The Browning of America

Black people in America, that is, the descendants of slaves, not African immigrants, will be extinct in a few more generations. They are being replaced by a different people with a different culture and that one having no connection to American slavery at all.
You're scared of Mexicans Tank?

You can smell his fear
Not at all, I love the food and their women.

I also love how they drive the blacks out of the areas they inhabit

This might be of help to you

Black people in America, that is, the descendants of slaves, not African immigrants, will be extinct in a few more generations. They are being replaced by a different people with a different culture and that one having no connection to American slavery at all.

Sounds like some wishful thinking there. :lol:

If that were ever to happen there would be no white people left to see it due to being bred out.
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In congress or in the streets, hispanics will drive blacks away.

They drove them out of my area
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Hmm, let's talk about naivety. First off, let's determine the facts. The most important fact is that the demographics of the US is changing drastically and quickly and there ain't shit you can do to stop it. Now, if you are worried about them destroying our economy, don't you think it wise that we invest plenty of money into education so that these people become well educated productive citizens rather than free loaders?

The problem is that those like you actually believe we can just deport all of them, even the legal ones, and keep this country "white". Well, that ain't a happenin my friend, so you better come up with some substantive ideas as to how we make these people and all Americans productive taxpayers rather than moochers.
Don't talk down to me, Bozo. You don't have any idea what I believe.

The Bozo is you based on what you posted. And I will talk to you as I please.
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Hmm, let's talk about naivety. First off, let's determine the facts. The most important fact is that the demographics of the US is changing drastically and quickly and there ain't shit you can do to stop it. Now, if you are worried about them destroying our economy, don't you think it wise that we invest plenty of money into education so that these people become well educated productive citizens rather than free loaders?

The problem is that those like you actually believe we can just deport all of them, even the legal ones, and keep this country "white". Well, that ain't a happenin my friend, so you better come up with some substantive ideas as to how we make these people and all Americans productive taxpayers rather than moochers.
Yea, this serf needs to accept his displacement and lower standard of living for increased profits and productivity, in the name of diversity

You think more hispanics will make America "stronger", and you call me delusional :lol:

You're scared of Mexicans Tank?

You can smell his fear

Look, there are two sides to this. If we do not make certain these people become well educated and we just expect them to be day laborers, then we are going to have a big problem. The fact is that Hispanics as a whole are poorer, and that makes it more difficult for them to improve themselves. We have seen this with the black community for a very long time. While it is true that some of it is on them, we need to make the opportunities available for them to be able to take advantage of them, and we must see that they do take advantage of them, or we do risk seeing everyone's standard of living reduced on the whole.
Hmm, let's talk about naivety. First off, let's determine the facts. The most important fact is that the demographics of the US is changing drastically and quickly and there ain't shit you can do to stop it. Now, if you are worried about them destroying our economy, don't you think it wise that we invest plenty of money into education so that these people become well educated productive citizens rather than free loaders?

The problem is that those like you actually believe we can just deport all of them, even the legal ones, and keep this country "white". Well, that ain't a happenin my friend, so you better come up with some substantive ideas as to how we make these people and all Americans productive taxpayers rather than moochers.
Don't talk down to me, Bozo. You don't have any idea what I believe.

The Bozo is you based on what you posted. And I will talk to you as I please.
Dude, you're a fucking idiot if you can't see that 13 million illegals receiving welfare, social security (never having paid a dime into it), and free health care for themselves and their 9 kids are ruining our economy. Your's is a special kind of stupid.

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