The bots Tweet

bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

Please prove you are not a bot.

prove you're not a Russian

I am Russian. LOL

Well my ancestors were
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

8 U.S. Intelligence Groups Blame Russia for Meddling, but Trump Keeps Clouding the Picture

And obummers admin says that no interference occurred. No votes were changed, and there was no MEASURABLE impact.
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

8 U.S. Intelligence Groups Blame Russia for Meddling, but Trump Keeps Clouding the Picture

If people were influenced by online adds then they are weak constitutionally
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?
Why didn't the last administration fix the "problem"? It happened on their watch.
I think they kicked out half the Russian diplomats, as well as some of their embassies here.
Trump dragged his feet on sanctions against Russia for interfering, and Congress finally did it on their own.
What has he done?
and BOARD Russians keep clouding the picture JUST like Trump did -
Why didn't the last administration fix the "problem"? It happened on their watch.
If really deep, deep in your heart you believed that voicing your opinions on politics would not persuade someone else to see things your way, you would not be here.
Why didn't the last administration fix the "problem"? It happened on their watch.

why dont you try and keep up

Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for US election hacking

And they did NOTHING to secure the US voting systems. They didn't even bother to warn the State election people of what the Russians were doing.

Pull your head out of your ass for a moment so you can realize that obummer was long on optics, but real, real short on substance
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it. Look at how many people believed a life-long democrat from NY who was born into money and literally never earned anything on his own from scratch was somehow the best person to relate to the struggles of middle america and the working class.
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

8 U.S. Intelligence Groups Blame Russia for Meddling, but Trump Keeps Clouding the Picture

If people were influenced by online adds then they are weak constitutionally

And apparently they voted for Trump.

Thanks for making that easy.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

8 U.S. Intelligence Groups Blame Russia for Meddling, but Trump Keeps Clouding the Picture

If people were influenced by online adds then they are weak constitutionally

And apparently they voted for Trump.

Thanks for making that easy.

Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

8 U.S. Intelligence Groups Blame Russia for Meddling, but Trump Keeps Clouding the Picture

If people were influenced by online adds then they are weak constitutionally

And apparently they voted for Trump.

Thanks for making that easy.

Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause

It's you Einsteins that believe those weird conspiracy theories the Russians have been pushing. If it swung an election, feel proud.

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