The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Trump is using foreign relations to help Trump. That’s wrong.
So your saying questioning corrupt biden is absolutely unacceptable lol to funny.. you democrats don’t even see how deranged you are

Show the corruption. Trump could have had this investigated for years by now. He hasn't. That tells you all you need to know it's just a BS excuse.
They are not going to investigate biden,, biden is probably connected somehow to every fed investigator, and like I said your already trying to disbarr Barr, I’m sure biden corruption is deep and he’s almost unable to walk, just retire old man
Biden has never been corrupt, Trump on the other hand has been corrupt his whole life....

There's not much choice, in who you're going to believe? :dunno:

It's not likely a Leopard can change their spots...
Cool story, I think the people have decided biden is guilty
Yes, the people have since Biden tattled on himself. But the Clinton-Soros-Obungler-Pelosi-Schumer-Back.scratchin' Committee encourages the Ding-a-ling Demmie base to plant themselves firmly:

For three years now? I'd cry if it weren't so funny.​
It's not the job of the Jury

It is in impeachment. In a normal trial, prosecutors call their own witnesses. In impeachment, it’s the job of the Senate to call witnesses.
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
no he isn't lol
THE Schiff sham had hearsay witnesses
It is in impeachment. In a normal trial, prosecutors call their own witnesses. In impeachment, it’s the job of the Senate to call witnesses.
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
no he isn't lol

Sure he is. He has told people not to testify. They complied with his orders.
It's not the job of the Jury

It is in impeachment. In a normal trial, prosecutors call their own witnesses. In impeachment, it’s the job of the Senate to call witnesses.
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?
Dude. The DoJ can investigate Biden anytime. So can the Senate. You’re not doing anything.

Is first hand witness testimony no longer good enough for you? Now you’re demanding written evidence?


Lindsey Graham Launches Senate Investigation Into Bidens and Ukraine

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday requesting documents related to Joe Biden’s communications with Ukrainian officials. Graham’s inquiry focuses on any calls Biden may have had with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko about the firing of the country’s top prosecutor, or any calls that referenced Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where Biden’s son Hunter sat on the board. The Washington Post reports that Graham’s letter appears to begin an investigation into Trump’s widely debunked claim that Biden, who at the time was vice president, put pressure on Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor in an attempt to protect his son. Taylor Reidy, a spokeswoman for Graham, told the Post that the senator is now seeking the documents because “[Rep.] Adam Schiff and the House Intel Committee have made it clear they will not look into the issues about Hunter Biden and Burisma.” “Graham is requesting documents which could shed additional light on that issue and hopes they will be able to answer some of the outstanding questions,” Reidy said.​

So, just as I thought. Trump could have made the same call to the State dept rather than asking a foreign govt. That makes his call look even more like a personal political move.
No, but I want to be there when you tell them the person they talked to doesn’t exist.

Are they going to produce him? or are they going to do what you are doing? btw, has anyone ever seen Schiff and the "whistleblower" in the same room together?

Y’all is the Trump supporters chanting at his rallies.
and you thought you should ask me what happened?

Nope. I suggest you send a letter to the ICIG and tell them your theory about the whistleblower. I’ll be happy to help find you their address.
It is in impeachment. In a normal trial, prosecutors call their own witnesses. In impeachment, it’s the job of the Senate to call witnesses.
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?

Why not? What’s Trump going to do if Bolton testifies about their conversations?
It is in impeachment. In a normal trial, prosecutors call their own witnesses. In impeachment, it’s the job of the Senate to call witnesses.
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?

It's Trump that needs to negotiate.
Firstly there is no such thing as a blanket privilege that covers everything.
Second, executive privilege covers only specific documents and conversations.
Third, EP must be invoked in order to identify and protect those specific documents or conversations.

Finally, all other documents or conversations not covered must be released.

The Trump admin has not invoked EP as they would have to identify what specifically they want protected.
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?

Why not? What’s Trump going to do if Bolton testifies about their conversations?
It’s none of your business that’s between them. Elections have Consequences
The house prosecutors bring their evidence they have to the senate jury to be heard either they have a case or they don't.
Maybe they should have kept their fat mouths shut about impeaching the president from day one.

So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?

It's Trump that needs to negotiate.
Firstly there is no such thing as a blanket privilege that covers everything.
Second, executive privilege covers only specific documents and conversations.
Third, EP must be invoked in order to identify and protect those specific documents or conversations.

Finally, all other documents or conversations not covered must be released.

The Trump admin has not invoked EP as they would have to identify what specifically they want protected.
In order to find that out you have to take it to court, I’ll see you in 2023
So you want a trial with no witnesses? What kind of bogus trial is that?
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?

Why not? What’s Trump going to do if Bolton testifies about their conversations?
It’s none of your business that’s between them. Elections have Consequences
Ha! It’s the government. Of course it’s my business. It’s the business of every American.

Trump can’t prevent Bolton from testifying about their conversations. He can’t punish him. He can’t jail him. He can’t fine him.
No one is stopping the house witnesses from testifying
THE Schiff Sham deserves all the bullshit it get's
Trump is stopping them.
I hope so .. you can’t get access to privilege conversation. You can negotiate.. to do so go to court.. why is this so hard to understand ?

Why not? What’s Trump going to do if Bolton testifies about their conversations?
It’s none of your business that’s between them. Elections have Consequences
Ha! It’s the government. Of course it’s my business. It’s the business of every American.

Trump can’t prevent Bolton from testifying about their conversations. He can’t punish him. He can’t jail him. He can’t fine him.
It’s called executive privilege and that will never change in the history of this country.. take it to court I’ll see you in 2023
How much longer will Democrats continue this absurd Bolton should be witness argument? The House had the opportunity but NEVER listed him as one of the 9 examples of alleged obstruction in Impeachment Article 2:

The Last Refuge

Ratcliffe, Meadows, Stefanik, Jordan and Johnson Deconstruct the House Bolton Maneuver…


The “House Bolton Maneuver” was a pre-planned operation to use a timed NSC ‘resistance’ leak to frame a new demand for testimony in the Senate. From the beginning the House intentionally constructed an impeachment process to avoid the judicial branch because the construction of the articles was dependent on an unconstitutional creation: impeachment by decree of the Speaker.


You have nothing legal to work with......., it is pure partisan politics.

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