The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

And another option, when it involves the president, VP, or civil officer -- is impeachment.

Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
That's a lie that was completely shot to Hell (your future home) by Dershowitz and several supporting statements by former SCOTUS Justices.

He wasn't investigating corruption. He was trying to make up fake news on his political opponent.

Bolton confirms it. How many more need to confirm it? You are like OJ supporters. No proof will convince you.

Now you guys admit even if he did it, nothing wrong with doing it? Bullshit. It's an abuse of his power and he's not putting the country first he's putting himself first. He's corrupt and a liar. Got to go.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost

Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
I'm not sure that the Bernie support will turn up. Biden has the Hunter and little brother baggage, and they really are corrupt. But only Biden can turn out the black vote. But there's no one for the VP slot that is in the Bernie camp. There's only one Bernie. I that way he really is like Trump. But as I posted above, Bernie's positions are literally of a socialist in the Vietnam era. There's no avenue for him to grow appeal, and the more media coverage he gets, the worse his past positions are.

The people who stayed home and didn't vote for Hillary won't make that same mistake this time. 2016 was a fluke.
Imo is was less a fluke them staying home than it was Comey injecting the FBI into the election with week to go, and hopefully Wray is better than that.

But I think Bernie Supporters may feel this time that the nomination really should be there's. Bernie won't form a third party, and this is his last go, but the progressive wing that really does view socialism as a good thing may walk away with AOC.

Then they can enjoy another 4 years of Trump. If they are that stupid, fuck them they deserve what they get. No free college instead more expensive college. No choice just anti abortion. No common sense gun legislation. No affordable healthcare. Less social safety nets that quite honestly it's those young pukes who are going to need them the most. If the young and poor are so stupid that they stay home, they deserve what they get.

I still think Biden will be the nominee. And Stacy Abrams seems to me to be the best option. She may not put GA in play, but if the dems win Mich and Pa, and one either of Wisc or Ariz … they win. They gotta have back votes for Mich and Pa .. and Milwuakee. Abrams might have the ability to force younger progressive white voters to focus on issues that are really about basic life needs, rather than some of the more esoteric issues that appeal to people like AOC who have their basic needs already met by society.
Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
That's a lie that was completely shot to Hell (you future home) by Dershowitz and several supporting statements by former SCOTUS Justices.

Dershowitz? Who is he famous for defending?

Claus Von Bulow
Mike Tyson
All his clients are guilty af

Saturday Night Live: Alan Dershowitz Argues For Trump In Hell
Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
What do you call The Democrats asking Ukraine for Dirt on President Trump during the Sham Impeachment Inquiry?

What do you call Obama purchasing Russian Propaganda and using it to launch a Sham Investigation on Candidate Trump in order to interfere in his Campaign to favor himself and Clinton?

What do you call Adam Schiff asking Russia for Naked Pictures of Trump?
Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
That's a lie that was completely shot to Hell (you future home) by Dershowitz and several supporting statements by former SCOTUS Justices.

Dershowitz? Who is he famous for defending?

Claus Von Bulow
Mike Tyson
All his clients are guilty af

Saturday Night Live: Alan Dershowitz Argues For Trump In Hell
If you had the money, you'd hire him too. He is this Country's # 1 Legal Scholar on Criminal Law, and Constitutional Law.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost

Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.

Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.
I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Meanwhile back in California, Schiff, Pelosi, Harris, Waters, Swallwel & Newsome, have all supported teaching children gender fluidity, that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal healthy lifestyles, and then in the same breath pass legislation making Prostitution Legal for 13 year old Boys and Girls.

Some brainless leftists just can’t seem to understand that there is no such thing as “free college.”
I agree. It should be pathway foreward to earning an affordable college (or technical) education. but imo the poster was referring to issues attracting Bernie voters, rather than making value judgments like you made. No diss intended.
Without documents and witnesses, Trump* will likely not be convicted - but not exonerated.
Last edited:
Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
It was only impeachable w/o a crime when Clinton was in the dock.
Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
Even worse.... now their defense is Impeached Trump can do anything he wants as long as it helps his re-election.
Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
That's a lie that was completely shot to Hell (your future home) by Dershowitz and several supporting statements by former SCOTUS Justices.


The idea that Trump has said any of the “I can do what I want” is more fake emotive extrapolation by Dems.
Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
Even worse.... now their defense is Impeached Trump can do anything he wants as long as it helps his re-election.
Exonerated and Vindicated, President Trump's Defense Team has a Multi Faceted Defense, and if you had the intelligence to understand it, you would realize that Adam Sandler, and Jerry Seinfeld are NO match for The President, nor his Defense Team, and their "Impeachment about Nothing" isn't funny at all.

Exonerated and Vindicated President Trump will always be Exonerated, Acquitted, Vindicated President Trump.
Last edited:
Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
That's a lie that was completely shot to Hell (your future home) by Dershowitz and several supporting statements by former SCOTUS Justices.


What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.
I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.
Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
Even worse.... now their defense is Impeached Trump can do anything he wants as long as it helps his re-election.
Exonerated and Vindicated, President Trump's Defense Team has a Multi Faceted Defense, and if you had the intelligence to understand it, you would realize that Adam Sandler, and Jerry Seinfeld are not match for The President, nor his Defense Team, and their impeachment about Nothing isn't funny at all.

Exonerated and Vindicated President Trump will always be Exonerated, Acquitted, Vindicated President Trump.

You're beyond crazy, Stumpy. Impeached Trump has been neither exonerated in his impeachment nor vindicated.

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