The Buck Stops Anywhere But Here

I'm not trying to deflect anything.
Then you're doing one heck of a good job considering that you've evaded answering any of my questions and are now trying to change the subject!
I am not trying to change the subject, but I can't help noticing that YOU cut off the beginning of this thread so most people wouldn't be able to tell if I were trying to change the subject or not, unless they went back and found the original thread. You called me a murderer, which is ludicrous. You seemed to claim that the coronavirus crisis resulted from Trump's impeachment trial, which is silly. And in another post, I invited you to post all your criticisms of Obama, and I promised to tell you which critiques I agreed with (and I don't think that Obama was flawless). But so far, you haven't taken me up on that. Am I missing some question that you asked? Looking back, you don't ask many questions at all. You make blanket statements, and then challenge me to rebut them. That's not a question.
FUCK OFF, Jackass, the buck stops with YOU. You wantonly attack people for no good reason, spread bullshit and lies, then when questions are put to you, you have the NERVE to refuse to answer any of them, prove anything, even as you insist you are not trying to change the subject while now insisting I answer YOUR totally unrelated questions instead! You are nothing but pusillanimous libtard dreck like all libtards. Get lost.
So, rather than respond to the points that I made, you attack me and call me names. I haven't refused to answer questions; you haven't asked any. You make statements. A statement is not a question. In my previous post, I didn't "insist" that you do anything. I made a series of statements, and asked one question: Am I missing some question that you asked? You didn't answer. But it's obvious that I'm really annoying you, and that's what I've been trying to do the whole time. So I win!
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.

As I said, fuckwad, a bureaucrat was responsible. Why don't you go back to playing with yourself and occasionally read the thread to educate yourself?
Well, is Trump responsible for what goes on in his administration, or isn't he? I guess it's all those evil spies of the Deep State that are sabotaging him, right?
TDS Thread #31,776.
So, when will Trump take responsibility? Can you just give me a ballpark figure?
responsibility for what?
Really, responsibility for anything! Anything at all! Name one instance since Trump took office when he took responsibility for something. He ALWAYS blames somebody or something else whenever things are less than great.
I can give you a list of FIFTY things he's taken responsibility for! But they are all good things! You want him to take blame for something BAD except there has been so little bad since he took office, and what little there has been was caused by Nancy and her House.
Trump did nothing for three years. Now we're paying the price.
A more accurate assessment is that the Democrats tied Trump up for three years morning, noon and night with an incessant rain of fraudulent charges and accusations hoping to collapse the system, and now it looks like they finally got their wish.

So, according to you, the coronavirus happened because the Democrats were mean to Trump? Is that it?
So you admit that the Democrats were deliberate and intentional. I guess you thought three years of constant hearings and investigations into charges you knew were a lie at a cost of a hundred million dollars tying up most of Washington DC day and night was actually HELPING government run better, right?
What, Democrats deliberately and intentionally impeached Trump for his abuse of power? Yeah, damn right. And it was the truth. As far as government running better, Trump is such an incompetent administrator, there are more "acting" heads in his administration than in any other in history. Far more.

Those people have to be approved by the Senate. Guess who has been too busy with impeachment, thanks to the libtards?
WRONG!! Trump can appoint "acting" heads as a way of getting around the necessity of Senate "Advise and Consent," and that's just what he's been doing. It has nothing to do with the impeachment process -- although, come to think of it, maybe that could have been another reason for impeaching him. He's been abusing the appointment process.
I'm not trying to deflect anything.
Then you're doing one heck of a good job considering that you've evaded answering any of my questions and are now trying to change the subject!
I am not trying to change the subject, but I can't help noticing that YOU cut off the beginning of this thread so most people wouldn't be able to tell if I were trying to change the subject or not, unless they went back and found the original thread. You called me a murderer, which is ludicrous. You seemed to claim that the coronavirus crisis resulted from Trump's impeachment trial, which is silly. And in another post, I invited you to post all your criticisms of Obama, and I promised to tell you which critiques I agreed with (and I don't think that Obama was flawless). But so far, you haven't taken me up on that. Am I missing some question that you asked? Looking back, you don't ask many questions at all. You make blanket statements, and then challenge me to rebut them. That's not a question.
FUCK OFF, Jackass, the buck stops with YOU. You wantonly attack people for no good reason, spread bullshit and lies, then when questions are put to you, you have the NERVE to refuse to answer any of them, prove anything, even as you insist you are not trying to change the subject while now insisting I answer YOUR totally unrelated questions instead! You are nothing but pusillanimous libtard dreck like all libtards. Get lost.
So, rather than respond to the points that I made, you attack me and call me names. I haven't refused to answer questions; you haven't asked any. You make statements. A statement is not a question. In my previous post, I didn't "insist" that you do anything. I made a series of statements, and asked one question: Am I missing some question that you asked? You didn't answer. But it's obvious that I'm really annoying you, and that's what I've been trying to do the whole time. So I win!
REALLY? I haven't asked you any questions? How about we get a Mod on here and if I haven't asked you any questions, I pay your paypal $500. But if I asked you any questions, you donate $100 to USMB for EVERY QUESTION I'VE ASKED. Fair enough? Should be a no brainer for a guy who swears I never asked him any questions!
I'm not trying to deflect anything.
Then you're doing one heck of a good job considering that you've evaded answering any of my questions and are now trying to change the subject!
I am not trying to change the subject, but I can't help noticing that YOU cut off the beginning of this thread so most people wouldn't be able to tell if I were trying to change the subject or not, unless they went back and found the original thread. You called me a murderer, which is ludicrous. You seemed to claim that the coronavirus crisis resulted from Trump's impeachment trial, which is silly. And in another post, I invited you to post all your criticisms of Obama, and I promised to tell you which critiques I agreed with (and I don't think that Obama was flawless). But so far, you haven't taken me up on that. Am I missing some question that you asked? Looking back, you don't ask many questions at all. You make blanket statements, and then challenge me to rebut them. That's not a question.
FUCK OFF, Jackass, the buck stops with YOU. You wantonly attack people for no good reason, spread bullshit and lies, then when questions are put to you, you have the NERVE to refuse to answer any of them, prove anything, even as you insist you are not trying to change the subject while now insisting I answer YOUR totally unrelated questions instead! You are nothing but pusillanimous libtard dreck like all libtards. Get lost.
So, rather than respond to the points that I made, you attack me and call me names. I haven't refused to answer questions; you haven't asked any. You make statements. A statement is not a question. In my previous post, I didn't "insist" that you do anything. I made a series of statements, and asked one question: Am I missing some question that you asked? You didn't answer. But it's obvious that I'm really annoying you, and that's what I've been trying to do the whole time. So I win!
REALLY? I haven't asked you any questions? How about we get a Mod on here and if I haven't asked you any questions, I pay your paypal $500. But if I asked you any questions, you donate $100 to USMB for EVERY QUESTION I'VE ASKED. Fair enough? Should be a no brainer for a guy who swears I never asked him any questions!
I'm not going to play your silly game. But go ahead and ask me an actual question, and I'll answer it.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.

As I said, fuckwad, a bureaucrat was responsible. Why don't you go back to playing with yourself and occasionally read the thread to educate yourself?
Well, is Trump responsible for what goes on in his administration, or isn't he? I guess it's all those evil spies of the Deep State that are sabotaging him, right?

So if I screw up my performance as a contractor, since I work for the government, that it is all Trump's fault? Do you honestly believe that?
I'm not trying to deflect anything.
Then you're doing one heck of a good job considering that you've evaded answering any of my questions and are now trying to change the subject!
I am not trying to change the subject, but I can't help noticing that YOU cut off the beginning of this thread so most people wouldn't be able to tell if I were trying to change the subject or not, unless they went back and found the original thread. You called me a murderer, which is ludicrous. You seemed to claim that the coronavirus crisis resulted from Trump's impeachment trial, which is silly. And in another post, I invited you to post all your criticisms of Obama, and I promised to tell you which critiques I agreed with (and I don't think that Obama was flawless). But so far, you haven't taken me up on that. Am I missing some question that you asked? Looking back, you don't ask many questions at all. You make blanket statements, and then challenge me to rebut them. That's not a question.
FUCK OFF, Jackass, the buck stops with YOU. You wantonly attack people for no good reason, spread bullshit and lies, then when questions are put to you, you have the NERVE to refuse to answer any of them, prove anything, even as you insist you are not trying to change the subject while now insisting I answer YOUR totally unrelated questions instead! You are nothing but pusillanimous libtard dreck like all libtards. Get lost.
So, rather than respond to the points that I made, you attack me and call me names. I haven't refused to answer questions; you haven't asked any. You make statements. A statement is not a question. In my previous post, I didn't "insist" that you do anything. I made a series of statements, and asked one question: Am I missing some question that you asked? You didn't answer. But it's obvious that I'm really annoying you, and that's what I've been trying to do the whole time. So I win!
REALLY? I haven't asked you any questions? How about we get a Mod on here and if I haven't asked you any questions, I pay your paypal $500. But if I asked you any questions, you donate $100 to USMB for EVERY QUESTION I'VE ASKED. Fair enough? Should be a no brainer for a guy who swears I never asked him any questions!
I'm not going to play your silly game. But go ahead and ask me an actual question, and I'll answer it.
Why are all you Left Assholes are delusional, circuitous Liars?
TDS Thread #31,776.
So, when will Trump take responsibility? Can you just give me a ballpark figure?
responsibility for what?
Really, responsibility for anything! Anything at all! Name one instance since Trump took office when he took responsibility for something. He ALWAYS blames somebody or something else whenever things are less than great.
I can give you a list of FIFTY things he's taken responsibility for! But they are all good things! You want him to take blame for something BAD except there has been so little bad since he took office, and what little there has been was caused by Nancy and her House.
Well, you're proving my point. Nothing is EVER Trump's fault. It's always somebody else's fault. But you're right -- he's happy to take responsibility for good stuff, like when the stock market kept going up, and up, and up. But lately, he hasn't said much about the stock market.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.
Asking a blob supporter to hold the blob accountable? You’re more likely to get hit by lightning while winning the powerball lottery.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.

As I said, fuckwad, a bureaucrat was responsible. Why don't you go back to playing with yourself and occasionally read the thread to educate yourself?
Well, is Trump responsible for what goes on in his administration, or isn't he? I guess it's all those evil spies of the Deep State that are sabotaging him, right?

So if I screw up my performance as a contractor, since I work for the government, that it is all Trump's fault? Do you honestly believe that?
Well, as I posted at the beginning, Truman said, "The buck stops here." At a certain point, yes, it IS Trump's fault. Not every little detail, certainly, but the big picture? Yes. You can debate where the line is, but Trump seems to think that the line is between when good things happen and when bad things happen.
I'm not trying to deflect anything.
Then you're doing one heck of a good job considering that you've evaded answering any of my questions and are now trying to change the subject!
I am not trying to change the subject, but I can't help noticing that YOU cut off the beginning of this thread so most people wouldn't be able to tell if I were trying to change the subject or not, unless they went back and found the original thread. You called me a murderer, which is ludicrous. You seemed to claim that the coronavirus crisis resulted from Trump's impeachment trial, which is silly. And in another post, I invited you to post all your criticisms of Obama, and I promised to tell you which critiques I agreed with (and I don't think that Obama was flawless). But so far, you haven't taken me up on that. Am I missing some question that you asked? Looking back, you don't ask many questions at all. You make blanket statements, and then challenge me to rebut them. That's not a question.
FUCK OFF, Jackass, the buck stops with YOU. You wantonly attack people for no good reason, spread bullshit and lies, then when questions are put to you, you have the NERVE to refuse to answer any of them, prove anything, even as you insist you are not trying to change the subject while now insisting I answer YOUR totally unrelated questions instead! You are nothing but pusillanimous libtard dreck like all libtards. Get lost.
So, rather than respond to the points that I made, you attack me and call me names. I haven't refused to answer questions; you haven't asked any. You make statements. A statement is not a question. In my previous post, I didn't "insist" that you do anything. I made a series of statements, and asked one question: Am I missing some question that you asked? You didn't answer. But it's obvious that I'm really annoying you, and that's what I've been trying to do the whole time. So I win!
REALLY? I haven't asked you any questions? How about we get a Mod on here and if I haven't asked you any questions, I pay your paypal $500. But if I asked you any questions, you donate $100 to USMB for EVERY QUESTION I'VE ASKED. Fair enough? Should be a no brainer for a guy who swears I never asked him any questions!
I'm not going to play your silly game. But go ahead and ask me an actual question, and I'll answer it.
Why are all you Left Assholes are delusional, circuitous Liars?
Again, you didn't really respond to what I wrote. Instead, you just called me names. That's what I call a dialogue!
But go ahead and ask me an actual question, and I'll answer it.

Why are all you Left Assholes are delusional, circuitous Liars?

Again, you didn't really respond to what I wrote. Instead, you just called me names. That's what I call a dialogue!
Not only are you now again a proven liar but a pathological one. Thanks, I guess you really DID answer my question! Just another chickenshit worthless Tard with NO VALUE in even reading further much less responding to! Bye.
But go ahead and ask me an actual question, and I'll answer it.

Why are all you Left Assholes are delusional, circuitous Liars?

Again, you didn't really respond to what I wrote. Instead, you just called me names. That's what I call a dialogue!
Not only are you now again a proven liar but a pathological one. Thanks, I guess you really DID answer my question! Just another chickenshit worthless Tard with NO VALUE in even reading further much less responding to! Bye.
What did I lie about?
But go ahead and ask me an actual question, and I'll answer it.

Why are all you Left Assholes are delusional, circuitous Liars?

Again, you didn't really respond to what I wrote. Instead, you just called me names. That's what I call a dialogue!
Not only are you now again a proven liar but a pathological one. Thanks, I guess you really DID answer my question! Just another chickenshit worthless Tard with NO VALUE in even reading further much less responding to! Bye.
What did I lie about?
Oh, I guess this is the question you're accusing me of ducking: "Why are all you Left Assholes are delusional, circuitous Liars?" Gee, that's a toughie. I guess it must be due to all the LSD we took. Happy now?
TDS Thread #31,776.
So, when will Trump take responsibility? Can you just give me a ballpark figure?
responsibility for what?
Really, responsibility for anything! Anything at all! Name one instance since Trump took office when he took responsibility for something. He ALWAYS blames somebody or something else whenever things are less than great.
I can give you a list of FIFTY things he's taken responsibility for! But they are all good things! You want him to take blame for something BAD except there has been so little bad since he took office, and what little there has been was caused by Nancy and her House.
Well, you're proving my point. Nothing is EVER Trump's fault. It's always somebody else's fault. But you're right -- he's happy to take responsibility for good stuff, like when the stock market kept going up, and up, and up. But lately, he hasn't said much about the stock market. fkd up!! I asked you specify what you are complaining about, and you can't lose
  • He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus

  • The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the United States, and within weeks was raising options like keeping Americans home from work and shutting down cities the size of Chicago. Mr. Trump would avoid such steps until March.
  • Despite Mr. Trump’s denial weeks later, he was told at the time about a Jan. 29 memo produced by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, laying out in striking detail the potential risks of a coronavirus pandemic: as many as half a million deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses.
  • The health and human services secretary, Alex M. Azar II, directly warned Mr. Trump of the possibility of a pandemic during a call on Jan. 30, the second warning he delivered to the president about the virus in two weeks. The president, who was on Air Force One while traveling for appearances in the Midwest, responded that Mr. Azar was being alarmist.

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