The Border Wall Costs Millions, But

That is just one tunnel there have been many and are many that are used daily..
I have a plan that would not only stop the tunneling into this country, but send a message to those who want to come here illegally. Bring cement trucks up to the opening on the US side and start pouring it in. Damn those who are caught and frozen in time. Soon there wont be any area left for tunneling as it would be a giant slap of concrete.
The tunnels are destroyed as soon as they are discovered and only a few migrants can go thru them in that time.

Because they would rather hunt down a man trying to support his family than hold a single employer responsible
So what are you thinking.....concentration camps? Lol
How about repel the invaders at the border. Put up men who would willingly fight off an invasion force, like what is happening in Ukraine. Leave a few dead bodies on the side of Mexico, and the rest would realize they arent wanted here. And any bleeding heart progressives who want to be on the other side, leave their bodies to rot in the sun also.

How about repel the invaders at the border. Put up men who would willingly fight off an invasion force, like what is happening in Ukraine. Leave a few dead bodies on the side of Mexico, and the rest would realize they arent wanted here. And any bleeding heart progressives who want to be on the other side, leave their bodies to rot in the sun also.

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Aim low to hit the children
The wall doesn’t do anything and the cost to maintain it is not worth it.

Use drones and invisible fence monitors while punishing the governments that supply the cartel with what they need is the better option while punishing the employer…

Take away the money and bam all of a sudden the issue start curing itself…

When you have States like California and New York making it easy for illegals to stay then you know the issue is the money and until we as a nation address the laws and money of each state that help the illegal this issue will never end and a damn wall will not stop the flow…

Hell, our government doesn’t want to end the problem and is playing all of you as fools!
I agree that there are many other things that can be done to help solve the border problem. I agree with taking away the money. And one way of doing that is to have our school systems require that kids are here legally or no public school and no benefits that come from our public school systems. The money saved from that alone (yes I understand that is state level money) would be more than enough to build a wall/fence which could also use those drones and invisible fence monitors. And if nothing else, the wall/fence would stand as a symbol for the rule of law and that America is enforcing the border. But I believe it would do more than be just a symbol if border security is allowed to really enforce the border. It would create choke points and slow down the crossing of the border in many cases to give border security time to react and "get there" to apprehend those illegally crossing the border. Of course for this to work, catch, process and release has to stop.
I agree that there are many other things that can be done to help solve the border problem. I agree with taking away the money. And one way of doing that is to have our school systems require that kids are here legally or no public school and no benefits that come from our public school systems. The money saved from that alone (yes I understand that is state level money) would be more than enough to build a wall/fence which could also use those drones and invisible fence monitors. And if nothing else, the wall/fence would stand as a symbol for the rule of law and that America is enforcing the border. But I believe it would do more than be just a symbol if border security is allowed to really enforce the border. It would create choke points and slow down the crossing of the border in many cases to give border security time to react and "get there" to apprehend those illegally crossing the border. Of course for this to work, catch, process and release has to stop.
Not educating all kids forces them to be criminals
Not educating all kids forces them to be criminals
If the kids are not here illegally, they need to be deported and educated in their own country. Providing public school for kids here illegally provides an incentive for their parents and their kids to be here illegally.

So basically our government is speaking out both sides of the mouth saying don't be here illegally but will spend billions of dollars on public schools for your kids if bring them illegally .
If the kids are not here illegally, they need to be deported and educated in their own country. Providing public school for kids here illegally provides an incentive for their parents and their kids to be here illegally.

So basically our government is speaking out both sides of the mouth saying don't be here illegally but will spend billions of dollars on public schools for your kids if bring them illegally .
And how do you plan to do that. They wont show to school if you will deport them so they hang around all day and do what?

They join gangs and do crimes
I know. I said aim low. If you get the pregnant women you get a twofer.....right?
If the pregnant woman would of stayed in her own country and waited in line like law abiding citizens, then there would be no problem, right? Why the fuck would you care because you and your elites murder babies in or out of the woman and they are US citizens.
If the pregnant woman would of stayed in her own country and waited in line like law abiding citizens, then there would be no problem, right? Why the fuck would you care because you and your elites murder babies in or out of the woman and they are US citizens.
You sound like you are starting to feel guilty for this program of killing people who try to cross the border
And how do you plan to do that. They wont show to school if you will deport them so they hang around all day and do what?

They join gangs and do crimes
You are right if immigration law isn't going be enforced anyway, then it's better to have them is school on our dime rather than joining gangs, but doing so is a concession that we are not going to bother enforcing immigration law.
You are right if immigration law isn't going be enforced anyway, then it's better to have them is school on our dime rather than joining gangs, but doing so is a concession that we are not going to bother enforcing immigration law.
Even if we used every cop in the country full time on this we could not round up 11 million people
So why doesnt the gop run on this platform?
I may actually run on that platform, where also, do a census where you are asked not only for your vaccine passport(that the Dems want) but also proof of US citizenship. If you cannot prove that you are a citizen, you are fingerprinted, ID'd and a copy of your DNA is on record. You are then given a choice to leave the country voluntarily and then get back in line, or you are sent back by force and if ever shown up again, you are executed on sight. Not like you progressives who execute a US citizens baby without giving it a chance in the country, you are so willing to give to people who come here illegally.

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