The Bush legacy

Moreso, history is going with that

That the last GOP budget was 162 billion in defict and the 2009 one with Obama adding 500 billion to the dem lead congress busget was a defict of 1.4 trillion?
I agree


That Tarp led by GWB as well as being Bi partisan saved the economy from its self induces collapse? ( not including the part of Tarp Obama used we never got back)
I agree

And that GWB had no more to do with the collapse than BHO did?
I agree
Because if he did then you have to blame the dem controlled congress even more as they write the laws as well as the budgets

And that the jobs that have been created have more to do with fracking than stimulus?
I agree

Five quarters of negative GDP
Housing market collapse
Losing 700,000 + jobs a month
Financial sector collapsing
Auto industry collapsing

You can make all the arguments you want on whether any of this was Bush's fault. What you can't argue is Bush's response as the American economy went into freefall. Bush's initial response was denial, it was followed by rhetoric that he needed to wait for the economy to self didn't

It was not till the Fall of 2008 that Bush finally started to take the economic collapse seriously. He stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson

Bush did finally initiate TARP, but with no collateral being required. The Bush TARP was marginally effective and the Banks and auto companies were still begging for money when Obama took office

Obama saved the banks, saved the auto industry and passed a major stimulus package that reversed the trends of negative GDP and negative employment

HMMM what did GWB do to cause that?
Marginally effective?
Dude we were done without it
there trillions that event savfed the middle class will never be known
10s of trillion in 401ks alone
The auto industry?
better get your facts straight
The tax payer and GWB "saved" the auto industry against the will of the people
and as far as the job loss?
that did not stop for another year
again what did GWB do to cause it?

At the end of 2008, General Motors and Chrysler were bleeding billions of dollars a month, and nobody in the private sector wanted to lend to them. Even the supposedly liberal Brookings Institution put out a report saying they should be allowed to go bust, with their factories and machinery being sold off to the highest bidder. Today, things look very different. A few weeks ago, General Motors reported that it made $7.6 billion in profit last year. Even Chrysler, which is now controlled by Fiat, made money in 2011. So Biden was telling the truth when he said, in reference to the Republican candidates, that the President “made the tough call… [he] was right, and they were dead wrong.”

The only problem with Biden’s history lesson is that the “man with steel in his spine” he referred to should have been George W. Bush, not Barack Obama. Lest we forget, it was Bush rather than Obama who initiated the government rescue of the auto companies.
An Inconvenient Truth: It Was George W. Bush Who Bailed Out the Automakers : The New Yorker
That the last GOP budget was 162 billion in defict and the 2009 one with Obama adding 500 billion to the dem lead congress busget was a defict of 1.4 trillion?
I agree


That Tarp led by GWB as well as being Bi partisan saved the economy from its self induces collapse? ( not including the part of Tarp Obama used we never got back)
I agree

And that GWB had no more to do with the collapse than BHO did?
I agree
Because if he did then you have to blame the dem controlled congress even more as they write the laws as well as the budgets

And that the jobs that have been created have more to do with fracking than stimulus?
I agree

Five quarters of negative GDP
Housing market collapse
Losing 700,000 + jobs a month
Financial sector collapsing
Auto industry collapsing

You can make all the arguments you want on whether any of this was Bush's fault. What you can't argue is Bush's response as the American economy went into freefall. Bush's initial response was denial, it was followed by rhetoric that he needed to wait for the economy to self didn't

It was not till the Fall of 2008 that Bush finally started to take the economic collapse seriously. He stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson

Bush did finally initiate TARP, but with no collateral being required. The Bush TARP was marginally effective and the Banks and auto companies were still begging for money when Obama took office

Obama saved the banks, saved the auto industry and passed a major stimulus package that reversed the trends of negative GDP and negative employment

HMMM what did GWB do to cause that?
Marginally effective?
Dude we were done without it
there trillions that event savfed the middle class will never be known
10s of trillion in 401ks alone
The auto industry?
better get your facts straight
The tax payer and GWB "saved" the auto industry against the will of the people
and as far as the job loss?
that did not stop for another year
again what did GWB do to cause it?

At the end of 2008, General Motors and Chrysler were bleeding billions of dollars a month, and nobody in the private sector wanted to lend to them. Even the supposedly liberal Brookings Institution put out a report saying they should be allowed to go bust, with their factories and machinery being sold off to the highest bidder. Today, things look very different. A few weeks ago, General Motors reported that it made $7.6 billion in profit last year. Even Chrysler, which is now controlled by Fiat, made money in 2011. So Biden was telling the truth when he said, in reference to the Republican candidates, that the President “made the tough call… [he] was right, and they were dead wrong.”

The only problem with Biden’s history lesson is that the “man with steel in his spine” he referred to should have been George W. Bush, not Barack Obama. Lest we forget, it was Bush rather than Obama who initiated the government rescue of the auto companies.
An Inconvenient Truth: It Was George W. Bush Who Bailed Out the Automakers : The New Yorker

The Bush auto industry rescue was just a cash handout.....he didn't require any restructuring or any collateral

Obama made it clear this was their only chance at survival. He demanded corporate restructuting, closing unprofitable sectors, labor concessions and stock in the company

The Obama bailout worked.....the Bush bailout just left them asking for more

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.

Gosh, a true libtard farting. We were attacked, W had spine where it should be unlike libtards who are still looking for theirs.
Moreso, history is going with that

That the last GOP budget was 162 billion in defict and the 2009 one with Obama adding 500 billion to the dem lead congress busget was a defict of 1.4 trillion?
I agree


That Tarp led by GWB as well as being Bi partisan saved the economy from its self induces collapse? ( not including the part of Tarp Obama used we never got back)
I agree

And that GWB had no more to do with the collapse than BHO did?
I agree
Because if he did then you have to blame the dem controlled congress even more as they write the laws as well as the budgets

And that the jobs that have been created have more to do with fracking than stimulus?
I agree

Five quarters of negative GDP
Housing market collapse
Losing 700,000 + jobs a month
Financial sector collapsing
Auto industry collapsing

You can make all the arguments you want on whether any of this was Bush's fault. What you can't argue is Bush's response as the American economy went into freefall. Bush's initial response was denial, it was followed by rhetoric that he needed to wait for the economy to self didn't

It was not till the Fall of 2008 that Bush finally started to take the economic collapse seriously. He stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson

Bush did finally initiate TARP, but with no collateral being required. The Bush TARP was marginally effective and the Banks and auto companies were still begging for money when Obama took office

Obama saved the banks, saved the auto industry and passed a major stimulus package that reversed the trends of negative GDP and negative employment
All of which is directly attributable to Frank, Dodd and Watt protecting Fannie/Freddie. Failure to put an end to the rules that the federal government and SEC wrote that permitted packaging and selling mortgages and the creation of credit default swaps and mortgage backed securities.
Those banks and GM should have been permitted to fail.
Instead, now we have the Obama admin and the federal reserve propping up the economy with 'fake' money and keeping interest rates artificially low.
And of course once again, subsidizing home loans.
All of this is the political equivalent of kicking the can down the road.
This is Obama's watch. Only idiots and Obama sycophants blame previous administrations.
He was the same when in office.GWB was nothing but a "blue dog" democrat in part. I respect your opinion. His largest failure X ten was not enforcing the border laws

Agreed. He looked the other way while in office because big business wanted the cheap labor. He SHOULD have been enforcing our laws and protecting the borders. I support shoot-to-kill now. Most of us have had ENOUGH of them. And get the damn Muslims out. They contribute NOTHING but violence, death and destruction. :evil:
Five quarters of negative GDP
Housing market collapse
Losing 700,000 + jobs a month
Financial sector collapsing
Auto industry collapsing

You can make all the arguments you want on whether any of this was Bush's fault. What you can't argue is Bush's response as the American economy went into freefall. Bush's initial response was denial, it was followed by rhetoric that he needed to wait for the economy to self didn't

It was not till the Fall of 2008 that Bush finally started to take the economic collapse seriously. He stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson

Bush did finally initiate TARP, but with no collateral being required. The Bush TARP was marginally effective and the Banks and auto companies were still begging for money when Obama took office

Obama saved the banks, saved the auto industry and passed a major stimulus package that reversed the trends of negative GDP and negative employment

HMMM what did GWB do to cause that?
Marginally effective?
Dude we were done without it
there trillions that event savfed the middle class will never be known
10s of trillion in 401ks alone
The auto industry?
better get your facts straight
The tax payer and GWB "saved" the auto industry against the will of the people
and as far as the job loss?
that did not stop for another year
again what did GWB do to cause it?

At the end of 2008, General Motors and Chrysler were bleeding billions of dollars a month, and nobody in the private sector wanted to lend to them. Even the supposedly liberal Brookings Institution put out a report saying they should be allowed to go bust, with their factories and machinery being sold off to the highest bidder. Today, things look very different. A few weeks ago, General Motors reported that it made $7.6 billion in profit last year. Even Chrysler, which is now controlled by Fiat, made money in 2011. So Biden was telling the truth when he said, in reference to the Republican candidates, that the President “made the tough call… [he] was right, and they were dead wrong.”

The only problem with Biden’s history lesson is that the “man with steel in his spine” he referred to should have been George W. Bush, not Barack Obama. Lest we forget, it was Bush rather than Obama who initiated the government rescue of the auto companies.
An Inconvenient Truth: It Was George W. Bush Who Bailed Out the Automakers : The New Yorker

The Bush auto industry rescue was just a cash handout.....he didn't require any restructuring or any collateral

Obama made it clear this was their only chance at survival. He demanded corporate restructuting, closing unprofitable sectors, labor concessions and stock in the company

The Obama bailout worked.....the Bush bailout just left them asking for more

Without that bailout, there is no GM today and for the record I was and still am dead against the UAW bailout
they have not paid us back one penny
The tax payer funded there IPO, do your home work dude

The tax payer has funded all of it and they still owe us over 20 billion even with a tax payer funded IPO
Taxpayers stand to lose $27B in bailout, watchdog says | Fox News

think about this for a minute
Tax payer funds GM and GMAC for 80 billion
pays back there first loan using tax payers money and then has the fucking balls to go on TV and claim "your paid back"
then takes tax payers money to fund an IPO that is backed by the US tax payer
still 30 billion short
and you state this is a success?

And we wonder what is wrong with our great nation?
your vote is killing us

It is based on lies, not from you, to you and you believe it

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