The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Nope, she is making him sound unhinged. The SS agents on his detail that day deny that event ever happened btw.

He said he was going to the Capitol but he never did. People condemned him for winding people up and then not going himself. Yes, this makes him look better. I doubt it ever happened because as pointed out elsewhere there is no way he would have been able to come anywhere close to reaching the wheel but the idea it wasn't his decision to not go, does make him look better.
Trump doesn't belong in the White House.
He belongs in prison. For life.
That is why 'getting trump' is so important.
He is a traitor.
Progtards, front and center. ^^^

They've already convicted a man of treason, AND THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TREASON IS.

Buncha two bit asswipes with a chip on their shoulder. These goddamn leftwipes need to be spanked. HARD
Not obsessive. Truth. He has no place in Government. He is too dangerous.

What a hoot.

And Nancy isn't? Hillary isn't?

Nancy Pelosi is a sociopath, that isn't dangerous?

You fuckers have totally lost your moral and intellectual compass.
This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...

And this is who these people want to see back in Office.

Geez, this fantasy created by the "Committee" in their "bombshell session" didn't even make it through a 24 hour news cycle before being massively debunked by the Secret Service:

“Both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel,” Mr. Alexander posted on Twitter.
Lol, OK shortbus. Gas light all ya want it ain't working. We know the deal and if Trump gets away with the shit we will do the same ploy only right. Get ready for it. No consequences no reason not to do it.
Except you'll end up with your head cracked by a bunch of patriots.

Who knows, maybe the lefties will erect a statue in your honor. :p
Let's hear it. And bring back Hutchinson to sit right beside them while they do so.

What difference would it make if she was sitting there?

She doesn't have any knowledge of what actually happened.
The testimony was third party hearsay, and the only excuse for allowing her testimony
would be because the proceedings are a Kangaroo Court.

These woolly types will believe ANYTHING

"Belief" is pretty much the whole thing. Politics is now the national religion.

People will believe anything if it makes them feel better about themselves. My grandfather went to his grave convinced that Nixon was innocent.
LOL, how can anyone take this sham shit show seriously?

The Bombshell;

I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me.," "They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.”

You won’t be able to spin that one away lemming.
LOL, how can anyone take this sham shit show seriously?
It's an impressive display of patriotism by dozens of Republicans of integrity, serving the nation rather than kowtowing to the Loser, and testifying under oath, despite the threats of hysterical Trump lickspittles to them and their families.

It has the RINOs of Trumpery, an invasive cult that they are exposing, howling.
He said he was going to the Capitol but he never did. People condemned him for winding people up and then not going himself. Yes, this makes him look better. I doubt it ever happened because as pointed out elsewhere there is no way he would have been able to come anywhere close to reaching the wheel but the idea it wasn't his decision to not go, does make him look better.
It makes the left look absolutely terrible when they bring out this kind of horseshit. Democrats have clearly not learned their lesson. They are about to in November.
The Bombshell;

I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me.," "They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.”

You won’t be able to spin that one away lemming.
Oh, sure they will. Fake news, Deep State, Satan, all that, etc, etc.

This is a cult. Trump can do no wrong, no matter what. They will protect him, period.
Oh, sure they will. Fake news, Deep State, Satan, all that, etc, etc.

This is a cult. Trump can do no wrong, no matter what. They will protect him, period.
Dude, listen to yourselves. The worst “crime” he did was supposedly throw a hamburger at a wall. You people are so delusional.
It's an impressive display of patriotism by dozens of Republicans of integrity, serving the nation rather than kowtowing to the Loser, and testifying under oath, despite the threats of hysterical Trump lickspittles to them and their families.

It has the RINOs of Trumpery, an invasive cult that they are exposing, howling.
They'll believe he threw a plate, but the rest of the testimony is evil commie fake news.

Hey give Trump credit: He nailed the Fifth Avenue Rule. He knows his people, that's for damn sure.

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