The Bush legacy

Bush came into office with dreams of an historic presidency

Once 9-11 occurred, Bush had his shot at being one of the greatest Presidents in history. He had unlimited support both at home and abroad to fight terrorism. He instituted the Bush doctrine where he would reshape the Islamic world as a democracy

He looked at Afghanistan and Iraq as the keys. Instil Democracies by force and Iran, Syria, Libya would follow. A Democratic Domino Theory with Bush as its founder and Americans as liberators. It would be over in a few months

Instead he got civil wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He destabilized the region and made Iran more powerful. Instead of being treated as liberators, we were treated as unwanted conquerors. 6000 American dead and trillions in debt.

At home, he ran up unchecked debt that he passed on to Obama in tax cuts and unpaid wars. When the economy tanked, he followed republican doctrine and let it self correct. The result was an economic collapse that he had no idea what to do. Banks collapsing, GDP tanking, 700,000 jobs lost each month, auto industry collapsing

That is the legacy of George W Bush

Well the first half of your statement is right, the rest was about winning power in DC, amazing how low people will go to win...

This is where we all lost and the sad part is how many of you can't see it...

It would be over in a few months, where do you come up with this...
Jr. never changes.

Iraq and al Qaeda had no operational ties. Without such ties, the US Congress did not authorize the president to use military force.

No WMD were produced by Iraq after the first gulf war. Furthermore without the ability to strike the US with a WMD, Iraq was not an immediate threat to the world remaining super power. Without such a threat, the US Congress did not authorize the president to use military force.

President Bush(43) will go down as having made the worst military blunder in US history. He is a failed president.

The Iraq Resolution or the Iraq War Resolution (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002,[1] Pub.L. 107–243, 116 Stat. 1498, enacted October 16, 2002, H.J.Res. 114) is a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress in October 2002 as Public Law No: 107-243, authorizing military action against Iraq.


Damn reality...



(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
appropriate in order to
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.

(b) Presidential Determination.--In connection with the exercise of
the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President
shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible,
but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make
available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--
(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or
other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately
protect the national security of the United States against the
continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to
enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent
with the United States and other countries continuing to take
the necessary actions against international terrorist and
terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations,
or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001

So when are you going to start the thread that Iran loves us?

I can't wait to hear this one...:popcorn:
Bush came into office with dreams of an historic presidency

Once 9-11 occurred, Bush had his shot at being one of the greatest Presidents in history. He had unlimited support both at home and abroad to fight terrorism. He instituted the Bush doctrine where he would reshape the Islamic world as a democracy

He looked at Afghanistan and Iraq as the keys. Instil Democracies by force and Iran, Syria, Libya would follow. A Democratic Domino Theory with Bush as its founder and Americans as liberators. It would be over in a few months

Instead he got civil wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He destabilized the region and made Iran more powerful. Instead of being treated as liberators, we were treated as unwanted conquerors. 6000 American dead and trillions in debt.

At home, he ran up unchecked debt that he passed on to Obama in tax cuts and unpaid wars. When the economy tanked, he followed republican doctrine and let it self correct. The result was an economic collapse that he had no idea what to do. Banks collapsing, GDP tanking, 700,000 jobs lost each month, auto industry collapsing

That is the legacy of George W Bush

Well the first half of your statement is right, the rest was about winning power in DC, amazing how low people will go to win...

This is where we all lost and the sad part is how many of you can't see it...

It would be over in a few months, where do you come up with this...

We can start with "Mission Accmplished"

Then move on to the Bush administrations refusal to put more troops on the ground to stabilize the nation
Bush came into office with dreams of an historic presidency

Once 9-11 occurred, Bush had his shot at being one of the greatest Presidents in history. He had unlimited support both at home and abroad to fight terrorism. He instituted the Bush doctrine where he would reshape the Islamic world as a democracy

He looked at Afghanistan and Iraq as the keys. Instil Democracies by force and Iran, Syria, Libya would follow. A Democratic Domino Theory with Bush as its founder and Americans as liberators. It would be over in a few months

Instead he got civil wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He destabilized the region and made Iran more powerful. Instead of being treated as liberators, we were treated as unwanted conquerors. 6000 American dead and trillions in debt.

At home, he ran up unchecked debt that he passed on to Obama in tax cuts and unpaid wars. When the economy tanked, he followed republican doctrine and let it self correct. The result was an economic collapse that he had no idea what to do. Banks collapsing, GDP tanking, 700,000 jobs lost each month, auto industry collapsing

That is the legacy of George W Bush

Well the first half of your statement is right, the rest was about winning power in DC, amazing how low people will go to win...

This is where we all lost and the sad part is how many of you can't see it...

It would be over in a few months, where do you come up with this...

We can start with "Mission Accmplished"

Then move on to the Bush administrations refusal to put more troops on the ground to stabilize the nation

GWB never said mission accomplished

But Bush didn’t say that. In fact, in his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush declared: “Our mission continues.” It is true that Bush’s speech, in which he announced the end of major combat operations, was far too triumphant about U.S. military achievements. But he never “famously declared that America’s mission in Iraq had been accomplished.”

On the contrary, he said that following the fall of Baghdad, “now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country... We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous.” Bush's goal in Iraq was never purely military – his mission was to bring freedom and democracy to a vital part of the Middle East.

Here are some more quotes from the speech:
■“The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done and then we will leave and we will leave behind a free Iraq.”
■“Our mission continues. Al Qaida is wounded, not destroyed.”
■“The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11th, 2001 and still goes on.”
■“America and our coalition will finish what we have begun.”

another liberal lie to seek power
the banner Bush had NOTHING to do with

Bush Never Said ?Mission Accomplished? | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Well the first half of your statement is right, the rest was about winning power in DC, amazing how low people will go to win...

This is where we all lost and the sad part is how many of you can't see it...

It would be over in a few months, where do you come up with this...

We can start with "Mission Accmplished"

Then move on to the Bush administrations refusal to put more troops on the ground to stabilize the nation

GWB never said mission accomplished

But Bush didn’t say that. In fact, in his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush declared: “Our mission continues.” It is true that Bush’s speech, in which he announced the end of major combat operations, was far too triumphant about U.S. military achievements. But he never “famously declared that America’s mission in Iraq had been accomplished.”

On the contrary, he said that following the fall of Baghdad, “now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country... We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous.” Bush's goal in Iraq was never purely military – his mission was to bring freedom and democracy to a vital part of the Middle East.

Here are some more quotes from the speech:
■“The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done and then we will leave and we will leave behind a free Iraq.”
■“Our mission continues. Al Qaida is wounded, not destroyed.”
■“The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11th, 2001 and still goes on.”
■“America and our coalition will finish what we have begun.”

another liberal lie to seek power
the banner Bush had NOTHING to do with

Bush Never Said ?Mission Accomplished? | Center for Strategic and International Studies

The image of the "Mission Accomplished" banner was clear.

So was the showboating jet landing on the carrier and jumpsuit
We can start with "Mission Accmplished"

Then move on to the Bush administrations refusal to put more troops on the ground to stabilize the nation

GWB never said mission accomplished

But Bush didn’t say that. In fact, in his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush declared: “Our mission continues.” It is true that Bush’s speech, in which he announced the end of major combat operations, was far too triumphant about U.S. military achievements. But he never “famously declared that America’s mission in Iraq had been accomplished.”

On the contrary, he said that following the fall of Baghdad, “now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country... We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous.” Bush's goal in Iraq was never purely military – his mission was to bring freedom and democracy to a vital part of the Middle East.

Here are some more quotes from the speech:
■“The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done and then we will leave and we will leave behind a free Iraq.”
■“Our mission continues. Al Qaida is wounded, not destroyed.”
■“The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11th, 2001 and still goes on.”
■“America and our coalition will finish what we have begun.”

another liberal lie to seek power
the banner Bush had NOTHING to do with

Bush Never Said ?Mission Accomplished? | Center for Strategic and International Studies

The image of the "Mission Accomplished" banner was clear.

So was the showboating jet landing on the carrier and jumpsuit

So I gues them kids singing praises to BHO in a public school through the force of a teacher is Obamas fault?
And what is wrong with the commander in chief, COMMANDER IN CHIEF re-living his past while showing solidarity with the troops he sent in harms way to protect this nation?
Not even comparable, JRK.

Your man is a war criminal who has led to Iraq allying with Iran and sending aid to Syria.
Not even comparable, JRK.

Your man is a war criminal who has led to Iraq allying with Iran and sending aid to Syria.

Funny, Bill Ayers says that Obama is a war criminal. Putin thinks Obama is an incompetent pussy, China is laughing all the way to the bank with our money and our technology,

We should not be in Syria in any way, but Obozo is sending troops to Jordan, whats next from your incompetent pussy boy?
One, your deflection is just that, a deflection from criminal Bush.

Two, I suspect Romney would have gotten involved much earlier.

I dislike neo-conservation but the reactionary far right would destroy America from the inside if possible.
Not even comparable, JRK.

Your man is a war criminal who has led to Iraq allying with Iran and sending aid to Syria.

Funny, Bill Ayers says that Obama is a war criminal. Putin thinks Obama is an incompetent pussy, China is laughing all the way to the bank with our money and our technology,

We should not be in Syria in any way, but Obozo is sending troops to Jordan, whats next from your incompetent pussy boy?

Yea....Osama bin Laden was laughing at him too
Not even comparable, JRK.

Your man is a war criminal who has led to Iraq allying with Iran and sending aid to Syria.

Funny, Bill Ayers says that Obama is a war criminal. Putin thinks Obama is an incompetent pussy, China is laughing all the way to the bank with our money and our technology,

We should not be in Syria in any way, but Obozo is sending troops to Jordan, whats next from your incompetent pussy boy?

Yea....Osama bin Laden was laughing at him too

obama only got osama because of the intel begun under Bush. He only gave the OK on the hit because he knew it would come out that he (like Clinton) had him and let him go.

The world is laughing because Putin is a man and obama is a pussy boy. We are in worldwide danger with this incompetent fool as CIC.

But this thread is about the Bush legacy, Bush was not a great president, but he did an OK job under the circumstances following 9/11.

Bush is basically a good honest person, I cannot give either of those attributes to obama.
One, your deflection is just that, a deflection from criminal Bush.

Two, I suspect Romney would have gotten involved much earlier.

I dislike neo-conservation but the reactionary far right would destroy America from the inside if possible.

you throw around words like "neo-conservation" "reactionary" and "far right" but you obviously don't know what those words mean.

so lets have a little test:

define those three terms for us. tell us what you think they mean.
Funny, Bill Ayers says that Obama is a war criminal. Putin thinks Obama is an incompetent pussy, China is laughing all the way to the bank with our money and our technology,

We should not be in Syria in any way, but Obozo is sending troops to Jordan, whats next from your incompetent pussy boy?

Yea....Osama bin Laden was laughing at him too

obama only got osama because of the intel begun under Bush. He only gave the OK on the hit because he knew it would come out that he (like Clinton) had him and let him go.

The world is laughing because Putin is a man and obama is a pussy boy. We are in worldwide danger with this incompetent fool as CIC.

But this thread is about the Bush legacy, Bush was not a great president, but he did an OK job under the circumstances following 9/11.

Bush is basically a good honest person, I cannot give either of those attributes to obama.

Bin Laden was laughing at Bush for eight years

He laughed so hard that he used not one, not two, not three....but FOUR jets to attack us

Only difference is that he did not stand in front of a banner saying "Mission Accomplished"
Yea....Osama bin Laden was laughing at him too

obama only got osama because of the intel begun under Bush. He only gave the OK on the hit because he knew it would come out that he (like Clinton) had him and let him go.

The world is laughing because Putin is a man and obama is a pussy boy. We are in worldwide danger with this incompetent fool as CIC.

But this thread is about the Bush legacy, Bush was not a great president, but he did an OK job under the circumstances following 9/11.

Bush is basically a good honest person, I cannot give either of those attributes to obama.

Bin Laden was laughing at Bush for eight years

He laughed so hard that he used not one, not two, not three....but FOUR jets to attack us

Only difference is that he did not stand in front of a banner saying "Mission Accomplished"

UBL may have laughed
but in the end GWB got him through the intel we gathered during the Bush years
And what did GWB do to cause that attack? do you realize that maybe the terrorist had something to do with it?
Yea....Osama bin Laden was laughing at him too

obama only got osama because of the intel begun under Bush. He only gave the OK on the hit because he knew it would come out that he (like Clinton) had him and let him go.

The world is laughing because Putin is a man and obama is a pussy boy. We are in worldwide danger with this incompetent fool as CIC.

But this thread is about the Bush legacy, Bush was not a great president, but he did an OK job under the circumstances following 9/11.

Bush is basically a good honest person, I cannot give either of those attributes to obama.

Bin Laden was laughing at Bush for eight years

He laughed so hard that he used not one, not two, not three....but FOUR jets to attack us

Only difference is that he did not stand in front of a banner saying "Mission Accomplished"

The 9/11 terrorists entered the country and got flight training when clinton was president. The Sudan offered OBL to clinton but clinton refused to act (before 9/11).

The Navy put up the banner, Bush never said mission accomplished, he said just the opposite in his speech.

In understand that you feel a duty as a liberal and obamabot to revise history, but its really quite dishonest to lie every day like you do.
Funny, Bill Ayers says that Obama is a war criminal. Putin thinks Obama is an incompetent pussy, China is laughing all the way to the bank with our money and our technology,

We should not be in Syria in any way, but Obozo is sending troops to Jordan, whats next from your incompetent pussy boy?

Yea....Osama bin Laden was laughing at him too

obama only got osama because of the intel begun under Bush. He only gave the OK on the hit because he knew it would come out that he (like Clinton) had him and let him go.

The world is laughing because Putin is a man and obama is a pussy boy. We are in worldwide danger with this incompetent fool as CIC.

But this thread is about the Bush legacy, Bush was not a great president, but he did an OK job under the circumstances following 9/11.

Bush is basically a good honest person, I cannot give either of those attributes to obama.

Very very true
and as far as GWB being a war criminal?
Jake keeps saying that , but not once will share his proof

The US govt gave the conditions to remove Saddam from power
The UN stated for the record on 1-27-2003 those conditions had been met
The CIA did also prior to invasion
The US congress did the same in 2006
in addition AL qaeda was in Iraq in 2002, anther condition met to remove Saddam from power.
A direct connection to 9-11 Al qaeda was in Iraq in 2002
Now maybe Jake and the rest of the loons who believe that crap need to go and live in the country (if one exists) that think W was a war criminal
obama only got osama because of the intel begun under Bush. He only gave the OK on the hit because he knew it would come out that he (like Clinton) had him and let him go.

The world is laughing because Putin is a man and obama is a pussy boy. We are in worldwide danger with this incompetent fool as CIC.

But this thread is about the Bush legacy, Bush was not a great president, but he did an OK job under the circumstances following 9/11.

Bush is basically a good honest person, I cannot give either of those attributes to obama.

Bin Laden was laughing at Bush for eight years

He laughed so hard that he used not one, not two, not three....but FOUR jets to attack us

Only difference is that he did not stand in front of a banner saying "Mission Accomplished"

UBL may have laughed
but in the end GWB got him through the intel we gathered during the Bush years
And what did GWB do to cause that attack? do you realize that maybe the terrorist had something to do with it?

Really now?

If Bush had the intel, why didn't he use it?

Too busy being tied up in Iraq? Maybe if he hadn't diverted his security infrastructure to invade Iraq, he could have actually caught the guy
Bush was an honest man??? If you believe that I have a lovely ski resort in Miami I'd like to talk to you about.

Bush invaded Iraq so him and his buddies could profit. They outsourced supplying the troops in Iraq to their own companies and profitted from those associations. Cheney made millions through Haliburton. But they botched it. They destroyed schools, hospitals, and museums, and sold off the country's infrastructure to their friends.

It caused an incredible backlash inside Iraq and lead to the Iraqi's fighting back. They didn't liberate Iraq, they raped it. And they did it on a lie - Weapons of mass destruction.
Jake keeps saying that , but not once will share his proof The US govt gave the conditions to remove Saddam from power The UN stated for the record on 1-27-2003 those conditions had been met

The USA has no legal power to determine UN standards for Iraq; none, whatsoever.

To try to do so and then act on them are criminal matters.

The USA has no power to enforce UN resolutions, because the Congress is incompetent legally to do so.

Bush is, and will ever so remain, America's greatest war criminal.
Bush was an honest man??? If you believe that I have a lovely ski resort in Miami I'd like to talk to you about.

Bush invaded Iraq so him and his buddies could profit. They outsourced supplying the troops in Iraq to their own companies and profitted from those associations. Cheney made millions through Haliburton. But they botched it. They destroyed schools, hospitals, and museums, and sold off the country's infrastructure to their friends.

It caused an incredible backlash inside Iraq and lead to the Iraqi's fighting back. They didn't liberate Iraq, they raped it. And they did it on a lie - Weapons of mass destruction.

Mam just because you have been lied too by the media does not mean you should re peat those lies
It was the UN that stated for the record on 1-27-2003 that Saddam had 6500 WMDs un accounted for
It was the UN on 1-27-2003 that stated Saddam had 8500 liters of anthrax un accounted for
It was the UN on 1-27-2003 that stated Saddam was in Possession of missiles beyond the range as agreed upon
It was the UN that stated Iraq also declared the recent import of chemicals used in propellants, test instrumentation and, guidance and control systems. These items may well be for proscribed purposes. That is yet to be determined. What is clear is that they were illegally brought into Iraq, that is, Iraq or some company in Iraq, circumvented the restrictions imposed by various resolutions.
Thes are the facts
Update 27 January 2003
Now exactly what part of that information that BTW Bill Clinton supplied to GWB also is GWB lying about and how did any-one profit from caring for our troops

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