The California Circus - Do Voters Actually Think This Way?

??? That's what this thread is about. Newsom appointed this woman on the basis of her skin color (ad who she chose to sleep with). Classic racism.
And trump picked Barrett for the same reasons.
And I didn’t have a problem with that.
"achieved?" She was picked for the color of her skin and her sexual preferences.

No she was picked because of her qualifications, and probably because she wasn't running for the office, and she already had residences in both California and Washington, making her transition easy and seamless.

You keep saying the black women, who have long been barred from even running for these offices, are "unqualified", but's that the biggest lie of all. Judge Jackson is the MOST qualified Supreme Court candidate in decades. Any group barred from power for so long has the best qualified candidates available, precisely because there are so many qualified women who have had no hope of being considered.
??? That's what this thread is about. Newsom appointed this woman on the basis of her skin color (ad who she chose to sleep with). Classic racism.
That's not what racism is you dummy. It may be racial but it's not racist to think a Black woman could be as qualified as anyone for the job and maybe even uniquely qualified given the current lack of representation in the Senate.
LMAO so rich they are $300B in debt. :auiqs.jpg:

Given the assets owned by the state of California, that's a really fucking robust balance sheet they've got going on there. Just the real estate that the State owns for public institutions such as school, libraries, transit systems, court houses, water treatment facilities, and other infrastructure owned by the state would be worth more than 10 times that amount.
She does support killing black babies. There is that. She's head of Emily's List that is pro baby murder. Politically she's right up there. She is also unlikely to run for office.

There's that lie again that abortion "kills a baby". An abortion terminates a pregnancy. There is no "baby" involved until the pregnancy is nearly completed. There is an potential for a baby, but you keep lying about this.

You pretend the mother is nothing and has no rights. All right accrue to the developing tissue she is carrying. And yet when there is a baby, you will do NOTHING to support or help its life.
And trump picked Barrett for the same reasons.
And I didn’t have a problem with that.

Coney Barrett wasn't qualified. She wasn't practicing law before the bench, she was a constitutional law professor. She'd never been a judge before Trump appointed her to the Appeals Court, a year before elevating her to the SC.

KBJ has 12 years of being a judge in Washington DC, and only been reverse a handful of times. ACB hadn't been on the bench long enough to even have written enough opinions for the confirmation committee to considere.
You keep saying the black women, who have long been barred from even running for these offices, are "unqualified
Never said that. Not even once. I said this woman as picked for her skin color and her sexual preferences. The Gov. in his own words, in his opening paragraph highlighted this.

"Butler will make history as California’s first openly LGBTQ United States Senator and the first Black lesbian to openly serve in Congress in American history"

Given the assets owned by the state of California, that's a really fucking robust balance sheet they've got going on there. Just the real estate that the State owns for public institutions such as school, libraries, transit systems, court houses, water treatment facilities, and other infrastructure owned by the state would be worth more than 10 times that amount.
The State can sell Half Dome or Open up Beachfront property lots

California Governor, Gavin Whatshisname perversely announced that he would limit his options in selecting a replacement Senator for that Feinstein woman, to about 1/10,000th of the population - lesbian Black women - in the hope that the voters of California would reward him for that bit of stupidity.

Do voters really think like that? Do they say to themselves, "Well, we've had white men, a faux Black woman, a white woman...HEY, it's time we had a Black lesbian representing us in the Senate!"

And the woman seems to have some Leftist bona fides, and could have been justified on that basis, but the Left is all atwitter because she is a dyke. What does that have to do with anything? Does that make her a better Senator? More "diverse"?

And lately it comes to light that she has made no commitment not to run for the six-year term next year - something that Newsom promised that his appointee would do.

The bright side of this is that it markedly reduces the chances that that scumbag Schiff will make it to the Senate.

What's the deal in California? Is there something in the water?

Bub...just like I vote for guns, dem base has their main squeeze they vote for. I've posted before with a long, detailed list as to what composes the dem's base.

Let me give you a few examples...

Economics does not mean much to a transqueer; they want transqueer rights. Economics don't matter to abortion devotees, they want abortion access. Clan 13 is looking for free $ and a get out of jail card; they are not worried about economics. If prices are too high...clan 13 just takes it for free.

Now, they do have transqueers that like guns...but they like their transqueerness better...and vote dem. They put their transqueerness above ALL and take their chances with guns. Blacks may like guns, but they know they will be released out of white racism guilt...even if they don't follow the gun laws.

You can go down the line with the dem base and figure out why they vote dem. Same thing for the reps. Reps may not like Trump, but they vote for him to ban abortion, leave the guns alone and stop America from turning into Mehico ASAP! Everyone has their thing...their dealbreaker!

lightfoot hell.jpg

California Democommies are using DMV to crack Down on Vintage Car Owners , in an effort to hamstring and phase out Historic & Collector Cars and Hotrods built prior to 1978 .
Nonsense. Barrett has been on every Repub's short list for a long time. No one had heard of this black lesbian from Maryland
That's simply because you don't follow black women.
Plenty of people knew who she was, your little 'protective comfort place bubble' can't see any reason to follow Butler.
And neither do I, nor did I follow Barrett before she was gifted the position.

Highly doubt you knew who Barrett was before RBG got ill and died.
Don't pretend you were following Barrett and knew 'all of her qualifications'.

You ONLY know of Barrett because you were told she checked off all YOUR BOXES.
White, Woman, Christian.
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I, and the OP, remember when trump promised to put a WOMAN on the SCOTUS.
The outrage.....

Now trump didn't say the other part out loud, even though he actually did the exact same thing.

A woman, a white woman (he would never even consider a black woman), a white woman with Christian values.

This ^^^^^ is OK by me, just don't deny it happened.
once again the racist left projects and pretends to be mind readers ... wow ! talk about a cult !
California Democommies are using DMV to crack Down on Vintage Car Owners , in an effort to hamstring and phase out Historic & Collector Cars and Hotrods built prior to 1978 .
real men tend to drive vintage cars especially muscle cars ... dems are intimidated by real men ... hence the phrase toxic masculinity .. dems like their males [there are no men in the dem party] weak effeminate and gay driving a pink Prius .
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There's that lie again that abortion "kills a baby". An abortion terminates a pregnancy. There is no "baby" involved until the pregnancy is nearly completed. There is an potential for a baby, but you keep lying about this.

You pretend the mother is nothing and has no rights. All right accrue to the developing tissue she is carrying. And yet when there is a baby, you will do NOTHING to support or help its life.
There is really no reason why I should support the children of someone else. If the support is not possible give the child up for adoption.

I will happily stop referring to the developing human being as soon as you come up with the separate species that this life belongs to. It is not a lifeless, inanimate, construct like a piano leg or iPhone. It lives, requires sustenance and grows. Since it lives it has a biological designation. It is a stage of human development. If it is not of the Homo Sapian species, what species is it? Surely someone of your towering intellect can answer that.

While you are contemplating this rumination, explain how a cat is pregnant with kittens. A dog is pregnant with puppies. A cow is pregnant with a bovine calf. A horse is pregnant with an equine foal. It is only humans that are pregnant with an entirely separate species that cannot be identified. Now identify you ignoramus.
That's simply because you don't follow black women.
Plenty of people knew who she was, your little 'protective comfort place bubble' can't see any reason to follow Butler.
And neither do I, nor did I follow Barrett before she was gifted the position.

Highly doubt you knew who Barrett was before RBG got ill and died.
Don't pretend you were following Barrett and knew 'all of her qualifications'.

You ONLY know of Barrett because you were told she checked off all YOUR BOXES.
White, Woman, Christian.
does Justice Thomas check off any of your leftwing boxes or is he just a race traitor and an uncle tom because he doesnt tow the democrat cults party line .
Coney Barrett wasn't qualified. She wasn't practicing law before the bench, she was a constitutional law professor. She'd never been a judge before Trump appointed her to the Appeals Court, a year before elevating her to the SC.

KBJ has 12 years of being a judge in Washington DC, and only been reverse a handful of times. ACB hadn't been on the bench long enough to even have written enough opinions for the confirmation committee to considere.
Barrett is more qualified than Jackson who cant even define what a woman is .

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