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The Brownshirts Among Us

I think you all are missing the point, I don’t care if you think Obama, Environmentalists, Hippies, Colleges radicals, Democrats, etc. Authoritarian, Communist, Bolsheviks, Socialist, Anarchists, Totalitarian or what ever.

The point is no one here seems to know what Fascism is. It’s like reading a review in Car and Driver of a Corvette and the author keeps calling it a Porsche. Yes, they are both low and fast and loud and expensive and flashy, while my wife may not understand the difference…they are not the same thing!

The heart of Fascism is the “Facis” or the mace, symbol of the state and the people and I from what I have seen on these posts none of you think Obama and his minions are ultra nationalists or super patriots, ergo they ARE NOT FASCIAST.

Lots of left wing groups have promoted violent suppression of competing ideas, it may make them ass holes and anti-democratic, but that does not make them fascists.
I think you all are missing the point, I don’t care if you think Obama, Environmentalists, Hippies, Colleges radicals, Democrats, etc. Authoritarian, Communist, Bolsheviks, Socialist, Anarchists, Totalitarian or what ever.

The point is no one here seems to know what Fascism is. It’s like reading a review in Car and Driver of a Corvette and the author keeps calling it a Porsche. Yes, they are both low and fast and loud and expensive and flashy, while my wife may not understand the difference…they are not the same thing!

The heart of Fascism is the “Facis” or the mace, symbol of the state and the people and I from what I have seen on these posts none of you think Obama and his minions are ultra nationalists or super patriots, ergo they ARE NOT FASCIAST.

Lots of left wing groups have promoted violent suppression of competing ideas, it may make them ass holes and anti-democratic, but that does not make them fascists.

I understand your angst.

Poltical science concepts such as the real definition of words like socialist, fascist are abandoned in favor of using those words as epithets.

I have tried and tried and tried to get a firm handle on what makes one totalitarian a fascist (as opposed to say for example, a capitalist totalitarian or a socialist totalitarian) and about the only thing I have concluded is this:

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fascism definition | Dictionary.com

I believe my example was correct


First off, a lot has been written on Fascism as a political philosophy by people who don’t advertise for Chinese Dating (see the links at Truth’s Link)

And even according to that definition Fascism requires “aggressive nationalism”.

fas•cism (fæʃ ɪz əm - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fash-iz-uh m] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. (sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

2. (sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter ) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Without “aggressive nationalism and often racism” you can’t have Fascism.
Oh dude, I didn’t look at all your back posts and I thought you were arguing that Obama was a Fascist. I am so sorry about that and I do apologize.

While I don’t think Bush is a Fascist either, at least there is a valid argument there. He has the “aggressive nationalism” thing down, but I don’t think any leader in modern America can be a true totalitarian, there are too many diverse interest groups in America and the idea of “rule of law” is too deeply ingrained in the American Psyche.

For Bush to cross the Fascist line he would need to do something like refuse to accept the validity of next month’s elections and then declare martial law. Now THAT would be a Fascist move. Personally I don’t think the military would back him on that, but I have a post in the military forum to see how current and ex-military folks would go if something like that were to happen.
Oh dude, I didn’t look at all your back posts and I thought you were arguing that Obama was a Fascist. I am so sorry about that and I do apologize.

While I don’t think Bush is a Fascist either, at least there is a valid argument there. He has the “aggressive nationalism” thing down, but I don’t think any leader in modern America can be a true totalitarian, there are too many diverse interest groups in America and the idea of “rule of law” is too deeply ingrained in the American Psyche.

For Bush to cross the Fascist line he would need to do something like refuse to accept the validity of next month’s elections and then declare martial law. Now THAT would be a Fascist move. Personally I don’t think the military would back him on that, but I have a post in the military forum to see how current and ex-military folks would go if something like that were to happen.

Oh then I understand your point.

I do not believe Bush was ever elected president by the people (there is massive proof for any open mind to see) so to me he is a dictator.

First off, a lot has been written on Fascism as a political philosophy by people who don’t advertise for Chinese Dating (see the links at Truth’s Link)

And even according to that definition Fascism requires “aggressive nationalism”.

fas•cism (fæʃ ɪz əm - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fash-iz-uh m] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. (sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

2. (sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter ) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Without “aggressive nationalism and often racism” you can’t have Fascism.

Yeah, but the problem with that is that you can have aggressive nationalism, and racism in socialist totalitarian and capitalist totalitarian regimes, too.

My friend, I have looked and looked and looked at fascist governments for decades, and to be candid, I can't find anything in any of them that is truly unique to FASCISM.

About the most unique thing about them is their honesty.

They don't PRETEND to be anything but top-down totalitarian regimes.

They don't pretend that they're seeking a just and equitable government, they don't care about what kind of economics they use, they use whatever works at the moment, they don't pretend to be a government of or by the people, either.

So there you go...the only unique thing about a Fascist government is that it TELLS you it is fascist.

In that sense, when comparing a fascist goverment to many goverments all claiming to be something they're not, Fascists are actually somewhat refreshingly honest in comparison to the other types of totalitarian regimes.
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wanna talk about brainwashing? talk about the geniuses who want four more years of the same failures they've had for the last eight.

Now THAT'S brainwashing. ;)

Irony... she can be SUCH a bitch.

I challenge this leftist to post specific examples of these failures to which she is speaking...

Now in the unlikely event that she posts such, what we'll find is that EACH one is rooted in leftism. A fact which she will deny, NOT upon any basis in FACT, but upon little more than a litanny of platitudes; each one rooted in the mindless indoctrination of the left. "It is simply so..."
And your brains are all pure and clear of logic.

Get a life. The far right is just a brainwashed as the far left.

What horseshit.

And this from a woman that pretends to be a man and who also pretends to have once been a US Marine.

ROFLMNAO... Pogues...
I'm telling you, dude.. your "calling men by womens names" thing is about as convincing as eddie murphy giving a transvestite "a ride" home.
Heres the little part the the piece missed.

The people in the audience were speaking out against the intolerance of the schedualed speakers.

You see the brown shirts were part of an organized effort of the government to keep the ideas of regular people from going where they didnt want them to go.

False... the SA was a civilian group, not unlike ACORN and CODE PINK et al, who went about making a general nuisance out of themselves; beating those who disagreed, intimidating those who would liked to have disagreed with them, but preferred not to have the shit kicked out of them, for their having opened their mouths. They had no governmental affiliation until the NAZI party came to power and it was shortly thereafter than the SS, an official government operation, sought out the leadership of the SA and either killed or imprisoned them... Thus the Brown shirt were part of an organized effort of those THAT HAD POLITICAL AMBITION AND WERE OVERTLY SEEKING GOVERNMENTAL POWER. Think of the SA as the equivalent of today’s freak show that is typically found at the meetings of the G8 and the political conventions; they're easily recognized by their customary breaking of storefront glass and throwing teargas back at those who are trying to prevent them from breaking anything else.

They repressed the regular citizens.
Yes they did... of course they were regular citizens themselves, much like those that stormed the stage at columbia and who like to get the narrow little asses beat by Coulter's security now days.

Both of the speakers you metioned are part of the Power structure now werent they?

So Ann Coulter is part of the power structure? WOW! Has anyone informed Coulter of this? Last I heard she is a private citizen that makes her views heard and earns a nice living doing it. And the Minutemen are even MORE private citizens... neither one being affiliated with the government at all...

The Republicans had more power than any party at the time and Man Cultwhore is a republican speaking on the limmiting of rights of other citizens.

ROFLMNAO... Isn't it cute... here's an imbecile coming to declare that the left is not a violent pack of idiots bent on destroying their opposition, and she felt it appropriate to refer to Miss Coulter as "Cultwhore" to prove it... What's more, she assigned Miss Coulter with a direct affiliation to the US Government because she is an ideological conservative; of whom, few have seen government power in the US since the early 90s...

The border clones are people who lean republican and dont much like brown people in their country and suspect brown Americans are illegals and are ruining our country.

Again this idiot is excusing violent suppression of political opposition because, well... 'those people were espousing the views of the opposition! SO THEY DESERVED IT!'

They were the brown shirts in this situation and the citizens who shouted them down were not of the party of power now were they?

Again notice, as I've pointed out in several other threads... the left comes to set aside cause and blame the effect... 'Those that stormed the stage or attacked Miss Coulter were not to blame for their actions... they were only reacting to the ideas that each of the speakers were espousing... which were the ideas of their opposition SO THEY HAD IT COMING!'

Clearly no similarity to the SA there... despite it being exactly, no... PRECISELY the mindset of the NAZI Brownshirts...

They were the ones telling the brownshirts to take a hike because these citizens will not sit back and allow the brownshirts to do what they did in Germany all those years ago.

Yeah... that's right, those people storming the stage were standing up for freedom by usurping the rights of the speakers to speak and those who invited them to speak; they usurped the rights of those who paid them to speak to hear what they had to say... and they Stage-Stormers did this to promote freedom; freedoms no doubt like the freedom to invite someone to speak and listen to what they have to say and the freedom to actually say what you have on your mind.

Now friends, this is the mindset of the fascist. And we can be sure that when the rubber inevitably hits the road and they push it to a point where it is simply no longer possible to tolerate their idiocy, that they will blame us for kicking the living shit out of each and every one of them... never once recognizing that they are the problem.

Brown shirts are tools and these tools like Man Cultwhore and the border clones often dont even know they are brown shirts. Someone had to tell them.

You are dumber than a bag of hammers sis... an absolute idiot... Crazier than a shithouse rat... :cuckoo:

They didn't 'tell' them anything moron... THEY FORCED THEM TO STOP SPEAKING. Miss Ann Coulter has never stopped a single leftist from saying whatever it is they want to say... SHE IS ANXIOUS to hear them speak... SHE WENT TO THEM! She WANTED TO LET THEM TELL HER WHAT EVER THEY HAD ON THEIR MIND... Because she enjoys (as do I) kicking the rhetorical crap out of you imbeciles. Same with the Minutemen at Columbia. The reason the left wants to shut these people up, is the same reason the SA wanted to shut up their opposition: YOU CAN'T COMPETE... As stupid as you are, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN THE ARGUMENT!

If you thought you could win... YOU'D BE ANN COULTER, going to where ever the debate can be found to WIN AGAIN!

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I'm telling you, dude.. your "calling men by womens names" thing is about as convincing as eddie murphy giving a transvestite "a ride" home.

This coming from the in-house cock polisher; an abomination before God; a conclusively proven advocate for homosexual adult/child sex... here to spam a lament wherein the feminization of the leftist male is being given due public recognition.

But isn't it hilarious how these feminized males resent being recognized for what they represent, even while they busy themselves defining masculinity and manhood down to being meaningless beyond the mere possession of a penis... I mean how hysterical is it that they can't STAND it when they're publically recognized as something other than a man, which to here them define it, isn't that big a deal anyway...

:eek: There's no attempt to avoid accountability; nothing emotionally based or irrational about that, is there? :eek:

But hey! Lets give credit where credit is due... She does the very BEST she can, God bless'er. :eusa_shifty:
PI said:
... Miss Ann Coulter has never stopped a single leftist from saying what ever it is they want to say... SHE IS ANXIOUS to hear them speak... SHE WENT TO THEM! She WANTED TO LET THEM TELL HER WHAT EVER THEY HAD ON THEIR MIND... because she enjoys (as do I) kicking the rhetorical crap out of you imbeciles; same with the Minutemen at Columbia. The reason the left wants to shut these people up, is the same reason the SA wanted to shut up their opposition: YOU CAN'T COMPETE... As stupid as you are, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN THE ARGUMENT!

If you thought you could win... YOU'D BE ANN COULTER, going to where ever the debate can be found to WIN AGAIN!


Now I would like to state for the record that I do not know this leftist... and I've paid her nothing to come to this board and prove my point. She did so to the best of my knowledge of her own volition and the highest likelihood is that she is blissfully ignorant that her post represents her stark intellectual limitations, which were spoken to and stood as the central point in the post, to which she was responding and that it projects the illusion of genius on my part is just that an illusion. In truth I’m not very bright… I just look like a freakin’ Mensa when the contrast is against a leftists… so please… I had nothing to do with it.

Now again, should she return to deny her position, scream that it was misrepresented and otherwise runs to avoid accountability, I had no hand in the process other than to state my position and that she proves the position is simply Nature's way...
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