The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

from your post where you claimed they had to keep bringing her back because they they keep finding out more and more “stuff”e
Near every witness has been brought back to testify more than once, if a key witness.

She was brought back this last time to get more from her that they were unable to get with her Trump lawyer, when she changed lawyers, the new one is giving her different advice....
Let me turn on my Trumpcultspeak-to-English translator. Give it the input, here's what we get out:

"We Trump cultists all adore DearLeader even more for his violent outbursts, since it shows how much like us he is!".

You're welcome.
The agent who was between multiple layers of bulletproof glass? Maybe he wants to write a book about an overly large man that tried to take the wheel and bring them back to the capital? Come on Bulldog, you guys constantly made fun of his weight and now he was almost able to wrench the control of the "beast?"
Children in mid tantrum try all kinds of things they can't succeed at. It doesn't matter if the fat orange fool could overpower anybody. The fact that he tried is enough.
What makes you think she's lying? She said she heard it second hand.... Second hand info is not used in courts because, its second hand and interpretations of what happened or what was said, can be falty.

Let's here the two guys, under oath, and a first hand testimony!! And if they confirm that Trump wanted to be brought to the Capitol, minus the alleged brawl... then the point the committee made, is Still valid
what point would that be?
Near every witness has been brought back to testify more than once, if a key witness.

She was brought back this last time to get more from her that they were unable to get with her Trump lawyer, when she changed lawyers, the new one is giving her different advice....
trump lawyer? trump paid for her lawyer? anything to support thst?

yes like i said she was not apparently forthright. or didn’t give the committtee what they wanted so they had to keep bringing her back…even after she complained of feeling forced by the committee, until she gave them something they felt they could use…and apparently didn’t care how outlandish it sounded
face it commie ...dems have been screeching Trump did this and Trump did that for yrs and have been proven wrong again and again ? Americans aren't buying it ... nope Americans are buying gas at over 5$ a gallon along with everything else that costs have skyrocketed on ... there is a moral to the story of the boy who cried wolf ... people are fleeing the dem party by the millions .... the left have effectively isolated themselves from voters with their Trump obsession .
If you say so.
Trump must REALLY love you lying, dumbass, RETARDS.

1st- Trump wasn't in the limo, the Beast, he was in a Chevrolet suburban.

2nd, - Cassidy Hutchinson was asked about a conversation of what one person said and did, NOT what Trump said, except when she did acually hear Trump say something......."Trump wanted the secret service to remove the metal detectors" and “They are not here to hurt me.”

Cassidy stated that this person said this about Trump, which isn't fucking hearsay.
If she claimed Trump said something, insisting that he did but actually heard from a second party.............THAT would be hearsay.

3rd- It's a hearing, not fucking court, Trumptards don't get to call witnesses, like a grand jury.
The lawyers and cross examination will come in court trial.

4th- Did EVERYONE of you get suckered into taking the Trump U. "law" school correspondence course?
Fools and their $$$.
But she did not claim she witnessed the situation....she said she was told second hand.

Her other testimony, was first hand, where she was there, and it was a bombshell! Several of them.

You don't have any "bombshells" left. That's the problem. People don't believe any of this anymore because PEE TAPE! RUSSIA! STEERING WHEEL!
Im missing the argument here. She is actually defending Trump here. Does no one else understand that?
Nope, she is making him sound unhinged. The SS agents on his detail that day deny that event ever happened btw.
it’s rather unbelievable how gullible the dembot cult is….at this point Adam Shifty and. Liz realize they can throw anything out there, no matter how insane it sounds and their cult of dembots will believe it
It is already exposed as a LIE and based on ha ha... he he he....Hearsay!

You leftists are GULLIBLE!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I doubt that. Lying to congress sends you to prison. But keep on believing the same people who told you the election was stolen and had you buying tickets to 21 Mules.
Trump must REALLY love you lying, dumbass, RETARDS.

1st- Trump wasn't in the limo, the Beast, he was in a Chevrolet suburban.

2nd, - Cassidy Hutchinson was asked about a conversation of what one person said and did, NOT what Trump said, except when she did acually hear Trump say something......."Trump wanted the secret service to remove the metal detectors" and “They are not here to hurt me.”

Cassidy stated that this person said this about Trump, which isn't fucking hearsay.
If she claimed Trump said something, insisting that he did but actually heard from a second party.............THAT would be hearsay.

3rd- It's a hearing, not fucking court, Trumptards don't get to call witnesses, like a grand jury.
The lawyers and cross examination will come in court trial.

4th- Did EVERYONE of you get suckered into taking the Trump U. "law" school correspondence course?
Fools and their $$$.
I think its cute how you believe there will be court trials from these hearings. :laugh:
yidnar is 100% right. We've seen this movie multiple times before and the Dems prove AGAIN that they are obsessed with 'getting Trump' while the nation burns and our president doesn't know what freaking day it is. Or month. Or year.
Trump doesn't belong in the White House.
He belongs in prison. For life.
That is why 'getting trump' is so important.
He is a traitor.
I think its cute how you believe there will be court trials from these hearings. :laugh:

WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!! they all say

Remember when they thought Robert Mueller was gonna deliver the goods? One year they changed Christmas to some holiday with his name in it---so stupid

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