The Browning of America

So Hispanics have no interest in whites, yet we see whites and Hispanics married and raising children...

Whites being the minority, being part Native American I can say is


thats not what is being said....its the politics and policies ....Hispanics know that the party only wants their votes....they aint as stupid as the Party thinks they are....
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

legal immigrants are?.....
The surprise will come when liberals find out that except for giving them stuff hispanics have no interest in them. White libs have tax slavery to look forward to.

Do you really think a hispanic majority will fall in line? Yeah. The same time muslims go along with gay rights.

Cry me a river teacracker :eusa_boohoo:

but she is right.....Hispanics will change the Democratic party when they take it over,and they will eventually take it over.....i can see many a white Democrat leaving when that happens...

they live in some other reality...and don't believe that can ever happen to such a saintly party and people...
it will bite them one day...
Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.

you may find this hard to believe but many Mexicans are here to get away from that shit....
The far right is in denial.

so is the Democratic party Jake if they think the Hispanics believe the shit they tell them....sure some do....but a hell of a lot of them know bullshit when they see a Mexican guy i used to work with said...."hey we pick up shit,you dont think we recognize it when we see it?".....
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests.

Why "radically different political interests," other than your obvious crass, transparent desire to race-bait?

Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

They're far more global-minded. I'm in my 50s. When I was a kid a married couple would buy a home and live there until they died. Their children would in all probability live within 5 miles. Now people spend an average of 7 years at one address, and families aren't just scattered across the country, but over several continents.

They're more socially oriented, thanks to the internet. Most prefer peaceful solutions to problems and they despise bullying.

They're less reliant on organized religion.

Now this last thing comes from personal observation, but from what I've seen it looks like kids aren't anywhere near as materialistic as the rest of us. Sure they like having things, but the greed is good mentality from the 80s doesn't interest them.
Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.

America will be a better place as a multi-racial multi-cultural county. Black, Latino, white Asian and other groups

It's coming, the fear and paranoia form the right will be racketed up for a while , then it will quite [sic] down as the younger generation takes over

We are already - and have always been - a nation of many cultures and ethnicities so you can clam down, drama queen. That's "quite" enough out of you. Be "quiet" now.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests.

Why "radically different political interests," other than your obvious crass, transparent desire to race-bait?

Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

Kids didn't care about skin color yesterday either. Sexual orientation really shouldn't be a topic of consideration for kids anyway.

Still not seeing the "radically different political interests."
CaféAuLait;8973331 said:
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

(emphasis added)

You said:

"And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY"

LMAO you did not read that article at all did you?

The man never mentions Hispanics, let alone "legal Hispanics". He does however mention, Jews, Iranians, Blacks, Thai and Whites.

*still giggling*

The article is about interracial marriage.

But he had to interpret it to fit his race-baiting agenda for the day.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests.

Why "radically different political interests," other than your obvious crass, transparent desire to race-bait?

Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

They're far more global-minded. I'm in my 50s. When I was a kid a married couple would buy a home and live there until they died. Their children would in all probability live within 5 miles. Now people spend an average of 7 years at one address, and families aren't just scattered across the country, but over several continents.

They're more socially oriented, thanks to the internet. Most prefer peaceful solutions to problems and they despise bullying.

They're less reliant on organized religion.

Now this last thing comes from personal observation, but from what I've seen it looks like kids aren't anywhere near as materialistic as the rest of us. Sure they like having things, but the greed is good mentality from the 80s doesn't interest them.

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.
Life goes on despite what some dyed-in-the-wool types want.

Young people are ignoring racial and ethnic barriers.

It's a matter of growth and what has always made this a vibrant country. It will not be much longer until we have far more mixed-race politician and leaders at all levels.

Hooray. :eusa_clap:
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY
The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.

(My bold)

The rich, mountain-grown coffee, picked by the happy campesinos & their happy mules, as they toil under the happy sun, singing & dancing in their quaint native costume, happily enduring altitude sickness, chewing cocoa leaves to numb their exhaustion and hunger - all to make you happy with your McCoffee, ¡mano! & maybe some happy McChocolate sprinkles to go with - make the happy Africans' day there too ...
It is doubtful that Hispanics will accept being a permanent parasitic underclass and thus likely that they will be lost to perpetual Democrat control.

(My bold)

So, posting from the rump Habsburg Bohemia, eh? & is there any truth in your statelet's motto?

Although I do like the alliteration of permanent and perpetual. Perhaps you should work on figuring out Where is your home?
Why "radically different political interests," other than your obvious crass, transparent desire to race-bait?

Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

(My bold)

Why, Big ends over Little ends, of course! Paging Dr. Gulliver ...
Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

(My bold)

Why, Big ends over Little ends, of course! Paging Dr. Gulliver ...

Thats already in play. They need something emotional and easily apparent to view.
There are Hispanics and there are Hispanics.

First, it should be remembered that "Hispania" is the name of the country known as Spain.

Take a trip there, spend some time there and count the REAL Hispanics there that look like the so-called Hispanics in North America. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

The population of Spain - the REAL Hispanics - is WHITE.

North American Hispanics - erroneously so called - are descendants of Native Americans who lost their traditions, their empires and their language, but not their unbelievable proclivity to recreate and resist assimilation.

Strange, isn't it that when a black person expresses conservative opinions and views, that person is labeled a traitor to his race, but when white people predict and celebrate their own extinction they are considered visionaries?
Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.

America will be a better place as a multi-racial multi-cultural county. Black, Latino, white Asian and other groups

It's coming, the fear and paranoia form the right will be racketed up for a while , then it will quite down as the younger generation takes over

That certainly may be possible, but what do you base this assumption off of? Everyone living in harmony rarely takes place in the real world. The truth is, the more diverse we are, the more people fight with each other. Everyone being different isn't a good thing. That inevitably leads to fights, jealousy, self segregation, etc. Now I think we can certainly get past the color of peoples skin, but having multiple cultures that are always at odds with each other isn't so great.

Cultural diversity is quite often a bad thing. History has proven this.
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cheering for the takeover of our country by anyone (brown, black, pink, purple) is sick..but they see it as votes for a party so we might as we well face it, they are selling us out for politics and laughing you in face while doing it

take that article as an example

No one is TAKING over, its just that America will no longer be a white christian privilege country :eusa_whistle:

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