The Browning of America

Guess what, kid? That's exactly what you are doing.

he's too stupid to see he is what he accuses others of doing
hateful little troll is about all

I love watching people like you shitting their pants , scared of brown or people of color, now close your eyes and maybe reality will go away

Speaking of that;


"Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. .. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

"We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population. .. I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."


Yes, don't ya lust looove the Hispanic takeover of America;



On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro Mexican even though most lived in this country.
They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down. As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match.
The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."
Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.

Proud racism on full display. And we're told that liberals "can't" be racist.

Had situations been reversed...

Think the PC Police will jump on this one?

Just kidding.



Racism? Whats racist about that? What makes you think white people are needed? The thought white people are needed is actually what is racist.

If a white person had said that about black people, you and the rest of the PC Police would be screaming "racist" from the mountaintops.

And you know it.

Not so fun when that game is played on you, is it? Too bad.

Proud racism on full display. And we're told that liberals "can't" be racist.

Had situations been reversed...

Think the PC Police will jump on this one?

Just kidding.



Racism? Whats racist about that? What makes you think white people are needed? The thought white people are needed is actually what is racist.

If a white person had said that about black people, you and the rest of the PC Police would be screaming "racist" from the mountaintops.

And you know it.

Not so fun when that game is played on you, is it? Too bad.


I guess that was supposed to bother me? The difference is I don't go around feeling as if Black people are "needed". If all the white people dropped dead right now life would go on. What do you think would be missed if white people disappeared?
he's too stupid to see he is what he accuses others of doing
hateful little troll is about all

I love watching people like you shitting their pants , scared of brown or people of color, now close your eyes and maybe reality will go away

Speaking of that;


"Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. .. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

"We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population. .. I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."


Yes, don't ya lust looove the Hispanic takeover of America;



On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro Mexican even though most lived in this country.
They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down. As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match.
The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."

Sounds like most soccer fans to me.
Proud racism on full display. And we're told that liberals "can't" be racist.

Had situations been reversed...

Think the PC Police will jump on this one?

Just kidding.



Racism? Whats racist about that? What makes you think white people are needed? The thought white people are needed is actually what is racist.

If a white person had said that about black people, you and the rest of the PC Police would be screaming "racist" from the mountaintops.

And you know it.

Not so fun when that game is played on you, is it? Too bad.


He has long since established himself as one of the worst racists on this site, easily as bad as any of his fellow cowards who go on and on about how much they hate black people. He is their mirror image and just as vile.
So now posting an article about the demographic shift and the Browning of America is hate!!! :itsok:

You cant be too overt in your happiness white privilege is ending soon.

Whites and Jews run Mexico, Central, and South America, the browning of the US won't change this.

Yes, white proles will be bred out through mixing and population decline, those that remain will become part of the poor, socialist, teeming masses in those areas mentioned above.

More wealth and thus more political power will concentrate in the hands of rich jews and rich whites as a result of continued free trade and free movement of people.
I note that the article the OP posted but probably didn't read is far less angry and adversarial (to say nothing of racist and accusatory) as little guno-boy there wants so badly to be.

The author of the actual article drops the ball at the end of the piece where he misconstrues what conservatives are "nostalgic" for as having to do with race.
The fastest growing demographic group in the US is mixed-race (an awkward term) people.

The best thing about the trends mentioned in the article is that eventually brainless, hypocritical hysterics like little guno-boy will run out of shit to screech about.
It will be what one makes it, I see in young people , not the animosity on race as the older generations

sure there will be groups and religions in parts of the country that will cling to their ignorance and hate

Bottom line the demographics are shifting (fact)and people betterl adapt or eat themselves alive with hatread
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.
That is an odd thing to say about what is clearly the most productive race inside the US. That may not be a fact that youre fond of, but it isnt debatable either. Maybe you should think before you go talking shit.
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.
That is an odd thing to say about what is clearly the most productive race inside the US. That may not be a fact that youre fond of, but it isnt debatable either. Maybe you should think before you go talking shit.

Why is it odd? If white people were to go away and there would be lines a mile long of capable people to take their place in every facet.
Racism? Whats racist about that? What makes you think white people are needed? The thought white people are needed is actually what is racist.

If a white person had said that about black people, you and the rest of the PC Police would be screaming "racist" from the mountaintops.

And you know it.

Not so fun when that game is played on you, is it? Too bad.


He has long since established himself as one of the worst racists on this site, easily as bad as any of his fellow cowards who go on and on about how much they hate black people. He is their mirror image and just as vile.
Says the clown that blew a fuse because of my Korean ex. Pissed you off didn't it boy?
Why "radically different political interests," other than your obvious crass, transparent desire to race-bait?

Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

They're far more global-minded. I'm in my 50s. When I was a kid a married couple would buy a home and live there until they died. Their children would in all probability live within 5 miles. Now people spend an average of 7 years at one address, and families aren't just scattered across the country, but over several continents.

They're more socially oriented, thanks to the internet. Most prefer peaceful solutions to problems and they despise bullying.

They're less reliant on organized religion.

Now this last thing comes from personal observation, but from what I've seen it looks like kids aren't anywhere near as materialistic as the rest of us. Sure they like having things, but the greed is good mentality from the 80s doesn't interest them.

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

I notice plenty of loony lefties trying to sell class warfare here. That could well be the next battleground.
So now posting an article about the demographic shift and the Browning of America is hate!!! :itsok:

You cant be too overt in your happiness white privilege is ending soon.

I guess you can call me white but not christian, up until 40 years ago we Jews weren't considered white , even now the hard core racists don't consider us white. that said my family is multi racial and multi cultural and college educated, and I am so happy that America will now be getting better with no culture or religion will dominate :D
Kids today don't care about skin color or sexual orientation.

They're far more global-minded. I'm in my 50s. When I was a kid a married couple would buy a home and live there until they died. Their children would in all probability live within 5 miles. Now people spend an average of 7 years at one address, and families aren't just scattered across the country, but over several continents.

They're more socially oriented, thanks to the internet. Most prefer peaceful solutions to problems and they despise bullying.

They're less reliant on organized religion.

Now this last thing comes from personal observation, but from what I've seen it looks like kids aren't anywhere near as materialistic as the rest of us. Sure they like having things, but the greed is good mentality from the 80s doesn't interest them.

Its definitely getting a lot better. As the old racists and bigots die out the US will become less and less politically divided. I wonder what they will have for us to fight over in the future if we dont become politically intelligent.

I notice plenty of loony lefties trying to sell class warfare here. That could well be the next battleground.


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