The Browning of America

You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

Sounds exactly like slavery and Jim Crow to me if you reverse the white and black/brown.
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No one wants to "restrict voting" beyond restricting it to US citizens legally authorized to vote. You already got your DNC merit badge in 'Disinformation and Lies' kid, you can relax now.

Really? reading comprehension difficulties?
This what dennyo Proposed

"I am thinking it would be a good policy to restrict voting to those who have paid income taxes (by "paid" I mean the net picture after filing) for three consecutive years. The larger concern to me is not the racial makeup of the new American nation but its productivity. I am just as down on a white druggie sponging off society as an Hispanic gang banger. Neither of these should vote.

If you look back at history, there were rules at one time restricting to the vote to one who owned a certain level of property. So, there is a legal precedent to deviate from the "one man one vote" slogan that has become some kind of a mantra among those who want to stick with the radical democracy now in effect."
If you look back at history, there were rules at one time restricting to the vote to one who owned a certain level of property. So, there is a legal precedent to deviate from the "one man one vote" slogan that has become some kind of a mantra among those who want to stick with the radical democracy now in effect."

If you look back at history, you will see that it is the democrat party that has the shameful legacy of doing everything legal and illegal they could to deny the vote to black Americans.
If you look back at history, there were rules at one time restricting to the vote to one who owned a certain level of property. So, there is a legal precedent to deviate from the "one man one vote" slogan that has become some kind of a mantra among those who want to stick with the radical democracy now in effect."

If you look back at history, you will see that it is the democrat party that has the shameful legacy of doing everything legal and illegal they could to deny the vote to black Americans.

I see what you did there. You thought people would be stupid enough to think that the Dems in history are the same Dems today. That was an utter fail.
democrats are forever trying to deny or ignore their ignoble past, but they can't because they remain essentially unchanged in character and motivation.
That explains why some Democrats founded the KKK but todays Democratics put a Black man in the White House. Go figure.
Considering that blacks have suffered more than any other group under Obama's policies, he is probably the closest thing to an Uncle Tom we have had in a long time, with George Soros pulling his strings. He's a puppet for a rich white man and blacks are so busy celebrating a black man being president, they haven't noticed he's screwing them over.
That explains why some Democrats founded the KKK but todays Democratics put a Black man in the White House. Go figure.
Considering that blacks have suffered more than any other group under Obama's policies, he is probably the closest thing to an Uncle Tom we have had in a long time, with George Soros pulling his strings. He's a puppet for a rich white man and blacks are so busy celebrating a black man being president, they haven't noticed he's screwing them over.

Thats weird. Every single Black person I know personally has seen their personal economics improve under Obama. I make more money now than I did before the POTUS was elected.
That explains why some Democrats founded the KKK but todays Democratics put a Black man in the White House. Go figure.
Considering that blacks have suffered more than any other group under Obama's policies, he is probably the closest thing to an Uncle Tom we have had in a long time, with George Soros pulling his strings. He's a puppet for a rich white man and blacks are so busy celebrating a black man being president, they haven't noticed he's screwing them over.

Thats weird. Every single Black person I know personally has seen their personal economics improve under Obama. I make more money now than I did before the POTUS was elected.
That's because the ones you know are all on welfare. I'm talking about the ones who want to work and be productive, not feed off the taxpayer. BTW, what is the black unemployment rate now?
Considering that blacks have suffered more than any other group under Obama's policies, he is probably the closest thing to an Uncle Tom we have had in a long time, with George Soros pulling his strings. He's a puppet for a rich white man and blacks are so busy celebrating a black man being president, they haven't noticed he's screwing them over.

Thats weird. Every single Black person I know personally has seen their personal economics improve under Obama. I make more money now than I did before the POTUS was elected.
That's because the ones you know are all on welfare. I'm talking about the ones who want to work and be productive, not feed off the taxpayer. BTW, what is the black unemployment rate now?

Sorry but the ones I know either own businesses or have 6 figure jobs. Those people are quite productive and probably employ low hanging fruit like yourself. BTW what is the white unemployment rate?
Thats weird. Every single Black person I know personally has seen their personal economics improve under Obama. I make more money now than I did before the POTUS was elected.
That's because the ones you know are all on welfare. I'm talking about the ones who want to work and be productive, not feed off the taxpayer. BTW, what is the black unemployment rate now?

Sorry but the ones I know either own businesses or have 6 figure jobs. Those people are quite productive and probably employ low hanging fruit like yourself. BTW what is the white unemployment rate?
A lot lower than the black unemployment rate.
That's because the ones you know are all on welfare. I'm talking about the ones who want to work and be productive, not feed off the taxpayer. BTW, what is the black unemployment rate now?

Sorry but the ones I know either own businesses or have 6 figure jobs. Those people are quite productive and probably employ low hanging fruit like yourself. BTW what is the white unemployment rate?
A lot lower than the black unemployment rate.

It should be. Most of the infrastructure is owned by whites after centuries of oppressing others. Despite your head start you still have whites that are unemployed. What would make you ask a retarded question about the Black unemployment rate then and try to attribute it to the POTUS?
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Sorry but the ones I know either own businesses or have 6 figure jobs. Those people are quite productive and probably employ low hanging fruit like yourself. BTW what is the white unemployment rate?
A lot lower than the black unemployment rate.

It should be. Most of the infrastructure is owned by whites after centuries of oppressing others. Despite your head start you still have whites that are unemployed. What would make you ask a retarded question about the Black unemployment rate then try to attribute it to the POTUS?
Because you claim blacks are doing better under Obama's policies. If he was helping blacks, wouldn't the gap be getting narrower instead of wider? And all those "business owners" you claim to know, and employ "low hanging fruit", why aren't they hiring blacks? Fact is that Obama hasn't done shit to improve ANYONE'S lives, except the ones he throws crumbs to (to keep them voting for Democrats). Y'all are still on the plantation, you're just too dumb to see it.
A lot lower than the black unemployment rate.

It should be. Most of the infrastructure is owned by whites after centuries of oppressing others. Despite your head start you still have whites that are unemployed. What would make you ask a retarded question about the Black unemployment rate then try to attribute it to the POTUS?
Because you claim blacks are doing better under Obama's policies. If he was helping blacks, wouldn't the gap be getting narrower instead of wider? And all those "business owners" you claim to know, and employ "low hanging fruit", why aren't they hiring blacks? Fact is that Obama hasn't done shit to improve ANYONE'S lives, except the ones he throws crumbs to (to keep them voting for Democrats). Y'all are still on the plantation, you're just too dumb to see it.

I think you confused yourself. You claimed the POTUS was "screwing" Black people over. I said the Black people I know and myself were actually doing better during his years. I did not attribute that to him. Let me let you in on a secret. It doesnt really matter who the POTUS is in terms of making money. You just have to know how to navigate the landscape and adjust to whatever the opportunities are. I feel sorry for low hanging fruit like you that think the POTUS actually controls your personal economy.
It should be. Most of the infrastructure is owned by whites after centuries of oppressing others. Despite your head start you still have whites that are unemployed. What would make you ask a retarded question about the Black unemployment rate then try to attribute it to the POTUS?
Because you claim blacks are doing better under Obama's policies. If he was helping blacks, wouldn't the gap be getting narrower instead of wider? And all those "business owners" you claim to know, and employ "low hanging fruit", why aren't they hiring blacks? Fact is that Obama hasn't done shit to improve ANYONE'S lives, except the ones he throws crumbs to (to keep them voting for Democrats). Y'all are still on the plantation, you're just too dumb to see it.

I think you confused yourself. You claimed the POTUS was "screwing" Black people over. I said the Black people I know and myself were actually doing better during his years. I did not attribute that to him. Let me let you in on a secret. It doesnt really matter who the POTUS is in terms of making money. You just have to know how to navigate the landscape and adjust to whatever the opportunities are. I feel sorry for low hanging fruit like you that think the POTUS actually controls your personal economy.
I know what you "said". The reality is a different story though, isn't it?
Because you claim blacks are doing better under Obama's policies. If he was helping blacks, wouldn't the gap be getting narrower instead of wider? And all those "business owners" you claim to know, and employ "low hanging fruit", why aren't they hiring blacks? Fact is that Obama hasn't done shit to improve ANYONE'S lives, except the ones he throws crumbs to (to keep them voting for Democrats). Y'all are still on the plantation, you're just too dumb to see it.

I think you confused yourself. You claimed the POTUS was "screwing" Black people over. I said the Black people I know and myself were actually doing better during his years. I did not attribute that to him. Let me let you in on a secret. It doesnt really matter who the POTUS is in terms of making money. You just have to know how to navigate the landscape and adjust to whatever the opportunities are. I feel sorry for low hanging fruit like you that think the POTUS actually controls your personal economy.
I know what you "said". The reality is a different story though, isn't it?

Your reality may be be a different story but mine is the story I gave you. You are simple minded if you think the POTUS is responsible for you having a minimum wage job. Get off your ass and improve yourself. You will find that no matter the economic climate you can still make lots of money if you are smart enough to comprehend where the opportunities are.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

The vast majority of people who live on this Earth are not what are considered white. And here's an interesting fact, "Few countries have a census category "white". I thought everyone knew that eventually there will be no 'white' race or 'white' people. Evolution will be that people will mix and blend and there will be no 'white' people but just people. When we describe people as white, we refer to skin color, hair color, & eye color. That's about it, and it is pretty meaningless. Most people who are Caucasion are not pale in skin tone, have brown eyes, and mostly have dark brown or black hair. It's just stupid and silly to worry about being 'white.' All it has to do with is skin tone.
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a great stock to buy a sure hit with the demographic shift and the rightwing crapping their pants as the browning of america continues

the bitter old white christian party members will be using these

and they will be using a lot of them

I think you confused yourself. You claimed the POTUS was "screwing" Black people over. I said the Black people I know and myself were actually doing better during his years. I did not attribute that to him. Let me let you in on a secret. It doesnt really matter who the POTUS is in terms of making money. You just have to know how to navigate the landscape and adjust to whatever the opportunities are. I feel sorry for low hanging fruit like you that think the POTUS actually controls your personal economy.
I know what you "said". The reality is a different story though, isn't it?

Your reality may be be a different story but mine is the story I gave you. You are simple minded if you think the POTUS is responsible for you having a minimum wage job. Get off your ass and improve yourself. You will find that no matter the economic climate you can still make lots of money if you are smart enough to comprehend where the opportunities are.
Yeah, sure it is. Enjoy your fantasy, welfare boy.
I know what you "said". The reality is a different story though, isn't it?

Your reality may be be a different story but mine is the story I gave you. You are simple minded if you think the POTUS is responsible for you having a minimum wage job. Get off your ass and improve yourself. You will find that no matter the economic climate you can still make lots of money if you are smart enough to comprehend where the opportunities are.
Yeah, sure it is. Enjoy your fantasy, welfare boy.

I see my philosophy about life has only served to reduced you to mindless drivel. :lol:

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