The Bush legacy

And those volunteer soldiers put a sacred trust in the president......their very lives

That is why it is critical for a President to investigate all available options before putting them in harms way

like Obama has? how many of our military has died under him while he kept them in Iraq and Afghanistan? He is the frikken Comander in Chief or is these military deaths not his fault also?

Explain how the CIC could remove the troops and all the equipment in short order? If your old enough to remember the final day in Vietnam (broadcast live on TV) you would see the result of an unplanned evacuation.

Obama has replaced troops (and the deaths and horrible wounds of combat) with drones. He is cutting of command and control of AQ without a great loss of American lives. Yet the morons on the right complain.

well lets see, Bush sent in troop and equipment to help Katrina in short order..I guess Obama is too stupid to figure it out eh?
and Obama is a hero he uses drones to maim and kill others...he didn't get a peace prize for I go gag
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like Obama has? how many of our military has died under him while he kept them in Iraq and Afghanistan? He is the frikken Comander in Chief or is these military deaths not his fault also?

Explain how the CIC could remove the troops and all the equipment in short order? If your old enough to remember the final day in Vietnam (broadcast live on TV) you would see the result of an unplanned evacuation.

Obama has replaced troops (and the deaths and horrible wounds of combat) with drones. He is cutting of command and control of AQ without a great loss of American lives. Yet the morons on the right complain.

well lets see, Bush sent in troop and equipment to help Katrina in short order..I guess Obama is too stupid to figure it out eh?
and Obama is a hero he uses drones to maim and kill others...he didn't get a peace prize for I go gag

I would rather have my president use drones to hunt down terrorists than lose 6000 dead to do the same thing

Obama hunted down terrorists where they were......Bush invaded where they weren't.
The two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will forever be Mr. Bush’s wars, and part of his shameful legacy.

Whenever the US and NATO finally leave Afghanistan, for example, even if that’s 50 years from now, and the Taliban are once again in control executing women in soccer stadiums, that will be Bush’s failure and responsibility, regardless the administration in office at the time.

For decades to come future presidents will be forced to deal with these two monumental failures, allowing those future president to further justify expanding the powers of the Executive and continued domestic surveillance.

Bush invaded Iraq knowing Saddam had no WMDs, knowing he was not involved in 9/11, and knowing Saddam posed no threat to his people or neighbors, as the NFZs were working as intended.

Indeed, Clinton was smart enough to leave the NFZs in place for 8 years, put into effect by GHWB. It was the latter’s idiot son who disturbed the delicate balance maintained by the Sunni government in Iraq to act as a bulwark between Shiite Iran and Shiite Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Not our problem. 100,000 Iraqis were killed under Bush, that is more than Saddam was killing.

Wrong. Not even close.

87% fewer violent deaths annually in Iraq now than under Saddam Hussein

The problem with Bush Bashers is the deal from ignorance! NO facts to substantiate their wild ass claims!

Saddam was starving 115,000 children a year all because HE wouldn't comply with the Oil-for-Food Programme (OFF), established by the United Nations in 1995 (under UN Security Council Resolution 986)[1] was established with the stated intent to allow Iraq to sell oil on the world market in exchange for food, medicine, and other humanitarian needs for ordinary Iraqi citizens without allowing Iraq to boost its military capabilities.

The programme was introduced by United States President Bill Clinton's administration in 1995,[2] as a response to arguments that ordinary Iraqi citizens were inordinately affected by the international economic sanctions aimed at the demilitarisation of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, imposed in the wake of the first Gulf War.
The sanctions were discontinued on 21 November 2003 after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the humanitarian functions turned over to the Coalition Provisional Authority.[3]

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports -

WHO'S F...KING FAULT???? Idiots! Saddam could have had if he stayed in power another 500,000 children DIE from starvation!
"The sanctions were imposed by the Security Council after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990.
Led by the United States, the Council has rejected many Iraqi appeals to lift the restrictions, which have crippled the economy, until Iraq accounts for all its weapons of mass destruction and United Nations inspectors can certify that they have been destroyed in accordance with several Council resolutions.
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports -

Using 115,000 children starved a year because Saddam refused to certify WMD destruction -- From 1995 to 2013 is 18 years!
If Saddam was still in power i.e. Bush's Liberation of Iraq NEVER OCCURRED,

from 1990 to 2013 OVER 2,649,000 children would have STARVED because of Saddam!
Explain how the CIC could remove the troops and all the equipment in short order? If your old enough to remember the final day in Vietnam (broadcast live on TV) you would see the result of an unplanned evacuation.

Obama has replaced troops (and the deaths and horrible wounds of combat) with drones. He is cutting of command and control of AQ without a great loss of American lives. Yet the morons on the right complain.

well lets see, Bush sent in troop and equipment to help Katrina in short order..I guess Obama is too stupid to figure it out eh?
and Obama is a hero he uses drones to maim and kill others...he didn't get a peace prize for I go gag

I would rather have my president use drones to hunt down terrorists than lose 6000 dead to do the same thing

Obama hunted down terrorists where they were......Bush invaded where they weren't.

yeah sure...Obama took out Gaddafi and left the people and the country sitting ducks...What a damn HERO...
Bush sent in Back up (our military who went with no reservations) for the people in Iraq he set free from a tyrant and to help with rebuilding..

you lefties haven't change since Viet still spit on our military for what they are asked to do for their country so you can claim this high and mighty anti-war..

you make me sick
The UN said not to invade......they were ignored

The UN was right

Yeah they where right, Saddam needed to keep brutalizing his country...

The Middle Eastern Society is so well rounded, beheadings, stoning's, I mean they treat their women so good, is that what you meant about the UN being right????

Stick to sewer work...

Not our problem. 100,000 Iraqis were killed under Bush, that is more than Saddam was killing.

Saudi Arabia is one of he leading proponent of beheadings and Bush sucked their cock after 9-11

It was not worth 6000 lives and trillions of dollars we did not have to create a banana republic

The world lost 63,000,000 in WWII and if Truman had not dropped the bomb, millions more would have been lost...

If you want to pay more for your gas, AC, heating, groceries, utilities, etc., be my guest...

Join Greenpeace, go make a difference...
Yeah they where right, Saddam needed to keep brutalizing his country...

The Middle Eastern Society is so well rounded, beheadings, stoning's, I mean they treat their women so good, is that what you meant about the UN being right????

Stick to sewer work...

Not our problem. 100,000 Iraqis were killed under Bush, that is more than Saddam was killing.

Saudi Arabia is one of he leading proponent of beheadings and Bush sucked their cock after 9-11

It was not worth 6000 lives and trillions of dollars we did not have to create a banana republic

The world lost 63,000,000 in WWII and if Truman had not dropped the bomb, millions more would have been lost...

If you want to pay more for your gas, AC, heating, groceries, utilities, etc., be my guest...

Join Greenpeace, go make a difference...

Non sequitur, GWV: you are getting trounced.
And you have several assholes, GWV. Bush was and will remain a terrible president.

You mean there is more than one Starkey? I thought they broke the mold once you were born...

Learn to comprehend, little one. I helped you out above.

Hey Jakey, this is the big boy room, get back to the play ground, or I will start rubbing your nose in it, get the message...
The two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will forever be Mr. Bush’s wars, and part of his shameful legacy.

Whenever the US and NATO finally leave Afghanistan, for example, even if that’s 50 years from now, and the Taliban are once again in control executing women in soccer stadiums, that will be Bush’s failure and responsibility, regardless the administration in office at the time.

For decades to come future presidents will be forced to deal with these two monumental failures, allowing those future president to further justify expanding the powers of the Executive and continued domestic surveillance.

Bush invaded Iraq knowing Saddam had no WMDs, knowing he was not involved in 9/11, and knowing Saddam posed no threat to his people or neighbors, as the NFZs were working as intended.

Indeed, Clinton was smart enough to leave the NFZs in place for 8 years, put into effect by GHWB. It was the latter’s idiot son who disturbed the delicate balance maintained by the Sunni government in Iraq to act as a bulwark between Shiite Iran and Shiite Hezbollah in Lebanon.

oh gawd, you still pushing that crap..
IRAQ was approved by CONGRESS...
and the Clinton administration swore up and down Saddam had WMD'S I guess they are all LIARS too?
and if I recall Clinton bombed Iraq, I guess that was just for a friendly hi...
you are pathetic and a hack as most of you are who pushes that the wars were illegal...face it the Democrats approved Iraq or you're saying they are too stupid to check out for themselves what is told to them..which is more likely because it's the same lame excuse you give for Obama and what happens under his rule of this country
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You mean there is more than one Starkey? I thought they broke the mold once you were born...

Learn to comprehend, little one. I helped you out above.

Hey Jakey, this is the big boy room, get back to the play ground, or I will start rubbing your nose in it, get the message...

I have made you my personal responsibility, and you are going to have to deal with it, or run away crying.
Not our problem. 100,000 Iraqis were killed under Bush, that is more than Saddam was killing.

Saudi Arabia is one of he leading proponent of beheadings and Bush sucked their cock after 9-11

It was not worth 6000 lives and trillions of dollars we did not have to create a banana republic

The world lost 63,000,000 in WWII and if Truman had not dropped the bomb, millions more would have been lost...

If you want to pay more for your gas, AC, heating, groceries, utilities, etc., be my guest...

Join Greenpeace, go make a difference...

Non sequitur, GWV: you are getting trounced.

If it's over your head, why would you be so stupid to say it???

You need help...
Learn to comprehend, little one. I helped you out above.

Hey Jakey, this is the big boy room, get back to the play ground, or I will start rubbing your nose in it, get the message...

I have made you my personal responsibility, and you are going to have to deal with it, or run away crying.

I do more by 7:30AM than you do all week, better bring your lunch & a flash light...

I'll dribble your ass up and down the stairs blindfolded...
well lets see, Bush sent in troop and equipment to help Katrina in short order..I guess Obama is too stupid to figure it out eh?
and Obama is a hero he uses drones to maim and kill others...he didn't get a peace prize for I go gag

I would rather have my president use drones to hunt down terrorists than lose 6000 dead to do the same thing

Obama hunted down terrorists where they were......Bush invaded where they weren't.

yeah sure...Obama took out Gaddafi and left the people and the country sitting ducks...What a damn HERO...
Bush sent in Back up (our military who went with no reservations) for the people in Iraq he set free from a tyrant and to help with rebuilding..

you lefties haven't change since Viet still spit on our military for what they are asked to do for their country so you can claim this high and mighty anti-war..

you make me sick

I didn't see any Americans giving up their lives to take down Gaddafi

You make me sick
I would rather have my president use drones to hunt down terrorists than lose 6000 dead to do the same thing

Obama hunted down terrorists where they were......Bush invaded where they weren't.

yeah sure...Obama took out Gaddafi and left the people and the country sitting ducks...What a damn HERO...
Bush sent in Back up (our military who went with no reservations) for the people in Iraq he set free from a tyrant and to help with rebuilding..

you lefties haven't change since Viet still spit on our military for what they are asked to do for their country so you can claim this high and mighty anti-war..

you make me sick

I didn't see any Americans giving up their lives to take down Gaddafi

You make me sick

yeah and that you don't care that Obama took Gaddafi out and left the people to fend off the wolves for themselves is touching...

you and Obama are two lowlife peas in a pod...crow you killed someone and care nothing about the people in that country afterwards...

both of you, cowards

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Democrats authorized Bush to use combat Troops to enforce about a hundred UN sanctions that Saddam ignored. Nobody but Harry Truman authorized Troops in Korea and we lost not 5,000 but 55,000 Troops in three years. The liberal media forgot the forgotten war and so did moderately educated liberals.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

Wars are successful when there's a clear cut victory and Our soldiers are home.
yeah sure...Obama took out Gaddafi and left the people and the country sitting ducks...What a damn HERO...
Bush sent in Back up (our military who went with no reservations) for the people in Iraq he set free from a tyrant and to help with rebuilding..

you lefties haven't change since Viet still spit on our military for what they are asked to do for their country so you can claim this high and mighty anti-war..

you make me sick

I didn't see any Americans giving up their lives to take down Gaddafi

You make me sick

yeah and that you don't care that Obama took Gaddafi out and left the people to fend off the wolves for themselves is touching...

you and Obama are two lowlife peas in a pod...crow you killed someone and care nothing about the people in that country afterwards...

both of you, cowards

Obama "left the people to fend off the wolves themselves"? Those wolves ARE the people. They're the people who, in various disparate groups, rose up to overthrow G and are now vying for power after 40 years of oppression.

Now, if you want to talk about someone leaving people to fend for themselves, let's talk about George W. Bush did regarding Iraq considering that it was the US military that overthrew the existing regime through an air and ground invasion. And THEN, when the Iraqi gov't (military, police, courts, etc) were completely inactive, the US military did not have the necessary personnel available to provide security (because it wasn't a part of our post-Saddam plan for Iraq) to the civilian population which was essentially left defenseless since there was no popular uprising and/or armed rebellion like in Libya.

Now, let's hear you say that Bush left the Iraqi people to fend for themselves as their country descended into chaos and crime.
Bush's executive and judicial appointments were largely sound, choosing people of integrity and competence. He was an extraordinarily bipartisan leader given the circumstances and opposition he faced, appealing to Americans' better (rather than their baser) instincts. Bush laid the foundation, however imperfect and incomplete, for a more aggressive defense against the threat of Islamic jihad. Bush was a strong defender of traditional marriage and the right to life, two bedrock institutions of our society.

While I disagree with the neocon approach to foreign policy, the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive self-defense, the idea that democratic societies are more likely to seek peace, and the moral clarity to clearly define our national security interests for both allies and enemies were, at worst, legitimate and, at best, visionary.

Bush returned integrity to the White House after eight years of the Clinton embarrassment only to be followed by the worst president of our lifetime. Better than both his predecessor and successor, the Bush years also vindicated the voters' choice in both 2000 and 2004. No Gore or Kerry administration would have achieved Bush's successes and they would certainly have multiplied its failures.

Bush's war leadership and his approach to the terrorist threat are his greatest - though not only - legacy and Americans can be proud of both. While mistakes were made in the occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan, primarily in the mistaken belief that Muslim-dominated countries were prepared to exercise liberty responsibly, both wars were successfully prosecuted with little loss of life initially. The Iraq surge, which Bush pushed virtually alone, made possible an earlier withdrawal of U.S. troops without repeating our experience in Vietnam.

Finally, while the government was certainly grown from 2001-2009 in no small part thanks to Bush policies (NCLB, Dept. of Homeland Security, two wars, Medicare Part D, etc.), there is truth to the argument that Bush (relatively) retarded the growth of non-discretionary domestic spending throughout most of his term.

Bush was a good and decent man who was proud of his country and conducted the federal government in such a way that Americans could feel proud of their country and, after 9/11, safe in it.

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