The born again evangelist scam


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
marjoe gortner (former evangelist) exposes evangelists

Marjoe Ross Gortner (generally known as Marjoe Gortner; born January 14, 1944 in Long Beach, California) is a controversial former evangelist preacher and actor. He first gained public attention during the late 1940s when his parents arranged for him at age four to be ordained as a preacher, due to his extraordinary speaking ability; he was the youngest known in that position. As a young man, he preached on the revival circuit and brought celebrity to the revival movement.

He became a celebrity during the 1970s when he starred in Marjoe (1972), a behind-the-scenes documentary about the lucrative business of Pentecostal preaching. This won the 1972 Academy Award for Best Documentary Film. This documentary is now noted as one of the most vehement criticisms of Pentecostal praxis

by 1951 his younger brother Vernoe had been incorporated into the act. As well as teaching Marjoe scriptural passages, his parents also taught him several money-raising tactics, including the sale of supposedly "holy" articles at revivals. He would promise that such items could be used to heal the sick and dying. By the time he was sixteen, his family had amassed what he later estimated to be three million dollars. Shortly after Gortner's sixteenth birthday, his father absconded with the money.

interesting that his film wasn't shown in the south as it would have caused riots

Marjoe Gortner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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marjoe gortner (former evangelist) exposes evangelists
Instead of attacking other ethnic groups guno why not admit the failings of your own group?

Massacre of Christians: Historians back BBC over Jewish massacre claim | The Jewish Chronicle and Texts on Bar Kochba: Eusebius

Killing babies: Fact Sheet on Peter Singer | Independent Living Institute

Betraying the country: Harry Dexter White - Conservapedia
Many other Jewish people (Koval, Silverman, the Rosenbergs) served Stalin and betrayed their country.

Killing millions: Stalin's Jews

Exploiting the peasants: The Revolutionary Jew

Some of the Young Turks, who massacred millions, were Jewish: Young Turks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Enslaving people to drugs for profit: Hong Kong, the Land Built on Opium

More rape and murder: An Interview with Benny Morris

Banksters: The Great American Bubble Machine | Rolling Stone

More corruption: Top NY Lawmaker Arrested By FBI On Corruption Charges
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Must be that is where "predestination comes from" , pretty much the same as being the "chosen ones".
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OP< should probably have titled it something more specific to the specific scam. Way it reads it makes it seem like it's all a scam. ;)
Sounds like the Sam Kinison story,
and we saw how that worked out for him.


Umm shouldn't you just post those found guilty and not those merely charged? What happened to fair justice or do you hate mongers just hang Jews and Black people and Hispanics without trials?
Outlining the charges, Silver was accused of “using the power and influence of his official position to obtain for himself millions of dollars of bribes and kickbacks masked as legitimate income.”
Hmmm common for the position no matter what the
ethnicity. But problematic is the people involved in those bribes & kickbacks are all Majority Christian.
Since majority jail cells have people with cross tatoos necklaces and earings your logic and use of small sample sizes bites you in te behind.
Especially when you mention the Catholic Stalin.
You keep displacing blame and try and excuse the Baal scams by redirecting focus off the scamers,but why side with the evil and protect it?
Your reply had nothing to do eith evangelists taking advantage of the senile ederly or mentally unbalanced or emotionally stressed.
In fact if you had all listened to Jews then Stalin and his incidents would have never existed.
This was already discussed so you are knowingly rehashing your lost arguments=exposing your hate and fear and feelings of inadequacy.

You traped yourself because you blame a whole group for the acts of a gov't that makes your excuses on what the church or gov'ts have done equate to you & your faith being blamed
Like I said it was Judaism that warned you about people like Stalin
which brings us to how they warned you and your refusal to listen through the false prophets caused the most murders.
The greatest maniacs though history who have done such horrible things to humanity and nature the tops ones have all been political prisoners none are Jewish so Thunderbird is outted as a liar with a motive to lie.
Now they call Zarquawi such a top maniac and his biography says he was a political prisoner, so add another one to the list.

The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus(who was not Saul/thus not Jewish),
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Zarquawi, and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiite his opposition supporters.
Thunderbirds comments Busted!
The greatest murderers were political prisoners and Judaism tried to save us while the church supressed those rules allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities s8nce the Nazis learned their hate from the synods and mimicked them as did the Jihadist who learned them from the nazis. Thunderbird =epic fail!
Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners.
The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his new icon name.
Many evan scammers, they learned it from the jews.

Jews taught against this Baal scam, therefore you got caught lying and displacing blame over your hatred of those busting what your forefathers did and left us.
Canaanites worshiped Baal and Shalem, Jews are those who chose Shalem (completeness & wholness) through the Melchi Tsadek who taught them righteousness.
Small anount of them fell back to the baal scams inthe same way many fell away from baal worship this happens in all religions but you can't grpup everyone together for the falling away of a few therefore your statement is miss proportionate and outright dreadful a lie= failed argument displacing blame again because Christianity chose Baal worship hiddenbehind the mask of a new image one which you are claiming is Baal so your own argument defeats yourself. Brilliant propaganda, you are supposed to attack me not yourself.
Evangelist post gets displaced off topic while never addressing the sin and scam. Instead it's protected by standard hate, antisemitism, propaganda and tries to hide or validate the sin instead of chastising it or proper Teshuva. Hence why it's alliwed to exist for so long because instead of addressing the scam they chose to kill the people who exposed the magic trick.

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