The Browning of America

The End of White America

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation. :D:boohoo:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic
The color of skin is the concern of hardcore neocon lefty democrats like yourself. The real question is about whether the people, regardless of heritage or skin color, will assimilate. But you ultra conservative lefties are so blinded by your bigoted, racist segregation tactics that you fail to see how moot skin color is regarding assimilation. If you continue with your segregationist ways you won't see any browning. You'll just see more Balkanization and division and ultimate collapse.

I think thats where your problem lies. No one needs to assimilate. If you want to be white be my guest but dont presume to tell me I have to value the same things you do. There are certain things (generally speaking) that whites value I just dont get nor agree with. You don't like that then tough.
I don't know why black people would be cheering the prospect of Mexicans overrunning the U.S. Most Mexicans hate blacks. The black race is already in decline, thanks to Planned Parenthood and all their ghetto clinics. If Mexicans take over the country, blacks will never get to see Whitey become extinct because they'll be the first ones to go.

Boy are you off base and in for a big surprise. :lol:
I don't know why black people would be cheering the prospect of Mexicans overrunning the U.S. Most Mexicans hate blacks. The black race is already in decline, thanks to Planned Parenthood and all their ghetto clinics. If Mexicans take over the country, blacks will never get to see Whitey become extinct because they'll be the first ones to go.

Boy are you off base and in for a big surprise. :lol:
I live in an area where Mexicans are the majority and believe me, they hate you. You'll be begging for Whitey to save your ass before it's over.
I really don't care what "averaged color" America becomes. It's the character that matters - but for Racists such as guno, humanity is only skin deep.
I don't know why black people would be cheering the prospect of Mexicans overrunning the U.S. Most Mexicans hate blacks. The black race is already in decline, thanks to Planned Parenthood and all their ghetto clinics. If Mexicans take over the country, blacks will never get to see Whitey become extinct because they'll be the first ones to go.

Boy are you off base and in for a big surprise. :lol:
I live in an area where Mexicans are the majority and believe me, they hate you. You'll be begging for Whitey to save your ass before it's over.

I grew up with Mexicans dude. Whatever makes you sleep better though. :lol:
Boy are you off base and in for a big surprise. :lol:
I live in an area where Mexicans are the majority and believe me, they hate you. You'll be begging for Whitey to save your ass before it's over.

I grew up with Mexicans dude. Whatever makes you sleep better though. :lol:
They don't hate the gay ones because they don't try to hit on their women. That would explain them giving you a pass, eh?
I live in an area where Mexicans are the majority and believe me, they hate you. You'll be begging for Whitey to save your ass before it's over.

I grew up with Mexicans dude. Whatever makes you sleep better though. :lol:
They don't hate the gay ones because they don't try to hit on their women. That would explain them giving you a pass, eh?

Thats funny. I've had several of my homies try to hook me up with their sisters but had to say no because I dont mess with my friends relatives. You must live somewhere weird or you are just having wishful thinking. I think you are really clueless on the level of animosity Mexicans have towards whites vs towards Blacks. Like I said you are in for one hell of a surprise. :lol:
I grew up with Mexicans dude. Whatever makes you sleep better though. :lol:
They don't hate the gay ones because they don't try to hit on their women. That would explain them giving you a pass, eh?

Thats funny. I've had several of my homies try to hook me up with their sisters but had to say no because I dont mess with my friends relatives. You must live somewhere weird or you are just having wishful thinking. I think you are really clueless on the level of animosity Mexicans have towards whites vs towards Blacks. Like I said you are in for one hell of a surprise. :lol:
Two lies in one sentence.

First lie:
They would never try to hook up a black man (or any other race) with their sisters.

Second lie:
You wouldn't have turned them down for that reason.
The End of White America

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation. :D:boohoo:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic
The color of skin is the concern of hardcore neocon lefty democrats like yourself. The real question is about whether the people, regardless of heritage or skin color, will assimilate. But you ultra conservative lefties are so blinded by your bigoted, racist segregation tactics that you fail to see how moot skin color is regarding assimilation. If you continue with your segregationist ways you won't see any browning. You'll just see more Balkanization and division and ultimate collapse.

I think thats where your problem lies. No one needs to assimilate. If you want to be white be my guest but dont presume to tell me I have to value the same things you do. There are certain things (generally speaking) that whites value I just dont get nor agree with. You don't like that then tough.

You illustrate the problem by equating assimilated American to white.
I don't assimilate to white. I assimilate to American. It has no skin color predicate. It speaks the dialect of the region, the result of years of various cultural influence.
Black speaks one American dialect regardless of region -- in the name of skin color -- that which is rooted in the south and commonly shared by assimilated people of that region, mostly whites and other blacks. Black's alleged diversity is really segregation, rooted in skin color. Highspanic is merely those of Spanish speaking cultures refusing or being encouraged not to assimilate.
They don't hate the gay ones because they don't try to hit on their women. That would explain them giving you a pass, eh?

Thats funny. I've had several of my homies try to hook me up with their sisters but had to say no because I dont mess with my friends relatives. You must live somewhere weird or you are just having wishful thinking. I think you are really clueless on the level of animosity Mexicans have towards whites vs towards Blacks. Like I said you are in for one hell of a surprise. :lol:
Two lies in one sentence.

First lie:
They would never try to hook up a black man (or any other race) with their sisters.

Second lie:
You wouldn't have turned them down for that reason.

At this point I see you are reduced to pretending you know my experiences and code of conduct. Feel free to dream up whatever you want in order to feel ok.
The color of skin is the concern of hardcore neocon lefty democrats like yourself. The real question is about whether the people, regardless of heritage or skin color, will assimilate. But you ultra conservative lefties are so blinded by your bigoted, racist segregation tactics that you fail to see how moot skin color is regarding assimilation. If you continue with your segregationist ways you won't see any browning. You'll just see more Balkanization and division and ultimate collapse.

I think thats where your problem lies. No one needs to assimilate. If you want to be white be my guest but dont presume to tell me I have to value the same things you do. There are certain things (generally speaking) that whites value I just dont get nor agree with. You don't like that then tough.

You illustrate the problem by equating assimilated American to white.
I don't assimilate to white. I assimilate to American. It has no skin color predicate. It speaks the dialect of the region, the result of years of various cultural influence.
Black speaks one American dialect regardless of region -- in the name of skin color -- that which is rooted in the south and commonly shared by assimilated people of that region, mostly whites and other blacks. Black's alleged diversity is really segregation, rooted in skin color. Highspanic is merely those of Spanish speaking cultures refusing or being encouraged not to assimilate.

American is just code for white. Dont be coy about it. Black culture is American so what do you mean by we dont assimilate? Same thing goes for Mexicans. You dont dictate what American culture is to people. Thinking you can do that is your main problem. latina daughter in law and my granddaughter and grandson would be interested in your theory that America = White.

Immigrants come here because they approve of and want to be a part of what America is...and America is Christian and capitalist. At least that lifestyle is what they are pursuing.

Many of them have already had a nose full of socialism and have no interest in engaging in it here. You elitist racist pukes on the left think they'll just fall in after you. And you're so wrong.
I think thats where your problem lies. No one needs to assimilate. If you want to be white be my guest but dont presume to tell me I have to value the same things you do. There are certain things (generally speaking) that whites value I just dont get nor agree with. You don't like that then tough.

You illustrate the problem by equating assimilated American to white.
I don't assimilate to white. I assimilate to American. It has no skin color predicate. It speaks the dialect of the region, the result of years of various cultural influence.
Black speaks one American dialect regardless of region -- in the name of skin color -- that which is rooted in the south and commonly shared by assimilated people of that region, mostly whites and other blacks. Black's alleged diversity is really segregation, rooted in skin color. Highspanic is merely those of Spanish speaking cultures refusing or being encouraged not to assimilate.

American is just code for white. Dont be coy about it. Black culture is American so what do you mean by we dont assimilate? Same thing goes for Mexicans. You dont dictate what American culture is to people. Thinking you can do that is your main problem.
You're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Since when is Mexican American? It's Mexican. Black culture is southern American culture shared by whites and blacks and rooted in the mixing of European and African influences. Blacks who segregate themselves in regions beyond the south and maintain that southern heritage call it black. It's just southern. You're brainwashed.
The only brown group that falls in line with the OP's theory is the unfortunate home grown BLACK demographic...because they were unfortunate enough to be corralled and brainwashed by racist dems decades ago.
Our bright brown future. I expect much science and progress.

You illustrate the problem by equating assimilated American to white.
I don't assimilate to white. I assimilate to American. It has no skin color predicate. It speaks the dialect of the region, the result of years of various cultural influence.
Black speaks one American dialect regardless of region -- in the name of skin color -- that which is rooted in the south and commonly shared by assimilated people of that region, mostly whites and other blacks. Black's alleged diversity is really segregation, rooted in skin color. Highspanic is merely those of Spanish speaking cultures refusing or being encouraged not to assimilate.

American is just code for white. Dont be coy about it. Black culture is American so what do you mean by we dont assimilate? Same thing goes for Mexicans. You dont dictate what American culture is to people. Thinking you can do that is your main problem.
You're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Since when is Mexican American? It's Mexican. Black culture is southern American culture shared by whites and blacks and rooted in the mixing of European and African influences. Blacks who segregate themselves in regions beyond the south and maintain that southern heritage call it black. It's just southern. You're brainwashed.

You must not be too intelligent. Mexican has always been American since the day the continents were named. American is not confined to the US. It includes Canada all the way down to Tierra Del Fuego. That how I know you mean white american. In your smugness you assume only the US can be American. You're the one that is brainwashed. If the Black culture was the same why are you saying we need to assimilate?
Fucking Canadians.

No, you are NOT American. You may live on the North American CONTINENT...but that does not make you an American, i.e., a citizen of the United States of AMERICA...

American is just code for white. Dont be coy about it. Black culture is American so what do you mean by we dont assimilate? Same thing goes for Mexicans. You dont dictate what American culture is to people. Thinking you can do that is your main problem.
You're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Since when is Mexican American? It's Mexican. Black culture is southern American culture shared by whites and blacks and rooted in the mixing of European and African influences. Blacks who segregate themselves in regions beyond the south and maintain that southern heritage call it black. It's just southern. You're brainwashed.

You must not be too intelligent. Mexican has always been American since the day the continents were named. American is not confined to the US. It includes Canada all the way down to Tierra Del Fuego. That how I know you mean white american. In your smugness you assume only the US can be American. You're the one that is brainwashed. If the Black culture was the same why are you saying we need to assimilate?
Give it up already. We all know you're nothing but a racist, pure and simple fact. you hate any and all whites who don't drink the leftist koolaid, you hate Conservative blacks because they ain't "down for da cause" and you think to be a real black is to be living in the ghetto chugging 40s and smoking pot.
Likewise, citizens of Mexico may be native to SOUTH America, but they are also not Americans, because Americans are citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

You will find no Brazilians, Argentinians, Ecuadorians, Guatamalens....who call themselves "American" unless they are LIVING IN, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Now get the fuck out of here, loser.

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