The Bush legacy

how about this excuse for him..

he was in office 8 MONTHS...we know he's all powerful as you all say he brought the whole world economy down single handed..but we know he should of known like Clinton did the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma federal building bombing and like OBama did with fort hood, Benghazi, the Boston marathon, newton, aurora theater shooting...

You can make excuses for why Bush did not keep us safe but you can never make the claim that he kept us safe......he didn't

Yes I can
And yes I will
Policies prior to GWB becoming president are to hold in account for 9-11
Policies after 9-11 are to be held in account as to there results
and by golly with some new ways to get info from terrorist to locking up those who would do us harm, it stopped

Al Qaeda was in Iraq for gods sake. There to do us harm

People forget the first attack on the WTC
people forget the USS Cole, etc....

And you offer excuses....

Fact is 3000 people died in four attacks.....that is not keeping people safe

The best you have is "Its not my fault that 3000 people died"
Far fewer Americans died in terrorist attacks in the admins of WJC and BHO than in that of GWB, who then launched the stupidest war in American history against Iraq.
A solid intel infrastructure would have prevented 9-11. IF it was solely Bush's fault, Democrats would not have sent Sandy Berger into steal and destroy classified documents surrounding the events or lack of events leading up to 9-11. Further, they would not have pushed to hard for Jamie Gorelick to hide behind the 9-11 Commission and avoid the questioning the Condoleeza Rice had to endure. Those fingering the Bush Administration for 9-11 have no explanation for Berger and Gorelick. The good news is that Bush-Cheney spent the next 7 years building a solid intel infrastructure; including, information gathering and sharing. If you are not sure, perhaps you should refer to The Memo.
9-11 happened on GWB's watch: end of story.

With the actions of Berger and Gorelick, it is MORE TO THE STORY vs. end of story. But, if you are more interested in fingering the other party vs. preventing another similar event by learning from this one, so be it. To each his own.
9-11 happened on GWB's watch: end of story.

You can always make the argument that there was nothing Bush could have done to stop the attacks.

- But you can't argue that Bush had the prevention of internal terrorist attacks as a high priority
- You can't say Bush did anything from the time he was sworn in to 9-11 to reduce the threat of terrorism
- You can't say Bush did everything he could to keep us safe

Because he didn't
9-11 happened on GWB's watch: end of story.

You can always make the argument that there was nothing Bush could have done to stop the attacks.

- But you can't argue that Bush had the prevention of internal terrorist attacks as a high priority
- You can't say Bush did anything from the time he was sworn in to 9-11 to reduce the threat of terrorism
- You can't say Bush did everything he could to keep us safe

Because he didn't

Exactly. End of story.
The Iraq War was nothing but a big cash grab for Rumsfeld, Cheney, and other in the Bush cabinet with contacts with defense contractors and ownership of large blocks of shares in corporations supplying/supporting the American troops in Iraq. Cheney, Rumsfeld and others refuse to divest themselves of blocks of large supplier corporations like Haliburton,.

Rumsfeld owned a large share of the company which developed tamiflu and Bush promptly had the US government stockpile the drug for use by the US military at a cost to US taxpayers of $1B, and persuaded Tony Blair to do the same in GB for $500 million. Subsequently it was revealed that reports and data confirming the effectiveness of the drug had never been published and the drug is of little value in fighting the flu. Rumsfeld still got rich pedalling it to the US government.

The problem with the peace is that the Americans didn't include the Iraqi people in the formation of a new government, or in the rebuilding of Iraq. The rebuilding of Iraq was done by independent contractors with ties to the Bush Administration. This pissed off the Iraqi's mightily. They were hungry - starving, and Americans were giving out bagloads of cash to people to rebuild hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, but it all went to foreigners. That's why the Iraqi people turned on on the Americans.

These guys were so greedy, they didn't even leave the room when conflicts of interest arose, which was often. This is the true Bush legacy - mismanagement, corruption and greed.

Al Qaeda had nothing to do with it?
they were there in 2002
How about WMDs?
every-one knows they were there and according to the UN 6000 are still missing
What about the millions Saddam Murdered?
And ecxactly what profits are you reffering too?
the 3% KBR got?
in a war zone? Providing service for our troops?
My My what eveil people
9-11 happened on GWB's watch: end of story.

You can always make the argument that there was nothing Bush could have done to stop the attacks.

- But you can't argue that Bush had the prevention of internal terrorist attacks as a high priority
- You can't say Bush did anything from the time he was sworn in to 9-11 to reduce the threat of terrorism
- You can't say Bush did everything he could to keep us safe

Because he didn't

The first 9-11 attack occured on BC's watch
so what does that mean?
Policy changed after 9-11
that is the reason we have been safe from then
GWB AND the will of the people took the fight to the terrorist

BTW let it go
you have an opinion
I have one
I respect your opinion that GWB did nothing to keep us safe

See this is where Libs and Cons dis agree
I give BHO an A for the war on terror (not changinf GWB plan, and in some cases improving it)
Even the event at Benghazi would have been forgiven if he had not lied and tried to cover up what he did not do
You can make excuses for why Bush did not keep us safe but you can never make the claim that he kept us safe......he didn't

Yes I can
And yes I will
Policies prior to GWB becoming president are to hold in account for 9-11
Policies after 9-11 are to be held in account as to there results
and by golly with some new ways to get info from terrorist to locking up those who would do us harm, it stopped

Al Qaeda was in Iraq for gods sake. There to do us harm

People forget the first attack on the WTC
people forget the USS Cole, etc....

And you offer excuses....

Fact is 3000 people died in four attacks.....that is not keeping people safe

The best you have is "Its not my fault that 3000 people died"

It was no-ones fault that 3000 people were murdered but 19 insanly motivated Al Qaeda terrorist
This is were the Libs have lost the will of the people and probably will never win back the house
Loss of common sense
You blamed GWB on every-thing
No Saddam
No war in Iraq
No AL qaeda, No 9-11
No greed
No wealth bust 2008

These events are not the Dems fault nor the GOPS fault
what we do after to prevent the next event such as these is, if there not prevented
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Yes I can
And yes I will
Policies prior to GWB becoming president are to hold in account for 9-11
Policies after 9-11 are to be held in account as to there results
and by golly with some new ways to get info from terrorist to locking up those who would do us harm, it stopped

Al Qaeda was in Iraq for gods sake. There to do us harm

People forget the first attack on the WTC
people forget the USS Cole, etc....

And you offer excuses....

Fact is 3000 people died in four attacks.....that is not keeping people safe

The best you have is "Its not my fault that 3000 people died"

It was no-ones fault that 3000 people were murdered but 19 insanly motivated Al Qaeda terrorist
This is were the Libs have lost the will of the people and probably will never win back the house
Loss of common sense
You blamed GWB on every-thing
No Saddam
No war in Iraq
No AL qaeda, No 9-11
No greed
No wealth bust 2008

These events are not the Dems fault nor the GOPS fault
what we do after to prevent the next event such as these is, if there not prevented

Bush had fighter jets minutes away from DC and NY

He missed the first plane, he missed the second plane, he missed the third plane, he missed the fourth plane

Bush did not keep us safe
JRK does not understand that evidences do not support his opinion.

We were and have been safer under WJR and BHO then GWB. Far safer.
And you offer excuses....

Fact is 3000 people died in four attacks.....that is not keeping people safe

The best you have is "Its not my fault that 3000 people died"

It was no-ones fault that 3000 people were murdered but 19 insanly motivated Al Qaeda terrorist
This is were the Libs have lost the will of the people and probably will never win back the house
Loss of common sense
You blamed GWB on every-thing
No Saddam
No war in Iraq
No AL qaeda, No 9-11
No greed
No wealth bust 2008

These events are not the Dems fault nor the GOPS fault
what we do after to prevent the next event such as these is, if there not prevented

Bush had fighter jets minutes away from DC and NY

He missed the first plane, he missed the second plane, he missed the third plane, he missed the fourth plane

Bush did not keep us safe

Like I stated before
you have your opinion, I have mine
the one thing that is a fact
for some reason other than Benghazi as well as the Boston Marathon
there has been 0 attacks on the US sense
The policies set forth that allowed the events to take place on 9-11 were not policies GWB created
Those policies sense 9-11 have worked to date
In the same manner in which Reagan is deified, George W Bush will soon be the second greatest president. The embodiment of glorious and profound policies and accomplishments. Is it any wonder republicans fail when given the reins of government. Out of power they are as clueless as they are in power. Fantasies abound. Consider his absence during the last presidential race and you know time has a way of modifying reality. "We cannot predict the future, but the past is changing before our very eyes." Soviet radio

W. and the damage done -

"Since 1982, the Siena Research Institute has polled presidential scholars on whom they view to be best and worst presidents in American history, based on a variety of issues from “integrity” to economic stewardship. This year’s poll of 238 scholars found that President Franklin Roosevelt was once again ranked on top, joined by Presidents Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, and Teddy Roosevelt to complete the top five. However, President George W. Bush did not fare well since the last poll was conducted in 2002. He dropped 16 places to 39th, making him the worst president since Warren Harding died in office in 1923, and one of the bottom five of all time, according to the experts:

"Today, just one year after leaving office, the former president has found himself in the bottom five at 39th rated especially poorly in handling the economy, communication, ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence.
Rounding out the bottom five are four presidents that have held that dubious distinction each time the survey has been conducted: Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, and Franklin Pierce."

The Raw Story | America's #1 completely independent news and politics source
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Bush kept the country safe AFTER 9/11. That is a fact.

He had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. 9/11 was possible because of the way Clinton had castrated our intelligence services. Clinton also could have taken OBL when sudan offered him and possibly prevented 9/11.

Bush made mistakes, every president makes mistakes. Obama has made nothing but mistakes, everything he has done has failed.

I understand that denigrating Bush is what you libs do rather than address the massive failure that you put in office twice.
Bush kept the country safe AFTER 9/11. That is a fact.

He had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. 9/11 was possible because of the way Clinton had castrated our intelligence services. Clinton also could have taken OBL when sudan offered him and possibly prevented 9/11.

Bush made mistakes, every president makes mistakes. Obama has made nothing but mistakes, everything he has done has failed.

I understand that denigrating Bush is what you libs do rather than address the massive failure that you put in office twice.

And the passengers on the Titanic were having a nice cruise up until it hit the iceberg

Like the Titanic....Bush is responsible for the whole trip
Al Qaeda had nothing to do with it?
they were there in 2002

Yes, Al Qaeda was there, but not until AFTER the US invasion. Saddam was never involved with Al Qaeda and there is absolutely evidence that he was. The Iraq war was all about control of the Iraqi oil fields and getting them into US hands. The Iraqi's watched their country dismantled and sold off but they did manage to retain their oil, so in that regard, the war was a failure. The Iraqi's simply refused to sell off their oil.

How about WMDs?
every-one knows they were there and according to the UN 6000 are still missing

Who is "everyone" because even Bush has admitted they found none.

Iraq: A War of Aggression. No WMDs, No Connection to Al Qaeda | Global Research

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