The bots Tweet

And apparently they voted for Trump.

Thanks for making that easy.

Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause

It's you Einsteins that believe those weird conspiracy theories the Russians have been pushing. If it swung an election, feel proud.

Unlike you I dont feel Americans are that easily swayed. Online ads had very little if anything to do with their final decisions.

Prove it.

In the meantime, you idiots have been spreading the very same conspiracy theories the Russians have.

I have to prove a negative? Prove they did influence the votes. Keep in mind both Clinton and Trump were well known celebrities. Use common sense. I know It’s tough for you.

There isn't a measure that exists to gauge whether Russia's campaign worked or not and I'm not stating emphatically that it did. However where Russia targeted their social media ads is exactly where Clinton under performed. Also, as I posted previously, the lies Russians told ended up being carried by many on the right, like pizzagate.

And as the post above this one points out, online ads exist because they work.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.
If you understood how it works, you wouldn't be questioning the "influence" it has on social media. Maybe it didn't affect you, because you are too rigid in your beliefs to change an opinion, no matter what you're told, but it affects plenty of others.

Prove it!

The Billions of dollars that are spent on ads every year is proof enough that it works.

Especially since the Presidency is such a hot consumer item......nyet goofball!
Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause

It's you Einsteins that believe those weird conspiracy theories the Russians have been pushing. If it swung an election, feel proud.

Unlike you I dont feel Americans are that easily swayed. Online ads had very little if anything to do with their final decisions.

Prove it.

In the meantime, you idiots have been spreading the very same conspiracy theories the Russians have.

I have to prove a negative? Prove they did influence the votes. Keep in mind both Clinton and Trump were well known celebrities. Use common sense. I know It’s tough for you.

There isn't a measure that exists to gauge whether Russia's campaign worked or not and I'm not stating emphatically that it did. However where Russia targeted their social media ads is exactly where Clinton under performed. Also, as I posted previously, the lies Russians told ended up being carried by many on the right, like pizzagate.

And as the post above this one points out, online ads exist because they work.

Clinton was a weak candidate with or without the Russians. She got smacked in the debates by Trump. And many Sanders supporters turned on her as they thought he should have had the nod.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.

Clearly you don't if you can't comprehend how people can be influenced by something that hear over and over again.

You're a moron if you work in the ad industry but can't grasp this concept.

So are you saying there is a chance to change your mind?
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.

Clearly you don't if you can't comprehend how people can be influenced by something that hear over and over again.

Only people who are weak-minded fools.

You're a moron if you work in the ad industry but can't grasp this concept.[/QUOTE]

I don't work in the ad industry.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.
If you understood how it works, you wouldn't be questioning the "influence" it has on social media. Maybe it didn't affect you, because you are too rigid in your beliefs to change an opinion, no matter what you're told, but it affects plenty of others.

Weak-minded fools, redux.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.

Clearly you don't if you can't comprehend how people can be influenced by something that hear over and over again.

You're a moron if you work in the ad industry but can't grasp this concept.

And what exactly did people hear over and over again that would make them change their vote?
Personally I cant think of a single thing whether heard over and over again or not that would make me vote dem.
If people were influenced by online adds then they are weak constitutionally

And apparently they voted for Trump.

Thanks for making that easy.

Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause

It's you Einsteins that believe those weird conspiracy theories the Russians have been pushing. If it swung an election, feel proud.

Unlike you I dont feel Americans are that easily swayed. Online ads had very little if anything to do with their final decisions.

Prove it.

In the meantime, you idiots have been spreading the very same conspiracy theories the Russians have.

Name them.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.
If you understood how it works, you wouldn't be questioning the "influence" it has on social media. Maybe it didn't affect you, because you are too rigid in your beliefs to change an opinion, no matter what you're told, but it affects plenty of others.

Prove it!

The Billions of dollars that are spent on ads every year is proof enough that it works.

LMAO. Marketing doesn’t always work. Ask Tab and New Coke.
Anyone here change their vote due to Russian influence? Did you suddenly find yourself liking borscht and old Boris and Natasha cartoons?

That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.
If you understood how it works, you wouldn't be questioning the "influence" it has on social media. Maybe it didn't affect you, because you are too rigid in your beliefs to change an opinion, no matter what you're told, but it affects plenty of others.

Prove it!

The Billions of dollars that are spent on ads every year is proof enough that it works.

I've never purchased anything based on an ad other than a new sandwich from burger king.
That's like asking..."Who has ever seen a commercial and the went immediately out and bought the product?"

We know you're not smart but clearly you don't know how these things work.

If you hear something enough, you will start to believe it.

Maybe you.

I have heard that Obama was the greatest president of all time ad infinitum. I still don't believe it, but it does still makes me laugh.

I know how the ad industry works, tuna. Take my word for it.
If you understood how it works, you wouldn't be questioning the "influence" it has on social media. Maybe it didn't affect you, because you are too rigid in your beliefs to change an opinion, no matter what you're told, but it affects plenty of others.

Prove it!

The Billions of dollars that are spent on ads every year is proof enough that it works.

I've never purchased anything based on an ad other than a new sandwich from burger king.

I have never even as a kid watched a lot of TV so I have never been completely inundated with ads for crap like most post-1950 Americans. I quit watching the NFL for the same reason.

I mean, why watch an inferior product that advertises more inferior products?
And obummers admin says that no interference occurred. No votes were changed, and there was no MEASURABLE impact.

NO VOTES WERE CHANGED. There was no interference with actual voting. It is also very true, as everyone here has been pointing out, that we can't measure the impact because we have no way of knowing what it would have been had the Russians not interfered with the campaigning.
And obummers admin says that no interference occurred. No votes were changed, and there was no MEASURABLE impact.

NO VOTES WERE CHANGED. There was no interference with actual voting. It is also very true, as everyone here has been pointing out, that we can't measure the impact because we have no way of knowing what it would have been had the Russians not interfered with the campaigning.

Nice try but in 2016, everyone made their choice as soon as the candidates were chosen.

As it will be in 2020, since the choice is the same.
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say
Got a hangnail, its Russian bots
Hemorrhoids making you miserable, Russian bots
Wife or girlfriend miss her monthly visitor, Russian bots
Folks more interested in another candidate, Russian bots
Tires wearing out faster than expected, Russian bots
Your brother in law welching on a bet, Russian bots
Nitwit behind the counter at Burger Palace screw up your order, Russian bots

The silliest notions to explain away crap not going as you expect...The Russkies done it.
NO VOTES WERE CHANGED. There was no interference with actual voting. It is also very true, as everyone here has been pointing out, that we can't measure the impact because we have no way of knowing what it would have been had the Russians not interfered with the campaigning.

You do realize that this Russian "misinformation" campaign also ran operations opposing Trump? Watch the video of Rosenstein announcing the indictments of the Russians involved in the misinformation campaign, particularly at 3:45 where he describes how it cut both ways, both against Clinton and against Trump, for the purpose of creating uncertainty and mistrust.

In the same press conference, Rosenstein makes clear that "[t]here is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election."

Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause

It's you Einsteins that believe those weird conspiracy theories the Russians have been pushing. If it swung an election, feel proud.

Unlike you I dont feel Americans are that easily swayed. Online ads had very little if anything to do with their final decisions.

Prove it.

In the meantime, you idiots have been spreading the very same conspiracy theories the Russians have.

I have to prove a negative? Prove they did influence the votes. Keep in mind both Clinton and Trump were well known celebrities. Use common sense. I know It’s tough for you.

There isn't a measure that exists to gauge whether Russia's campaign worked or not and I'm not stating emphatically that it did. However where Russia targeted their social media ads is exactly where Clinton under performed. Also, as I posted previously, the lies Russians told ended up being carried by many on the right, like pizzagate.

And as the post above this one points out, online ads exist because they work.
Online ads only work when properly targeted at an audience that is receptive. IOW, the likelihood is that no one that was not already a Trump supporter was all that receptive to the BS that Russia put out.
And obummers admin says that no interference occurred. No votes were changed, and there was no MEASURABLE impact.

NO VOTES WERE CHANGED. There was no interference with actual voting. It is also very true, as everyone here has been pointing out, that we can't measure the impact because we have no way of knowing what it would have been had the Russians not interfered with the campaigning.

Do you really think that the 5000 they invested had more impact than the TWO BILLION that the shrilary spent?
And obummers admin says that no interference occurred. No votes were changed, and there was no MEASURABLE impact.

NO VOTES WERE CHANGED. There was no interference with actual voting. It is also very true, as everyone here has been pointing out, that we can't measure the impact because we have no way of knowing what it would have been had the Russians not interfered with the campaigning.

There was no interfering in any campaigning.
I haven't heard any campaign complain anyone blocked any of their messages.
bots did it in the last debate and did it this debate.

Russia is out and doing their best to spread hate, division and lies.

Watch for it to increase and be everywhere next year. They're just getting started.

Even fox news is reporting it:

Bots targeted race during Democratic debate, researchers say

8 U.S. Intelligence Groups Blame Russia for Meddling, but Trump Keeps Clouding the Picture

If people were influenced by online adds then they are weak constitutionally

And apparently they voted for Trump.

Thanks for making that easy.

Yea, imagine that, the shrilary outspent the Donald by 5 to 1 on tv ads, and the russkis,
According to you, switched their votes for a paltry 5000 bucks.

So whose votes did they change? Certainly not the brain dead progressive voters who will accept any lie told to them yet keep on voting progressive , nor the hard corp trumpy bear types, who while not brain dead are loyal, so that leaves the middle of the roaders. You know the nonpartisan types.

Thanks for calling those people stupid, that will certainly help your cause

It's you Einsteins that believe those weird conspiracy theories the Russians have been pushing. If it swung an election, feel proud.

Ummm, it's YOU who are pushing that silly narrative, cupcake.

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