The Browning of America

You're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Since when is Mexican American? It's Mexican. Black culture is southern American culture shared by whites and blacks and rooted in the mixing of European and African influences. Blacks who segregate themselves in regions beyond the south and maintain that southern heritage call it black. It's just southern. You're brainwashed.

You must not be too intelligent. Mexican has always been American since the day the continents were named. American is not confined to the US. It includes Canada all the way down to Tierra Del Fuego. That how I know you mean white american. In your smugness you assume only the US can be American. You're the one that is brainwashed. If the Black culture was the same why are you saying we need to assimilate?
Give it up already. We all know you're nothing but a racist, pure and simple fact. you hate any and all whites who don't drink the leftist koolaid, you hate Conservative blacks because they ain't "down for da cause" and you think to be a real black is to be living in the ghetto chugging 40s and smoking pot.

Geez!! Another retard that thinks they know something about what I think. You clowns make me laugh everyday. :lol:
Something Asswipe hasn't thought about. The white race includes white women. If you rub out the white race, who are you guys gonna rape and sexually harass? Careful what you wish for.
American is just code for white. Dont be coy about it. Black culture is American so what do you mean by we dont assimilate? Same thing goes for Mexicans. You dont dictate what American culture is to people. Thinking you can do that is your main problem.
You're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Since when is Mexican American? It's Mexican. Black culture is southern American culture shared by whites and blacks and rooted in the mixing of European and African influences. Blacks who segregate themselves in regions beyond the south and maintain that southern heritage call it black. It's just southern. You're brainwashed.

You must not be too intelligent. Mexican has always been American since the day the continents were named. American is not confined to the US. It includes Canada all the way down to Tierra Del Fuego. That how I know you mean white american. In your smugness you assume only the US can be American. You're the one that is brainwashed. If the Black culture was the same why are you saying we need to assimilate?
Who is 'we'?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just being obtuse. When people say Americans they are referring to the citizens of the USA. When they are referring to the continents of the Western Hemisphere they are more specific when referring to non-USA regions or countries.
With that re-explained, assimilated American culture is not predicated on skin color or ethnicity. However, segregationist American culture, whether it be white supremacists or self segregating blacks or highspanics, IS rooted in skin color and ethnicity. You're playing into the latter.
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What I find amusing and a bit arrogant is how the left seems to just assume Hispanics will vote Democrat while the Hispanic vote did go to Obama in 2008 and 2012 it went to Bush in 2000 and 2004 the Hispanic community wisely does not lock it's self into either party something both would be wise to remember.
What I find amusing and a bit arrogant is how the left seems to just assume Hispanics will vote Democrat while the Hispanic vote did go to Obama in 2008 and 2012 it went to Bush in 2000 and 2004 the Hispanic community wisely does not lock it's self into either party something both would be wise to remember.

There shouldn't even be a highspanic community. That's a lefty segregation play. People of Spanish speaking culture used to assimilate and Andreas became Andy, Jose became Joe, Miguel became Mike, etc. But as assimilation for highspanics is discouraged and as illegal immigrants are allowed to increase and be counted as victims, democrats will continue to successfully corral highspanics as a victim voting block the way they have with blacks. Sad to say.
What I find amusing and a bit arrogant is how the left seems to just assume Hispanics will vote Democrat while the Hispanic vote did go to Obama in 2008 and 2012 it went to Bush in 2000 and 2004 the Hispanic community wisely does not lock it's self into either party something both would be wise to remember.

There shouldn't even be a highspanic community. That's a lefty segregation play. People of Spanish speaking culture used to assimilate and Andreas became Andy, Jose became Joe, Miguel became Mike, etc. But as assimilation for highspanics is discouraged and as illegal immigrants are allowed to increase and be counted as victims, democrats will continue to successfully corral highspanics as a victim voting block the way they have with blacks. Sad to say.
This is an interesting claim. Can you support that with empirical evidence? I've never seen or heard anything like that. For example, in Manhattan, there is Spanish Harlem, which has been there for decades and decades. Who do you think settled that area? And where do you think they came from? And, across the country, there are similar neighborhoods. Where my parents lived in a bedroom community outside Portland, Oregon, there were Mexican immigrants who lived in a neighborhood dominated by other Mexicans. It is all over the country that there are Hispanic neighborhoods. And the people don't change their names: they don't Americanize their names. So, I think you just made all that up to try to support your point of view, but you have no real verifiable evidence to support it.
What I find amusing and a bit arrogant is how the left seems to just assume Hispanics will vote Democrat while the Hispanic vote did go to Obama in 2008 and 2012 it went to Bush in 2000 and 2004 the Hispanic community wisely does not lock it's self into either party something both would be wise to remember.

If Jeb Bush ran hispanics would vote for him in droves. Hispanics vote for whoever they think will give them the most. There is no party loyalty. There is only la raza loyalty. That's why cities that have Mexican leadership become corrupt with the city officials authoring themselves crippling salaries and benefits.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Hmm, let's talk about naivety. First off, let's determine the facts. The most important fact is that the demographics of the US is changing drastically and quickly and there ain't shit you can do to stop it. Now, if you are worried about them destroying our economy, don't you think it wise that we invest plenty of money into education so that these people become well educated productive citizens rather than free loaders?

The problem is that those like you actually believe we can just deport all of them, even the legal ones, and keep this country "white". Well, that ain't a happenin my friend, so you better come up with some substantive ideas as to how we make these people and all Americans productive taxpayers rather than moochers.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Hmm, let's talk about naivety. First off, let's determine the facts. The most important fact is that the demographics of the US is changing drastically and quickly and there ain't shit you can do to stop it. Now, if you are worried about them destroying our economy, don't you think it wise that we invest plenty of money into education so that these people become well educated productive citizens rather than free loaders?

The problem is that those like you actually believe we can just deport all of them, even the legal ones, and keep this country "white". Well, that ain't a happenin my friend, so you better come up with some substantive ideas as to how we make these people and all Americans productive taxpayers rather than moochers.
Yea, this serf needs to accept his displacement and lower standard of living for increased profits and productivity, in the name of diversity
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Hmm, let's talk about naivety. First off, let's determine the facts. The most important fact is that the demographics of the US is changing drastically and quickly and there ain't shit you can do to stop it. Now, if you are worried about them destroying our economy, don't you think it wise that we invest plenty of money into education so that these people become well educated productive citizens rather than free loaders?

The problem is that those like you actually believe we can just deport all of them, even the legal ones, and keep this country "white". Well, that ain't a happenin my friend, so you better come up with some substantive ideas as to how we make these people and all Americans productive taxpayers rather than moochers.
Don't talk down to me, Bozo. You don't have any idea what I believe.
What I find amusing and a bit arrogant is how the left seems to just assume Hispanics will vote Democrat while the Hispanic vote did go to Obama in 2008 and 2012 it went to Bush in 2000 and 2004 the Hispanic community wisely does not lock it's self into either party something both would be wise to remember.

There shouldn't even be a highspanic community. That's a lefty segregation play. People of Spanish speaking culture used to assimilate and Andreas became Andy, Jose became Joe, Miguel became Mike, etc. But as assimilation for highspanics is discouraged and as illegal immigrants are allowed to increase and be counted as victims, democrats will continue to successfully corral highspanics as a victim voting block the way they have with blacks. Sad to say.
This is an interesting claim. Can you support that with empirical evidence? I've never seen or heard anything like that. For example, in Manhattan, there is Spanish Harlem, which has been there for decades and decades. Who do you think settled that area? And where do you think they came from? And, across the country, there are similar neighborhoods. Where my parents lived in a bedroom community outside Portland, Oregon, there were Mexican immigrants who lived in a neighborhood dominated by other Mexicans. It is all over the country that there are Hispanic neighborhoods. And the people don't change their names: they don't Americanize their names. So, I think you just made all that up to try to support your point of view, but you have no real verifiable evidence to support it.
Where I've lived this has been the case. Even in Spanish Harlem English was learned and spoken. The segregation thing is a current generation thing. I guess you don't remember Desi Arnaz or Cesar Romero or Ernie Kovacs or a multitude of those of Latino heritage who assimilated and set examples of assimilation. Desilu studios today would be Unavision.
There shouldn't even be a highspanic community. That's a lefty segregation play. People of Spanish speaking culture used to assimilate and Andreas became Andy, Jose became Joe, Miguel became Mike, etc. But as assimilation for highspanics is discouraged and as illegal immigrants are allowed to increase and be counted as victims, democrats will continue to successfully corral highspanics as a victim voting block the way they have with blacks. Sad to say.
This is an interesting claim. Can you support that with empirical evidence? I've never seen or heard anything like that. For example, in Manhattan, there is Spanish Harlem, which has been there for decades and decades. Who do you think settled that area? And where do you think they came from? And, across the country, there are similar neighborhoods. Where my parents lived in a bedroom community outside Portland, Oregon, there were Mexican immigrants who lived in a neighborhood dominated by other Mexicans. It is all over the country that there are Hispanic neighborhoods. And the people don't change their names: they don't Americanize their names. So, I think you just made all that up to try to support your point of view, but you have no real verifiable evidence to support it.
Where I've lived this has been the case. Even in Spanish Harlem English was learned and spoken. The segregation thing is a current generation thing. I guess you don't remember Desi Arnaz or Cesar Romero or Ernie Kovacs or a multitude of those of Latino heritage who assimilated and set examples of assimilation. Desilu studios today would be Unavision.
You mention 3 people. That does not make a multitude. Essentially, you do not have any empirical evidence to back up your claim: it's all personal speculation based on assumption and a desire for something to be true but which you have no idea is true or not.
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Most of the inventions you people enjoy came from whites.
Advance math

The dumbing of our country and the sliding of the entire world into idiocy is what this is about.

Thats the problem with white people like you. You got those things because you were taught the basics from other cultures and you have been in power for the last 500 or so years. If all white people died out the world would keep on moving complete with new inventions and everything. Trust me you are nothing special.
You're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Since when is Mexican American? It's Mexican. Black culture is southern American culture shared by whites and blacks and rooted in the mixing of European and African influences. Blacks who segregate themselves in regions beyond the south and maintain that southern heritage call it black. It's just southern. You're brainwashed.

You must not be too intelligent. Mexican has always been American since the day the continents were named. American is not confined to the US. It includes Canada all the way down to Tierra Del Fuego. That how I know you mean white american. In your smugness you assume only the US can be American. You're the one that is brainwashed. If the Black culture was the same why are you saying we need to assimilate?
Who is 'we'?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just being obtuse. When people say Americans they are referring to the citizens of the USA. When they are referring to the continents of the Western Hemisphere they are more specific when referring to non-USA regions or countries.
With that re-explained, assimilated American culture is not predicated on skin color or ethnicity. However, segregationist American culture, whether it be white supremacists or self segregating blacks or highspanics, IS rooted in skin color and ethnicity. You're playing into the latter.

"We" are the people you defined as needing to assimilate. News flash. You need to assimilate and get with the program that no one needs to assimilate to anything. Again I ask if Black culture is American culture why do we need to assimilate?

Who are these people that say these things and what makes what they say the gospel? I know people that are incensed at the notion they are not American because they dont live in the geographic United States of America. Thanks for reexplaining your position but you are wrong.

What exactly is American culture? Can you put a definition on it and explain to me how it has nothing to do with skin color?
The only brown group that falls in line with the OP's theory is the unfortunate home grown BLACK demographic...because they were unfortunate enough to be corralled and brainwashed by racist dems decades ago.

Your ignorance is well noted

That's ok keep wearing your ignorance lie a badge of honor

The White Man’s Last Tantrum?

In effect, we are seeing the implementation of a principle enunciated by conservative thinker William F. Buckley in 1957: “The white community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically.” Except now the Buckley rule is being applied nationally.

The problem for the christian whites are they cannot stop the shift , hence the major crapping their pants

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