The Bush legacy

Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years
Bush was a mediocre President domestically.

He was a first rate President when it came to keeping our country safe. People who whine otherwise are the same people who are now giving Obama a pass for every complaint they blamed Bush on.

In other words...extremist hacks with no brains.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

If there is a "wealth boom" (by which I assume you mean a bubble economy), those jobs are obviously also a result of said bubble economy.

It is a simple fact that these radical "conservative" policies always end in a massive bust:

  • Eight years of Harding/Coolidge + 7 months of Hoover = 1929 Stock market Crash
  • Eight years of Reagan = S&L Crisis
  • Seven years and 9 months of Bush43 = Subprime Crash
Even mice who receive electric shocks when they behave in a certain manner are able to adapt their behavior. But not so with right-wing voters! I can only assume it is an illness related to Stockholm Syndrome, where they simply can't help themselves :(
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years
Bush was a mediocre President domestically.

He was a first rate President when it came to keeping our country safe. People who whine otherwise are the same people who are now giving Obama a pass for every complaint they blamed Bush on.

In other words...extremist hacks with no brains.

Bush did not keep us safe, he gave up the worst attack in US history

Closing the barn door after the horse has left is not keeping us safe
Keeping Americans safe????? 12 attacks on US diplomatic facilities worldwide under W. There were 5 during the 8 years Clinton was in power, and there have been 3, including last Friday's suicide bomber in Turkey, in the 5 years that Obama has been in power.

George W. Bush gave Muslim extremists around the world fresh reasons to hate Americans. And he fumbled catching the bad guys horribly, since him and his pals were more focussed on making money off the war than they were in catching Bin Laden. Besides, if they got him, they would have had to pack up their army and come home. No money to be made that way.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

Charles Krauthammer is an idiot.

US Congress blocks Guantanamo closure | Alternet

Barack Obama's new CIA boss signals end of waterboarding and rendition - Telegraph

NSA Director: FISA Courts Work With Us To Approve Surveillance Requests, But Not A ?Rubber Stamp? | Mediaite

That homage was paid, wordlessly, by Barack Obama, who vilified Bush’s anti-terror policies as a candidate, then continued them as president: indefinite detention, rendition, warrantless wiretaps, special forces and drone warfare, and, most notoriously, Guantanamo, which Obama so ostentatiously denounced — until he found it indispensable.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

Charles Krauthammer is an idiot.

US Congress blocks Guantanamo closure | Alternet

Barack Obama's new CIA boss signals end of waterboarding and rendition - Telegraph

NSA Director: FISA Courts Work With Us To Approve Surveillance Requests, But Not A ?Rubber Stamp? | Mediaite

That homage was paid, wordlessly, by Barack Obama, who vilified Bush’s anti-terror policies as a candidate, then continued them as president: indefinite detention, rendition, warrantless wiretaps, special forces and drone warfare, and, most notoriously, Guantanamo, which Obama so ostentatiously denounced — until he found it indispensable.

and I suppose you believe all those? alteredworldnet
That is the man in the mirror you are talking to. You and how you think disgraces America and its heritage. Everything I said above is true.

I know oh Starkey one, if we could all be as wise as you, there would be no one suffering, everything would be free, no one would upset the apple cart...

Takes no Solomonic wisdom to recognize the illness that your type tries to infect America with. We are inoculated against your disease.

It's good that you can admit your ignorance, but that you do it in public is amazing...
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years
Bush was a mediocre President domestically.

He was a first rate President when it came to keeping our country safe. People who whine otherwise are the same people who are now giving Obama a pass for every complaint they blamed Bush on.

In other words...extremist hacks with no brains.

Bush did not keep us safe, he gave up the worst attack in US history

Closing the barn door after the horse has left is not keeping us safe

how funny you aren't saying about Bengahzi and keeping the American people go around berating people and making excuses...or the amount of DEAD people is more important for you to get excited over
Bush was a mediocre President domestically.

He was a first rate President when it came to keeping our country safe. People who whine otherwise are the same people who are now giving Obama a pass for every complaint they blamed Bush on.

In other words...extremist hacks with no brains.

Bush did not keep us safe, he gave up the worst attack in US history

Closing the barn door after the horse has left is not keeping us safe

how funny you aren't saying about Bengahzi and keeping the American people go around berating people and making excuses...or the amount of DEAD people is more important for you to get excited over

We had four people killed four thousand miles away vs 3000 killed in downtown Manhattan

Care to discuss the difference?
Bush did not keep us safe, he gave up the worst attack in US history

Closing the barn door after the horse has left is not keeping us safe

how funny you aren't saying about Bengahzi and keeping the American people go around berating people and making excuses...or the amount of DEAD people is more important for you to get excited over

We had four people killed four thousand miles away vs 3000 killed in downtown Manhattan

Care to discuss the difference?

how about this excuse for him..

he was in office 8 MONTHS...we know he's all powerful as you all say he brought the whole world economy down single handed..but we know he should of known like Clinton did the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma federal building bombing and like OBama did with fort hood, Benghazi, the Boston marathon, newton, aurora theater shooting...
Bush violated that sacred trust time and again, and that is how it is being taught in the overwhelming number of colleges and schools.

Correctly so.

Funny then how sooo many of them wishes Bush was still President....sure, they didn't trust him!

Very, very few wish GWB was still president: only the very stupid ones. GWB would lose by 10 points to Obama, which says bad things about my Republican Party

YOUR Republican Party....that's a laugh!! And this is only your opinion.....I tend to believe my son first.
how funny you aren't saying about Bengahzi and keeping the American people go around berating people and making excuses...or the amount of DEAD people is more important for you to get excited over

We had four people killed four thousand miles away vs 3000 killed in downtown Manhattan

Care to discuss the difference?

how about this excuse for him..

he was in office 8 MONTHS...we know he's all powerful as you all say he brought the whole world economy down single handed..but we know he should of known like Clinton did the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma federal building bombing and like OBama did with fort hood, Benghazi, the Boston marathon, newton, aurora theater shooting...

You can make excuses for why Bush did not keep us safe but you can never make the claim that he kept us safe......he didn't
Funny then how sooo many of them wishes Bush was still President....sure, they didn't trust him!

Very, very few wish GWB was still president: only the very stupid ones. GWB would lose by 10 points to Obama, which says bad things about my Republican Party

YOUR Republican Party....that's a laugh!! And this is only your opinion.....I tend to believe my son first.

Caroljo, I honor you son's service, and he is absolutely in error in his opinion.
We had four people killed four thousand miles away vs 3000 killed in downtown Manhattan

Care to discuss the difference?

how about this excuse for him..

he was in office 8 MONTHS...we know he's all powerful as you all say he brought the whole world economy down single handed..but we know he should of known like Clinton did the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma federal building bombing and like OBama did with fort hood, Benghazi, the Boston marathon, newton, aurora theater shooting...

You can make excuses for why Bush did not keep us safe but you can never make the claim that he kept us safe......he didn't

ok, we can and WILL say the same for Clinton and Obama..yea that's settled

The problem with Bush Bashers is the deal from ignorance! NO facts to substantiate their wild ass claims!

Saddam was starving 115,000 children a year all because HE wouldn't comply with the Oil-for-Food Programme (OFF), established by the United Nations in 1995 (under UN Security Council Resolution 986)[1] was established with the stated intent to allow Iraq to sell oil on the world market in exchange for food, medicine, and other humanitarian needs for ordinary Iraqi citizens without allowing Iraq to boost its military capabilities.

The programme was introduced by United States President Bill Clinton's administration in 1995,[2] as a response to arguments that ordinary Iraqi citizens were inordinately affected by the international economic sanctions aimed at the demilitarisation of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, imposed in the wake of the first Gulf War.
The sanctions were discontinued on 21 November 2003 after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the humanitarian functions turned over to the Coalition Provisional Authority.[3]

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports -

WHO'S F...KING FAULT???? Idiots! Saddam could have had if he stayed in power another 500,000 children DIE from starvation!
"The sanctions were imposed by the Security Council after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990.
Led by the United States, the Council has rejected many Iraqi appeals to lift the restrictions, which have crippled the economy, until Iraq accounts for all its weapons of mass destruction and United Nations inspectors can certify that they have been destroyed in accordance with several Council resolutions.
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports -

Using 115,000 children starved a year because Saddam refused to certify WMD destruction -- From 1995 to 2013 is 18 years!
If Saddam was still in power i.e. Bush's Liberation of Iraq NEVER OCCURRED,

from 1990 to 2013 OVER 2,649,000 children would have STARVED because of Saddam!

I spoke often and at length with several Iraqis long before the war began, and the absolute terror under which the average Iraqi lived during saddam's reign was intense and pervasive.

The one thing I will never forgive the democrats for and the main stream media is those events to regain there power surronding Iraq
There where WMDs, hell what do people think? they just vanished?
The UN claims to this day there are still 6000 missing
My god the man (Saddam) was a killing machine, of his own people
Millions die because of Saddam
ANd the kiling during the war?
if there was no terror there would be no reason for the troops to be there from the start
Al Qaeda to start with
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While it's accurate that the The Bush administration approved torture which resulted in at least two cases of murder that is notably considered clear violations of International Law, War Crimes Against Humanity, a violation of Title 18 under US statutory law and a violation of the Constitution. President Obama authorized the extra judicial murder of aU.S. citizens which is also a violation of International Law, a violation of U.S. statutory law and a violation of the Constitution. Both Presidents rightfully deserved to be impeached, removed from the Oval Office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of American law. It's quite annoying and disturbing for the Democratic Party, when some of President Obama's foreign policy embraces calamity and animosity which contradicts the ideals (U.S Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill Of Rights) America was founded upon. Progressive Liberalism practically defends some of Obama's illegal action(s) that violate the U.S. Constitution, and it's acceptable by the lunatic fringe Progressive Left and everything wrong today is Bush's fault.
We had four people killed four thousand miles away vs 3000 killed in downtown Manhattan

Care to discuss the difference?

how about this excuse for him..

he was in office 8 MONTHS...we know he's all powerful as you all say he brought the whole world economy down single handed..but we know he should of known like Clinton did the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma federal building bombing and like OBama did with fort hood, Benghazi, the Boston marathon, newton, aurora theater shooting...

You can make excuses for why Bush did not keep us safe but you can never make the claim that he kept us safe......he didn't

Yes I can
And yes I will
Policies prior to GWB becoming president are to hold in account for 9-11
Policies after 9-11 are to be held in account as to there results
and by golly with some new ways to get info from terrorist to locking up those who would do us harm, it stopped

Al Qaeda was in Iraq for gods sake. There to do us harm

People forget the first attack on the WTC
people forget the USS Cole, etc....
While it's accurate that the The Bush administration approved torture which resulted in at least two cases of murder that is notably considered clear violations of International Law, War Crimes Against Humanity, a violation of Title 18 under US statutory law and a violation of the Constitution. President Obama authorized the extra judicial murder of aU.S. citizens which is also a violation of International Law, a violation of U.S. statutory law and a violation of the Constitution. Both Presidents rightfully deserved to be impeached, removed from the Oval Office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of American law. It's quite annoying and disturbing for the Democratic Party, when some of President Obama's foreign policy embraces calamity and animosity which contradicts the ideals (U.S Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill Of Rights) America was founded upon. Progressive Liberalism practically defends some of Obama's illegal action(s) that violate the U.S. Constitution, and it's acceptable by the lunatic fringe Progressive Left and everything wrong today is Bush's fault.

What murder?
what violation?
the US justice stated different on the events of water and dog collars as to the treatment of terrorist
it is a matter of opinion, not fact
The patriot act is a matter of the will of the people. what in that act that was not adhered to needs investigation, I concur
how funny you aren't saying about Bengahzi and keeping the American people go around berating people and making excuses...or the amount of DEAD people is more important for you to get excited over

We had four people killed four thousand miles away vs 3000 killed in downtown Manhattan

Care to discuss the difference?

how about this excuse for him..

he was in office 8 MONTHS...we know he's all powerful as you all say he brought the whole world economy down single handed..but we know he should of known like Clinton did the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma federal building bombing and like OBama did with fort hood, Benghazi, the Boston marathon, newton, aurora theater shooting...

Both of you are making no sense
protecting an aAmerican citizen you put in harms way is allot different than protecting an American citizen and trying to juggle that same Americans Rights.
Al Qaeda used our Bill of rights against us on 9-11
BHO turned his back on the 4 killed in Benghazi

The only people who brought down the world economy where stupid people loaning broke people money on inflated assets
No-one else had anything to do with it

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