The Browning of America

You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

This Martin Luther king?

Thank God we have John Conyers is Congress, I only wish that we had more like him. [Applause]

The inflation of war cuts the pay of the employed, the pension check of the retired and the savings of almost everyone. Inflation has stopped creeping and has begun running. Working people feel the double impact of inflation and unemployment immediately. But Negroes feel its impact with crushing severity because they live on the margin in all respects and have no reserve to cushion shock. There is a great deal of debate about the nation's ability to maintain war and commit the billions required to attack poverty. Theoretically the United States has resources for both. But an iron logic dictates that we shall never voluntarily do both for two reasons. First, the majority of the present Congress and the Administration, as distinguished from the majority of the people, is single mindedly devoted to the pursuit of the war. It has been estimated by Senator (Harkey) that we spend approximately $500,000 to kill a single enemy soldier in Vietnam. And yet we spend about $53 for each impoverished American in anti-poverty programs. Congress appropriates military funds with alacrity and generosity. It appropriates poverty funds with miserliness and grudging reluctance. The government is emotionally committed to the war. It is emotionally hostile to the needs of the poor.

Second, the government will resist committing adequate resources for domestic reform because these are reserves indispensable for a military adventure. The logical war requires of a nation deploy its well fought and immediate combat and simultaneously that it maintain substantial reserves. It will resist any diminishing of its military power through the draining off of resources for the social good. This is the inescapable contradiction between war and social progress at home. Military adventures must stultify domestic progress to ensure the certainty of military success. This is the reason the poor, and particularly Negroes, have a double stake in peace and international harmony. This is not to say it is useless to fight for domestic reform, on the contrary, as people discover in the struggle what is impeding their progress they comprehend the full and real cost of the war to them in their daily lives.

Senator George McGovern has summed up these views in the following words, "Congress must never again surrender its power under our Constitutional system by permitting an ill-advised, undeclared war of this kind. Our involvement in South Vietnam came about through a series of moves by the Executive Branch. Each one seemingly restrained and yet each one setting the stage for a deeper commitment. The complex of administration moves involving the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and various private interests, all of these have played a greater role than has Congress. Congress can not be proud of its function in the dreary history of this steadily widening war. That function has been one largely of acquiescence, in little understood administrative efforts. The surveillance, the debate, and the dissent since 1965, while courageous and admirable, came too late in the day to head off the foolish course charted off by our policy makers." "For the future," the senator concluded, "members of Congress and the Administration will do well to heed the admonitions of Edmund Burke, distinguished legislator of an earlier day, 'A conscientious man would be cautious, how he delve in blood.'"

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You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

This Martin Luther king?

Thank God we have John Conyers is Congress, I only wish that we had more like him. [Applause]

The inflation of war cuts the pay of the employed, the pension check of the retired and the savings of almost everyone. Inflation has stopped creeping and has begun running. Working people feel the double impact of inflation and unemployment immediately. But Negroes feel its impact with crushing severity because they live on the margin in all respects and have no reserve to cushion shock. There is a great deal of debate about the nation's ability to maintain war and commit the billions required to attack poverty. Theoretically the United States has resources for both. But an iron logic dictates that we shall never voluntarily do both for two reasons. First, the majority of the present Congress and the Administration, as distinguished from the majority of the people, is single mindedly devoted to the pursuit of the war. It has been estimated by Senator (Harkey) that we spend approximately $500,000 to kill a single enemy soldier in Vietnam. And yet we spend about $53 for each impoverished American in anti-poverty programs. Congress appropriates military funds with alacrity and generosity. It appropriates poverty funds with miserliness and grudging reluctance. The government is emotionally committed to the war. It is emotionally hostile to the needs of the poor.

Second, the government will resist committing adequate resources for domestic reform because these are reserves indispensable for a military adventure. The logical war requires of a nation deploy its well fought and immediate combat and simultaneously that it maintain substantial reserves. It will resist any diminishing of its military power through the draining off of resources for the social good. This is the inescapable contradiction between war and social progress at home. Military adventures must stultify domestic progress to ensure the certainty of military success. This is the reason the poor, and particularly Negroes, have a double stake in peace and international harmony. This is not to say it is useless to fight for domestic reform, on the contrary, as people discover in the struggle what is impeding their progress they comprehend the full and real cost of the war to them in their daily lives.

Senator George McGovern has summed up these views in the following words, "Congress must never again surrender its power under our Constitutional system by permitting an ill-advised, undeclared war of this kind. Our involvement in South Vietnam came about through a series of moves by the Executive Branch. Each one seemingly restrained and yet each one setting the stage for a deeper commitment. The complex of administration moves involving the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and various private interests, all of these have played a greater role than has Congress. Congress can not be proud of its function in the dreary history of this steadily widening war. That function has been one largely of acquiescence, in little understood administrative efforts. The surveillance, the debate, and the dissent since 1965, while courageous and admirable, came too late in the day to head off the foolish course charted off by our policy makers." "For the future," the senator concluded, "members of Congress and the Administration will do well to heed the admonitions of Edmund Burke, distinguished legislator of an earlier day, 'A conscientious man would be cautious, how he delve in blood.'"

Speeches and Sounds - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Domestic Impact of the War

Some people are simply unaware of what MLK stood for or they think other people dont know. :lol:
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You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

"You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?"

?? :cuckoo:

I smell your fear and ignorance

strange how your 'mind' works

You are shitting bullets of the thought that there will be NO MORE white christian privilege in America
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You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

This Martin Luther king?

Thank God we have John Conyers is Congress, I only wish that we had more like him. [Applause]

The inflation of war cuts the pay of the employed, the pension check of the retired and the savings of almost everyone. Inflation has stopped creeping and has begun running. Working people feel the double impact of inflation and unemployment immediately. But Negroes feel its impact with crushing severity because they live on the margin in all respects and have no reserve to cushion shock. There is a great deal of debate about the nation's ability to maintain war and commit the billions required to attack poverty. Theoretically the United States has resources for both. But an iron logic dictates that we shall never voluntarily do both for two reasons. First, the majority of the present Congress and the Administration, as distinguished from the majority of the people, is single mindedly devoted to the pursuit of the war. It has been estimated by Senator (Harkey) that we spend approximately $500,000 to kill a single enemy soldier in Vietnam. And yet we spend about $53 for each impoverished American in anti-poverty programs. Congress appropriates military funds with alacrity and generosity. It appropriates poverty funds with miserliness and grudging reluctance. The government is emotionally committed to the war. It is emotionally hostile to the needs of the poor.

Second, the government will resist committing adequate resources for domestic reform because these are reserves indispensable for a military adventure. The logical war requires of a nation deploy its well fought and immediate combat and simultaneously that it maintain substantial reserves. It will resist any diminishing of its military power through the draining off of resources for the social good. This is the inescapable contradiction between war and social progress at home. Military adventures must stultify domestic progress to ensure the certainty of military success. This is the reason the poor, and particularly Negroes, have a double stake in peace and international harmony. This is not to say it is useless to fight for domestic reform, on the contrary, as people discover in the struggle what is impeding their progress they comprehend the full and real cost of the war to them in their daily lives.

Senator George McGovern has summed up these views in the following words, "Congress must never again surrender its power under our Constitutional system by permitting an ill-advised, undeclared war of this kind. Our involvement in South Vietnam came about through a series of moves by the Executive Branch. Each one seemingly restrained and yet each one setting the stage for a deeper commitment. The complex of administration moves involving the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and various private interests, all of these have played a greater role than has Congress. Congress can not be proud of its function in the dreary history of this steadily widening war. That function has been one largely of acquiescence, in little understood administrative efforts. The surveillance, the debate, and the dissent since 1965, while courageous and admirable, came too late in the day to head off the foolish course charted off by our policy makers." "For the future," the senator concluded, "members of Congress and the Administration will do well to heed the admonitions of Edmund Burke, distinguished legislator of an earlier day, 'A conscientious man would be cautious, how he delve in blood.'"

Speeches and Sounds - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Domestic Impact of the War

Some people are simply unaware of what MLK stood for or they think other people dont know. :lol:

I am involved in the Moral Monday movement here in NC lead by Dr Barber , to hear him speak is like hearing Dr King ( who i met back in 67) I was also one of the 940 arrested during moral Monday's last summer

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You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

This Martin Luther king?

Thank God we have John Conyers is Congress, I only wish that we had more like him. [Applause]

The inflation of war cuts the pay of the employed, the pension check of the retired and the savings of almost everyone. Inflation has stopped creeping and has begun running. Working people feel the double impact of inflation and unemployment immediately. But Negroes feel its impact with crushing severity because they live on the margin in all respects and have no reserve to cushion shock. There is a great deal of debate about the nation's ability to maintain war and commit the billions required to attack poverty. Theoretically the United States has resources for both. But an iron logic dictates that we shall never voluntarily do both for two reasons. First, the majority of the present Congress and the Administration, as distinguished from the majority of the people, is single mindedly devoted to the pursuit of the war. It has been estimated by Senator (Harkey) that we spend approximately $500,000 to kill a single enemy soldier in Vietnam. And yet we spend about $53 for each impoverished American in anti-poverty programs. Congress appropriates military funds with alacrity and generosity. It appropriates poverty funds with miserliness and grudging reluctance. The government is emotionally committed to the war. It is emotionally hostile to the needs of the poor.

Second, the government will resist committing adequate resources for domestic reform because these are reserves indispensable for a military adventure. The logical war requires of a nation deploy its well fought and immediate combat and simultaneously that it maintain substantial reserves. It will resist any diminishing of its military power through the draining off of resources for the social good. This is the inescapable contradiction between war and social progress at home. Military adventures must stultify domestic progress to ensure the certainty of military success. This is the reason the poor, and particularly Negroes, have a double stake in peace and international harmony. This is not to say it is useless to fight for domestic reform, on the contrary, as people discover in the struggle what is impeding their progress they comprehend the full and real cost of the war to them in their daily lives.

Senator George McGovern has summed up these views in the following words, "Congress must never again surrender its power under our Constitutional system by permitting an ill-advised, undeclared war of this kind. Our involvement in South Vietnam came about through a series of moves by the Executive Branch. Each one seemingly restrained and yet each one setting the stage for a deeper commitment. The complex of administration moves involving the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and various private interests, all of these have played a greater role than has Congress. Congress can not be proud of its function in the dreary history of this steadily widening war. That function has been one largely of acquiescence, in little understood administrative efforts. The surveillance, the debate, and the dissent since 1965, while courageous and admirable, came too late in the day to head off the foolish course charted off by our policy makers." "For the future," the senator concluded, "members of Congress and the Administration will do well to heed the admonitions of Edmund Burke, distinguished legislator of an earlier day, 'A conscientious man would be cautious, how he delve in blood.'"

Speeches and Sounds - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Domestic Impact of the War

Some people are simply unaware of what MLK stood for or they think other people dont know. :lol:

I am involved in the Moral Monday movement here in NC lead by Dr Barber , to hear him speak is like hearing Dr King ( who i met back in 67) I was also one of the 940 arrested during moral Monday's last summer

This is the New America!

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The name of the entire peninsula is Iberia.


(My bold) (laughing)

Yah, the Basques, the Catalans ...

Your diatribe reminds me of Damien Sandow, a bombastic blowhard wrestler in the WWE, who finishes all his rants: "you are welcome!"

Just like you.

(My bold)

Nope, don't know the man, don't watch the show.

But I get it, you don't want to hear it. No worries.
You see how it's ok to be racist and bigots against, WHITE PEOPLE?

but talks about black or brown, you're are instantly beat down as being a racist

seriously, who want's live amongst people who see you this way?

MLK must be turning over in his grave...and they aren't hiding it anymore they are in your face with lovely articles like op posted

this is how sad our country has gotten, when the color of your skin make you the enemy...fall for this type of division at your own peril, they want to see you perish and have only brown skins in this country..any other color you can, go to hell

This Martin Luther king?

Thank God we have John Conyers is Congress, I only wish that we had more like him. [Applause]

The inflation of war cuts the pay of the employed, the pension check of the retired and the savings of almost everyone. Inflation has stopped creeping and has begun running. Working people feel the double impact of inflation and unemployment immediately. But Negroes feel its impact with crushing severity because they live on the margin in all respects and have no reserve to cushion shock. There is a great deal of debate about the nation's ability to maintain war and commit the billions required to attack poverty. Theoretically the United States has resources for both. But an iron logic dictates that we shall never voluntarily do both for two reasons. First, the majority of the present Congress and the Administration, as distinguished from the majority of the people, is single mindedly devoted to the pursuit of the war. It has been estimated by Senator (Harkey) that we spend approximately $500,000 to kill a single enemy soldier in Vietnam. And yet we spend about $53 for each impoverished American in anti-poverty programs. Congress appropriates military funds with alacrity and generosity. It appropriates poverty funds with miserliness and grudging reluctance. The government is emotionally committed to the war. It is emotionally hostile to the needs of the poor.

Second, the government will resist committing adequate resources for domestic reform because these are reserves indispensable for a military adventure. The logical war requires of a nation deploy its well fought and immediate combat and simultaneously that it maintain substantial reserves. It will resist any diminishing of its military power through the draining off of resources for the social good. This is the inescapable contradiction between war and social progress at home. Military adventures must stultify domestic progress to ensure the certainty of military success. This is the reason the poor, and particularly Negroes, have a double stake in peace and international harmony. This is not to say it is useless to fight for domestic reform, on the contrary, as people discover in the struggle what is impeding their progress they comprehend the full and real cost of the war to them in their daily lives.

Senator George McGovern has summed up these views in the following words, "Congress must never again surrender its power under our Constitutional system by permitting an ill-advised, undeclared war of this kind. Our involvement in South Vietnam came about through a series of moves by the Executive Branch. Each one seemingly restrained and yet each one setting the stage for a deeper commitment. The complex of administration moves involving the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and various private interests, all of these have played a greater role than has Congress. Congress can not be proud of its function in the dreary history of this steadily widening war. That function has been one largely of acquiescence, in little understood administrative efforts. The surveillance, the debate, and the dissent since 1965, while courageous and admirable, came too late in the day to head off the foolish course charted off by our policy makers." "For the future," the senator concluded, "members of Congress and the Administration will do well to heed the admonitions of Edmund Burke, distinguished legislator of an earlier day, 'A conscientious man would be cautious, how he delve in blood.'"

Speeches and Sounds - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Domestic Impact of the War

This John Conyers?

[ame=]John Conyers on Reading the Healthcare Bill - YouTube[/ame]
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White people don't exist, so how could they become a minority if they don't exist. We are all one race, the human race.
All those brown people will be happy to volunteer in the US military to fight Russia and China.

The problem with brown people is that when there is the slightest interference in their getting their freebies, they go home. When the US was going through the last recession Mexico was actually complaining that too many of their citizens were coming back.

This is what happens when a people who have no connection to a country run into trouble. A better example is Ukraine. Russians have been populating Ukraine but never thought of themselves as Ukranian. They have always been Russian. Now they are.
All those brown people will be happy to volunteer in the US military to fight Russia and China.

The problem with brown people is that when there is the slightest interference in their getting their freebies, they go home. When the US was going through the last recession Mexico was actually complaining that too many of their citizens were coming back.

This is what happens when a people who have no connection to a country run into trouble. A better example is Ukraine. Russians have been populating Ukraine but never thought of themselves as Ukranian. They have always been Russian. Now they are.

(My bold)

Ah, these guys must not have gotten the memo. See List of Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Medal of Honor was introduced during the American Civil War and is the highest military decoration presented by the United States government to a member of its armed forces. The recipient must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States. Due to the nature of this medal, it is commonly presented posthumously.[1]

"Sixty-one men of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Of the Sixty-one Medals of Honor presented to Hispanics, two were presented to members of the United States Navy, thirteen to members of the United States Marine Corps and forty-six to members of the United States Army. Forty-two Medals of Honor were presented posthumously.[2] ...

"Fifteen recipients were born outside the United States mainland, one each in Chile and Spain, five in Mexico and eight in Puerto Rico."

(My emphasis)
All those brown people will be happy to volunteer in the US military to fight Russia and China.

The problem with brown people is that when there is the slightest interference in their getting their freebies, they go home. When the US was going through the last recession Mexico was actually complaining that too many of their citizens were coming back.

This is what happens when a people who have no connection to a country run into trouble. A better example is Ukraine. Russians have been populating Ukraine but never thought of themselves as Ukranian. They have always been Russian. Now they are.

(My bold)

Ah, these guys must not have gotten the memo. See List of Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Medal of Honor was introduced during the American Civil War and is the highest military decoration presented by the United States government to a member of its armed forces. The recipient must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States. Due to the nature of this medal, it is commonly presented posthumously.[1]

"Sixty-one men of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Of the Sixty-one Medals of Honor presented to Hispanics, two were presented to members of the United States Navy, thirteen to members of the United States Marine Corps and forty-six to members of the United States Army. Forty-two Medals of Honor were presented posthumously.[2] ...

"Fifteen recipients were born outside the United States mainland, one each in Chile and Spain, five in Mexico and eight in Puerto Rico."

(My emphasis)
Those are the ones who want to be Americans (and who vote Republican). The ones Obama is inviting into the country are the freeloaders, the ones he is sure will vote Democrat (in order to get their free shit). Katzndogz is exactly right, as soon as they have to give something back, they pack up and go home.
The End of White America

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation. :D:boohoo:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic
All those brown people will be happy to volunteer in the US military to fight Russia and China.

The problem with brown people is that when there is the slightest interference in their getting their freebies, they go home. When the US was going through the last recession Mexico was actually complaining that too many of their citizens were coming back.

This is what happens when a people who have no connection to a country run into trouble. A better example is Ukraine. Russians have been populating Ukraine but never thought of themselves as Ukranian. They have always been Russian. Now they are.

(My bold)

Ah, these guys must not have gotten the memo. See List of Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Medal of Honor was introduced during the American Civil War and is the highest military decoration presented by the United States government to a member of its armed forces. The recipient must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States. Due to the nature of this medal, it is commonly presented posthumously.[1]

"Sixty-one men of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Of the Sixty-one Medals of Honor presented to Hispanics, two were presented to members of the United States Navy, thirteen to members of the United States Marine Corps and forty-six to members of the United States Army. Forty-two Medals of Honor were presented posthumously.[2] ...

"Fifteen recipients were born outside the United States mainland, one each in Chile and Spain, five in Mexico and eight in Puerto Rico."

(My emphasis)
Those are the ones who want to be Americans (and who vote Republican). The ones Obama is inviting into the country are the freeloaders, the ones he is sure will vote Democrat (in order to get their free shit). Katzndogz is exactly right, as soon as they have to give something back, they pack up and go home.

What a delusional idiot
The End of White America

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation. :D:boohoo:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic
Who cares? I thought race didn't exist.
The End of White America

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation. :D:boohoo:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic
The color of skin is the concern of hardcore neocon lefty democrats like yourself. The real question is about whether the people, regardless of heritage or skin color, will assimilate. But you ultra conservative lefties are so blinded by your bigoted, racist segregation tactics that you fail to see how moot skin color is regarding assimilation. If you continue with your segregationist ways you won't see any browning. You'll just see more Balkanization and division and ultimate collapse.
I don't know why black people would be cheering the prospect of Mexicans overrunning the U.S. Most Mexicans hate blacks. The black race is already in decline, thanks to Planned Parenthood and all their ghetto clinics. If Mexicans take over the country, blacks will never get to see Whitey become extinct because they'll be the first ones to go.
Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.

America will be a better place as a multi-racial multi-cultural county. Black, Latino, white Asian and other groups

It's coming, the fear and paranoia form the right will be racketed up for a while , then it will quite down as the younger generation takes over

I don't see how this can happen when the libtards kill more minorities than are born alive.

NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News
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The End of White America

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we’re approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation. :D:boohoo:

The End of White America? - Hua Hsu - The Atlantic

Are whites racially oppressed?

You have this perception out there that whites are no longer in control or the majority.
--Charles Gallagher, sociologist

U.S. Census Bureau projections that whites will become a minority by 2050 are fueling fears that whiteness no longer represents the norm. This fear has been compounded by the recent recession, which hit whites hard.

• Conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh argued in a radio show that Republicans are an "oppressed minority" in need of a "civil rights movement" because its members willingly sit in the "back of the bus" and "are afraid of the fire hoses and the dogs."
• Fox talk-show host Glenn Beck led a march on Washington (attended primarily by white people) to "restore honor," and once called President Obama a racist with a "deep-seated hatred for white people and white culture." He later said he regretted making that comment.

Yes the paranoid and the shitting in the pants has commenced for the white christian party!!

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