The Bush legacy

No, that is your son's opinion, and he is wrong. Believe me if the CID knew he was talking like this, he would be in great trouble.

I hope your son will be OK. Do remember that Bush pulled the helicopter and spec ops units out of Afghanistan when they were vitally needed so they could be wasted in Iraq. That is why we are still fighting an unwinnable war in Afghanistan.
Redfish and JRK keep trying to avoid the chasm that stretches across their argument, which prevents them crossing to safe ground.

The USA had no legal international standing to invade Iraq.

The USA had no legal international standing to enforce UN regulations.

If Bush or Romney or Rice etc stepped off a plane in Brussels or Paris or Madrid today, they would be arrested and taken to The Hague for trial for war crimes.

They would never come.

There is no such thing as "legal international standing" There is no body of international law that is binding on any country. total hogwash.

I agree that going into Iraq and Afghanistan as we did was a dumb mistake. BUT Bush did not do it on his own, congress authorized and funded those fiascos, just like they authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's fiasco known as viet nam.

You putting the whole thing on Bush just shows either your ignorance, bias, or both.

The problem is not Bush, Obama, or any other president. The problem is our deep seated feeling that we are responsible to police the world. Its bullshit and its getting our kids killed and maimed for nothing.
22 pages to deflect away from the total disaster than obama has become. Whatever Bush's legacy will be, obama's is a broken country who has become the laughingstock of the world.

You are welcome to start a thread about the Obama legacy

This one is about the Bush legacy

Believe it or not, they are intertwined

there already is one. even Mick Jagger is making fun of the failed messiah. worst president in history is too mild.
Reading the race hatred of marginalized, failed whiteys amuses me.

If there is no such thing as international law, all of the senior foreign policy bushies would be gallivanting the last several years in western Europe.

Guess what? They will never come home.
Redfish and JRK keep trying to avoid the chasm that stretches across their argument, which prevents them crossing to safe ground.

The USA had no legal international standing to invade Iraq.

The USA had no legal international standing to enforce UN regulations.

If Bush or Romney or Rice etc stepped off a plane in Brussels or Paris or Madrid today, they would be arrested and taken to The Hague for trial for war crimes.

They would never come.

There is no such thing as "legal international standing" There is no body of international law that is binding on any country. total hogwash.

I agree that going into Iraq and Afghanistan as we did was a dumb mistake. BUT Bush did not do it on his own, congress authorized and funded those fiascos, just like they authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's fiasco known as viet nam.

You putting the whole thing on Bush just shows either your ignorance, bias, or both.

The problem is not Bush, Obama, or any other president. The problem is our deep seated feeling that we are responsible to police the world. Its bullshit and its getting our kids killed and maimed for nothing.

let me make this as simple as I can
no terrorist
no wars
No Saddam, killing millions, lying, creating WMDs that were confirmed to exist by the UN and B Clinton, and Saddam supporting terror in the world
no war, never, any where
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Let's make this clear.

Iraq is a nation allying with Iran and aiding Syria, in a Shi'ite-Sunni religious war.

We have 45000 dead and injured Americans.

The USA violated the laws of war and the international community.

The senior Bushies are war criminals who can't travel in many place in the world for the rest of their lives.

The remaining year o BHOs and then hopefully Christie's terms will see the major neo-cons prosecuted where possible and punished politically and culturally.

Neo-conservatism is finished as an American philosophy.
Christie can recreate the GOP without the neo-cons and with a chastened social traditionalist wing.

He simply won't put up with shitheads.
Christie can recreate the GOP without the neo-cons and with a chastened social traditionalist wing.

He simply won't put up with shitheads.

In the GOP primaries, Christie can allow Paul, Ryan, Santorum and whatever other nutjobs in the race to split the Conservative vote

Christie can monopolize the moderate and independent votes and win the GOP nomination
Not even comparable, JRK.

Your man is a war criminal who has led to Iraq allying with Iran and sending aid to Syria.

War criminal?
I enjoy watching you Bush haters seethe and foam at the mouth.
Meanwhile you wield these outrageous accusations. Truly no other words can describe your utter desperation to save face for The Chosen One.
The only way a liberal can make him/herself look good is by tearing others down.
Liberals NEVER discuss their beliefs or accomplishments. Their playbook is "the other guy sucks"...
Example of liberal candidate response in a debate with a non-liberal.
Question to Mr. Liberal candidate: Sir, what are your ideas for improving the economy?
Mr. Liberal:..."My opponent spent several years in ( choose office) got nothing done".
Redfish and JRK keep trying to avoid the chasm that stretches across their argument, which prevents them crossing to safe ground.

The USA had no legal international standing to invade Iraq.

The USA had no legal international standing to enforce UN regulations.

If Bush or Romney or Rice etc stepped off a plane in Brussels or Paris or Madrid today, they would be arrested and taken to The Hague for trial for war crimes.

They would never come.

There is no such thing as "legal international standing" There is no body of international law that is binding on any country. total hogwash.

I agree that going into Iraq and Afghanistan as we did was a dumb mistake. BUT Bush did not do it on his own, congress authorized and funded those fiascos, just like they authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's fiasco known as viet nam.

You putting the whole thing on Bush just shows either your ignorance, bias, or both.

The problem is not Bush, Obama, or any other president. The problem is our deep seated feeling that we are responsible to police the world. Its bullshit and its getting our kids killed and maimed for nothing.

let me make this as simple as I can
no terrorist
no wars
No Saddam, killing millions, lying, creating WMDs that were confirmed to exist by the UN and B Clinton, and Saddam supporting terror in the world
no war, never, any where

Getting rid of Saddam Hussein was the goal. I believe the proper course of action would have been to form a coalition of Arab and non Arab states. Instead Bush decided to essentially go it alone.
Hussein HAD to go. The Gulf region nations practically begged us to get rid of Hussein.
Had Hussein remained in power, the consequences would have been grave. Hussein was intent on destabilizing the entire Middle East.
Should that have happened, the economic structure of the World would have been thrown into chaos.
Why? Because the economic well being on this planet depends on the uninterrupted marketplace for petroleum. Hussein was threatening his neighbors. And that, the free world could not tolerate such belligerence. Hussein did it once. He invaded Kuwait under the false pretense that Kuwait was drilling laterally into Iraqi soil. No true. Hussein wanted Kuwait City's port and oil installation. Hussein put on a "what are YOU going to do about it" tone. I guess he figured if he told the world his 'Republican Guard' was a bunch of really tough guys willing to fight to the death, no one would screw with Iraq.
Hussein figured wrong. Twice.
Christie can recreate the GOP without the neo-cons and with a chastened social traditionalist wing.

He simply won't put up with shitheads.

In the GOP primaries, Christie can allow Paul, Ryan, Santorum and whatever other nutjobs in the race to split the Conservative vote

Christie can monopolize the moderate and independent votes and win the GOP nomination

Christie will make the likes of JRK et al whine and pine for sure. He won't take their crap.

And he will tell the Bushies, including GWB, that if senior bushies fly to Europe and get arrested, the USA will not come for them.
...The remaining year of BHOs and then hopefully Christie's terms...

Christie is a Muslim-coddler. The right will never forgive him for that or for sucking up to Obama.
He's so obese he may not even be here by election time. The guy looks like a walking heart attack waiting to happen.
There is no such thing as "legal international standing" There is no body of international law that is binding on any country. total hogwash.

I agree that going into Iraq and Afghanistan as we did was a dumb mistake. BUT Bush did not do it on his own, congress authorized and funded those fiascos, just like they authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's fiasco known as viet nam.

You putting the whole thing on Bush just shows either your ignorance, bias, or both.

The problem is not Bush, Obama, or any other president. The problem is our deep seated feeling that we are responsible to police the world. Its bullshit and its getting our kids killed and maimed for nothing.

let me make this as simple as I can
no terrorist
no wars
No Saddam, killing millions, lying, creating WMDs that were confirmed to exist by the UN and B Clinton, and Saddam supporting terror in the world
no war, never, any where

Getting rid of Saddam Hussein was the goal. I believe the proper course of action would have been to form a coalition of Arab and non Arab states. Instead Bush decided to essentially go it alone.
Hussein HAD to go. The Gulf region nations practically begged us to get rid of Hussein.
Had Hussein remained in power, the consequences would have been grave. Hussein was intent on destabilizing the entire Middle East.
Should that have happened, the economic structure of the World would have been thrown into chaos.
Why? Because the economic well being on this planet depends on the uninterrupted marketplace for petroleum. Hussein was threatening his neighbors. And that, the free world could not tolerate such belligerence. Hussein did it once. He invaded Kuwait under the false pretense that Kuwait was drilling laterally into Iraqi soil. No true. Hussein wanted Kuwait City's port and oil installation. Hussein put on a "what are YOU going to do about it" tone. I guess he figured if he told the world his 'Republican Guard' was a bunch of really tough guys willing to fight to the death, no one would screw with Iraq.
Hussein figured wrong. Twice.

There where over 30 countries with us in Iraq
the Oil in Iraq allthough is a major player was never cut off
Oil for food as well as black market oil flowed right on
Saddam was an mass murderer who by his own admissions created the WMD world in which was part of the reason we took him out
not GWB
not the CIA
not the UN
He is the one who made claims that there where still 6500 munitions with chemical war heads still in Iraq, no-one else
He was the one who kept getting caught in bold face lie with missiles
...The remaining year of BHOs and then hopefully Christie's terms...

Christie is a Muslim-coddler. The right will never forgive him for that or for sucking up to Obama.
He's so obese he may not even be here by election time. The guy looks like a walking heart attack waiting to happen.

Christie had a gastric banding operation and has already lost over 40 lbs. He will be lean and mean by 2016.

The right will try to bitch about Christie and Obama and Christie will use it against them. Christie holds the moral high ground in trying to help hurricane victims in his state. Only a complete moron would try to play that card........

But wait a minute, we are talking about Republicans
You are talking about reactionary fools who call themselves Republicans. They are RINOs only with a radical political agenda.
You are talking about reactionary fools who call themselves Republicans. They are RINOs only with a radical political agenda.

I would love for RINO Christie to run on a "fuck the party, do what is best for the people" platform. He already has the cred and rightwing nutjobs will play right into his hands

Love to see Christie reclaim the GOP for the voice of reason
...The remaining year of BHOs and then hopefully Christie's terms...

Christie is a Muslim-coddler. The right will never forgive him for that or for sucking up to Obama.
He's so obese he may not even be here by election time. The guy looks like a walking heart attack waiting to happen.

Christie had a gastric banding operation and has already lost over 40 lbs. He will be lean and mean by 2016.

The right will try to bitch about Christie and Obama and Christie will use it against them. Christie holds the moral high ground in trying to help hurricane victims in his state. Only a complete moron would try to play that card........

But wait a minute, we are talking about Republicans

C Chrisite will never carry a state south of Ohio and east of Coloroda

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