The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Schweitzer claimed that Burisma was culpable for $1.8 billion that was unaccounted for. That money was on PrivatBank. Schweitzer tries to tell us that Burisma is responsible because one of Burisma’s subsidiaries has an office in the same building as PrivatBank. That’s the kind of bullshit journalism that we should expect from this tool.
What do you mean exactly when you say "that money was on Privat Bank"?
Are you claiming Privat Bank absconded with $1.8 billion dollars of what I presume is American money?
Chaos defines the first three years of the Trump Administration, it has now infected the members of the Trump's Lawyers, from Rudy to the current crop of lawyers now putting all watchers to sleep.

In wake of Bolton book news, White House allies say Trump lawyers bungled defense

Reports that John Bolton has written a firsthand account of the president’s direct involvement in withholding aid to Ukraine has left some Republicans confused and angry over the legal strategy by the president’s defense team — which has devoted much of its arguments in the Senate impeachment trial to arguing that no such firsthand evidence existed.

One Republican operative who advises the White House said he was “flabbergasted at how stupidly they have handled this.”

Trump attorney Mike Purpura argued Saturday that “not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting or anything else.”

Well for chaos he's done a damned find job.

UE is the lowest its been in 50 years, there are jobs all across the country and the economy is doing great. Hell those that play the stock market are doing fine as well.

I'll take that chaos all day every day. LOL

What evidence will you provide to prove anything trump has done to benefit the middle class, working class who live pay check to pay check and the very poor who work two or more part time jobs at minimum wage with no benefits?

I'll answer for you. Nothing. trump brags about the economy, based solely on the Stock Market, and only when it is growing. Have you noticed it too is chaotic?

Sadly no evidence has been put forth to prove trump has done anything to benefit , "the middle class, working class who live pay check to pay check and the very poor who work two or more part time jobs at minimum wage with no benefits"

All they have are single data points if and only if they support something The President feels will impress his biddable base. Anything which report a failure, such as the massive deficit left us by trump during the past fiscal year is never mentioned.

You wont see the effects unless you look dynamically at the YEAR OVER YEAR curves for wages versus inflation or wages versus CPI --- but it IS THERE.. Along with employment numbers that DRIVE wage inflation..


What am I missing?

Nominal Wage Tracker
the irresponsible "Destroy Trump" media are having a field day with the Bolton "bombshell"

as bombshells go, this is a nothing burger
Except for it's proof Trump lied and did what we say he did. Trump is now saying Bolton is lying. How many people is that now that Trump says is lying about him? 20?

And you guys already have a fallback. Even if Trump did what he did, it's not bad enough to impeach and remove him from office. Trust me, if it was a Democrat you'd see things differently.

I think it we asked if it would be ok for a generic president to do what Trump did, no one would say it was ok to try to get a foreign country to make up dirt on his political rival.

What's funny is not only are USMB republicans pushing this deep state conspiracy, it's actual Republicans in the senate. The nuts have taken over the insane asylum. Now John Bolton is a deep state Republican? Well for sure he is but he's also telling the truth that Trump did wrong.
Investigation continues,, he will get his time to answer for his crimes

Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
And you know this how?
The State Department did not issue an ultimatum to Ukraine officials....Joe Biden did.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Joe Biden issued the ultimatum at the recommendation of the State Dept.
Which implicates Obama and Hillary in addition to Biden. You want testimony ? How about the Durham report ?
It implicated Obama in what? They were trying to protect Hunter? Sure buddy. More stretching.

There is no Durham report. Not yet.
In extortion of Ukraine.

We extorted Ukraine to get them to stop wasting taxpayer dollars. Put him in cuffs.
No. Put THEM in cuffs. Hillary, Obama, the Bidens, Brennan, Comey, Warren, Schiff, Ciaramella,
Last edited:
When did Creepy Joe and his corrupt kid ever have a "good name" to smear? Couldn't get any dirtier unless they changed their name to "Clinton."
You could say that about Trump.

When did creepy Don the pussy grabber and his corrupt kids ever have a good name to smear?

Look at how many times they've been in court, sued, settled out of court, lied, broke the rules, been impeached.

Compare Trump Foundation to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton's is a real foundation, Trump had to shut his down. How embarrassing if the man had any shame.

Biden has a great reputation. This is just you trying to smear his good name like you did Hillary. She was more honest than Trump yet you voted for him?
Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
Schweitzer claimed that Burisma was culpable for $1.8 billion that was unaccounted for. That money was on PrivatBank. Schweitzer tries to tell us that Burisma is responsible because one of Burisma’s subsidiaries has an office in the same building as PrivatBank. That’s the kind of bullshit journalism that we should expect from this tool.
What do you mean exactly when you say "that money was on Privat Bank"?
Are you claiming Privat Bank absconded with $1.8 billion dollars of what I presume is American money?

Kind of. It’s more complicated than that. More generally that records don’t account for that money. That doesn’t necessarily mean it was stolen or used for improper purposes, but that there aren’t good records as to what happened to it.

It’s been a while. I might be off on some of the details.
But think about all the people who you refuse to believe. Like there is a vast RIGHT wing conspiracy from the deep state RINO's to take Trump down. So you blow off anyone who comes forward. The whistleblower, sondlund, that woman, and everyone else who testified that what Trump did was wrong and made them very uncomfortable.

If you won't listen to these people that Trump is corrupt, you won't listen to anyone.

WASHINGTON ― The bombshell revelation that former national security adviser John Bolton has written a book essentially confirming the Democrats’ case against President Donald Trump went curiously unaddressed by the president’s lawyers on Monday in the Senate impeachment trial.

Bolton’s book alleges that Trump tied the release of congressionally approved Ukraine aid to the Ukrainians’ announcing investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Trump Lawyers Ignore John Bolton Bombshell In Senate Trial | HuffPost

This is the shit we couldn't prove in the Mueller report. Now we have proof he is a criminal and Republicans are defending him? I hope they pay this November for their loyalty.
Trump has full authority to investigate corruption overseas
He wasn't investigating corruption. He was trying to make up fake news on his political opponent.

Bolton confirms it. How many more need to confirm it? You are like OJ supporters. No proof will convince you.

Now you guys admit even if he did it, nothing wrong with doing it? Bullshit. It's an abuse of his power and he's not putting the country first he's putting himself first. He's corrupt and a liar. Got to go.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost
Trump has full authority to investigate corruption overseas
He wasn't investigating corruption. He was trying to make up fake news on his political opponent.

Bolton confirms it. How many more need to confirm it? You are like OJ supporters. No proof will convince you.

Now you guys admit even if he did it, nothing wrong with doing it? Bullshit. It's an abuse of his power and he's not putting the country first he's putting himself first. He's corrupt and a liar. Got to go.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost

That argument was completely destroyed with hard evidence in The Senate yesterday.
Don't you watch the Shampeachment?

All Roads Lead To Ukraine

Don't forget one of the first things Trump did when he got in to office was do audits sending all these bureacrats in to a panicked state.

How did Hillary Clinton ‘lose’ $6 billion at the State Department?

One has to wonder why The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Obama State Department, and Podesta Group were throwing so much money in to The Ukraine Elections to Oppose an Anti-Corruption Government that was trying to get elected there.

Obama did his dirty work through The Podesta Group, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Joe Biden, and The US Embassy In Ukraine, and funneled money in to a Ukraine NGO owned by Soros to oppose The Anti Corruption Candidates in Ukraine. Manfort and Gates were heavily used by The Obama Administration and Podesta Group for operations in Ukraine.

Then after that election when The Anti-Corruption Government was Elected, The Ukrainian Politicians Obama was supporting all fled to Russia.

Then Obama Seals his records on Ukraine citing Executive Privilege!

Then Obama had The Clinton Campaign be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

Then Obama had The Podesta Group be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

A Whistle Blower rats on Clinton about her secret Server which Obama denies knowledge of despite being caught in a lie when it was revealed he and his staff used aliases to communicate clandestinely with Clinton on that server so they could avoid FOIA and other types of discovery.

Comey Allows Clinton To Bleach Bit Her Server of 33,000 Emails!

The IT tech who Bleach Bitted Clinton's Server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders is given immunity in exchange for testimony. He is asked 256 questions about his actions and about what he knows and despite having full immunity, pleads the 5th 256 Times!

Guccifer who says he and other countries did hack Clinton's Server despite The Obama Administration saying that never happened. Guccifer also says, he knows the original DNC Server was shipped to The Ukraine to hide it, and then an "edited copy" of the hard drive was given to Crowdstrike.

No Subpoena is ever issued on The DNC Server which The DNC Claimed was hacked and exposed Podesta's Emails. Only Crowdstrike looks at a copy of the VHD from the DNC Server and claims Russia hacked it. Weeks later, they had to retract nearly all of their statements as IT Techs all over the blogosphere called them out on all of their logical fallacies, errors, and technical nonsense. Lies in laymen terms.

Guccifer is arrested, extradited to The US and is locked up and is never heard from again.

Hillary Clinton Destroys 17 Electronic Devices!
Pakistani Hackers Hired by Clinton, Destroy dozens of hard drives as they flee The US!

Seth Rich gets murdered after uploading Podesta Emails to Assange.
The Remaining Hacker goes with Hillary Clinton to work on her campaign, despite being caught prying in to Congressional Files!

Comey sweeps all Clinton's Crimes Under the Rug.

The Obama Administration launches Russian Collusion COUP Hoax based on Russian Dirty Dossier he paid for that we now find out actually originated from The Ukraine and US Embassy. This Russian or Ukrainian Propaganda is later used falsely in FISA to get Wiretap Warrants on The Trump Campaign.

Gates and Manafort who worked for Obama and knew what was going on in The Ukraine, have their homes raided, are placed in solitary confinement, convicted on bogus charges and are never heard from again.

Julian Assange who says he got the Podesta Emails from Seth Rich is eventually Extradited, Locked Up and has never been hear from again!

Trump makes a phone call to congratulate The Ukraine President who ran on a Anti-Corruption Ukraine platform and then asks him to keep him informed about rumors of alleged corruption in Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration.

A Few weeks Later, Vindman a Ukrainian and his Brother who works for Adam Schiff, helps Adam Schiff and Eric Ciaramella write a Bogus Whistle Blower Report on a call to Ukraine!

Suddenly old footage of Joe Biden threatening The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor Resurface as some people realize there is something fishy going on with this whole never ending attempt to remove President Trump.

Joe Biden:
"Fire The Prosecutor Investigating Hunter, or you aren't getting The Millions"!

President Trump shocks Schiff and releases The Transcript! contradicting The Whistle Blower Report

Schiff gets up in front of America and reads a completely Sham and Fictitious Manufactured Version of that phone call Transcript!

Adam Schiff who originally said everyone would get to interview The Whistle Blower shuts that down, says No, and then interrupts anyone who even dares to get close to revealing who The Whistle Blower is in testimony.

Schiff then has The IG Interview transcript which is critical of Schiff and The Whistleblower and seems to indicate Schiff lied about contact with The Whistleblower classified as "Intelligence" and refuses to allow The Trump Defense team to see that transcript. No one has seen it yet, and Schiff is refusing to turn it over.

The Pelosi Lead House Rushes to start an impeachment about The Ukraine phone call despite The Ukraine President telling The House, that their accusations are false. Adam Schiff refuses to release memos of his conversations with Vindman and The Whistle Blower, or The IGs testimony.

Hunter Biden refuses to comply with a Judges Order to turn over his Financial Records documenting his earnings at Burisma in his Child Support Case.

Joe Biden states he will refuse to comply with a Senate Subpoena to answer any questions about anything he knows about Ukraine or Burisma.

And here we are today.
If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?


I thought it takes more than allegations. It takes some evidence to reach a threshold to investigate.

That’s what the Horowitz report stated.

Wouldn't an investigation be the proper way to prove of disprove an allegation?

Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.
Kind of. It’s more complicated than that. More generally that records don’t account for that money. That doesn’t necessarily mean it was stolen or used for improper purposes, but that there aren’t good records as to what happened to it.
There should be a record of what happened to $1.8 billion dollars in US aid. . You don't misplace nearly two billion dollars under the sofa or a car seat.

It’s been a while. I might be off on some of the details.
Yeah. That's entirely possible.
What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote
Wow, I notice Bolten isn't on that list, but you also need to check the facts and stop relying on commie lies. But let's assume that is correct, why didn't the commies go to court to enforce their subpoenas? They are the ones that tried to shortcut the system. Now they're asking the senate to do the job the chose not to do.

Since when does Congress have to go to court to enforce a subpoena? Court is an option, but it's not their only option.

Yep, the other option is to hold the person in contempt, we've seen how effective that is.

And another option, when it involves the president, VP, or civil officer -- is impeachment.

Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
Heil Schiffler!
Yeah right, baby biden got the job two days after Devon Archer met with poppa joe at the WH. Shoken was fired shortly after Devon Archer met with Kerry at the State Dept. Burisma bought access to the maobama regime, it's just that simple. Also it's been proven that 4 other close relatives of poppa joe made millions while poppa joe was VP. The bidens are drity as hell.

Idiot, we had been trying to get Shokin out for six months before he was finally sacked. Others had been trying even longer. Shokin wasn't pursuing Zelensky but Shokin's replacement did. Getting Shokin out had nothing to do Archer, Kerry or Hunter Biden.

Then why wasn't the ultimatum given much earlier, the loan guarantees were authorize more than a year earlier. BTW why would Shokin be investigating Zelensky?

Because the funds were not yet appropriated back then. Also, Poroshenko has said he would get rid of Shokin so there was no need to play hardball. But then 6 months later, funds were appropriated and Poroshenko had still not gotten rid of Shokin.

You didn't answer my question, why?

Of course I answered, dumbfuck. There was no need to play hardball until it became apparent Poroshenko was not going to force Shokin out.

By the way, Biden threatened to hold up the billion after the IMF threatened to hold up 40 billion.

Shokin resigned in February, 2016, days after the IMF said they would not release 40 billion. A month before Biden threatened to not release a billion dollars.

Why would biden need to make the threat if Shokin resigned a month before?

This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?


I thought it takes more than allegations. It takes some evidence to reach a threshold to investigate.

That’s what the Horowitz report stated.

Wouldn't an investigation be the proper way to prove of disprove an allegation?

Obama investigated The Trump Campaign based on a fake Russian Dossier he paid Putin for.

So why isn't President Trump allowed to even ASK questions about Joe Biden?

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