The Bush legacy

You would have rather we ignored the attacks on 9/11 and begged al-Qaida to leave us alone? WTF is the matter with you?

FINALLY! A guy with balls who is not afraid to post the truth. :clap2:
Here's some truth for you. You know what the Bush legacy is as of right now? It's open warfare across the Middle East between Sunnis and Shias which started in Iraq in the aftermath of the US invasion. In fact, it's STILL going on in Iraq 10 years after Shock and Awe premiered on Fox News early in the 2003 season. It was must see warfare TV. Now the show has been taken on the road in neighboring countries like Syria. Soon to be a big hit in other Muslim countries. It's Bush's version of the domino theory.
President Bush took the projected surplus and gave it away in tax cuts. His policy was to rely on missile defense against terrorist rogue nations. Republicans allied with the ACLU to fight tooth and nail against all the anti-terrorist measures President Clinton proposed. Warnings? Lets declassify all the PDB for the summer of 2001? Then we'll know what warnings were ignored.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..

Wait, what?

No, it's mathematically impossible to divide by zero........

Shirely, you know the difference between debt and deficit?

This is about President Bushes legacy, not President Obama. I agree he was a big spender but rather than a populist he was an elitist.

Oh please. Look, this discussion is much too advanced for you.
You are posting on emotion while others are engaging in serious debate.
I find it amusing how you libs will throw the terms 'debt' and 'deficit' around as though they were interchangeable.
Here ya go cupcake...Debt is the actual amount of money owed by the federal government, or any other government for that matter.
Deficit is a prediction of future revenues vs future budget costs.
Both things are bad when in the RED.

Deficits should be avoided at all costs because deficits can be controlled. You just don't spend now what you will not have in the future. Period.
And here we are in the second Obaam term and you people are STILL blaming Bush for all the problems Obama should have been addressing himself.
You libs are incapable of accepting responsibility for your own actions.
Here's some truth for you. You know what the Bush legacy is as of right now? It's open warfare across the Middle East between Sunnis and Shias which started in Iraq in the aftermath of the US invasion. In fact, it's STILL going on in Iraq 10 years after Shock and Awe premiered on Fox News early in the 2003 season. It was must see warfare TV. Now the show has been taken on the road in neighboring countries like Syria. Soon to be a big hit in other Muslim countries. It's Bush's version of the domino theory.

Muslims have been killing each other/innocent people/anyone they can for decades. Wake up and smell their jihad. Bush took out the world's worst terrorist who butchered more than 1M of his own people. Bush had balls. JoeBlam has balls. I like men's men who aren't p*ssies/wimps.
First off, there never was any possibility of a federal surplus. It is mathematically impossible for a nation in debt to have a federal surplus.
Second. Bush was a big spending populist. One of his campaign platforms was to 'steal' democrat issues along the lines of social spending. Libs howled in protest over deficits generated by spending with which THEY agree! The far left wing of the democrat party was screaming about the rising federal deficit.
A funny thing happened once Obama was elected. Barney Frank spoke to Congress and went on several tv news outlets and claimed that we "must get over our fear of deficits'. And 'there are a lot of wealthy people from whom we can recover this money'..
Technically, you are correct

Bush had a budget surplus for that year. He still had $5 trillion in debt to pay off

What did the fiscally responsible Republicans do? Pay down the debt you say?

Nope.....they used the surplus as a justification to slash taxes and add further to the debt

The federal defecit in 2007, the last GOP budget was 163 billion
the federal defict in 2009, the 2nd Liberal budget with BHO adding 500 billion was 1.4 trillion
The truth hurts, but it is the truth

Yea sucks when you come in and have to stop a Depression

The truth hurts, but it is the truth

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


You would have rather we ignored the attacks on 9/11 and begged al-Qaida to leave us alone? WTF is the matter with you?

Maybe if he didn't abandon the war on terrorism to execute his blunder in Iraq

Thankfully for our country, he had Obama to clean up his mess
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years


Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


GWB did not kill ay of thoise kids, nor did mame the rest
with out terror these events never occur
you might want to blame those who actually did the harm

Bush & Cheney did the harm. They made the US worse off. In fact, most of the world's problems can be traced back to the policies of the GOP.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


GWB did not kill ay of thoise kids, nor did mame the rest
with out terror these events never occur
you might want to blame those who actually did the harm

Bush & Cheney did the harm. They made the US worse off. In fact, most of the world's problems can be traced back to the policies of the GOP.

Repeat after me, All of the Worlds problems are Buuuuuuusssssssssssshhhhhhhsssss fault...

This is the initiation slogan for membership request at MSNBC...
Technically, you are correct

Bush had a budget surplus for that year. He still had $5 trillion in debt to pay off

What did the fiscally responsible Republicans do? Pay down the debt you say?

Nope.....they used the surplus as a justification to slash taxes and add further to the debt

The federal defecit in 2007, the last GOP budget was 163 billion
the federal defict in 2009, the 2nd Liberal budget with BHO adding 500 billion was 1.4 trillion
The truth hurts, but it is the truth

Yea sucks when you come in and have to stop a Depression

The truth hurts, but it is the truth
You're going with THAT?!!!!!!
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years


As any trained liberal does
states an opinion that is negative with no facts to support it

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


GWB did not kill ay of thoise kids, nor did mame the rest
with out terror these events never occur
you might want to blame those who actually did the harm

Bush & Cheney did the harm. They made the US worse off. In fact, most of the world's problems can be traced back to the policies of the GOP.

which ones?
The tax code that 99% still pay in income?
the tax code that created over 8 million jobs and led us to be within 162 billion of a balanced budget prior to the Left taking over congress and 2 wars wide open?
What about those policies still in place today that have kept us safe from attacks from Al Qaeda except BHO ignoring pleas of help in Benghazi?
How about the Tarp GWB used that saved the US economy from destruction?

What about Sarbanes Oaxly?
think we should repeal that?
I changed my mind about Bush. After he came out in support of immigration reform (amnesty) I wanted to spit on him. Damn criminal aliens are destroying this country. And he doesn't care...
The immigration problem is a tough one. I am in favor of enforcement of the laws we have, but they won't do it!

I was not in favor of Bush putting troops in Iraq. They should have been put on our borders instead. However, most of the military would rather have Bush as CIC than the POS Obama! Bush was presidential and did not bow to the muslims as Obama does. Laura Bush was a lot classier than Moochelle also!
I changed my mind about Bush. After he came out in support of immigration reform (amnesty) I wanted to spit on him. Damn criminal aliens are destroying this country. And he doesn't care...

He was the same when in office
GWB was nothing but a "blue dog" democrat in part
I respect your opinion
His largest failure X ten was not enforcing the border laws
Yea sucks when you come in and have to stop a Depression

The truth hurts, but it is the truth
You're going with THAT?!!!!!!

Moreso, history is going with that

That the last GOP budget was 162 billion in defict and the 2009 one with Obama adding 500 billion to the dem lead congress busget was a defict of 1.4 trillion?
I agree


That Tarp led by GWB as well as being Bi partisan saved the economy from its self induces collapse? ( not including the part of Tarp Obama used we never got back)
I agree

And that GWB had no more to do with the collapse than BHO did?
I agree
Because if he did then you have to blame the dem controlled congress even more as they write the laws as well as the budgets

And that the jobs that have been created have more to do with fracking than stimulus?
I agree
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years


As any trained liberal does
states an opinion that is negative with no facts to support it

Don't forget..They will post unsubstantiated statements, claim them to be fact then demand others prove them incorrect.
Libs are infatuated with the idea of proving negatives.
You're going with THAT?!!!!!!

Moreso, history is going with that

That the last GOP budget was 162 billion in defict and the 2009 one with Obama adding 500 billion to the dem lead congress busget was a defict of 1.4 trillion?
I agree


That Tarp led by GWB as well as being Bi partisan saved the economy from its self induces collapse? ( not including the part of Tarp Obama used we never got back)
I agree

And that GWB had no more to do with the collapse than BHO did?
I agree
Because if he did then you have to blame the dem controlled congress even more as they write the laws as well as the budgets

And that the jobs that have been created have more to do with fracking than stimulus?
I agree

Five quarters of negative GDP
Housing market collapse
Losing 700,000 + jobs a month
Financial sector collapsing
Auto industry collapsing

You can make all the arguments you want on whether any of this was Bush's fault. What you can't argue is Bush's response as the American economy went into freefall. Bush's initial response was denial, it was followed by rhetoric that he needed to wait for the economy to self didn't

It was not till the Fall of 2008 that Bush finally started to take the economic collapse seriously. He stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson

Bush did finally initiate TARP, but with no collateral being required. The Bush TARP was marginally effective and the Banks and auto companies were still begging for money when Obama took office

Obama saved the banks, saved the auto industry and passed a major stimulus package that reversed the trends of negative GDP and negative employment
Unnecessary invasion of Iraq
Destroyed the world economy
Collapse of his post 9-11 approval rating
Abused his global support after 9-11

in retrospect the invasion was unnecessary

the rest is a non-issue or an outright lie

RE: Katrina

In respect for your view on Iraq
how do we know it was not necessary?
Al Qaeda was setting up base there in 2002
WMDs DID exist, even the UN as late as 2003 stated that there were 6500 un accounted for
there still missing
How many lives have been save by removing Saddam?
They all talk abnout the Casualties that mostly came from terrorist within Iraq, but no-one mentions the millions Saddam killed prior to being hung

Just a thought

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