The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Let me turn on my Trumpcultspeak-to-English translator. Give it the input, here's what we get out:

"We Trump cultists all adore DearLeader even more for his violent outbursts, since it shows how much like us he is!".

You're welcome.

Or maybe it's, a woman was told something by somebody who didn't see it and it's suuuuper unbelievable but because it's about someone a little under half the people in the nation doesn't like, it's more than likely believable?

Yeah, even I'm confused over this "bombshell."
This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...

And this is who these people want to see back in Office.

Yeah trump was riding shotgun. You fucking idiot
Let me turn on my Trumpcultspeak-to-English translator. Give it the input, here's what we get out:

"We Trump cultists all adore DearLeader even more for his violent outbursts, since it shows how much like us he is!".

You're welcome.
We get it. You're angry you fell for this obvious bullshit.

But you're angry at the wrong people. You should be angry at the people lying to your face.

But you just keep kissing their ass. Don't you dare think for yourself. You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.
Next the liberal loon Democrats will be claiming there is an Air Force One pilot who is willing to testify Trump stormed into the plane's cockpit and tried to grab the controls on Jan 6 to fly himself back to the White House and overturn the vote. ... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
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It's amazing to see what comes out when witnesses are under oath and crossed examined.........Oh wait.
Bombshell based on Hearsay that was exposed as a lie by people who were there.

:muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

Surreal is just the beginning for brain dead leftists who uncritically swallow anything from the Dog and Pony show.

It is over people when a committee is that partisan, incompetent and STUPID.

Now I KNOW WHY the DOJ isn't going to indict Trump because they don't have a prosecutable case to run with.

It is naked partisanship because they are TERRIFIED of Donald Trump.
Well, it could have been worse. Had Trump actually gotten his way and led his “Hang Mike Pence!” fans into the Capitol, his Secret Service guards might have been dragged into a “shoot out” with their colleagues protecting the Vice President!


It would have made great TV … in Russia & China!
What is fascinating, is that is precisely what takes place in an armed coup d' tat, and the 2020 election was a coup d' tat, it continues to this day with the totally fraudulent select committee on January 6th, its never stopped.
LOL bitch perjured herself:

This raving lunatic that the MAGAs gave the keys to our White House got so incensed he lunged at and attempted to choke out one of his own Secret Service agents...
I don't think the agent was ever in any particular danger from an overweight, angry old man. With what we now know about the Secret Service, he was likely in much greater danger from an STD.

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