The Brave Russians and their Mighty Military

No, I didn't actually. Wow, you say you were home educated? You must be one of the few that had a sub-standard education, because your logic and writing skills? ARE SUB-PAR. You are acting like a complete uneducated moron. Pay attention.

Here was your post, so there is no dispute here;

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Did you or did you not write, as your thesis, "Those "Nazis", are bleeding one of our biggest enemies out."

So do we not first, need to establish, that we agree, that the Russians are enemies to the American people, and not just enemies to the Anglo-American oligarchs and the Anglo-American elites, that are currently trying to construct a global order in their interests, and not in the interests of the little people of the world over?

I am, in fact, not sidestepping a GD thing, I am just not focusing on fucking war propaganda, death and conflict, which is what YOU want to focus on. I am in fact, focusing on the meat of the issue here. Whether or not the American people really have any enemies.

Bullshit. You don't know your facts here. This is why I asked you to give me verified links to facts. Which your post contained none of, just emotive garbage.
Our economy is far more comparable to China. Russia's economy is anemic.


". . . The United States, by contrast, has a nominal GDP of $20.89 trillion—roughly 14 times the size of Russia’s economy. And nominal GDP per capita is $63,413.

Even three U.S. states have larger GDPs than Russia: California ($3.1 trillion), Texas ($1.78 trillion) and New York ($1.7 trillion). Note that California has more than twice the GDP of Russia.

There’s more. Russia’s efforts in Ukraine are being challenged by all of the developed economies, especially the European Union in alliance with the United States. So it’s worth looking at the EU’s combined economic strength: about $15.28 trillion.

Add the U.S. and EU GDPs and you get about $35 trillion, more than 40 percent of the world GDP.. . . "

Again, nonsense.

Russia's military is strictly defensive, it was never a threat. Why do you lie? I already PROVED this, in this very thread?



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I honestly think we are done. You are obsessed with war, death and bloodshed, you need an enemy and have a annihilation death wish. Just the fact that you have this idea that ANY fascists are acceptable, is a sign you are not right in the head. I post facts to support my POV, you post nothing by hyperbole and emotive propaganda.


Those people who you claim to be Nazis. They must be nazis if YOU say they are so, am I right? So those Nazis (as proclaimed by you) are bleeding out the enemy.

Are American people, and Russian people enemies? Perhaps not. Are American and Russian governments and leaders enemies? Yes. That's all that matters. You can't sing kumbaya with the people being led by those who want to cripple us.

Again, ignore, and insult my intelligence. That's all you can do. Russia doesn't invade for "defense". That's preposterous.
If you're not following Julia Davis on Twitter you're missing great clips of Russian propagandists regularly tearing their hair out. :aargh:

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