The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.

So what if I accused you of being a pedophile? Are you? Prove you are innocent!
Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.
trump fucks you over

but you still have no evidence to call hime a pedophile

if libs couldnt lie you all would be speechless
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:
Joe Biden issued the ultimatum at the recommendation of the State Dept.
Which implicates Obama and Hillary in addition to Biden. You want testimony ? How about the Durham report ?
It implicated Obama in what? They were trying to protect Hunter? Sure buddy. More stretching.

There is no Durham report. Not yet.
In extortion of Ukraine.

We extorted Ukraine to get them to stop wasting taxpayer dollars. Put him in cuffs.
No. Put THEM in cuffs. Hillary, Obama, the Bidens, Brennan, Comey, Warren, Schiff, Ciaramella,
Yes, make the laws apply like they should be applied, just like they were applied against Martha Stewart, O.J. Simpson or any other high profile celebrity, Politician or etc that has felt the rath of the law when it is broken. It should be applied just like it's applied to the rest of the citizens in this country.

This reasoning of this "we can't apply the laws the same towards white collar crime as it is done against blue collar crime in this country" is simply ludicrous.

It is exactly why we have so much corruption now in this country, because once we started protecting or insulating the top levels from prosecution, and all because of their status or prominence in society, then we have taught our young ones that it is ok to be corrupt without consequences.

Being those who have been chosen to lead the way, it is that they should take this responsibility in a very serious way. They shouldn't use it for self serving purposes ever, and they should see it as the highest honor to serve whether it be in any leadership roles when they are chosen to lead in such roles.

It's time the nation cleans up it's act if it's not to late. The Dems have gone off the deep end so bad, that it is a shame by what they attempted to pull off over a lost election. Hopefully justice will prevail against them for what they have done against this president and the country. The conservative repubs who are Christian's or other, are a forgiving type, and this is why the Dems won't suffer in the ways they tried to suffer the repubs in which they see as their opponents or enemies in this game. This might have to change now, because it has gotten way out of control over the years.
Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate

No it's not

Trump Just Hired Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyers

If we're getting desperate, what's that make Trump? He tweeted this after his buddy Epstein died

Hours after word of Epstein’s death by suicide arrived, Trump broke any semblance of restraint, indirectly addressing his former Mar-A-Lago buddy-turned-political liability. Rather than issuing a prepared statement, the president opted to retweet self-proclaimed comedian and commentator Terrence K. Williams’s assertion that Bill and Hillary Clinton were behind Epstein’s death.

Trump sounds desperate.

Trump’s Epstein Response: The Clintons Are Definitely Pedophile Murderers
Epstein was not trump’s buddy of pal

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." ~ Impeached Trump
Do you have a link to that phony quote?
"phony quote"


Cons live in an alternate universe.


Jeffrey Epstein's paper trail: A look at the convicted pedophile's high-powered connections
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

Honestly, when a Democrat wins they are going to toss out any and all of Trump's bad executive orders. Stop trying to start shit with Iran. No more tax breaks for the rich. Middle class first. Environmental. Repairing our relationships that Trump broke.

The Trumpsters won't stop even when they are out of power. What they will do is talk about the "real" unemployment number and the debt.
I don't think unemployment or debt are really issues. To be fair, BLM moves to Colo and Trump has made illegal aliens more uncomfortable, and they are not coming as they did before. But there's no new healthplan (except less money), the troops aren't coming home, jobs haven't come back, mftring is down with trade wars …….

None of that makes any difference. The Gop is the party of white males … by and large. The dems win all other groups. And the Trumpettes love it. The working class that didn't have college educations had some real gripes, and some merely pervieved bogus class gripes.

But the gop has been very good to the top .1% and that's why McConnell and Earnst and Barrasso are all in for Trump. He signed their legislation in 2016-18 even while they refused to build his wall or defund Medicaid.

80% of the poor don't vote. If we can get those non whites to show up, Republicans lose.
Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote
No one has figured out yet that Bernie Sanders is a kook ?
Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.

So what if I accused you of being a pedophile? Are you? Prove you are innocent!
Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.
trump fucks you over

but you still have no evidence to call hime a pedophile

if libs couldnt lie you all would be speechless
I didn't call him a pedophile. I said he was accused of being a pedophile. Too bad if that triggers you.
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:
§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​
“Biden has a great reputation.” :lmao:

He does. Are you referring to him being touchy feely? Pahleez. Trump then has the worst reputation for grabbing women's pussies and peeping on beauty contestants when they are changing. And he raw dogs porn stars. You want to talk about reputation?

Joe has a great rep. In fact I'm pretty sure he gets along with people on both sides of the isle.
Touchy feely on who ??
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:
§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Burn it all to the ground is the last ditch efforts of Democrat's, just like the last ditch efforts of the Nazi's when the American's were advancing on them.
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:

So you going to arrest Biden?

BTW, that law is not cited in The Articles, so you must be arguing to arrest Obama or Joe Biden, since they actually did something, rather than ask a question about something.

What Law? The one where you where you Extort Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating your son who is taking bribes from Burisma?
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:
§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Burn it all to the ground is the last ditch efforts of Democrat's, just like the last ditch efforts of the Nazi's when the American's were advancing on them.
That's what they are trying to do. Break the system. They want checks and balances, separation of powers, and Executive Privilege wiped off the map.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.

So what if I accused you of being a pedophile? Are you? Prove you are innocent!
Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.
trump fucks you over

but you still have no evidence to call hime a pedophile

if libs couldnt lie you all would be speechless
I didn't call him a pedophile. I said he was accused of being a pedophile. Too bad if that triggers you.
It will be interesting to see what you are accused of on Judgment Day as you step in to God's Court Room, and they open, The Book of Your Deeds and start listing what you have done.
View attachment 303102 And we’re investigating the greatest president in the history of America
Read the book, Profiles in Corruption to learn about the Biden FAMILY.
What has that got to do with the con??
What does your retarded posting have to do with this thread?

Retarded? Stupid insult!!
Dead giveaway for zero college?
Just commentating on the stupid pic and...because Biden is an idiot, that makes the wife raper ok??
And omg I might have guessed, Peter sweitzer!!!
Books loaded with errors and bias?
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer's Long History Of Errors, Retractions, And Questionable Sourcing

"Long history of redactions and errors??"
How's the gateway pundit these days??
You are retarded that's the plain simple truth
Oh it's still a part of the story. But the concern about Shokin's corruption came from the bottom up. The embassy staff in Ukraine had been getting fed up with Shokin's corruption and brought their concern to Biden and recommended that he be removed. Biden agreed and helped
And you know this how?
No one in the State Dept says that they were pressured by Burisma or Joe Biden to get Shokin fired.
The State Department did not issue an ultimatum to Ukraine officials....Joe Biden did.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Joe Biden issued the ultimatum at the recommendation of the State Dept.
The state department doesn't make policy only the president
And you realize that doesn't help your case

That's not true. It's called delegating.
The president makes policy's not others stop lying
Some brainless leftists just can’t seem to understand that there is no such thing as “free college.”
They're trying to lock in the college vote, and making the college's think that their tuitions will next be subsidized by the taxpayers for whom college proffesors and upper management/CEOs would probably SPIT on in the streets if were to encounter those working class taxpayers in a low level way. College campuses have become more like prison populations, where everyone is either being brainwashed, and/or led astray due to the bullcrap being stirred up in this country now.

Talk about class warfare on steroid's these days.

There is a disconnect in this country like never before, and the politicians are fueling the disconnect worse than they ever have before, and they are trying to do it with our hardworking tax payer money involved.
Last edited:
Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
What do you call The Democrats asking Ukraine for Dirt on President Trump during the Sham Impeachment Inquiry?

What do you call Obama purchasing Russian Propaganda and using it to launch a Sham Investigation on Candidate Trump in order to interfere in his Campaign to favor himself and Clinton?

What do you call Adam Schiff asking Russia for Naked Pictures of Trump?

Are there naked pics of Trump out there? Nothing wrong for asking for that. But you can't ask Russia to photoshop Trump's head on another person's naked body and say it's Trump. That's what Trump did. He tried to make Ukraine go on TV and lie and say they are investigating Hunter Biden. Ukraine said they looked and found nothing. They didn't know Trump was trying to get them to lie. They innocently told him they already looked and found nothing. Trump said, "doesn't matter, just make the announcement".

I can't believe what he did is not criminal. I'm sure it breaks campaign finance laws. And it's certainly abusing his power.

No sham investigations into trump. Trump has way too many Russian connections for it to be a sham.

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

You traitor Republicans don't even care about our country. Go ahead, tear it apart. The well to do like me will be just fine. It's you who's suffering.

No matter how you look at it, the Democrats are way worse. It is the very reason politics are as bad as they are now. It's a war that has been started, and anyone that can't see it is either crazy or in denial.
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:
§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Burn it all to the ground is the last ditch efforts of Democrat's, just like the last ditch efforts of the Nazi's when the American's were advancing on them.
You poor drama queen, nothing is being burned to the ground. Impeached Trump broke the law and got himself Impeached. Happens.
What Law? The one where you buy Dirty Dossiers from Putin to interfere in Candidate Trumps Campaign, Spy on him, and investigate him with your corrupt FBI lapdogs and abuse FISA with?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Trump's own attorney admitted he broke the law. His defense was that Impeached Trump can't be impeached for it. :cuckoo:

So you going to arrest Biden?

BTW, that law is not cited in The Articles, so you must be arguing to arrest Obama or Joe Biden, since they actually did something, rather than ask a question about something.

What Law? The one where you where you Extort Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating your son who is taking bribes from Burisma?
Arrest Biden for what?

As far as that law, they refer to it in Article I where they point out he solicited a foreign national to help him with his campaign to get re-elected.

If you don't know the basic facts of the case, you only make yourself look like an idiot discussing them.
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.

So what if I accused you of being a pedophile? Are you? Prove you are innocent!
Impeached Trump was accused of raping a young child by the woman he allegedly raped. Whereas you ask about accusing me, which comes from you.

Just because I fuck you over intellectually doesn't mean I raped you.
trump fucks you over

but you still have no evidence to call hime a pedophile

if libs couldnt lie you all would be speechless
I didn't call him a pedophile. I said he was accused of being a pedophile. Too bad if that triggers you.
It will be interesting to see what you are accused of on Judgment Day as you step in to God's Court Room, and they open, The Book of Your Deeds and start listing what you have done.
Too bad you'll never know, Stumpy. Of course, your name is in that book too.

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