The Candace Owens Vs Ben Shapiro dust up:

She called Israels response "genocide". Ben is never going to be cool with that. For the record, neither am i. Its stupid talk. Israel could kill every person in Gaza overnight if they wanted to, yet only a few thousand people are dead (according to Hamas anyway). That isnt genocide, so it was stupid of Candace to claim that it was. Words have meanings.
Because “genocide” as used in such commentary is obviously false. It is neither genocide nor attempted genocide.

I’ll grant you it’s tragic. But the deaths of innocents in all wars has always been tragic. Tragic isn’t a synonym for “genocide,” though.
Thats not the Shapiro that I listen to

Trump for instance

Shapiro wants trump to succeed

But he thinks trump talks too much and sometimes says things that hurt his own cause

So do I

On policy he is behind trump all the way

And so am I
Bullshit. He was anti-Trump from the start. He pretended to like him during his Presidency.

He is now all in for loser DeSantis, and says nothing about the stolen election or the persecution of Trump. He is a coward.
She called Israels response "genocide". Ben is never going to be cool with that. For the record, neither am i. Its stupid talk. Israel could kill every person in Gaza overnight if they wanted to, yet only a few thousand people are dead (according to Hamas anyway). That isnt genocide, so it was stupid of Candace to claim that it was. Words have meanings.
Genocide is what motivated rockets into civilian centers of Israel. Forbidden by international law and a 'crime against humanity"
I like Candace a lot, Ben just a tad. Who cares that they fight, really. Happens in families , bound to happen outside families.
Hamas is pure hate and shoud be exterminated. Who can disagree
Regardless of which person is right or wrong in the past - Shapiro fucked up.
He has lost some respect from me, and unless he apologizes publicly, he won't get it back.
It doesn't matter that this was a private event, the man knows he is likely to be recorded everywhere he goes. And to the magnitude of his insults and disrespect said in public is absolutely wrong whether he is right or wrong on the topic.
I don't believe this will be his "Bud Light" moment... but he has lost respect from the entire conservative media, I have not seen a single media podcast support him over Candice on this.

A real boneheaded thing to do.
Is it tougher to be a conservative Jew or tougher to be a conservative African American? Most people have pride of their ethnic or cultural background. It is normal. Who has it more difficult with their own people? Then it gets into the argument of policing the world or not getting into foreign entanglements as the founding fathers warned. And with that comes people who are happy or not happy. Any nation that gets resources from us may make someone with interests to it happy. Those on the other side of it not so much. In the near future it is possible that we will be sending resources to the other side than now.
Genocide is what motivated rockets into civilian centers of Israel. Forbidden by international law and a 'crime against humanity"
I like Candace a lot, Ben just a tad. Who cares that they fight, really. Happens in families , bound to happen outside families.
Hamas is pure hate and shoud be exterminated. Who can disagree
There has never been a genocide in Gaza. Gaza lobs rockets randomly into israeli populations, which forces israel to respond. That is the story every single time there is conflict. Its ALWAYS, without exception, Gaza starting fights.
Our support for Ukraine is a national security issue in more ways than one.

KGB Putin has imperialist aims to reconstitute the Soviet Union. The Ukraine is only the most recent target of his various invasions of other countries to bring them under his iron grip.

Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine, any more than Hitler was going to stop after the Sudetenland followed by the entirety of Czechoslovakia.

Our support for Ukraine has helped to bring Putin's mad power drive to a grinding halt. It has exposed his weaknesses, vastly depleted his military strength, and perhaps placed his very survival in jeopardy.

All without shedding a drop of American blood.

What's more, Ukraine is the world's bread basket. If we allow a mass murdering dictator to control a significant portion of the world's food supply, we will all pay a cost at our kitchen tables.

Our support for Ukraine is worth every penny.
Our support for Ukraine is a national security issue in more ways than one.

KGB Putin has imperialist aims to reconstitute the Soviet Union. The Ukraine is only the most recent target of his various invasions of other countries to bring them under his iron grip.

Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine, any more than Hitler was going to stop after the Sudetenland followed by the entirety of Czechoslovakia.

Our support for Ukraine has helped to bring Putin's mad power drive to a grinding halt. It has exposed his weaknesses, vastly depleted his military strength, and perhaps placed his very survival in jeopardy.

All without shedding a drop of American blood.

What's more, Ukraine is the world's bread basket. If we allow a mass murdering dictator to control a significant portion of the world's food supply, we will all pay a cost at our kitchen tables.

Our support for Ukraine is worth every penny.
Biden is slow walking our way in this war. Shit or get off the pot Biden.
No, the Republicans are slow-walking aid to Ukraine. If it were up to them or Trump, Putin would have been in Kiev in February of 2022.
You can't stomach blaming Biden for anything, can you? Biden has fucked around now for more than 2 years. Coming up on 3. The man is incompetent.
You can't stomach blaming Biden for anything, can you? Biden has fucked around now for more than 2 years. Coming up on 3. The man is incompetent.
Biden has been kicking Putin in the nuts ever since the mass-murdering KGB thug invaded Ukraine.

Unfortunately, Putin's useful idiots in Congress and at Mar-A-Lago are doing their best to make sure Putin conquers that sovereign nation.

Incompetent? Love him or hate him, Biden has shown he is a master at getting his agenda through Congress. What did Trump achieve except a tax break for himself?



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