The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

No. Put THEM in cuffs. Hillary, Obama, the Bidens, Brennan, Comey, Warren, Schiff,
Lefties want to pat Quid Pro Joe on the back for what they are trying to impeach Trump for.

Could their ever be a more clear example of the two faced standards of the shitbags on the left?
Could there ever be a more outstanding example of what liars they are?
“Biden has a great reputation.” :lmao:

He does. Are you referring to him being touchy feely? Pahleez. Trump then has the worst reputation for grabbing women's pussies and peeping on beauty contestants when they are changing. And he raw dogs porn stars. You want to talk about reputation?

Joe has a great rep. In fact I'm pretty sure he gets along with people on both sides of the isle.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
I'm not sure that the Bernie support will turn up. Biden has the Hunter and little brother baggage, and they really are corrupt. But only Biden can turn out the black vote. But there's no one for the VP slot that is in the Bernie camp. There's only one Bernie. I that way he really is like Trump. But as I posted above, Bernie's positions are literally of a socialist in the Vietnam era. There's no avenue for him to grow appeal, and the more media coverage he gets, the worse his past positions are.
No. Put THEM in cuffs. Hillary, Obama, the Bidens, Brennan, Comey, Warren, Schiff,
Lefties want to pat Quid Pro Joe on the back for what they are trying to impeach Trump for.

Could their ever be a more clear example of the two faced standards of the shitbags on the left?
Could there ever be a more outstanding example of what liars they are?
Well was there quid pro quo? At first you guys said no now you say different. Make up your lying minds.
That book is going to follow the stammering, unhinged trump into the November election. I expect trump is in the early stages of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. The gop brass are hoping he doesn't totally waste away before November.

The GOP is so worried about the truth coming out that they are cutting their own throats in not allowing Bolton to testify. It is going to become very obvious that the "trial" is a sham and a cover up.

What we can deduce is....Bribery is now legal and Republicans are spineless assholes.

trump will double down on his crimes once he knows he can cheat the election and use foreign nations to attack his rivals. You ain't seen nothing yet....
Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
I'm not sure that the Bernie support will turn up. Biden has the Hunter and little brother baggage, and they really are corrupt. But only Biden can turn out the black vote. But there's no one for the VP slot that is in the Bernie camp. There's only one Bernie. I that way he really is like Trump. But as I posted above, Bernie's positions are literally of a socialist in the Vietnam era. There's no avenue for him to grow appeal, and the more media coverage he gets, the worse his past positions are.
No they aren't corrupt and the Hunter thing is a hoax.

Funny you guys are pushing the narrative even though Trump got caught trying to get the Ukraine to make up stories. They wouldn't yet you still insist it's true.

Talk about fake news.
Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
I'm not sure that the Bernie support will turn up. Biden has the Hunter and little brother baggage, and they really are corrupt. But only Biden can turn out the black vote. But there's no one for the VP slot that is in the Bernie camp. There's only one Bernie. I that way he really is like Trump. But as I posted above, Bernie's positions are literally of a socialist in the Vietnam era. There's no avenue for him to grow appeal, and the more media coverage he gets, the worse his past positions are.

The people who stayed home and didn't vote for Hillary won't make that same mistake this time. 2016 was a fluke.
No. Put THEM in cuffs. Hillary, Obama, the Bidens, Brennan, Comey, Warren, Schiff,
Lefties want to pat Quid Pro Joe on the back for what they are trying to impeach Trump for.

Could their ever be a more clear example of the two faced standards of the shitbags on the left?
Could there ever be a more outstanding example of what liars they are?
Well was there quid pro quo? At first you guys said no now you say different. Make up your lying minds.

No....just that is legal you know?

Oh....and ever better when tax payer money is used in the bribe.
That book is going to follow the stammering, unhinged trump into the November election. I expect trump is in the early stages of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. The gop brass are hoping he doesn't totally waste away before November.

The GOP is so worried about the truth coming out that they are cutting their own throats in not allowing Bolton to testify. It is going to become very obvious that the "trial" is a sham and a cover up.

What we can deduce is....Bribery is now legal and Republicans are spineless assholes.

trump will double down on his crimes once he knows he can cheat the election and use foreign nations to attack his rivals. You ain't seen nothing yet....
Is there a doctor in the house ? :laugh:
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
I'm not sure that the Bernie support will turn up. Biden has the Hunter and little brother baggage, and they really are corrupt. But only Biden can turn out the black vote. But there's no one for the VP slot that is in the Bernie camp. There's only one Bernie. I that way he really is like Trump. But as I posted above, Bernie's positions are literally of a socialist in the Vietnam era. There's no avenue for him to grow appeal, and the more media coverage he gets, the worse his past positions are.

The people who stayed home and didn't vote for Hillary won't make that same mistake this time. 2016 was a fluke.
Imo is was less a fluke them staying home than it was Comey injecting the FBI into the election with week to go, and hopefully Wray is better than that.

But I think Bernie Supporters may feel this time that the nomination really should be there's. Bernie won't form a third party, and this is his last go, but the progressive wing that really does view socialism as a good thing may walk away with AOC.
His (Bolton's testimony), is compromised, and it's worthless because of the events that turned him into a hostile witness that is to be based upon his dismissal from his position in the administration
Utter nonsense. A lawyer, you are not.
Lefties want to pat Quid Pro Joe on the back for what they are trying to impeach Trump fo

Trump cult delusion

Furthermore, if it is impeachable, this is irrelevant anyway.

You cultists have accepted "stupid" as the norm for so long, you don't even realize when you are saying stupid things anymore.
Joe Biden - borderline sexual predator, public speaking skills that make GWB look like Lincoln, worst kind of cartoon politician

Hunter Biden - most blatant corruption scheme since Hillary gave American uranium to Russia for Bubba’s “speaking fee.”
Trump has full authority to investigate corruption overseas
He wasn't investigating corruption. He was trying to make up fake news on his political opponent.

Bolton confirms it. How many more need to confirm it? You are like OJ supporters. No proof will convince you.

Now you guys admit even if he did it, nothing wrong with doing it? Bullshit. It's an abuse of his power and he's not putting the country first he's putting himself first. He's corrupt and a liar. Got to go.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son

The timeline of Trump’s interest in Ukraine corruption is potentially crucial to the validity of the impeachment charges against him leveled by the House: that he withheld military aid to the country in exchange for its government opening an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of an energy company there while his father was vice president. If Trump and his team can establish that he cared about the issue before Biden began his campaign, or was gearing up for his run, it would undermine the charge that the president was acting merely in his own political interest ― his re-election.

Trump Defense Can't Offer Evidence He Cared About Corruption Before Biden 2020 Run | HuffPost

Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?
Since when does Congress have to go to court to enforce a subpoena? Court is an option, but it's not their only option.

Yep, the other option is to hold the person in contempt, we've seen how effective that is.

And another option, when it involves the president, VP, or civil officer -- is impeachment.

Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Idiot, we had been trying to get Shokin out for six months before he was finally sacked. Others had been trying even longer. Shokin wasn't pursuing Zelensky but Shokin's replacement did. Getting Shokin out had nothing to do Archer, Kerry or Hunter Biden.

Then why wasn't the ultimatum given much earlier, the loan guarantees were authorize more than a year earlier. BTW why would Shokin be investigating Zelensky?

Because the funds were not yet appropriated back then. Also, Poroshenko has said he would get rid of Shokin so there was no need to play hardball. But then 6 months later, funds were appropriated and Poroshenko had still not gotten rid of Shokin.

You didn't answer my question, why?

Of course I answered, dumbfuck. There was no need to play hardball until it became apparent Poroshenko was not going to force Shokin out.

By the way, Biden threatened to hold up the billion after the IMF threatened to hold up 40 billion.

Shokin resigned in February, 2016, days after the IMF said they would not release 40 billion. A month before Biden threatened to not release a billion dollars.

Why would biden need to make the threat if Shokin resigned a month before?

That's s good question, you should probably look into it.
It's the job of Schiff and Nadler to prove beyond A Reasonable doubt the 1.) The President committed a High Crime and Misdemeanor, and 2.) Is such an egregious offense and threat to The Well Being of America that he needs removed from office.
Yep, the other option is to hold the person in contempt, we've seen how effective that is.

And another option, when it involves the president, VP, or civil officer -- is impeachment.

Define "civil officer".

Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.
80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
With Bernie in the primary race, I think the dems will have the bigger problem with turnout. And Bernie's stances on honeymooning in the Soviet Union, Castro, Solemani, Medicare for all and taxes are absolute killers in a general election.

Most will vote for anyone but Trump. Trump has to go. The people who love him will vote for him no matter what. Just remember what happened this past midterm

And Trump won't win MI again unless he rigs the election. I worry about that because he said the elections are rigged. He may prove it.
I'm not sure that the Bernie support will turn up. Biden has the Hunter and little brother baggage, and they really are corrupt. But only Biden can turn out the black vote. But there's no one for the VP slot that is in the Bernie camp. There's only one Bernie. I that way he really is like Trump. But as I posted above, Bernie's positions are literally of a socialist in the Vietnam era. There's no avenue for him to grow appeal, and the more media coverage he gets, the worse his past positions are.

The people who stayed home and didn't vote for Hillary won't make that same mistake this time. 2016 was a fluke.
Imo is was less a fluke them staying home than it was Comey injecting the FBI into the election with week to go, and hopefully Wray is better than that.

But I think Bernie Supporters may feel this time that the nomination really should be there's. Bernie won't form a third party, and this is his last go, but the progressive wing that really does view socialism as a good thing may walk away with AOC.

Then they can enjoy another 4 years of Trump. If they are that stupid, fuck them they deserve what they get. No free college instead more expensive college. No choice just anti abortion. No common sense gun legislation. No affordable healthcare. Less social safety nets that quite honestly it's those young pukes who are going to need them the most. If the young and poor are so stupid that they stay home, they deserve what they get.

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