The Bush legacy

And they were so fucking bold about the lies. Didn't they think the lies would be found out?

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so under Clinton or Gore this would not have happened?......

You can make all the arguments that you want that it was not Bush's fault

You cannot make the argument that he kept us safe

and you can make that same argument with anyone else who may have been President at the time.....the same guys in the various Security agencies who are actually out there looking for this type of thing to try and stop it.....were the same guys under Clinton as they were under Bush...even if Gore was President this thing in all likely hood would have still happened....

What can you say about Bush and "keeping us safe"???

1. You can't say Bush did everything he could do to prevent a terrorist attack. Terrorism was not a high priority before 9-11

2. You can make the argument that there was nothing Bush could have done to anticipate the attacks. But you can never prove that

3. You can never say Bush kept us safe because he didn't . We suffered the worst attack on US soil in history
9,000 Americans died under Bush "keeping us safe"

More than Obama, Clinton, GHW Bush, Reagan, Clinton, Carter and Ford combined

RW....should not "keeping us safe" just include us here in the Country?.....guys fighting a war in some shit hole is far as i am concerned.....

I don't believe invading Iraq kept us safe. Saddam had been contained for ten years and had not killed a single American

I intentionally left off the Afghanistan casualties because I think they actually involved fighting terrorism

i agree ....but to include the American deaths over there?......those guys are soldiers and were ordered in....its different than being over here and a bomb goes off at a mall.....
Oooo a jrk bush was a great guy, watch me revison everything because I like to suck bushes cock thread.
9,000 Americans died under Bush "keeping us safe"

More than Obama, Clinton, GHW Bush, Reagan, Clinton, Carter and Ford combined

What did GWB do to kill anyone you idiot?
and where did the number 9000 come from?

Do you understand what "Keeping us safe" means ?

9-11 Deaths 3000
US Soldiers killed in Iraq 4500
US Contractors killed Iraq 1500

Total 9000

Sure, I'll believe numbers you just pull out of your ass.....not including 9/11 (which clinton actually let happen by not getting bin laden when he had a chance). The soldiers Joined the military voluntarily, the contractors went blame Bush for their deaths is assinine.
What did GWB do to kill anyone you idiot?
and where did the number 9000 come from?

Do you understand what "Keeping us safe" means ?

9-11 Deaths 3000
US Soldiers killed in Iraq 4500
US Contractors killed Iraq 1500

Total 9000

Sure, I'll believe numbers you just pull out of your ass.....not including 9/11 (which clinton actually let happen by not getting bin laden when he had a chance). The soldiers Joined the military voluntarily, the contractors went blame Bush for their deaths is assinine.

I truly feel sorry for you and am glad your son did not give his life in this war that Bush deemed to be necessary.
What did GWB do to kill anyone you idiot?
and where did the number 9000 come from?

Do you understand what "Keeping us safe" means ?

9-11 Deaths 3000
US Soldiers killed in Iraq 4500
US Contractors killed Iraq 1500

Total 9000

Sure, I'll believe numbers you just pull out of your ass.....not including 9/11 (which clinton actually let happen by not getting bin laden when he had a chance). The soldiers Joined the military voluntarily, the contractors went blame Bush for their deaths is assinine.

Bush was president and commander in chief: yes, the soldiers and contractors weigh down his soul every night in the dark.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Gosh? Really??

Can you be anymore trivial that 5,000 dead young American soldiers gave their lives to protect you, does moron ring any bells????

The thousands of dismembered soldiers put their lives at risk to protect you...

The millions we lost in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam gave their lives to protect YOU!!!

But today, you believe you can blame only one individual for these lost souls?

You have no clue what they gave their lives for do you?
GWV5903 Your attitude is what is rotten in Texas.

Don't you dare wrap the sacrifices of those wonderful people in the past around GWB to protect a war criminal. GWB through our people away in Iraq. There was no need. And in the end, We the People are accomplices to war crimes, 55000 Americans and so many Iraqis are casualties, GWB damn near broke the economy, and Iraq is allying with Iran and aiding Assad in Syria.

You are everything wrong with America.
Do you understand what "Keeping us safe" means ?

9-11 Deaths 3000
US Soldiers killed in Iraq 4500
US Contractors killed Iraq 1500

Total 9000

Sure, I'll believe numbers you just pull out of your ass.....not including 9/11 (which clinton actually let happen by not getting bin laden when he had a chance). The soldiers Joined the military voluntarily, the contractors went blame Bush for their deaths is assinine.

I truly feel sorry for you and am glad your son did not give his life in this war that Bush deemed to be necessary.

Yeah those Dem's never believed in it....

[ame=]Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) - YouTube[/ame]

They all lied, this was only popular when, uh, when they had to lie???

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Gosh? Really??

Can you be anymore trivial that 5,000 dead young American soldiers gave their lives to protect you, does moron ring any bells????

The thousands of dismembered soldiers put their lives at risk to protect you...

The millions we lost in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam gave their lives to protect YOU!!!

But today, you believe you can blame only one individual for these lost souls?

You have no clue what they gave their lives for do you?

That's about right

Bush was the decider. He made the decision without investigating all possible information. His impulsive decision cost 6000 American lives

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Get back to me when your mother fucker President
start bitching about Afghanistan otherwise shut up.

Now your President is negotiating with the Taliban and in Syria he is arming Al Q troops.

Obama is insane
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Bush's folks were negotiating with the Taliban.

The American CIA is training Syrian rebels to fight against Assad who is being helped by Iran, Iraq, and Russia.

Tinydancer, you are unbalanced on these issues.
GWV5903 Your attitude is what is rotten in Texas.

Don't you dare wrap the sacrifices of those wonderful people in the past around GWB to protect a war criminal. GWB through our people away in Iraq. There was no need. And in the end, We the People are accomplices to war crimes, 55000 Americans and so many Iraqis are casualties, GWB damn near broke the economy, and Iraq is allying with Iran and aiding Assad in Syria.

You are everything wrong with America.

So if I am everything that is wrong, then you must be everything that is rotten with America, because your shit stinks to dum dum...

I realized long ago that stupidity runs deep with you oh Starkey one, but to sit here tonight and try to tell me that your smarter than hammered dog shit is, well, uh, incredibly stupid, clearly you have nothing on hammered dog shit, but you could smell that a long, long, long time ago...

But you knew all of this... :fu::fu::fu:

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Gosh? Really??

Can you be anymore trivial that 5,000 dead young American soldiers gave their lives to protect you, does moron ring any bells????

The thousands of dismembered soldiers put their lives at risk to protect you...

The millions we lost in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam gave their lives to protect YOU!!!

But today, you believe you can blame only one individual for these lost souls?

You have no clue what they gave their lives for do you?

That's about right

Bush was the decider. He made the decision without investigating all possible information. His impulsive decision cost 6000 American lives

Yeah, he did it all by himself, no one else believed it...(God Your A Fucking Moron)
GWV5903 Your attitude is what is rotten in Texas.

Don't you dare wrap the sacrifices of those wonderful people in the past around GWB to protect a war criminal. GWB threw our people away in Iraq. There was no need. And in the end, We the People are accomplices to war crimes, 55000 Americans and so many Iraqis are casualties, GWB damn near broke the economy, and Iraq is allying with Iran and aiding Assad in Syria.

You are everything wrong with America.

I realized long ago that stupidity runs deep with you oh Starkey one

That is the man in the mirror you are talking to. You and how you think disgraces America and its heritage. Everything I said above is true.
Bush fooled all of these Democrats...

He had Magic Fairy Dust...

[ame=]Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) - YouTube[/ame]

Did you ever believe Democrats where so gullible???
GWV5903 Your attitude is what is rotten in Texas.

Don't you dare wrap the sacrifices of those wonderful people in the past around GWB to protect a war criminal. GWB threw our people away in Iraq. There was no need. And in the end, We the People are accomplices to war crimes, 55000 Americans and so many Iraqis are casualties, GWB damn near broke the economy, and Iraq is allying with Iran and aiding Assad in Syria.

You are everything wrong with America.

I realized long ago that stupidity runs deep with you oh Starkey one

That is the man in the mirror you are talking to. You and how you think disgraces America and its heritage. Everything I said above is true.

I know oh Starkey one, if we could all be as wise as you, there would be no one suffering, everything would be free, no one would upset the apple cart...


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