The Browning of America

They can either vote for the Democrats, or for the people who want to send them back to from where they came.

when they take over that party,and they eventually will,they will then be making its policies......and many non-Latinos may not like it....

Why do you say that? What would they do differently other level the playing field for everyone?

because thats whats going to you think the Latinos out here dont know they are being courted just for their votes?......i know quite a few of these folks i live amongst them....they know that the rich white Democrats dont want them moving next door....they feel that condescending attitude they get when they get spoken too....they know whats going on.....these people laugh at the former Mayor of LA, Villaraigosa for christ sakes....on how he tries to act like he is one of many of them the guy is a joke....and he speaks shitty Spanish....right now they look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor of 2 Evils" they take over that party is going to change to suite them....not the white people who they have little respect neighbor who always has the Spanish news on in his garage told me once that they will be courting the white people one day for their votes....and then he laughed....
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.

the American born Mexicans i worked with had a harsher view of their foreign born brethren than most of the White people.....they are not backing the anti-illegal crowd according to them, because they are sick and tired of the people on the right making it a Racial thing instead of just people crossing the border,which has been going on for cant expect someone to back you when even though they are born here,they get lumped in with the Illegals and called choice see that right here in this forum....look at the shit ShootSpeados throws up....a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican to that asswipe.....he doesnt care who was born here or not...lots of jerks like that....
when they take over that party,and they eventually will,they will then be making its policies......and many non-Latinos may not like it....

Why do you say that? What would they do differently other level the playing field for everyone?

because thats whats going to you think the Latinos out here dont know they are being courted just for their votes?......i know quite a few of these folks i live amongst them....they know that the rich white Democrats dont want them moving next door....they feel that condescending attitude they get when they get spoken too....they know whats going on.....these people laugh at the former Mayor of LA, Villaraigosa for christ sakes....on how he tries to act like he is one of many of them the guy is a joke....and he speaks shitty Spanish....right now they look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor of 2 Evils" they take over that party is going to change to suite them....not the white people who they have little respect neighbor who always has the Spanish news on in his garage told me once that they will be courting the white people one day for their votes....and then he laughed....

I guess I didnt specify what I am looking for. What do you think they are going to change for non latinos? What politics do you think will be changed? I grew up around Mexicans/Blacks in the ghetto and the Mexicans think just like everyone else. they want jobs, safe place to live, honor, dignity, freedom etc.
There are Hispanics and there are Hispanics.


(My bold)

Nah, nah. ...

The name of the entire peninsula is Iberia.

Hispania (and derivatives thereof) refer to Spain. If you have received a letter from Spain or Portugal, check the stamp, and see which one will say Hispania. And don't ever dare to call the Basques Hispanics, they would not like it.

You know, the continent between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is known as America, yet not all people who live there are referred to as Americans. In fact, based on your obvious disdain for people for whom English is second language, as a chauvinistic American, you would be offended if a Canadian or a Salvadoran were called American.

Hispanic is a misnomer for Spanish speaking North American Indians just as Anglo-Saxon would be for English speaking Mohawks or Navajos.

(My bold) (laughing)

Yah, the Basques, the Catalans - the patrias chicas all - todas to you - object to being considered part of Spain. The Basques were never conquered, TMK. Quite rare, in Europe. The terrain helped, but still.

My obvious disdain - nah, that's aimed @ you - I figure if you can't manage to read straight-forward English (Wikipedia, in this case) , it's because it's not your first language. Chauvinistic? Well, I took French once upon a lifetime. The spelling system is close to Spanish/Latin, but the pronunciation is kinda messy - to my eyes, @ least. Napoleon was a bright puppy, & a genius @ arty & arms in general. Strategically, a bad case of overreach. But hey, we can't all be little geniuses, Ça va.

We've not met in person, of course. Other than by these, our poor emissaries. I'm typically good-natured enough, but time runs short. I'm actually aiming over your shoulder now, in case anyone is reading this who's interested in the case @ hand.

I've long argued that an American is an American wherever in the New World he/she happens to hail from - New York, Toronto, Cd. México, Buenos Aires, Brasilia. Look around here on the site - I think I've posted here on the topic. De Tocqueville - ITIW - noted that he could always tell it was an American by the walk, the veritable swagger of liberty. God rest the man.

& you're welcome.
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.

the American born Mexicans i worked with had a harsher view of their foreign born brethren than most of the White people.....they are not backing the anti-illegal crowd according to them, because they are sick and tired of the people on the right making it a Racial thing instead of just people crossing the border,which has been going on for cant expect someone to back you when even though they are born here,they get lumped in with the Illegals and called choice see that right here in this forum....look at the shit ShootSpeados throws up....a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican to that asswipe.....he doesnt care who was born here or not...lots of jerks like that....

Okay, now tell me something I don't know....
when they take over that party,and they eventually will,they will then be making its policies......and many non-Latinos may not like it....

Why do you say that? What would they do differently other level the playing field for everyone?

because thats whats going to you think the Latinos out here dont know they are being courted just for their votes?......i know quite a few of these folks i live amongst them....they know that the rich white Democrats dont want them moving next door....they feel that condescending attitude they get when they get spoken too....they know whats going on.....these people laugh at the former Mayor of LA, Villaraigosa for christ sakes....on how he tries to act like he is one of many of them the guy is a joke....and he speaks shitty Spanish....right now they look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor of 2 Evils" they take over that party is going to change to suite them....not the white people who they have little respect neighbor who always has the Spanish news on in his garage told me once that they will be courting the white people one day for their votes....and then he laughed....

I rest my case....
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.

Thats fear talking right there. Only people that know they are doing wrong worry about things like that. The operative word is friend. You play nice and people treat you nice. Amazing concept isn't it?

That is naivety and childishly misplaced trust, belied by countless historical precedence and example talking right there.
Why do you say that? What would they do differently other level the playing field for everyone?

because thats whats going to you think the Latinos out here dont know they are being courted just for their votes?......i know quite a few of these folks i live amongst them....they know that the rich white Democrats dont want them moving next door....they feel that condescending attitude they get when they get spoken too....they know whats going on.....these people laugh at the former Mayor of LA, Villaraigosa for christ sakes....on how he tries to act like he is one of many of them the guy is a joke....and he speaks shitty Spanish....right now they look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor of 2 Evils" they take over that party is going to change to suite them....not the white people who they have little respect neighbor who always has the Spanish news on in his garage told me once that they will be courting the white people one day for their votes....and then he laughed....

I rest my case....

You never made a case. You only made an assumption. What legislation do you feel the Mexicans will put into place? Do you think they are going to pass laws that all whites have to cut lawns and be maids?
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.

Thats fear talking right there. Only people that know they are doing wrong worry about things like that. The operative word is friend. You play nice and people treat you nice. Amazing concept isn't it?

That is naivety and childishly misplaced trust, belied by countless historical precedence and example talking right there.

So you are in fear? Otherwise you would never call trust "misplaced". Its ok but lets call it what it is and not delude ourselves. Its fear.
Why do you say that? What would they do differently other level the playing field for everyone?

because thats whats going to you think the Latinos out here dont know they are being courted just for their votes?......i know quite a few of these folks i live amongst them....they know that the rich white Democrats dont want them moving next door....they feel that condescending attitude they get when they get spoken too....they know whats going on.....these people laugh at the former Mayor of LA, Villaraigosa for christ sakes....on how he tries to act like he is one of many of them the guy is a joke....and he speaks shitty Spanish....right now they look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor of 2 Evils" they take over that party is going to change to suite them....not the white people who they have little respect neighbor who always has the Spanish news on in his garage told me once that they will be courting the white people one day for their votes....and then he laughed....

I guess I didnt specify what I am looking for. What do you think they are going to change for non latinos? What politics do you think will be changed? I grew up around Mexicans/Blacks in the ghetto and the Mexicans think just like everyone else. they want jobs, safe place to live, honor, dignity, freedom etc.

i dont really think non white, non latinos are going to be bothered much.....they have lived side by side with these guys for quite a while.....the poorer whites probably wont think anything of it to for the same reason.....but i am saying the wealthier white Democrats may not be so comfortable one is going to tell me that there are not bigots in the Democratic party....also most of the Mexican men i know do not like Gay men and they will say so....and so that mindset may change....maybe not.....also they view Religion pretty seriously too....i mean anyone who lines up to see a Tortilla with Jesus's face on it and cry and pray by it....thats pretty serious.....
Funny thing is, brown people can be just as prejudice or more than whites.

Once they get the upper hand who says they won't turn the tables on their freckled red-headed liberal friends.

the American born Mexicans i worked with had a harsher view of their foreign born brethren than most of the White people.....they are not backing the anti-illegal crowd according to them, because they are sick and tired of the people on the right making it a Racial thing instead of just people crossing the border,which has been going on for cant expect someone to back you when even though they are born here,they get lumped in with the Illegals and called choice see that right here in this forum....look at the shit ShootSpeados throws up....a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican to that asswipe.....he doesnt care who was born here or not...lots of jerks like that....

Okay, now tell me something I don't know....

switching to GEICO can save you 15% or more on car insurance......
Thats fear talking right there. Only people that know they are doing wrong worry about things like that. The operative word is friend. You play nice and people treat you nice. Amazing concept isn't it?

That is naivety and childishly misplaced trust, belied by countless historical precedence and example talking right there.

So you are in fear? Otherwise you would never call trust "misplaced". Its ok but lets call it what it is and not delude ourselves. Its fear.

Make no mistake they are soiling their pants :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
For Republicans struggling to understand their defeat at the polls, the most chilling statistic in this week’s presidential election was this: Mitt Romney won the biggest share of the white vote that any Republican White House contender ever has — and he still lost.
In an election battle that was defined as much as anything by race, Mitt Romney won the support of 59 per cent of whites, but just 27 per cent of Latinos, 26 per cent of Asian-Americans and 6 per cent of African-Americans.
He’s not exaggerating. As the election highlighted, white America is dying — and in a quite literal sense.
Death of white America: How will US adapt to millions of black and Hispanic voters who put Obama back into power | Mail Online

I am thinking it would be a good policy to restrict voting to those who have paid income taxes (by "paid" I mean the net picture after filing) for three consecutive years. The larger concern to me is not the racial makeup of the new American nation but its productivity. I am just as down on a white druggie sponging off society as an Hispanic gang banger. Neither of these should vote.

If you look back at history, there were rules at one time restricting to the vote to one who owned a certain level of property. So, there is a legal precedent to deviate from the "one man one vote" slogan that has become some kind of a mantra among those who want to stick with the radical democracy now in effect.

it is duly noted that you are running scare, shitting your pants. Why else whould you want to restrict voting
No one wants to "restrict voting" beyond restricting it to US citizens legally authorized to vote. You already got your DNC merit badge in 'Disinformation and Lies' kid, you can relax now.
You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell
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(My bold)

Nah, nah. ...

The name of the entire peninsula is Iberia.

Hispania (and derivatives thereof) refer to Spain. If you have received a letter from Spain or Portugal, check the stamp, and see which one will say Hispania. And don't ever dare to call the Basques Hispanics, they would not like it.

You know, the continent between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is known as America, yet not all people who live there are referred to as Americans. In fact, based on your obvious disdain for people for whom English is second language, as a chauvinistic American, you would be offended if a Canadian or a Salvadoran were called American.

Hispanic is a misnomer for Spanish speaking North American Indians just as Anglo-Saxon would be for English speaking Mohawks or Navajos.

(My bold) (laughing)

Yah, the Basques, the Catalans - the patrias chicas all - todas to you - object to being considered part of Spain. The Basques were never conquered, TMK. Quite rare, in Europe. The terrain helped, but still.

My obvious disdain - nah, that's aimed @ you - I figure if you can't manage to read straight-forward English (Wikipedia, in this case) , it's because it's not your first language. Chauvinistic? Well, I took French once upon a lifetime. The spelling system is close to Spanish/Latin, but the pronunciation is kinda messy - to my eyes, @ least. Napoleon was a bright puppy, & a genius @ arty & arms in general. Strategically, a bad case of overreach. But hey, we can't all be little geniuses, Ça va.

We've not met in person, of course. Other than by these, our poor emissaries. I'm typically good-natured enough, but time runs short. I'm actually aiming over your shoulder now, in case anyone is reading this who's interested in the case @ hand.

I've long argued that an American is an American wherever in the New World he/she happens to hail from - New York, Toronto, Cd. México, Buenos Aires, Brasilia. Look around here on the site - I think I've posted here on the topic. De Tocqueville - ITIW - noted that he could always tell it was an American by the walk, the veritable swagger of liberty. God rest the man.

& you're welcome.

Your diatribe reminds me of Damien Sandow, a bombastic blowhard wrestler in the WWE, who finishes all his rants: "you are welcome!"

Just like you.
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