The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Trump must REALLY love you lying, dumbass, RETARDS.

1st- Trump wasn't in the limo, the Beast, he was in a Chevrolet suburban.

2nd, - Cassidy Hutchinson was asked about a conversation of what one person said and did, NOT what Trump said, except when she did acually hear Trump say something......."Trump wanted the secret service to remove the metal detectors" and “They are not here to hurt me.”

Cassidy stated that this person said this about Trump, which isn't fucking hearsay.
If she claimed Trump said something, insisting that he did but actually heard from a second party.............THAT would be hearsay.

3rd- It's a hearing, not fucking court, Trumptards don't get to call witnesses, like a grand jury.
The lawyers and cross examination will come in court trial.

4th- Did EVERYONE of you get suckered into taking the Trump U. "law" school correspondence course?
Fools and their $$$.
^^^^^^Folks the eruption is just beginning. How better to top off seeing their Roe get mowed

I've been laughing so much I've Bidened my pants a time or 2...................lololol
Hillary was never president, nor did she plan an insurrection. Another dumbass whataboutism.
WHAT ABOUT “Insurrection”? Where has that term been established factually and legally about January 6th?
This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...

And this is who these people want to see back in Office.

The secret Service denies that event ever took place, sooo....
This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...

And this is who these people want to see back in Office.

Your headline is s lie
I think its cute how you believe there will be court trials from these hearings. :laugh:
They had them already, from prior hearings that weren't televised.
The Trump regime are turning on each other, like rats, and Trump is going through a box of


A day.
^^^^^^Folks the eruption is just beginning. How better to top off seeing their Roe get mowed

I've been laughing so much I've Bidened my pants a time or 2...................lololol
Roe vs Wade didn't get mowed, just returned the law to the states, RETARD.
Some companies are footing the bill in communist states for women's travel, so they can have an abortion in others.

Teabaggers are gonna need.

For the sake of the future, I hope the progs on here are kidding about this. I hope they are just pulling our legs to watch us be annoyed at how gullible they are. That's better than them actually being this supernaturally gullible.
This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...

And this is who these people want to see back in Office.

Already prove a lie. Lol
Personally, I would like to see some corroborating witnesses.

I never take the word of a single person as proof of anything.

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