The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

I said from the beginning these are nothing more than dog and pony shows but to me it makes no one look good.

I've condemned Trump in the past for urging his supporters to the Capitol saying he was going and then not going himself. His supporters counter by saying the S.S. wouldn't allow it. Here we have a story saying just that but now his supporters are saying it never happened.

Nothing either cult does makes much sense to me.
The SS says it didnt happen too. Its not like republicans are latching on to a baseless theory here.
So, sad you're addicted to orange kool-aid, brain damage is worse than meth.
Seek help, while you can, good luck.
Im just being realistic. Polls show that Trump will trounce Biden in the election, plus everyone on Earth hates Biden, so theres that too.

Secret Service agents are prepared to testify that Trump did not lunge at them or try to take control of the car to reach the Capitol, reports say​

Secret Service agents are willing to testify that former President Donald Trump did not try to lunge at them or take control of the vehicle to direct the car to the Capitol as agents were driving on January 6, 2021, CBS News and NBC News reported.

Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to then-Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, told the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot on Tuesday that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol, knowing that his supporters were armed there.

It is unclear if the violent riot had unfolded at that point or if Trump was aware of it.

She said that Trump lunged at a Secret Service agent in the car, tried to grab the steering wheel, and said, "I'm the effing president!" as he demanded to be brought to the Capitol.

But one source close to the Secret Service told CBS News that both the driver of the car and Robert Engel — a Secret Service agent who was then the head of Trump's security detail — are prepared to testify under oath that Trump did not lunge at the car's steering wheel and that Trump did not verbally or physically assault them.
Secret Service said it didn't happen. It's got nothing to do with allegations concerning Jan 6 anyway. Ironically the Speaker's husband was arrested and released for worse than that. Is that the best the democrats have? Can we move on and drop the circus and fix the freaking Country?
As I've said, I don't know! :dunno: Do you?

That is also an anonymous source btw.

Come on it is all over the news and Peter is a White House Correspondent.

"According to Peter Alexander, the chief White House correspondent for NBC News, sources close to the Secret Service dispute the story."

You are trying too hard to resist it.
Have you ever watched the Watergate hearings on tape, or live when they happened? There really isn't much difference to the way these proceedings are going.

There was no opposition side or defense side in The Watergate hearings,

hearings and investigations, are not trials.... And traditionally don't operate that's more like a grand jury...fact finders without the perpetrator's input and/or interference.... The trial, if there is one, is where due process happens.
I'm glad you brought this up.

Do you know what Watergate was about?

The Democrat Party had been running a prostitution escort service out of the Watergate Hotel....and a few overzealous conservatives broke into their offices looking for evidence. It's no different than what the Dems are currently doing to the GOP, only the Democrats are using Jan 6th as probable-cause to raid everyone's homes and offices looking for dirt that doesn't exist.
Come on it is all over the news and Peter is a White House Correspondent.

"According to Peter Alexander, the chief White House correspondent for NBC News, sources close to the Secret Service dispute the story."

You are trying too hard to resist it.

Media is already backtracking and calling it an "anecdote":

How did Trump "lunge" for the steering wheel when he rides in the back? Was he inexplicably riding shotgun that time?
This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...

And this is who these people want to see back in Office.


I'll bet you also believe the pee tape is real.

Enjoy your reality show for idiots.

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