The Brave Russians and their Mighty Military

You have it backwards here.

It is not they that are a threat to us, it is we who are being a threat to to them. Our military bases have THEIR nation surrounded.

We have pumped arms and money into a war that threatens their sovereignty, not the other way around. Otherwise? We would have peaceful relations.

It was the US and British ruling elites that sent communists into Russia, to start the Russian Revolution, to assassinate and decapitate their monarchy in the first place, because the British crown did not want to compete with the Russian aristocracy or their oligarchs.

It was the Russians and French who helped the Americans against the English and Germans in our Revolutionary war.

If it had not been for the threat of Russia, coming in on the side of the North? The English and French would have entered into the civil war on the side of the South, permanently destroying our nation.

You really have no idea, AT ALL, what you are talking about, when it comes to global politics. That much is clear. Nor do you really understand who the real enemy is.


And you know what? I don't care. We are Americans. We are allowed to do what we want because we are the good guys. Russia is the one threatening nukes. Not us. So fuck the Russians, fuck Z.
And you know what? I don't care. We are Americans. We are allowed to do what we want because we are the good guys. Russia is the one threatening nukes. Not us. So fuck the Russians, fuck Z.
Them Russians never did nothing to me !!!

The DNA of the far American left must be eradicated
And you know what? I don't care. We are Americans. We are allowed to do what we want because we are the good guys. Russia is the one threatening nukes. Not us. So fuck the Russians, fuck Z.
USA Stalin Army is the one threatening and interfering in Russia
Most russians do not support Putin
This is where you are making an unsubstantiated statement, based off of your impressions from Western propaganda. It is not based off of reality.

After Putin's speech to Russia, MOST Russians, actually understood the reason for, and support the need for a partial mobilization.

See? The difference between Ukrainian and Russia, is Russia has not banned free media, it has not banned opposition parties, nor has it outlawed men that are eligible for the draft from free movement or leaving Russia, like Ukraine has. You remember that? When the war started? Ukraine would not let eligible men leave. Duh.

Thus? It is, of course, a perfect propaganda opportunity for the west. If you have several thousand, or tens of thousands of folks leaving? Well, you can make the claim, "most Russians," do not support, with little or not statistical support of such a species claim.



SlavSquat RoundTable on Strange Things of Russo-Ukro War​

First published at 06:42 UTC on September 25th, 2022.

Most Russians, in fact, very much do, understand, that if they do not stop the Anglo-American Empire, there will be no Russia, and it will be broken up, into its constituent parts. If that happens? Everyone's living standard, in what had been the Russian federation, will decline precipitously, as global corporations that are domiciled in the west, pick the bones of what is left, while the IMF comes in, and rapes the land.

The rest? They are free to flee like cowards before the approaching barbarians. Most of the folks in Russia know that the lines of cars are soy cucks anyway, and aren't worth a damn for defending the mother land, so meh, they are just letting them go. . .

I honestly can't believe the propaganda and jingoism is making so many Americans SO dumb. :rolleyes:
Show me the quote.
"To those who allow themselves such statements regarding Russia, I want to remind you that our country has various means of destruction, and for separate components and more modern than those of NATO countries, and when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, to protect Russia and our people, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal,"

- Putin, last Wednesday.
"To those who allow themselves such statements regarding Russia, I want to remind you that our country has various means of destruction, and for separate components and more modern than those of NATO countries, and when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, to protect Russia and our people, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal,"

- Putin, last Wednesday.
So, it is your contention, that Russia does not have the right to defend itself, is that it?
Believe me , these leftist would love to eliminate you

Confed is an idealist!! He is either on our side or will have to be “put down “
Disagree ???
This is not a flavor of different ice cream

I am old and tired 😴

They must be scorched from Earth , itself
I am older, and more tired.

If they are only engaged in rhetoric, they must be tolerated.

That is our cherished First Amendment. If you don't abide by that? YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS UNAMERICAN!

(you sure you aren't becoming the monster here?) :dunno:

So, it is your contention, that Russia does not have the right to defend itself, is that it?

Defend itself from what? US? We aren't invading Russia, nor are our allies. However, Russia IS invading a nation that is friendly to us, so of course we are going to keep tabs on it.

Russia has the right to defend itself. but only from actual, not perceived threats. Preemptive nuclear strikes are not a permissible defense.
This is where you are making an unsubstantiated statement, based off of your impressions from Western propaganda. It is not based off of reality.

After Putin's speech to Russia, MOST Russians, actually understood the reason for, and support the need for a partial mobilization.

See? The difference between Ukrainian and Russia, is Russia has not banned free media, it has not banned opposition parties, nor has it outlawed men that are eligible for the draft from free movement or leaving Russia, like Ukraine has. You remember that? When the war started? Ukraine would not let eligible men leave. Duh.

Thus? It is, of course, a perfect propaganda opportunity for the west. If you have several thousand, or tens of thousands of folks leaving? Well, you can make the claim, "most Russians," do not support, with little or not statistical support of such a species claim.



SlavSquat RoundTable on Strange Things of Russo-Ukro War​

First published at 06:42 UTC on September 25th, 2022.

Most Russians, in fact, very much do, understand, that if they do not stop the Anglo-American Empire, there will be no Russia, and it will be broken up, into its constituent parts. If that happens? Everyone's living standard, in what had been the Russian federation, will decline precipitously, as global corporations that are domiciled in the west, pick the bones of what is left, while the IMF comes in, and rapes the land.

The rest? They are free to flee like cowards before the approaching barbarians. Most of the folks in Russia know that the lines of cars are soy cucks anyway, and aren't worth a damn for defending the mother land, so meh, they are just letting them go. . .

I honestly can't believe the propaganda and jingoism is making so many Americans SO dumb. :rolleyes:

If most russians support putin’s expansion by force policy as you claim then i am grateful gor the ones who dont
So, it is your contention, that Russia does not have the right to defend itself, is that it?
I even now
I am older, and more tired.

If they are only engaged in rhetoric, they must be tolerated.

That is our cherished First Amendment. If you don't abide by that? YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS UNAMERICAN!

(you sure you aren't becoming the monster here?) :dunno:


How dare you turn your back on me !!

You will remove your helmet and reveal your true name
Defend itself from what? US? We aren't invading Russia, nor are our allies. However, Russia IS invading a nation that is friendly to us, so of course we are going to keep tabs on it.

Russia has the right to defend itself. but only from actual, not perceived threats. Preemptive nuclear strikes are not a permissible defense.
Are we so different you and I ???

You kill when you have to as do I
Believe me , these leftist would love to eliminate you

Confed is an idealist!! He is either on our side or will have to be “put down “
My only side is that to the ideals of the Constitution, for as long as it shall last.

If someone wants to eliminate me, because they are not on that side? Then they have to answer to the law, and they were never really good Americans to begin with, were they?

If you give a thumbs down to the nation's motto? Than it is you who are an enemy of the nation, more than any "leftist," that will swear loyalty to the bill of rights.

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