The Bush legacy

Well so far the historians and presidential experts have rated Bush as America's fifth worst president. But new ratings come out every few years so Republicans should take heart. It is possible that Bush may climb to sixth worst American president in a few years. Then again, maybe fourth worst?
Well so far the historians and presidential experts have rated Bush as America's fifth worst president. But new ratings come out every few years so Republicans should take heart. It is possible that Bush may climb to sixth worst American president in a few years. Then again, maybe fourth worst?

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...
Well so far the historians and presidential experts have rated Bush as America's fifth worst president. But new ratings come out every few years so Republicans should take heart. It is possible that Bush may climb to sixth worst American president in a few years. Then again, maybe fourth worst?

BHO has had a defict of over 1 trillion dollars every year in ofice
His UE rate has been higher each year than any-ones but FDR
WE are still in a war that for some reason the liberals blame GWB for being in (as with Iraq)
Gitmo, still there
GWB tax rate, still there for 99% of us (income)

So what does that make Obama?
whats a better question is what does this make your historians
9,000 Americans died under Bush "keeping us safe"

More than Obama, Clinton, GHW Bush, Reagan, Clinton, Carter and Ford combined

RW....should not "keeping us safe" just include us here in the Country?.....guys fighting a war in some shit hole is far as i am concerned.....

I don't believe invading Iraq kept us safe. Saddam had been contained for ten years and had not killed a single American

I intentionally left off the Afghanistan casualties because I think they actually involved fighting terrorism

So the Al Qaeda in Iraq along with all the other terror groups that was THE fight in Iraq do not count?
First of all, there simply was no significant difference between the position the Bush administration had on Iraq’s WMD and the position held by prominent Democrats like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, or John Kerry. In short, the overwhelming majority of Democrats & Republicans in Washington believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Secondly, given the size of Iraq and the fact that Saddam Hussein’s totalitarian regime was not cooperating with the UN inspectors, there was no way, even had they been there for a hundred years, that Hans Blix and the rest of the UN inspectors could have confirmed to anyone’s satisfaction that Iraq was not producing WMD. Even a year after the war, when our inspectors have had the run of the country, access to “secret documents”, and have been able to interview Iraqi scientists without Saddam’s”minders” being present, our WMD teams have still not been able to definitively say there are no remaining stockpiles of weapons in Iraq although we certainly suspect that to be the case.

Third, it isn’t as if our intelligence agencies and the politicians citing them were totally wrong about WMDs and Iraq. As David Kay revealed, Iraqi scientists were working on weaponizing anthrax “right up until the end” and had restarted a rudimentary nuclear weapons program in 2000 & 2001. Furthermore, Kay said,

“Even those senior officials we have interviewed who claim no direct knowledge of any on-going prohibited activities readily acknowledge that Saddam intended to resume these programs whenever the external restrictions were removed. Several of these officials acknowledge receiving inquiries since 2000 from Saddam or his sons about how long it would take to either restart CW production or make available chemical weapons.”
Why We Invaded Iraq | Right Wing News
Gosh? Really??

Can you be anymore trivial that 5,000 dead young American soldiers gave their lives to protect you, does moron ring any bells????

The thousands of dismembered soldiers put their lives at risk to protect you...

The millions we lost in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam gave their lives to protect YOU!!!

But today, you believe you can blame only one individual for these lost souls?

You have no clue what they gave their lives for do you?

That's about right

Bush was the decider. He made the decision without investigating all possible information. His impulsive decision cost 6000 American lives

Yeah, he did it all by himself, no one else believed it...(God Your A Fucking Moron)

Yes, as Commander in Chief, he did it all by himself. It was his decision to invade despite advise not to do so
RW....should not "keeping us safe" just include us here in the Country?.....guys fighting a war in some shit hole is far as i am concerned.....

I don't believe invading Iraq kept us safe. Saddam had been contained for ten years and had not killed a single American

I intentionally left off the Afghanistan casualties because I think they actually involved fighting terrorism

So the Al Qaeda in Iraq along with all the other terror groups that was THE fight in Iraq do not count?
First of all, there simply was no significant difference between the position the Bush administration had on Iraq’s WMD and the position held by prominent Democrats like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, or John Kerry. In short, the overwhelming majority of Democrats & Republicans in Washington believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Secondly, given the size of Iraq and the fact that Saddam Hussein’s totalitarian regime was not cooperating with the UN inspectors, there was no way, even had they been there for a hundred years, that Hans Blix and the rest of the UN inspectors could have confirmed to anyone’s satisfaction that Iraq was not producing WMD. Even a year after the war, when our inspectors have had the run of the country, access to “secret documents”, and have been able to interview Iraqi scientists without Saddam’s”minders” being present, our WMD teams have still not been able to definitively say there are no remaining stockpiles of weapons in Iraq although we certainly suspect that to be the case.

Third, it isn’t as if our intelligence agencies and the politicians citing them were totally wrong about WMDs and Iraq. As David Kay revealed, Iraqi scientists were working on weaponizing anthrax “right up until the end” and had restarted a rudimentary nuclear weapons program in 2000 & 2001. Furthermore, Kay said,

“Even those senior officials we have interviewed who claim no direct knowledge of any on-going prohibited activities readily acknowledge that Saddam intended to resume these programs whenever the external restrictions were removed. Several of these officials acknowledge receiving inquiries since 2000 from Saddam or his sons about how long it would take to either restart CW production or make available chemical weapons.”
Why We Invaded Iraq | Right Wing News

The UN said not to invade......they were ignored

The UN was right
Well so far the historians and presidential experts have rated Bush as America's fifth worst president. But new ratings come out every few years so Republicans should take heart. It is possible that Bush may climb to sixth worst American president in a few years. Then again, maybe fourth worst?

BHO has had a defict of over 1 trillion dollars every year in ofice
His UE rate has been higher each year than any-ones but FDR
WE are still in a war that for some reason the liberals blame GWB for being in (as with Iraq)
Gitmo, still there
GWB tax rate, still there for 99% of us (income)

So what does that make Obama?
whats a better question is what does this make your historians

Obama will be a top ten President
Well so far the historians and presidential experts have rated Bush as America's fifth worst president. But new ratings come out every few years so Republicans should take heart. It is possible that Bush may climb to sixth worst American president in a few years. Then again, maybe fourth worst?

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...

And you have several assholes. Bush was and will remain a terrible president.
Well so far the historians and presidential experts have rated Bush as America's fifth worst president. But new ratings come out every few years so Republicans should take heart. It is possible that Bush may climb to sixth worst American president in a few years. Then again, maybe fourth worst?

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...

And you have several assholes. Bush was and will remain a terrible president.

You and W are both tax and spend liberals, you should like him.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

And now a word from our sponsor.

Hi, we at the Ministry of Truth spend our days and nights putting history right (FAR RIGHT THAT IS) and have never let facts get in the way of our cause. Historians rate George the Second as one of the worst presidents in our nations history, but as we all know history professors are liberal scum. So sit back and read the comments from the true believers like JRK, and remember Senator Joe McCarthy was a hero who found and exposed the Commies hiding under YOUR bed, just ask CrusaderFrank
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Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

And now a word from our sponsor.

Hi, we at the Ministry of Truth spend our days and nights putting history right (FAR RIGHT THAT IS) and have never let facts get in the way of our cause. Historians rate George the Second as one of the worst presidents in our nations history, but as we all know history professors are liberal scum. So sit back and read the comments from the true believers like JRK, and remember Senator Joe McCarthy was a hero who found and exposed the Commies hiding under YOUR bed, just ask CrusaderFrank

What's funny to people with critical minds is how you say this, then you think Obama is one of the greatest in our history, then you don't see the obvious that W and O are two peas in a pod, they have virtually the same policies.
Other than Obamacare, I fail to see the difference. W was a wet dream of advancing big government socialist spending. They only hate him because his name's not followed by a D.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

And now a word from our sponsor.

Hi, we at the Ministry of Truth spend our days and nights putting history right (FAR RIGHT THAT IS) and have never let facts get in the way of our cause. Historians rate George the Second as one of the worst presidents in our nations history, but as we all know history professors are liberal scum. So sit back and read the comments from the true believers like JRK, and remember Senator Joe McCarthy was a hero who found and exposed the Commies hiding under YOUR bed, just ask CrusaderFrank

What's funny to people with critical minds is how you say this, then you think Obama is one of the greatest in our history, then you don't see the obvious that W and O are two peas in a pod, they have virtually the same policies.

Couple of points here Kaz:

1) Post how you know I "think Obama is one of the greatest in our history", I don't.

2) How do you comport the Foreign and Domestic policies of Bush and Obama?

Bush was an embarrassment on the world stage (and it didn't take a critical mind for that to be apparent), Obama and Hillary mended fences with friends and opened the door of communication to non friends.

Bush failed to partially privatize Social Security, Obama was successful in reforming health care.

Bush invaded and occupied Iraq with a coalition of the willing (Only Great Britain provided more than a handful of personnel) and Obama ended the fiasco in Iraq.

Bush cut brush and read my Pet Goat in the months and days before 9-11; Obama went to work on day one to fix the Bush Great Recession.

Obama built and repaired bridges and roadways with a stimulus act; Bush destroyed a nation and the lives of tens of thousands of Americans by engaging in a war of choice.

Not all of the stimulus dollars have been spent, we will continue to pay for Iraq until the last wounded warrior dies sometime late in this century.

BTW, a critical thinker doesn't simply parrot the company line.
Whatever wrongdoing Bush did, is already dwarfed in scope by the obama disaster.

I voted against BHO, but he did not make Iraq and ally of Iran and an abetter of Syria.

BHO did not wreck the economy and create the conditions for the Great Recession.

BHO did not violate the UN's direction to not invade Iraq.

BHO did not make the world a more dangerous place.

Bush did all of that by himself.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years
Why is it that some of us insist on dredging up the past when in the present we much more important issues to which we must attend?
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Whatever wrongdoing Bush did, is already dwarfed in scope by the obama disaster.

I voted against BHO, but he did not make Iraq and ally of Iran and an abetter of Syria.

BHO did not wreck the economy and create the conditions for the Great Recession.

BHO did not violate the UN's direction to not invade Iraq.

BHO did not make the world a more dangerous place.

Bush did all of that by himself.

Spot on. However, the Ministry of Truth (MOT) is in the process of rectifying all of that. The newest project of the MOT is to rehabilitate George W, Bush by any means possible. Of course the task is difficult, but look at the effort to make a drunk senator from Wisconsin a hero. A greater task than McCarthy would be to rehab Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Any president who is doing nothing substantive to help our country... is a failure.

So, it was, do something substantive, even if it's wrong, right? Trillions spent, the cost going way into the future, hundreds of thousands dead, and repubs are trying to create a legacy for a war criminal that admitted to doing torture, which the eigth amendment forbids. I know, parse words, waterboarding is not torture even though it's been forbidden to be used in our other wars.

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