The Booklet!


Sep 23, 2010
The latest revelation is all over the Internet:

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The booklet in question appears to be fact. Still, I don’t see it doing anything except showing Hussein to be a liar. All but the dumbest ostriches already knew that.

As I understand the booklet’s implications, Hussein’s citizenship is not in doubt. It never was in doubt because his mother was American. Hussein & Company can still maintain that one American parent makes him eligible for the presidency. Nothing has changed there. In fact the booklet says:

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, . . .

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

If he was born in Kenya the 1961 records from the American Embassy will show it. I’ve been saying that very thing for years, yet no one else mentions it. Maybe the booklet will be incentive enough to check embassy records?
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It's an invasion ! McCain is a Panamanian !

Formative years and education
John McCain was born on August 29, 1936, at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[2] At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control.[3]

SRC John McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe he just said he was born in Kenya "to make friends" like Elizabeth Warren did? :lol:

If you do any research on this guy, Barry Soetoro, you're gonna' be shocked at how the f*ck he even made it to the White House.

Or, like me, you're gonna' realize how stupid and gullible Americans have become. We win WWII then go to sleep and let EVERYTHING fall apart.
It's an invasion ! McCain is a Panamanian !

Formative years and education
John McCain was born on August 29, 1936, at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[2] At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control.[3]

SRC John McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To Douger: Thy name is Misdirection. McCain is not president, nor did he ever deny he was born in Panama. And he is the son of TWO American parents.

Or, like me, you're gonna' realize how stupid and gullible Americans have become. We win WWII then go to sleep and let EVERYTHING fall apart.

To Mad Scientist: Good point. I have long-thought that Socialists believe winning two World Wars was done to advance their ideology. They certainly behave that way.

Here’s an update you might enjoy:

May 18, 2012
Literary agency explanation raises more questions than it answers on Obama Kenya birth assertion
Thomas Lifson

Miriam Goderich, who was identified as the person who edited the text of the 1991 brochure listing Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya, has issued a statement that seeks to accept personal blame for the "mistake" but which only raises more questions. The statement was sent to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."​

Okay, fine. But a fact-checker does not make up text. A fact checker receives a text written by someone else, and then determines whether the factual assertions are based on the verifiable truth.

So the question remains: who submitted the text that was insufficiently fact-checked by Ms. Goderich? Who, in other words, first offered the assertion that Barack Obama was born in Kenya?

One must ask who on earth other than the client himself, Barack Obama, would have had the data upon which to assert that Barack Obama was born in Kenya? If that person was not Obama, then why would such person believe that Obama was born in Kenya? Recall that at the time, Obama occupied no political office, and had been in the public eye primarily because he was the first black person elected president of the Harvard Law Review. It seem very likely that Barack Obama himself supplied the information. Who else would be in a position make such an assertion? Who could have supplied such "mistaken" information to the literary agent?

Blog: Literary agency explanation raises more questions than it answers on Obama Kenya birth assertion
i tried to find this on a viable news source.....but only extreme sites are carrying this story
i tried to find this on a viable news source.....but only extreme sites are carrying this story
What makes you think CNN or Fox is gonna' report it? And if they did, would you believe it then?

FoxNews = Righty organization not to be taken seriously.
CNN = Lefty organization not to be taken seriously.

Why can't people just listen to the news from multiple sources, tv, radio, internet and then make up their own minds?

Critical thinking is long gone in this country.
i tried to find this on a viable news source.....but only extreme sites are carrying this story

To strollingbones: The Daily Mail can hardly be called extreme. This article includes much more than the story about the booklet:

'Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii': President's own literary agency promotional booklet from 1991 claims he WAS born in Africa | Mail Online

Bottom line: The websites not carrying the story are extreme.

check your link sweetie.....seems the article is gone
the last one with the daily mail has been removed...first one still works

no i dont expect responsible news organization to run with this story...and how did the obama hate groups miss this?
i tried to find this on a viable news source.....but only extreme sites are carrying this story

To strollingbones: The Daily Mail can hardly be called extreme. This article includes much more than the story about the booklet:

'Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii': President's own literary agency promotional booklet from 1991 claims he WAS born in Africa | Mail Online

Bottom line: The websites not carrying the story are extreme.

check your link sweetie.....seems the article is gone

the last one with the daily mail has been removed...first one still works

no i dont expect responsible news organization to run with this story...and how did the obama hate groups miss this?

To strollingbones: I can’t find it. I’m not going waste any more time looking for it. The Daily Mail did report the story. I don’t know why it was taken down from the link I posted.
IMHO there are bigger issues here than the birther issue. Media bias. A career built on secrets and lies. And a segment of the population who just doesn't give a shit. That's what scares me. Orwellian?
And a segment of the population who just doesn't give a shit. That's what scares me. Orwellian?

To chanel: I see your point, but there is another side to the story. A substantial number of Americans know that giving a shit means paying attention to the media; i.e., go in the direction the media dictates. Indifference is the result.

Then there is the little old lady. When asked why she never voted she replied “I don’t want to encourage them.”
Another thread on a twenty year old editing error?!?!

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