The Buck Stops Anywhere But Here

I thought the left hated Truman. Even though he was a democrat, he nuked Japan.

Oh, that's right. For this so called point they will use him.

Thank the Lord he dropped the bombs.
No si
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.
boy,big bad trump sure gets pickefd on alot. he is the biggest bitch to ever walk the face of the planet. how many more excuses ya got for him? we all love hearing them.
Even flow, what is that? Is that a referral to some sort of menstruation of the brain? How is it a TRUMP excuse to mention the undeniable facts that Obama had greater opportunity to restock supplies than Trump---- and DIDN'T? And he was the one who depleted them! How is it a Trump excuse to mention that this nation has THOUSANDS of highly paid people whose sole focus is disease control? The president isn't a medical expert! That is why these people are there! Where were they? Was this yet one more plot like Page and Strozk to contribute to making Trump look bad for political reasons? I asked before if someone had proof that any of these medical experts came to Trump months ago with dire warnings which he rebuffed and never even got an answer, so I guess the answer is NO.

These are QUESTIONS based on PAST BEHAVIOR of the Left and DNC, not excuses. Try answering the questions with facts, if you have any. If not able, then I suggest sticking a tampon in your ear to hold back that even flow coming out your ear.
you would think ya would get tired of providing excuses. Poor Donny the guy before me did not do it right. Hillarious.
Like slow moving gurgling mud, Even Flow answers my questions for facts with no facts but yet another deflection about me making excuses. Appasrently asking for facts to back up statments passes as an excuse now to the weary flowing.

Like normal ya got nothing but excuses and complaints

DO PLEASE NAME THEM. And link us to the posts where I made them!

well right up above is a perfect example.. I am sorry I am I not doing this right. You and Donnie can sit and have a pity party together. Every one always picking on the both of ya.

Right. So in other words, all you got is accusations and evasion.

r that is what you have offered nothing but accusations and excuses. It is all you have and all your poor picked on Donald has. So what exactly is the Donald responsible for? Show me some proof of your assertions against obama, you have none. All you have is blaming every thing on every one that is not in charge. Donald is in charge and crying every day. As far as jumping through your hoops, much like the donald you can not control my behavior. I was the first to ask a question here in which you ignored but keep up with the excuses buddy. We all love them, we do not give a shit why the donald can not get the job done we just know he cant.

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memes wow! feel good about your self?LOL Meanwhile you are a grown man sittting around making excuses for a grone man. Mean old obama,mean old hillary, and my personl favorite mean old china. Oh, forgot about the mean old media!LOL what a bunch of clowns yall are.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Another Trump hate thread? You leftists sure know how to hate. I suppose everyone needs to be good at something.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

You are all just feckless wicked hypocritical losers. Is this where you call me a racist and run away?
Daniels is just another hack sockpuppet troll polluting the airwaves here with total garbage like this that should have gotten him thrown off the group. Breaking News my ass. Pay no attention to the TDS-termite behind the curtain sent here no doubt by his DNC Overlords to spread his bullshit propaganda:

Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 5.21.48 AM.png

Whatever the buck ever is, it NEVER stops with the Democrats; only they would have the nerve to try to cover for the fact that Obama caused much of the problems now by his never replenishing medical stocks used 11 years ago when he had SIX MORE YEARS to do so by arguing that Trump has had plenty of time in ONLY THREE (while fighting a continual onslaught of their groundless attacks, charges, hearings and investigations).

A clear-cut case of Cloward and Piven if ever I saw one.
TDS Thread #31,776.
Keep counting there will be more tomorrow.
Just remember, the MO of the Left is MISDIRECTION. If Trump were really doing such bad things, they'd be HAPPY, not complaining! The last thing they want is for Trump to do "the right thing" giving people no reason not to vote for him! So when the Left get real busy complaining and talking shit, YOU CAN BE SURE they are trying to distract you from what THEY are doing and to keep your attention away from the real issue.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.
boy,big bad trump sure gets pickefd on alot. he is the biggest bitch to ever walk the face of the planet. how many more excuses ya got for him? we all love hearing them.
Even flow, what is that? Is that a referral to some sort of menstruation of the brain? How is it a TRUMP excuse to mention the undeniable facts that Obama had greater opportunity to restock supplies than Trump---- and DIDN'T? And he was the one who depleted them! How is it a Trump excuse to mention that this nation has THOUSANDS of highly paid people whose sole focus is disease control? The president isn't a medical expert! That is why these people are there! Where were they? Was this yet one more plot like Page and Strozk to contribute to making Trump look bad for political reasons? I asked before if someone had proof that any of these medical experts came to Trump months ago with dire warnings which he rebuffed and never even got an answer, so I guess the answer is NO.

These are QUESTIONS based on PAST BEHAVIOR of the Left and DNC, not excuses. Try answering the questions with facts, if you have any. If not able, then I suggest sticking a tampon in your ear to hold back that even flow coming out your ear.
Trump did nothing for three years. Now we're paying the price.
TDS Thread #31,776.
So, when will Trump take responsibility? Can you just give me a ballpark figure?

The third year of his 2nd term, that's about when Obama stopped blaming Bush. Tissue?
TDS Thread #31,776.
So, when will Trump take responsibility? Can you just give me a ballpark figure?

The third year of his 2nd term, that's about when Obama stopped blaming Bush. Tissue?
When did Obama blame Bush for anything? Please cite an example or two.
Truman took responsibility for nothing. He was too timid to confront his own freaking general and lost about 50,000 Troops in a three year quagmire in Korea that he created. He couldn't even get the support from his own party to run for another full term but the media loved him because he was a democrat.
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

You are all just feckless wicked hypocritical losers. Is this where you call me a racist and run away?
I would only call you a racist if you posted something racist. You haven't, at least not in this post. Calling me a feckless wicked hypocritical loser isn't racist. I would argue that it's inaccurate, but it's not racist.
I thought the left hated Truman. Even though he was a democrat, he nuked Japan.

Oh, that's right. For this so called point they will use him.

Thank the Lord he dropped the bombs.
"The Left." Yes, we're a monolithic bunch of hypnotized cretins who all believe exactly the same things. No, actually, we're individuals who have a wide variety of opinions on a wide variety of topics, including Harry Truman and the use of the atomic bomb. Maybe you could stop seeing us as "The Left" and start seeing us as human beings?
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Another Trump hate thread? You leftists sure know how to hate. I suppose everyone needs to be good at something.
We're gonna stamp out hate! That's our creed!
Wipe out violence, intolerance and greed!
We're gonna start right now, tomorrow is too late!
We're gonna stamp! Out! Hate!

We're gonna stamp out hate, stamp it in the ground
And then take happiness and spread it all around
We'll put an end to grief, we can hardly wait
We're gonna stamp! Out! Hate!

We're gonna stamp out hate, sock it in the eye
Shoot it in the stomach, yelling Die! Die! Die!
We'll pull its insides out, and look at what it ate
We're gonna stamp! Out! Hate!

We're gonna stamp out hate, lash it with a switch!
Amputate its arms and legs and see how long they twitch!
We'll put its toes on hooks and dangle 'em for bait!
We're gonna stamp! Out! Hate!

We're gonna stamp out hate, show 'im who's the boss
Take him up a lonely hill and nail him to a cross
Won't it be kicks to watch the blood coagulate?
We're gonna stamp! Out! Hate!

We're gonna STAMP OUT HATE! Poke it with a pick!
Chill it til it's solid, then we'll sell it on a stick!
We're gonna STAMP OUT HATE! Kill without a trace!
Stick a finger up its nose and pull it off its face!

We're gonna stamp out hate! Lynch him with a rope!
Find a Nazi doctor who can boil him down for soap!
We'll pull his teeth right out and sell the silver plate--
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

You are all just feckless wicked hypocritical losers. Is this where you call me a racist and run away?
Daniels is just another hack sockpuppet troll polluting the airwaves here with total garbage like this that should have gotten him thrown off the group. Breaking News my ass. Pay no attention to the TDS-termite behind the curtain sent here no doubt by his DNC Overlords to spread his bullshit propaganda:

View attachment 321937

Whatever the buck ever is, it NEVER stops with the Democrats; only they would have the nerve to try to cover for the fact that Obama caused much of the problems now by his never replenishing medical stocks used 11 years ago when he had SIX MORE YEARS to do so by arguing that Trump has had plenty of time in ONLY THREE (while fighting a continual onslaught of their groundless attacks, charges, hearings and investigations).

A clear-cut case of Cloward and Piven if ever I saw one.
I posted an apology for calling Bruce_T_Laney a Russian troll. What else would you like me to do?

As far as this whole thing being Obama's fault, it's not really true, if you care about actual facts.

Truman took responsibility for nothing. He was too timid to confront his own freaking general and lost about 50,000 Troops in a three year quagmire in Korea that he created. He couldn't even get the support from his own party to run for another full term but the media loved him because he was a democrat.
Uh, I'm pretty sure that Truman fired his general, MacArthur. So how does that make him too timid?
Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.
Great, Spruce! Come next January 27 if Bozo Biden wins, then we can say it was HIS fault and responsibility. For you see, presidents may get all the BLAME, but once again, there are THOUSANDS of highly paid experts out there who have the actual RESPONSIBILITY. And they all dropped the ball. But twits like you just want to blame Trump for everything.
Trump did nothing for three years. Now we're paying the price.
A more accurate assessment is that the Democrats tied Trump up for three years morning, noon and night with an incessant rain of fraudulent charges and accusations hoping to collapse the system, and now it looks like they finally got their wish.

Trump is a far cry from Harry Truman, who famously said, "The buck stops here," by way of taking responsibility for everything that happened during his tenure as U.S. President. In contrast, Trump has blamed Obama, China, the CDC, and the World Health Organization for his administration's inept response to the coronavirus crisis. Will he ever take responsibility? (Hint: No, never!)

Ol' Brucey talks as if:
  1. Obama HADN'T depleted all the medical supplies and left them barren.
  2. The CDC and WHO AREN'T the experts who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff upon which the President merely trusts and relies upon!
NOPE. Ol' Brucey would have us think that 10s of thousands of experts and specialists paid BILLIONS of dollars to be on top of all this stuff aren't to blame but ONE LONE EX-MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN.

If that was true...your blob had 3 years to replenish the supplies. He didn't do it. Correct?

Why didn't you?

How do you even know that anyone knew they were depleted?

Just because some Democrat holdover bureaucrat, from 5 administrations back, didn't bother to tell anyone, gives you no right to assign blame.
Great, Spruce! Come next January 27 if Bozo Biden wins, then we can say it was HIS fault and responsibility. For you see, presidents may get all the BLAME, but once again, there are THOUSANDS of highly paid experts out there who have the actual RESPONSIBILITY. And they all dropped the ball. But twits like you just want to blame Trump for everything.
I will be quite happy to blame Joe Biden for whatever happens after he becomes President of the United States, after this pathetic interregnum. But I don't want to blame Trump for EVERYTHING, just the crap that's his fault (which is plenty).
Trump did nothing for three years. Now we're paying the price.
A more accurate assessment is that the Democrats tied Trump up for three years morning, noon and night with an incessant rain of fraudulent charges and accusations hoping to collapse the system, and now it looks like they finally got their wish.

So, according to you, the coronavirus happened because the Democrats were mean to Trump? Is that it?

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