The California Circus - Do Voters Actually Think This Way?

does Justice Thomas check off any of your leftwing boxes or is he just a race traitor and an uncle tom because he doesnt tow the democrat cults party line .
Why are you associating Thomas with an Uncle Tom or a race traitor?
Do you see Thomas as a Judge or a Black Man?

It's also cute how you can't properly identify a Cult.
That's simply because you don't follow black women.

I had a black woman as my senator for a number of years. And she was elected. You?
Plenty of people knew who she was, your little 'protective comfort place bubble' can't see any reason to follow Butler.
And neither do I, nor did I follow Barrett before she was gifted the position.

Highly doubt you knew who Barrett was before RBG got ill and died.
Don't pretend you were following Barrett and knew 'all of her qualifications'.

Uh, anyone that gave a damn about SC nominees was following her after he nominated her for the 7th Circuit his first year in office.
You ONLY know of Barrett because you were told she checked off all YOUR BOXES.
White, Woman, Christian.
And Laphonza checks all you boxes, black, homosexual, abortionist.
Bub...just like I vote for guns, dem base has their main squeeze they vote for. I've posted before with a long, detailed list as to what composes the dem's base.

Let me give you a few examples...

Economics does not mean much to a transqueer; they want transqueer rights. Economics don't matter to abortion devotees, they want abortion access. Clan 13 is looking for free $ and a get out of jail card; they are not worried about economics. If prices are too high...clan 13 just takes it for free.

Now, they do have transqueers that like guns...but they like their transqueerness better...and vote dem. They put their transqueerness above ALL and take their chances with guns. Blacks may like guns, but they know they will be released out of white racism guilt...even if they don't follow the gun laws.

You can go down the line with the dem base and figure out why they vote dem. Same thing for the reps. Reps may not like Trump, but they vote for him to ban abortion, leave the guns alone and stop America from turning into Mehico ASAP! Everyone has their thing...their dealbreaker!

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This post demonstrates everything that is wrong about Republican thinking. These notions that gay rights or trans rights have nothing to do with the economy is the dumbest idea yet.

Securing your freedom from discrimination in housing and the workplace are HUGE financial issues to the groups involved.

Similarly access to reproductive health care is an economic necessity. 20 years after Roe became the law of the land the American crime rate dropped by 10%. Poor women get abortions. 75% of all women you have abortions, cite financial reasons for the abortion, and are already living in poverty. For these women, having another child may cause them to lose their jobs, housing, and health care.

Maternity leave and child care are also kitchen table economic issues for every workIng family in the USA.

When Trump set the Senate to work on a new health care plan for the nation, no women were on the committee that drafted the legislation. The new health care plan called rape and pregnancy "pre-existing conditions" for which women could be charged more money child, or not, is essential to the economics of 21st Century life.

Voting rights determine WHO gets to elect your representatives. All of these RIGHTS are essential to the economic life of the indivuduals receiving the rights.
Never said that. Not even once. I said this woman as picked for her skin color and her sexual preferences. The Gov. in his own words, in his opening paragraph highlighted this.

"Butler will make history as California’s first openly LGBTQ United States Senator and the first Black lesbian to openly serve in Congress in American history"

You believe what you WANT to believe, and never look past your own prejudices to see that the Senate should have representation from both black women and Lesbians. People who are passing laws which affect the lives of others, should have input and consultation with the people who's lives are being affected.
You believe what you WANT to believe,
What does "beleif" have to do with it?. The Governor's first words when announcing his pick:

"Butler will make history as California’s first openly LGBTQ United States Senator and the first Black lesbian to openly serve in Congress in American history"

and never look past your own prejudices to see that the Senate should have representation from both black women and Lesbians. People who are passing laws which affect the lives of others, should have input and consultation with the people who's lives are being affected.

You believe our representatives should be picked on the basis of their skin color and sexual preferences. I believe they should be selected on the basis of merit and qualifications.
Why are you associating Thomas with an Uncle Tom or a race traitor?
Do you see Thomas as a Judge or a Black Man?

It's also cute how you can't properly identify a Cult.
dims call Thomas an uncle tom and race traitor ... lying doesnt create an alternate reality .. the truth is your enemy .
dims call Thomas an uncle tom and race traitor ... lying doesnt create an alternate reality .. the truth is your enemy .
Ya Know, if we EVER saw a glimpse of TRUTH from trump, it might help your stance.
But trump LIES constantly, he can't stop.

It doesn't help to deflect and suggest that trump doesn't lie, not just LIE, but LIE constantly.
Ya Know, if we EVER saw a glimpse of TRUTH from trump, it might help your stance.
But trump LIES constantly, he can't stop.

It doesn't help to deflect and suggest that trump doesn't lie, not just LIE, but LIE constantly.
Briben had to drop out of running for POTUS in the 80s for lying and plagiarism .
Briben had to drop out of running for POTUS in the 80s for lying and plagiarism .
Yup, fuck Brandon. Not a cult
How about you acknowledge the LIES and Crimes by trump?

Nope, your Cult won't allow it.
BTW, when biden leaves office, charge him with the crimes for which you have factual evidence. I encourage it.
Yup, fuck Brandon. Not a cult
How about you acknowledge the LIES and Crimes by trump?

Nope, your Cult won't allow it.
BTW, when biden leaves office, charge him with the crimes for which you have factual evidence. I encourage it.
the right isnt a cult ... the left however is a cult .. dont believe it ? cults dont have infighting like the gop does ! the dims are always lockstep in line and so is their msm shills .. the cult is the democratic party .
the right isnt a cult ... the left however is a cult .. dont believe it ? cults dont have infighting like the gop does ! the dims are always lockstep in line and so is their msm shills .. the cult is the democratic party .
LOOLLOLL at deflection.
Accept it.
Here's the proof.

Cult of trump.jpeg

trump Maga cult.jpeg

trump Lord.jpeg
They are commin for our Guns and Vintage Classic Collector Cars & Hot Rods
You believe what you WANT to believe, and never look past your own prejudices to see that the Senate should have representation from both black women and Lesbians. People who are passing laws which affect the lives of others, should have input and consultation with the people who's lives are being affected.
Why? The Senate doesn’t represent the people, it represents the states. That is why each state has equal representation in the Senate. The House represents the people, that’s why it’s members are determined by state population.
When I saw who the OP was, I knew the whole story; somewhere a woman achieved something and the OP is, of course, pissed. Could you imagine being married to this boob?
hahaha…remember when you twisted libs hated it when people “achieved” because of their skin color, their genitals and or sexuality?
Seems like yesterday.
White guys have been getting picked for both things for decades for jobs, appointments, etc…when it happens for someone who isn’t white…you cry bloody murder
And all they’ve done is build the greatest nation the world had ever known in a very short period of time while dark people destroy every community, city, state and nation they control…huh?
But fuck it, it’s time to do it differently because FEELZ….Amazon should shit-can Bezos and change the whole business model shouldn’t they?
And all they’ve done is build the greatest nation the world had ever known ......

All sorts of people built, and continue to build, my great nation. YOU have no place here, loser. No time for weak, cowardly losers like you.
All sorts of people built, and continue to build, my great nation. YOU have no place here, loser. No time for weak, cowardly losers like you.
Yep… And the dark dude cleaning the shitters at Microsoft helped Bill Gates build his empire.

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