The Bush legacy

Coolyou should be surfing this morninggood luck

Going soon.
LOVE it.
There is NOTHING like it except some really good church.

Did you just say "Muslim coddling"?Is that today's equivalent of ****** loving?

Don't know: don't care.
DESPISE most of both groups if they behave like wild jungle animals/beasts/demonic monsters.

I can't find anything to admire about Obama: not one damn thing.
The ONLY thing he did that was even remotely presidential was take out the Muslim Solmali pirates who DESPERATELY needed to be sent to Allah and their 72 virgins!
EVERYTHING else he has done is self-serving, self-aggrandizing BS!
Bush was more than ok.
I don't like any politicians but under scrutiny no one can deny employment was FULL at 4%.
Housing was up in the sky with record prices.
DOW was over 14,150. Confidence was 96%! Our credit rating was AAA.
Gas prices jumped around but were $1.49/gallon on election day 2008.
Not as many were on handouts.
America was working.
Then the Democrats/Liberals took over CONgress in '07. We were completely and utterly fcked and have never recovered.
Yes Bush was not the "eloquent" (teleprompter-addicted!) speaker Obama is.
Yes he was too nice to criminal aliens, Muslims and other proven enemies.
Yes he spent like a drunk sailor.
Yes he was a Born-Again Christian who wore his faith on his sleeve vs. the admitted Muslim we have now, but our enemies feared us. Now they laugh in our faces.

Bush was more than ok.
I don't like any politicians but under scrutiny no one can deny employment was FULL at 4%.
Housing was up in the sky with record prices.
DOW was over 14,150. Confidence was 96%! Our credit rating was AAA.
Gas prices jumped around but were $1.49/gallon on election day 2008.
Not as many were on handouts.
America was working.
Then the Democrats/Liberals took over CONgress in '07. We were completely and utterly fcked and have never recovered.
Yes Bush was not the "eloquent" (teleprompter-addicted!) speaker Obama is.
Yes he was too nice to criminal aliens, Muslims and other proven enemies.
Yes he spent like a drunk sailor.
Yes he was a Born-Again Christian who wore his faith on his sleeve vs. the admitted Muslim we have now, but our enemies feared us. Now they laugh in our faces.


GWB faced 9-11 head-on
his tax policy for the most part is still in place today
In fact my biggest gripe with W was he was to liberal
My god the Libs should have loved that guy with his medicare D as well as No child left behind
he grew the size of govt to have a balnace budget with 0 wars
he was proven right in 2007 when the defict was 163 billion with both wars wide open

Obama killed any chance of that as well as the Dem controlled congress in 2009

How any-one can with a straight face state that BHO is some god send and GWB was the worst is not looking at the facts
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The Bush legacy

GW Bush has been rated by historians as the 34th best president in history, the worst ranking since Warren Harding - another Republican

By comparison James Garfield who served as the 20th President of the United States and was assassinated after serving just 200 days in office was actually ranked higher than GWB - tied for 29th.
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The Bush legacy. He crippled the conservative movement for at least 2 or more decades, all but destroyed the economy, and helped ensure the Democrats hold sway for the next decade and more.
Bush was more than ok.
I don't like any politicians but under scrutiny no one can deny employment was FULL at 4%.
Housing was up in the sky with record prices.
DOW was over 14,150. Confidence was 96%! Our credit rating was AAA.
Gas prices jumped around but were $1.49/gallon on election day 2008.
Not as many were on handouts.
America was working.
Then the Democrats/Liberals took over CONgress in '07. We were completely and utterly fcked and have never recovered.
Yes Bush was not the "eloquent" (teleprompter-addicted!) speaker Obama is.
Yes he was too nice to criminal aliens, Muslims and other proven enemies.
Yes he spent like a drunk sailor.
Yes he was a Born-Again Christian who wore his faith on his sleeve vs. the admitted Muslim we have now, but our enemies feared us. Now they laugh in our faces.


Sure, sure, he rode the wave somebody else created and at the last minute, right before we crashed into the reef, he stepped off.

Oh and you're getting sloppy with that gas price stuff, you're suppose to say when he assumed office, on election day the average price was still over two bucks. Of course don't mention that when President Bush took office prices were at about 1.59 a gallon and throughout his whole 8 years we saw a mostly steady rise to 3.89 a gallon until the bubble burst in Oct.
BlindBoo said:
Sure, sure, he rode the wave somebody else created and at the last minute, right before we crashed into the reef, he stepped off.Oh and you're getting sloppy with that gas price stuff, you're suppose to say when he assumed office, on election day the average price was still over two bucks. Of course don't mention that when President Bush took office prices were at about 1.59 a gallon and throughout his whole 8 years we saw a mostly steady rise to 3.89 a gallon until the bubble burst in Oct.

What wave? He inherited a recession from the Clenis. And a sitting duck country with gutted security. A country full of criminal alien Muslims who vowed to destroy us. Clenis was too busy getting his d*ck sucked to even care about all the warnings about the Muslims taking flying lessons but only takeoff, not landing!
I posted all facts. All.
BlindBoo said:
Sure, sure, he rode the wave somebody else created and at the last minute, right before we crashed into the reef, he stepped off.Oh and you're getting sloppy with that gas price stuff, you're suppose to say when he assumed office, on election day the average price was still over two bucks. Of course don't mention that when President Bush took office prices were at about 1.59 a gallon and throughout his whole 8 years we saw a mostly steady rise to 3.89 a gallon until the bubble burst in Oct.

What wave? He inherited a recession from the Clenis. And a sitting duck country with gutted security. A country full of criminal alien Muslims who vowed to destroy us. Clenis was too busy getting his d*ck sucked to even care about all the warnings about the Muslims taking flying lessons but only takeoff, not landing!
I posted all facts. All.

President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
Happy you got that off your chest!:eusa_whistle:

I can't find anything to admire about Obama: not one damn thing.
The ONLY thing he did that was even remotely presidential was take out the Muslim Solmali pirates who DESPERATELY needed to be sent to Allah and their 72 virgins!
EVERYTHING else he has done is self-serving, self-aggrandizing BS!
BlindBoo said:
Sure, sure, he rode the wave somebody else created and at the last minute, right before we crashed into the reef, he stepped off.Oh and you're getting sloppy with that gas price stuff, you're suppose to say when he assumed office, on election day the average price was still over two bucks. Of course don't mention that when President Bush took office prices were at about 1.59 a gallon and throughout his whole 8 years we saw a mostly steady rise to 3.89 a gallon until the bubble burst in Oct.

What wave? He inherited a recession from the Clenis. And a sitting duck country with gutted security. A country full of criminal alien Muslims who vowed to destroy us. Clenis was too busy getting his d*ck sucked to even care about all the warnings about the Muslims taking flying lessons but only takeoff, not landing!
I posted all facts. All.

President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..
What wave? He inherited a recession from the Clenis. And a sitting duck country with gutted security. A country full of criminal alien Muslims who vowed to destroy us. Clenis was too busy getting his d*ck sucked to even care about all the warnings about the Muslims taking flying lessons but only takeoff, not landing!
I posted all facts. All.

President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..
Technically, you are correct

Bush had a budget surplus for that year. He still had $5 trillion in debt to pay off

What did the fiscally responsible Republicans do? Pay down the debt you say?

Nope.....they used the surplus as a justification to slash taxes and add further to the debt
What wave? He inherited a recession from the Clenis. And a sitting duck country with gutted security. A country full of criminal alien Muslims who vowed to destroy us. Clenis was too busy getting his d*ck sucked to even care about all the warnings about the Muslims taking flying lessons but only takeoff, not landing!
I posted all facts. All.

President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..

Wait, what?

No, it's mathematically impossible to divide by zero........

Shirely, you know the difference between debt and deficit?

This is about President Bushes legacy, not President Obama. I agree he was a big spender but rather than a populist he was an elitist.
President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..
Technically, you are correct

Bush had a budget surplus for that year. He still had $5 trillion in debt to pay off

What did the fiscally responsible Republicans do? Pay down the debt you say?

Nope.....they used the surplus as a justification to slash taxes and add further to the debt

The federal defecit in 2007, the last GOP budget was 163 billion
the federal defict in 2009, the 2nd Liberal budget with BHO adding 500 billion was 1.4 trillion
The truth hurts, but it is the truth
President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..
Technically, you are correct

Bush had a budget surplus for that year. He still had $5 trillion in debt to pay off

What did the fiscally responsible Republicans do? Pay down the debt you say?

Nope.....they used the surplus as a justification to slash taxes and add further to the debt

Slashing taxes created 8 million jobs in a post 9-11 climate and brought the federal income amount ot its highest level ever
Stop lying
Don’t believe it. The tax cuts enacted by the U.S. Congress in 2003 were an important cause of an economic expansion that roared for some 50 months and created 8.1 million jobs. The opposite philosophy—a stimulus that has crowded out private investment, plus an enormous health bill and a nightmarish financial regulatory package that are killing job creation—has only delayed recovery and left us with 9.1% unemployment.

You won’t hear this from liberals. What you hear instead is a straw man argument that the tax cuts failed to pay for themselves. The Bush Administration and congressional leaders at the time went out of their way to be clear that the tax cuts were not expected to pay for themselves.
Morning Bell: The Truth About Tax Cuts | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
By 2003, Mr. Bush grasped this lesson. In that year, he cut the dividend and capital gains rates to 15 percent each, and the economy responded. In two years, stocks rose 20 percent. In three years, $15 trillion of new wealth was created. The U.S. economy added 8 million new jobs from mid-2003 to early 2007, and the median household increased its wealth by $20,000 in real terms.

But the real jolt for tax-cutting opponents was that the 03 Bush tax cuts also generated a massive increase in federal tax receipts. From 2004 to 2007, federal tax revenues increased by $785 billion, the largest four-year increase in American history. According to the Treasury Department, individual and corporate income tax receipts were up 40 percent in the three years following the Bush tax cuts. And (bonus) the rich paid an even higher percentage of the total tax burden than they had at any time in at least the previous 40 years. This was news to theNew York Times, whose astonished editorial board could only describe the gains as a “surprise windfall.”

Read more: DWYER: Bush tax cuts boosted federal revenue - Washington Times
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President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.

He gave rebates to actual taxpayers. He should have used the money to fix our security that the Clenis gutted. Republicans have NEVER allied with the ACLU. The Clenis *HAD* no anti-terrorist measures. He was the weakest president on security we EVER had. He invited the Muslims here to kill us. We should just get all the Muslims out of here. We would save billions on security.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


You would have rather we ignored the attacks on 9/11 and begged al-Qaida to leave us alone? WTF is the matter with you?

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