The Browning of America

Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.

America will be a better place as a multi-racial multi-cultural county. Black, Latino, white Asian and other groups

It's coming, the fear and paranoia form the right will be racketed up for a while , then it will quite down as the younger generation takes over

That certainly may be possible, but what do you base this assumption off of? Everyone living in harmony rarely takes place in the real world. The truth is, the more diverse we are, the more people fight with each other. Everyone being different isn't a good thing. That inevitably leads to fights, jealousy, self segregation, etc. Now I think we can certainly get past the color of peoples skin, but having multiple cultures that are always at odds with each other isn't so great.

Cultural diversity is quite often a bad thing. History has proven this.

It will be what one makes it, I see in young people , not the animosity on race as the older generations

sure there will be groups and religions in parts of the country that will cling to their ignorance and hate

Bottom line the demographics are shifting (fact)and people betterl adapt or eat themselves alive with hatread
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cheering for the takeover of our country by anyone (brown, black, pink, purple) is sick..but they see it as votes for a party so we might as we well face it, they are selling us out for politics and laughing you in face while doing it

take that article as an example

Let me guess, you are a southerner of the older generation, most probably southern baptist
America will be a better place as a multi-racial multi-cultural county. Black, Latino, white Asian and other groups

It's coming, the fear and paranoia form the right will be racketed up for a while , then it will quite down as the younger generation takes over

That certainly may be possible, but what do you base this assumption off of? Everyone living in harmony rarely takes place in the real world. The truth is, the more diverse we are, the more people fight with each other. Everyone being different isn't a good thing. That inevitably leads to fights, jealousy, self segregation, etc. Now I think we can certainly get past the color of peoples skin, but having multiple cultures that are always at odds with each other isn't so great.

Cultural diversity is quite often a bad thing. History has proven this.

It will be what one makes it, I see in young people , not the animosity on race as the older generations

sure there will be groups and religions in parts of the country that will cling to their ignorance and hate

Bottom line the demographics are shifting (fact)and people betterl adapt or eat themselves alive with hatread
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.
The evidence of this demographic timebomb, which is likely to alter the face and character of the U.S. far more fundamentally than any number of elections, was made plain in the summer in a new report by the U.S. Census Bureau.
It revealed that for the first time in American history, ethnic minorities now account for more than half the babies born in the U.S.
Of the four million children born in the year to July 2011, 50.4 per cent were ethnic minorities — black, Asian, mixed-race and, above all, Hispanic.
It was a long-expected milestone on the road to an America in which, according to experts, within 30 years whites will no longer be the majority.

For Republicans struggling to understand their defeat at the polls, the most chilling statistic in this week’s presidential election was this: Mitt Romney won the biggest share of the white vote that any Republican White House contender ever has — and he still lost.
In an election battle that was defined as much as anything by race, Mitt Romney won the support of 59 per cent of whites, but just 27 per cent of Latinos, 26 per cent of Asian-Americans and 6 per cent of African-Americans.
Thirty years ago, being unpopular with ethnic minorities would hardly have stopped a white establishment candidate like Romney from trouncing Barack Obama. But back then, whites accounted for almost 90 per cent of voters. Now they make up just 72 per cent of the electorate, and that figure is shrinking by the year.

The Republican party, said one pollster, ‘will be doomed if they lose black and Latino votes by these same margins in the future’.
He’s not exaggerating. As the election highlighted, white America is dying — and in a quite literal sense.
Death of white America: How will US adapt to millions of black and Hispanic voters who put Obama back into power | Mail Online
This is pathetic. I don't want a US that winds up as another Turd
World dictatorship like you want, cumswallower.
That certainly may be possible, but what do you base this assumption off of? Everyone living in harmony rarely takes place in the real world. The truth is, the more diverse we are, the more people fight with each other. Everyone being different isn't a good thing. That inevitably leads to fights, jealousy, self segregation, etc. Now I think we can certainly get past the color of peoples skin, but having multiple cultures that are always at odds with each other isn't so great.

Cultural diversity is quite often a bad thing. History has proven this.

It will be what one makes it, I see in young people , not the animosity on race as the older generations

sure there will be groups and religions in parts of the country that will cling to their ignorance and hate

Bottom line the demographics are shifting (fact)and people betterl adapt or eat themselves alive with hatread
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.
That certainly may be possible, but what do you base this assumption off of? Everyone living in harmony rarely takes place in the real world. The truth is, the more diverse we are, the more people fight with each other. Everyone being different isn't a good thing. That inevitably leads to fights, jealousy, self segregation, etc. Now I think we can certainly get past the color of peoples skin, but having multiple cultures that are always at odds with each other isn't so great.

Cultural diversity is quite often a bad thing. History has proven this.

It will be what one makes it, I see in young people , not the animosity on race as the older generations

sure there will be groups and religions in parts of the country that will cling to their ignorance and hate

Bottom line the demographics are shifting (fact)and people betterl adapt or eat themselves alive with hatread
Most of the hatred is directed at whites. I wonder who's gonna support you when Whitey isn't around to attach yourselves to like a parasite.

"Most of the hatred is directed at whites"

Really? the racist vitriol is seen against minorities proves that statement wrong, also the history of violence against minorities in this county. Strange how since a Black man was elected (twice) the hate has been ratcheted up including efforts to de legitimatize him as President. All you have to do is read comments on this message board and you know which side they are coming from and which people are making the comments.

Thankfully the old racists are dying off
cheering for the takeover of our country by anyone (brown, black, pink, purple) is sick..but they see it as votes for a party so we might as we well face it, they are selling us out for politics and laughing you in face while doing it

take that article as an example

No one is TAKING over, its just that America will no longer be a white christian privilege country :eusa_whistle:

Indeed. Thats why some white people are sounding the alarm and why they were up in arms over the election of the POTUS.
Let me guess, you are a southerner of the older generation, most probably southern baptist

Are you trying to be ironic, kid? Indulging in hatred, prejudice, and presumption while standing atop your soapbox? :rolleyes:
Nothing you say can convince me that "Whitey" is even needed.

Proud racism on full display. And we're told that liberals "can't" be racist.

Had situations been reversed...

Think the PC Police will jump on this one?

Just kidding.



Racism? Whats racist about that? What makes you think white people are needed? The thought white people are needed is actually what is racist.
cheering for the takeover of our country by anyone (brown, black, pink, purple) is sick..but they see it as votes for a party so we might as we well face it, they are selling us out for politics and laughing you in face while doing it

take that article as an example

No one is TAKING over, its just that America will no longer be a white christian privilege country :eusa_whistle:

Certain people are taking over.
Non-White people.

Which non White-majority-Christian country would you like to live an 'average Joe'?

Asia anywhere?
Middle East?

...especially if a White Christian person. place I'd like to be living.
I'd rather have the USA as it is today.

It's the severely misguided White people in America who are allowing it all to happen.
They're virtually most of Congress etc.
There are Hispanics and there are Hispanics.

First, it should be remembered that "Hispania" is the name of the country known as Spain.

Take a trip there, spend some time there and count the REAL Hispanics there that look like the so-called Hispanics in North America. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

The population of Spain - the REAL Hispanics - is WHITE.

North American Hispanics - erroneously so called - are descendants of Native Americans who lost their traditions, their empires and their language, but not their unbelievable proclivity to recreate and resist assimilation.

Strange, isn't it that when a black person expresses conservative opinions and views, that person is labeled a traitor to his race, but when white people predict and celebrate their own extinction they are considered visionaries?

(My bold)

Nah, nah. Hispania is the Roman name of the entire peninsula - which includes Portugal, which is their very own country, thank you very much. & speaks their own language, to boot. See Hispania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for further detail.

You'll also see there that Islam was in much of Spain/Portugal for a good 800 years. I'm not sure if they count as White - most of the World seems to think not, but hey, maybe you're remarkably (crazy?) generous when it comes to melanin, hey? The populations intermarried, of course, & there was considerable conversion from one religion to the other - typically from Christian to Islam, as local conditions dictated. Jews also lived in Islamic Spain, & thrived there, up until Islam was driven out, & then Jewish problems began, terminating in the virtual expulsion of the Jews (& giving rise to the Spanish Inquisition - but that's another topic.)

The exact meaning of Hispanic is a hotly debated issue in the US media that pay attention to the topic. Good to have your definitive opinion on the same, ¡vale!

If by North American Hispanics you mean the descendants of Aztec, Maya & dozens of other Indigenous Peoples & Spaniards in what is now Mexico, you're quite wrong. Nahuatl & Maya & many other languages & cultures are still alive in Mexico. Their empires fell - perhaps - there are still stories of Catholic Churches erected upon the sites of native temples & sacred areas - so it's hard to tell Who won the colonial wars. Perhaps we're still in negotiations.

proclivity to recreate - hmm. Maybe you meant procreate instead of recreate? Recreation being, for instance, whacking a piñata. Just a thought. Damned pesky prefixes. Everybody has second language problems, after all ...
... eat themselves alive with hatread [sic]

Guess what, kid? That's exactly what you are doing.

Kid? LOL Old enough to be your father , No Hatred , my family is multi racial, just love watching the racists implode.

Just posted facts about the browning of america and a hornets nest ensues along with comments about "turd" world countries and derogatory things about Latinos and other minorities :eusa_whistle:
... No Hatred , my family is multi racial, just love watching the racists implode....

You are full of nothing but hatred and mindless partisan nonsense, kid. Your every post demonstrates it to any reasonable person reading such doggerel.
So now posting an article about the demographic shift and the Browning of America is hate!!! :itsok:

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