The Bush legacy

Bush kept the country safe AFTER 9/11. That is a fact.

He had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. 9/11 was possible because of the way Clinton had castrated our intelligence services. Clinton also could have taken OBL when sudan offered him and possibly prevented 9/11.

Bush made mistakes, every president makes mistakes. Obama has made nothing but mistakes, everything he has done has failed.

I understand that denigrating Bush is what you libs do rather than address the massive failure that you put in office twice.

And the passengers on the Titanic were having a nice cruise up until it hit the iceberg

Like the Titanic....Bush is responsible for the whole trip

So GWB made it so the ones who trained to fly Passenger jets in 2000, could train?

The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[147] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[148] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[148]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[148] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[148] Bin Laden overruled Mohammed, rejecting some potential targets such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles because, "there was not enough time to prepare for such an operation".[149][150]

Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support for the plot, and was involved in selecting participants.[151] Bin Laden initially selected Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought in Bosnia. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January 2000. In spring 2000, Hazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English, did poorly with flying lessons, and eventually served as secondary – or "muscle" – hijackers.[152][153]

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.[154] Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the west.[155] New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.[156]

Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8, 2000, joining Hazmi.[157] They soon left for Arizona, where Hanjour took refresher training. Marwan al-Shehhi arrived at the end of May 2000, while Atta arrived on June 3, 2000, and Jarrah arrived on June 27, 2000. Bin al-Shibh applied several times for a visa to the United States, but as a Yemeni, he was rejected out of concerns he would overstay his visa and remain as an illegal immigrant. Bin al-Shibh stayed in Hamburg, providing coordination between Atta and Mohammed. The three Hamburg cell members all took pilot training in South Florida.
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So GWB was the one who allowed UBL to go free in 1998?
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes
Bush kept the country safe AFTER 9/11. That is a fact.

He had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. 9/11 was possible because of the way Clinton had castrated our intelligence services. Clinton also could have taken OBL when sudan offered him and possibly prevented 9/11.

Bush made mistakes, every president makes mistakes. Obama has made nothing but mistakes, everything he has done has failed.

I understand that denigrating Bush is what you libs do rather than address the massive failure that you put in office twice.

And the passengers on the Titanic were having a nice cruise up until it hit the iceberg

Like the Titanic....Bush is responsible for the whole trip

yes, we understand, in your make believe world Bush caused the last ice age, sank the titanic, crashed the challenger, caused the chicago fire, and was with Oswald when he shot Kennedy.

Obama meanwhile, has never done anything wrong, never lied, he is the perfect human being and should be made king of the universe.

we understand you RW. You are a complete idiot and should be institutionalized.
Bush kept the country safe AFTER 9/11. That is a fact.

He had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. 9/11 was possible because of the way Clinton had castrated our intelligence services. Clinton also could have taken OBL when sudan offered him and possibly prevented 9/11.

Bush made mistakes, every president makes mistakes. Obama has made nothing but mistakes, everything he has done has failed.

I understand that denigrating Bush is what you libs do rather than address the massive failure that you put in office twice.

And the passengers on the Titanic were having a nice cruise up until it hit the iceberg

Like the Titanic....Bush is responsible for the whole trip

So GWB made it so the ones who trained to fly Passenger jets in 2000, could train?

The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[147] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[148] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[148]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[148] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[148] Bin Laden overruled Mohammed, rejecting some potential targets such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles because, "there was not enough time to prepare for such an operation".[149][150]

Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support for the plot, and was involved in selecting participants.[151] Bin Laden initially selected Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought in Bosnia. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January 2000. In spring 2000, Hazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English, did poorly with flying lessons, and eventually served as secondary – or "muscle" – hijackers.[152][153]

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.[154] Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the west.[155] New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.[156]

Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8, 2000, joining Hazmi.[157] They soon left for Arizona, where Hanjour took refresher training. Marwan al-Shehhi arrived at the end of May 2000, while Atta arrived on June 3, 2000, and Jarrah arrived on June 27, 2000. Bin al-Shibh applied several times for a visa to the United States, but as a Yemeni, he was rejected out of concerns he would overstay his visa and remain as an illegal immigrant. Bin al-Shibh stayed in Hamburg, providing coordination between Atta and Mohammed. The three Hamburg cell members all took pilot training in South Florida.
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So GWB was the one who allowed UBL to go free in 1998?
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes

good post but you are wasting your time with RW. Facts are of no interest to him/her/it. Hating Bush and loving obama is his/her/its entire reason for existing.
Bush kept the country safe AFTER 9/11. That is a fact.

He had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. 9/11 was possible because of the way Clinton had castrated our intelligence services. Clinton also could have taken OBL when sudan offered him and possibly prevented 9/11.

Bush made mistakes, every president makes mistakes. Obama has made nothing but mistakes, everything he has done has failed.

I understand that denigrating Bush is what you libs do rather than address the massive failure that you put in office twice.

And the passengers on the Titanic were having a nice cruise up until it hit the iceberg

Like the Titanic....Bush is responsible for the whole trip

So GWB made it so the ones who trained to fly Passenger jets in 2000, could train?

The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[147] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[148] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[148]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[148] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[148] Bin Laden overruled Mohammed, rejecting some potential targets such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles because, "there was not enough time to prepare for such an operation".[149][150]

Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support for the plot, and was involved in selecting participants.[151] Bin Laden initially selected Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought in Bosnia. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January 2000. In spring 2000, Hazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English, did poorly with flying lessons, and eventually served as secondary – or "muscle" – hijackers.[152][153]

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.[154] Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the west.[155] New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.[156]

Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8, 2000, joining Hazmi.[157] They soon left for Arizona, where Hanjour took refresher training. Marwan al-Shehhi arrived at the end of May 2000, while Atta arrived on June 3, 2000, and Jarrah arrived on June 27, 2000. Bin al-Shibh applied several times for a visa to the United States, but as a Yemeni, he was rejected out of concerns he would overstay his visa and remain as an illegal immigrant. Bin al-Shibh stayed in Hamburg, providing coordination between Atta and Mohammed. The three Hamburg cell members all took pilot training in South Florida.
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So GWB was the one who allowed UBL to go free in 1998?
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes

While Bush was busy reading "My Pet Goat" he had fighter jets within minutes of the 9-11 targets. He failed in not one, not two, not three but FOUR chances to actually save American lives

His indecision allowed unfettered access to the intended targets
However bad you think or hope the Bush legacy will be, the obama legacy will eclipse that in terms of national harm.
Like said before, JRK's opinion is not supported by the evidence.

your "opinions" are nothing but dem/lib talking points. You have never posted anything factual on any topic. You are a tool of the DNC. :eusa_whistle:

I have Jake on ignore, he never debates the information
to him it becomes personal
The information is simple
pre 9-11 world that looked like this
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[147] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[148] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[148]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[148] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[148] Bin Laden overruled Mohammed, rejecting some potential targets such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles because, "there was not enough time to prepare for such an operation".[149][150]

Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support for the plot, and was involved in selecting participants.[151] Bin Laden initially selected Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought in Bosnia. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January 2000. In spring 2000, Hazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English, did poorly with flying lessons, and eventually served as secondary – or "muscle" – hijackers.[152][153]

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.[154] Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the west.[155] New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.[156]

Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8, 2000, joining Hazmi.[157] They soon left for Arizona, where Hanjour took refresher training. Marwan al-Shehhi arrived at the end of May 2000, while Atta arrived on June 3, 2000, and Jarrah arrived on June 27, 2000. Bin al-Shibh applied several times for a visa to the United States, but as a Yemeni, he was rejected out of concerns he would overstay his visa and remain as an illegal immigrant. Bin al-Shibh stayed in Hamburg, providing coordination between Atta and Mohammed. The three Hamburg cell members all took pilot training in South Florida.
Note that all of those events took place, including the USS Cole and the embassy attack before 2001

Post 9-11 that looks like this
Four Americans were killed in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. A Senate committee has been asking questions about what really took place in the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack, and it is very clear now.

Only the president has the authority to send troops across countries' borders. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Gen. Dempsey gave testimony and describe either a cover-up or the failed duties of the commander-in-chief, President Barack Obama. Dempsey’s testimony indicates much of the failed policy fell on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

There was a seven-hour firefight with two Navy Seals killed. No help was sent to help save the lives of the four Americans. Obama had time for fundraising in Las Vegas the following day.

The president, secretary of state and the administration lied for five days straight that the attack in Benghazi was caused by some video. Our national security under attack!
Obama dropped ball during Benghazi attack

Now there is information that is
not personal
do you think for one minute GWB would have allowed those to die without an attempt to save them?

It was long time from 9-11 to this event
That is because GWB put protecting this country ahead of all other
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And the passengers on the Titanic were having a nice cruise up until it hit the iceberg

Like the Titanic....Bush is responsible for the whole trip

So GWB made it so the ones who trained to fly Passenger jets in 2000, could train?

The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[147] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[148] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[148]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[148] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[148] Bin Laden overruled Mohammed, rejecting some potential targets such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles because, "there was not enough time to prepare for such an operation".[149][150]

Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support for the plot, and was involved in selecting participants.[151] Bin Laden initially selected Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought in Bosnia. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January 2000. In spring 2000, Hazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English, did poorly with flying lessons, and eventually served as secondary – or "muscle" – hijackers.[152][153]

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.[154] Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the west.[155] New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.[156]

Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8, 2000, joining Hazmi.[157] They soon left for Arizona, where Hanjour took refresher training. Marwan al-Shehhi arrived at the end of May 2000, while Atta arrived on June 3, 2000, and Jarrah arrived on June 27, 2000. Bin al-Shibh applied several times for a visa to the United States, but as a Yemeni, he was rejected out of concerns he would overstay his visa and remain as an illegal immigrant. Bin al-Shibh stayed in Hamburg, providing coordination between Atta and Mohammed. The three Hamburg cell members all took pilot training in South Florida.
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So GWB was the one who allowed UBL to go free in 1998?
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes

While Bush was busy reading "My Pet Goat" he had fighter jets within minutes of the 9-11 targets. He failed in not one, not two, not three but FOUR chances to actually save American lives

His indecision allowed unfettered access to the intended targets

SO shooting down passenger jets was the answer?
And your against water boarding?
Bush's indecision was responsible for nothing. All three attacks had already happened so access wasn't an issue.
So GWB made it so the ones who trained to fly Passenger jets in 2000, could train?

The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[147] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[148] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[148]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[148] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[148] Bin Laden overruled Mohammed, rejecting some potential targets such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles because, "there was not enough time to prepare for such an operation".[149][150]

Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support for the plot, and was involved in selecting participants.[151] Bin Laden initially selected Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought in Bosnia. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January 2000. In spring 2000, Hazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English, did poorly with flying lessons, and eventually served as secondary – or "muscle" – hijackers.[152][153]

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.[154] Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the west.[155] New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.[156]

Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8, 2000, joining Hazmi.[157] They soon left for Arizona, where Hanjour took refresher training. Marwan al-Shehhi arrived at the end of May 2000, while Atta arrived on June 3, 2000, and Jarrah arrived on June 27, 2000. Bin al-Shibh applied several times for a visa to the United States, but as a Yemeni, he was rejected out of concerns he would overstay his visa and remain as an illegal immigrant. Bin al-Shibh stayed in Hamburg, providing coordination between Atta and Mohammed. The three Hamburg cell members all took pilot training in South Florida.
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So GWB was the one who allowed UBL to go free in 1998?
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes

While Bush was busy reading "My Pet Goat" he had fighter jets within minutes of the 9-11 targets. He failed in not one, not two, not three but FOUR chances to actually save American lives

His indecision allowed unfettered access to the intended targets

SO shooting down passenger jets was the answer?
And your against water boarding?

To save thousands of lives....yes it is

Bush (more likely Cheney, Bush was busy at the time) was asleep at the switch
Bush's indecision was responsible for nothing. All three attacks had already happened so access wasn't an issue.

Jets were minutes away, there was a Navy SEAL team only 1500 miles away....Bush did nothing
Bush's indecision was responsible for nothing. All three attacks had already happened so access wasn't an issue.

Jets were minutes away, there was a Navy SEAL team only 1500 miles away....Bush did nothing

Navy seal team to do what?
The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

U.S. diplomat contradicts White House on Benghazi
. The account from Gregory Hicks is in stark contrast to assertions from the Obama administration, which insisted that nobody was ever told to stand down and that all available resources were utilized. Hicks gave private testimony to congressional investigators last month in advance of his upcoming appearance at a congressional hearing Wednesday.
Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks - CBS News
who was we suppose to shoot down?
every passenger jet in the air at the time?
No-one had stated that there was intent to use them as scud missiles
So what is it exactly GWB should have done?
shoot down all passenger jets in flight at that time?

This again comes from a person who thinks water boarding those resp for this as a bad thing
The president, secretary of state and the administration lied for five days straight that the attack in Benghazi was caused by some video. Our national security under attack!
Obama dropped ball during Benghazi attack

Now there is information that is
not personal
do you think for one minute GWB would have allowed those to die without an attempt to save them?

It was long time from 9-11 to this event
That is because GWB put protecting this country ahead of all other

Since W did nothing to save lives in the 12 attacks on US facilities worldwide that took place - 60 deaths in all, I highly doubt he would have done anything in Benghazi.

I also think that conservative outrage that the government lied to them about the video to be laughable. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction and the US went to war against Iraq, a war which costs billions of dollars and more US lives than were lost in 911. Conservatives are very "meh" about a huge lie which cost over 3,000 US lives, but Obama lied about the reason for the attack and he should be impeached. And the Obama administration lied at the behest of the CIA who didn't want the terrorists to know they were monitoring their communications.

So it's fine when a conservative president lies and thousands of Americans die as a result, but Obama's lie, which came after the deaths had already occurred is an outrage. Can you say "double standard" boys and girls. I knew you could.
Bush's indecision was responsible for nothing. All three attacks had already happened so access wasn't an issue.

Jets were minutes away, there was a Navy SEAL team only 1500 miles away....Bush did nothing

Navy seal team to do what?
The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

U.S. diplomat contradicts White House on Benghazi
. The account from Gregory Hicks is in stark contrast to assertions from the Obama administration, which insisted that nobody was ever told to stand down and that all available resources were utilized. Hicks gave private testimony to congressional investigators last month in advance of his upcoming appearance at a congressional hearing Wednesday.
Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks - CBS News
who was we suppose to shoot down?
every passenger jet in the air at the time?
No-one had stated that there was intent to use them as scud missiles
So what is it exactly GWB should have done?
shoot down all passenger jets in flight at that time?

This again comes from a person who thinks water boarding those resp for this as a bad thing

Those jets were minutes away....where were they when they were needed?
The Special Forces for Benghazi were on another Continent

Guess which one got seven congressional investigations?
The Iraq War was nothing but a big cash grab for Rumsfeld, Cheney, and other in the Bush cabinet with contacts with defense contractors and ownership of large blocks of shares in corporations supplying/supporting the American troops in Iraq. Cheney, Rumsfeld and others refuse to divest themselves of blocks of large supplier corporations like Haliburton,.

Rumsfeld owned a large share of the company which developed tamiflu and Bush promptly had the US government stockpile the drug for use by the US military at a cost to US taxpayers of $1B, and persuaded Tony Blair to do the same in GB for $500 million. Subsequently it was revealed that reports and data confirming the effectiveness of the drug had never been published and the drug is of little value in fighting the flu. Rumsfeld still got rich pedalling it to the US government.

The problem with the peace is that the Americans didn't include the Iraqi people in the formation of a new government, or in the rebuilding of Iraq. The rebuilding of Iraq was done by independent contractors with ties to the Bush Administration. This pissed off the Iraqi's mightily. They were hungry - starving, and Americans were giving out bagloads of cash to people to rebuild hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, but it all went to foreigners. That's why the Iraqi people turned on on the Americans.

These guys were so greedy, they didn't even leave the room when conflicts of interest arose, which was often. This is the true Bush legacy - mismanagement, corruption and greed.

Al Qaeda had nothing to do with it?
they were there in 2002
How about WMDs?
every-one knows they were there and according to the UN 6000 are still missing
What about the millions Saddam Murdered?
And ecxactly what profits are you reffering too?
the 3% KBR got?
in a war zone? Providing service for our troops?
My My what eveil people

Jr. never changes.

Iraq and al Qaeda had no operational ties. Without such ties, the US Congress did not authorize the president to use military force.

No WMD were produced by Iraq after the first gulf war. Furthermore without the ability to strike the US with a WMD, Iraq was not an immediate threat to the world remaining super power. Without such a threat, the US Congress did not authorize the president to use military force.

President Bush(43) will go down as having made the worst military blunder in US history. He is a failed president.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


As I recall, we now have an all volunteer military. Do you think those who sign up don't know what could happen to them?
The Iraq War was nothing but a big cash grab for Rumsfeld, Cheney, and other in the Bush cabinet with contacts with defense contractors and ownership of large blocks of shares in corporations supplying/supporting the American troops in Iraq. Cheney, Rumsfeld and others refuse to divest themselves of blocks of large supplier corporations like Haliburton,.

Rumsfeld owned a large share of the company which developed tamiflu and Bush promptly had the US government stockpile the drug for use by the US military at a cost to US taxpayers of $1B, and persuaded Tony Blair to do the same in GB for $500 million. Subsequently it was revealed that reports and data confirming the effectiveness of the drug had never been published and the drug is of little value in fighting the flu. Rumsfeld still got rich pedalling it to the US government.

The problem with the peace is that the Americans didn't include the Iraqi people in the formation of a new government, or in the rebuilding of Iraq. The rebuilding of Iraq was done by independent contractors with ties to the Bush Administration. This pissed off the Iraqi's mightily. They were hungry - starving, and Americans were giving out bagloads of cash to people to rebuild hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, but it all went to foreigners. That's why the Iraqi people turned on on the Americans.

These guys were so greedy, they didn't even leave the room when conflicts of interest arose, which was often. This is the true Bush legacy - mismanagement, corruption and greed.

Al Qaeda had nothing to do with it?
they were there in 2002
How about WMDs?
every-one knows they were there and according to the UN 6000 are still missing
What about the millions Saddam Murdered?
And ecxactly what profits are you reffering too?
the 3% KBR got?
in a war zone? Providing service for our troops?
My My what eveil people

Jr. never changes.

Iraq and al Qaeda had no operational ties. Without such ties, the US Congress did not authorize the president to use military force.

No WMD were produced by Iraq after the first gulf war. Furthermore without the ability to strike the US with a WMD, Iraq was not an immediate threat to the world remaining super power. Without such a threat, the US Congress did not authorize the president to use military force.

President Bush(43) will go down as having made the worst military blunder in US history. He is a failed president.

The Iraq Resolution or the Iraq War Resolution (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002,[1] Pub.L. 107–243, 116 Stat. 1498, enacted October 16, 2002, H.J.Res. 114) is a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress in October 2002 as Public Law No: 107-243, authorizing military action against Iraq.


Damn reality...
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Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


As I recall, we now have an all volunteer military. Do you think those who sign up don't know what could happen to them?

Those volunteer soldiers place their trust in the President to not make frivolous decisions with their lives

Bush failed

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


a weeks tally in most of the wars the democrats have started.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


As I recall, we now have an all volunteer military. Do you think those who sign up don't know what could happen to them?

Those volunteer soldiers place their trust in the President to not make frivolous decisions with their lives

Bush failed


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