The Browning of America

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

I notice plenty of loony lefties trying to sell class warfare here. That could well be the next battleground.


The left lost the class war. If you workers get uppity, we will just import 20 million more people from Asia and Central America, and your union reps will support it, because they need to paying dues members to stay in business.
Why is it odd? If white people were to go away and there would be lines a mile long of capable people to take their place in every facet.

This is where they have it wrong, and they will refuse to see it.

It would take at least one generation, probably two, for American blacks to recover from what has been done to them by their "leaders" and by the American Left. Even if this all happened today.

They're going to have more power because of demographics, indeed. They're simply reproducing fast enough for that to happen naturally. But that increased power will not be because standards and expectations were high, not because they earned it, it will be simply numbers.

Hatred and anger and entitlement and grievance don't create excellence. They'll have to learn that first. Until that time, the decay will continue, the only question now is how far.

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Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

They're far more global-minded. I'm in my 50s. When I was a kid a married couple would buy a home and live there until they died. Their children would in all probability live within 5 miles. Now people spend an average of 7 years at one address, and families aren't just scattered across the country, but over several continents.

They're more socially oriented, thanks to the internet. Most prefer peaceful solutions to problems and they despise bullying.

They're less reliant on organized religion.

Now this last thing comes from personal observation, but from what I've seen it looks like kids aren't anywhere near as materialistic as the rest of us. Sure they like having things, but the greed is good mentality from the 80s doesn't interest them.

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

I notice plenty of loony lefties trying to sell class warfare here. That could well be the next battleground.

Class warfare has been going on since the dawn of civilization.
I thought conservatives would have us believe that racism is dead in America. Why then are you worried about what color people are, or how many of any color there are?
It is doubtful that Hispanics will accept being a permanent parasitic underclass and thus likely that they will be lost to perpetual Democrat control.

They can either vote for the Democrats, or for the people who want to send them back to from where they came.
There are Hispanics and there are Hispanics.

First, it should be remembered that "Hispania" is the name of the country known as Spain.

Take a trip there, spend some time there and count the REAL Hispanics there that look like the so-called Hispanics in North America. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

The population of Spain - the REAL Hispanics - is WHITE.

North American Hispanics - erroneously so called - are descendants of Native Americans who lost their traditions, their empires and their language, but not their unbelievable proclivity to recreate and resist assimilation.

Strange, isn't it that when a black person expresses conservative opinions and views, that person is labeled a traitor to his race, but when white people predict and celebrate their own extinction they are considered visionaries?

(My bold)

Nah, nah. Hispania is the Roman name of the entire peninsula - which includes Portugal, which is their very own country, thank you very much. & speaks their own language, to boot. See Hispania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for further detail.

You'll also see there that Islam was in much of Spain/Portugal for a good 800 years. I'm not sure if they count as White - most of the World seems to think not, but hey, maybe you're remarkably (crazy?) generous when it comes to melanin, hey? The populations intermarried, of course, & there was considerable conversion from one religion to the other - typically from Christian to Islam, as local conditions dictated. Jews also lived in Islamic Spain, & thrived there, up until Islam was driven out, & then Jewish problems began, terminating in the virtual expulsion of the Jews (& giving rise to the Spanish Inquisition - but that's another topic.)

The exact meaning of Hispanic is a hotly debated issue in the US media that pay attention to the topic. Good to have your definitive opinion on the same, ¡vale!

If by North American Hispanics you mean the descendants of Aztec, Maya & dozens of other Indigenous Peoples & Spaniards in what is now Mexico, you're quite wrong. Nahuatl & Maya & many other languages & cultures are still alive in Mexico. Their empires fell - perhaps - there are still stories of Catholic Churches erected upon the sites of native temples & sacred areas - so it's hard to tell Who won the colonial wars. Perhaps we're still in negotiations.

proclivity to recreate - hmm. Maybe you meant procreate instead of recreate? Recreation being, for instance, whacking a piñata. Just a thought. Damned pesky prefixes. Everybody has second language problems, after all ...

The name of the entire peninsula is Iberia.

Hispania (and derivatives thereof) refer to Spain. If you have received a letter from Spain or Portugal, check the stamp, and see which one will say Hispania. And don't ever dare to call the Basques Hispanics, they would not like it.

You know, the continent between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is known as America, yet not all people who live there are referred to as Americans. In fact, based on your obvious disdain for people for whom English is second language, as a chauvinistic American, you would be offended if a Canadian or a Salvadoran were called American.

Hispanic is a misnomer for Spanish speaking North American Indians just as Anglo-Saxon would be for English speaking Mohawks or Navajos.
Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.
That is an odd thing to say about what is clearly the most productive race inside the US. That may not be a fact that youre fond of, but it isnt debatable either. Maybe you should think before you go talking shit.

Why is it odd? If white people were to go away and there would be lines a mile long of capable people to take their place in every facet.
I don't think he was talking about drug dealers and pimps.
They're going to have more power because of demographics, indeed. They're simply reproducing fast enough for that to happen naturally.

Who is? No demographic group is reproducing all that fast in America today.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

Get rid of the Democrats in Washington and this problem goes away......

Just sayin..
It will be what one makes it, I see in young people , not the animosity on race as the older generations

sure there will be groups and religions in parts of the country that will cling to their ignorance and hate

Bottom line the demographics are shifting (fact)and people betterl adapt or eat themselves alive with hatread
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.

Hitler and Goebbels said: "Nothing can convince me that Jews are even needed".

Stalin said: "Nothing can convince me that Ukranians are even needed".

The Hutus of Rwanda said: "Nobody can convince us that Tsutsis are even needed".

Turks said the same about Armenians.

Your asinine comment gives encouragement to those who would revel in genocide.

Are you a Muslim saying that nobody can convince you that people who are not beholden to a pedophile terrorist are not even needed?
For Republicans struggling to understand their defeat at the polls, the most chilling statistic in this week’s presidential election was this: Mitt Romney won the biggest share of the white vote that any Republican White House contender ever has — and he still lost.
In an election battle that was defined as much as anything by race, Mitt Romney won the support of 59 per cent of whites, but just 27 per cent of Latinos, 26 per cent of Asian-Americans and 6 per cent of African-Americans.
He’s not exaggerating. As the election highlighted, white America is dying — and in a quite literal sense.
Death of white America: How will US adapt to millions of black and Hispanic voters who put Obama back into power | Mail Online

I am thinking it would be a good policy to restrict voting to those who have paid income taxes (by "paid" I mean the net picture after filing) for three consecutive years. The larger concern to me is not the racial makeup of the new American nation but its productivity. I am just as down on a white druggie sponging off society as an Hispanic gang banger. Neither of these should vote.

If you look back at history, there were rules at one time restricting to the vote to one who owned a certain level of property. So, there is a legal precedent to deviate from the "one man one vote" slogan that has become some kind of a mantra among those who want to stick with the radical democracy now in effect.
Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

I notice plenty of loony lefties trying to sell class warfare here. That could well be the next battleground.

Class warfare has been going on since the dawn of civilization.

In the US economics has taken over as the overall determining factor of how successful you will be. Up until recently it was race.
That is an odd thing to say about what is clearly the most productive race inside the US. That may not be a fact that youre fond of, but it isnt debatable either. Maybe you should think before you go talking shit.

Why is it odd? If white people were to go away and there would be lines a mile long of capable people to take their place in every facet.
I don't think he was talking about drug dealers and pimps.

I didnt think he was either. Not all white people are drug dealers and pimps.
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.

Hitler and Goebbels said: "Nothing can convince me that Jews are even needed".

Stalin said: "Nothing can convince me that Ukranians are even needed".

The Hutus of Rwanda said: "Nobody can convince us that Tsutsis are even needed".

Turks said the same about Armenians.

Your asinine comment gives encouragement to those who would revel in genocide.

Are you a Muslim saying that nobody can convince you that people who are not beholden to a pedophile terrorist are not even needed?

Good thing I'm not an advocate for genocide. Look at the stuff you quoted in your post. SJ said:

I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

Your lack of reading comprehension should embarrass you unless you agree with his statement. If you do agree I'll ask you the same question. What is it that you think will be missed if whites were to suddenly disappear?
It is doubtful that Hispanics will accept being a permanent parasitic underclass and thus likely that they will be lost to perpetual Democrat control.

They can either vote for the Democrats, or for the people who want to send them back to from where they came.

when they take over that party,and they eventually will,they will then be making its policies......and many non-Latinos may not like it....
It is doubtful that Hispanics will accept being a permanent parasitic underclass and thus likely that they will be lost to perpetual Democrat control.

They can either vote for the Democrats, or for the people who want to send them back to from where they came.

when they take over that party,and they eventually will,they will then be making its policies......and many non-Latinos may not like it....

Why do you say that? What would they do differently other level the playing field for everyone?
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.

Thats fear talking right there. Only people that know they are doing wrong worry about things like that. The operative word is friend. You play nice and people treat you nice. Amazing concept isn't it?

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