if Obama was involved in the decision to get Shokin fired. I know that the genesis of our government’s push to have Shokin fired originated from the State Dept. Not Biden.
How do you "know" that? Did Marie Yovanovich tell you that?

Yovanovich wasn’t Ambassador during this time. It was in testimony before the House.
Fallacious nonsense. Decisions with regard to Ukraine are major decisions in a sensitive, hot area of the globe.
Your attempts to trivialize them are transparently ridiculous.

Translation = noticing that HUNTER BIDEN got a KICKBACK from the US foreign aid package is not good = you are not supposed to notice, and Democrats love it when Democrats get away with STEALING.....
I know that the genesis of our government’s push to have Shokin fired originated from the State Dept. Not Biden


The State Dept warned the Obama Administration that Hunter Biden "didn't look good" doing what he was doing. You aren't supposed to be THAT OBVIOUS when STEALING from a US foreign aid package....
Yovanovich wasn’t Ambassador during this time. It was in testimony before the House.
Really? When did the State Department decide to removes a Ukrainian official? How did they plan to remove a foreign official from seviice in his own nation?
Does the State Department regularly remove officials they deem "corrupt"?

Has the State Department provided a list of other foreign nationals they have found to be corrupt and simply removed?

Who was head of the State Department at that time? Did Obama sign off on this plan?
Since Joe Biden would benefit from removing someone investigating Burisma, and necessarily Hunter Biden's "work" there
how did the State Department plan to counter charges of a quid pro quo arrangement that greatly benefited the Bidens?

Take your time. Answer these questions to the best of you abilities.
Yovanovich wasn’t Ambassador during this time. It was in testimony before the House.
Really? When did the State Department decide to removes a Ukrainian official? How did they plan to remove a foreign official from seviice in his own nation?
Does the State Department regularly remove officials they deem "corrupt"?

Has the State Department provided a list of other foreign nationals they have found to be corrupt and simply removed?

Who was head of the State Department at that time? Did Obama sign off on this plan?
Since Joe Biden would benefit from removing someone investigating Burisma, and necessarily Hunter Biden's "work" there
how did the State Department plan to counter charges of a quid pro quo arrangement that greatly benefited the Bidens?

Take your time. Answer these questions to the best of you abilities.

I don’t have time but good questions.
I never said it did.
Now you want to have it both ways

you breathlessly inform us that TRUMP WAS ACCUSED OF PEDOPHILIA but now claim you are not calling him a pedophile

thats laughable
You said Liberals accused Impeached Trump of pedophilia and I pointed out it was a woman who claimed Impeached Trump raped her when she was 13 along with a 12 year old. I never said she proved her claims.
How old is this “child” today?



but now she wants to accuse trump of a crime that cant be proven?

this is just the typical phony lib smear campaign

Give us his DNA sample then

requested Thursday that he submit a DNA sample to determine whether his genetic material is on the black coat dress she said she was wearing during the alleged assault.

And if the DNA matches I'm sure you'll believe Trump when he goes from lying that he never met her to that it was consensual.
The alleged encounter was decades ago

with or without DNA its still a he said, she said standoff

He said he never met her
She says he raped her
She has semen on the outfit she wore
Have him submit some DNA and lets test it to see if he's lying again.

You have to call out liars. If there is a way to confirm if he's lying, lets do it.

Remember he said he didn't have sex with Karen McDougal or Stormy. We all know he lied. Too bad he will never be put under oath.
Well if you say Trump is innocent because he's a Republican then I say Faun is innocent because he/she's a liberal. And if Trump will never admit being wrong even when he's cold busted then why should we ever? Seems you live in a world where facts don't matter.

For example, do you believe he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
I never had sex with Stormy Daniels.

Let's face it! You have never had sex!

Well, the time your vagina was in your mother's birth canal is about as close as you got.
Dumbfuck, I'm a married man with kids. Are you ever not a retard??
Married man with kids, and yet you act the way you act and/or speak in life ? Good grief.

You don't know where you are, do ya?

Former White House national security adviser John Bolton claims President Donald Trump told him to assist in a campaign to coerce Ukraine’s government into announcing investigations for Trump’s personal political gain, according to The New York Times.

The Times published the bombshell report, which it attributed to Bolton’s unpublished book, just before Friday’s resumption of Trump’s Senate impeachment trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. It provides further reason for senators to hear from witnesses, particularly Bolton and the other White House officials he reportedly says were in the room.

John Bolton Reportedly Says Trump Directed Him To Help Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Campaign | HuffPost

It's insane this is coming out and Republican senators don't want to hear any witnesses.

According to the Times report, Trump during an Oval Office meeting in May allegedly directed Bolton to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelesnky to make sure Zelensky met with Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to discuss investigations targeting Trump’s political rivals. Giuliani was the point person in Trump’s shadow foreign policy mission intent on forcing Ukraine to investigate 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden, witnesses said during House imnpeachment proceedings against Trump. Bolton writes that he ignored Trump’s order and did not call Zelensky.

Bolton alleges that Trump directly orchestrated the pressure campaign, and had an obsession with Ukraine based on inaccurate information and conspiracy theories, the Times reported. Bolton also claims that White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Giuliani were in the room when Trump ordered Bolton to call Zelensky.

Trump denied Bolton’s recounting of events in a statement and claimed the meeting Bolton described never took place. Giuliani called Bolton’s description “absolutely, categorically untrue.”

Bolton has been a central figure looming outside of Trump’s impeachment trial, with Democrats demanding that he should be allowed to testify and Republicans seeking to block that from happening. The White House has also sought to prevent Bolton from publishing his book, and Trump’s lawyers in the impeachment trial have argued the manuscript is inadmissible.

Republicans on Friday appeared set to vote against allowing witnesses to testify in the trial, forestalling the possibility that Bolton would become its star.

Do Republicans think the President looks innocent here? Or are Republicans hoping we will just toss this on the pile of shit Trump has already done, forget and move on? 10 months till election.
You mean like due process? That was denied to Joe Biden.
Investigation continues,, he will get his time to answer for his crimes

Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.

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